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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1915)
i r "I feu: Its v V a H 11 irlenl S rl'ty ?rjlgfi3attWjaj,Ul mMgg&mxti,v.. 4 Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Kecks Each Year For 91.50. VOLUME 43 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. DKCEMJltill U3, 1!15. NUMBER Gil Ti TI W It Isn't Hard To Save It is only hard to Start saving, and that is only because you think it is. Start saving today by depositing whatever money you can spare in this bank where the safety of your money is guaranteed, not only by us but by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the slate of Nebraska. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA -5 CAPiTAii I' i 1 1 ii "infjT t!"'iftMr i n JlL t It . kluiliiilli. i ill ,1 Ik . 11 Discount 25; Sale! ON Every Suit (Serges. excepted) Every Overcoat ( exception ) Every Pair of Men's and Boys9 Trousers Only One String to this and that is Cash. . Green Stamps too. PAUL STOREY The Clothier You can't afford to let even a small share of your corn spoil by throwing it on the ground. Buy "Slat Crifebs" today and "SAVE IT ALL" The Premium List Of Boys and Girls Contest The following is tlic l'letnluin List tlf tllM Wltllltlll I ltltl1 ! IliM'teflllll (irtih. I Contest, hold tti Conner! Ion with the Teachers' (Jeueiul Mectlnc, nt Guide! I Iloi'lc, Saturday, December ltth; J Class, A Club Work. I Irene l'Wt mid Olgu Dvoraeok are ! not eligible for muhils this year as ' It olio l'eye: holds the gold medal and Oltfii Pvorucek the silver medal award- cd liist. year. Sewing Club. I Conise 1 (lilrls) Annie Hanson. Ilrst; I Cluni Dhj, second Coiiisu 1 (Work) Alta Coon, llistj Nellie l-'ry, second. Course '.! (Incomplete) Nellie Fry, (list; nilu l'ry, soeutii (The wcik in eouine -' will not be completed until .luuimiy). Cooking Club Myrtle Cro.lnr, Hist; Paulino Hodge1-, second. l'ig Club-Marshall Ayer,; llur ton Cone, .second. Corn Club ICllery Hooper, first. Potato Club No entries. Garden Club No envies. Class it General Work. 1 Vegetables: .John Coon, llrst. 2 White Corn: John Coon, llrst; Harold Sblpman, second. 3 Yellow Corn: John Coon, llrst; Eaimott Koffroth, second. 1 Potatoes: John Coou, llrst; How ard Koffroth, second. G I'op Com: Horryle Conner, first; John Coon, 6ocoud. 0 White bread: no eutries. 7 Graham bread: no entries. 8 White cake: Howard .Kotfrotb, first; Raleigh Cady, oecond. 0 Dark cake: Km ma Muuly, Urst; Elizabeth Cole, second. 10 Candies: Luclle Meyer, first. 11 Dusting cap: Irene Urchin, first; liortha Seebe, second. 12 Sewing apron: Mnbel Ohmstedo, Alice Hull, second. Ill Patch: Nelllo Fry, first. 11 Ituttonholes: Francena Ohm stede, llrst; Eta Fry, second. 15 Embroidered towel: Lillian Har ris, first. lU-Napkin: No entries. 17 Tatting: Francena Olimstede, first; Gladys Woodward, second. 18 Embroidery: Frauoenu O h m stede, first. 19 Machine garment: Nellie Fry, first; Etta Fry, second. 20 Manual Training: Loyd Thomp son, first; Itobcrt Drake, second. Contests. Potato Pealing Contest Marie Pcgg, Urst; Nellie Newman, second. Corn Stringing Contest E 1 1 e r y Hooper and Edward Ileal, first; Simon Johnson and Edward Giger, second. Athletic Contests. GO yard dash Boys 1, 2, 3, grades Paul Burdick, first; Paul Smith, second. GO yard dash Girls, 1, 2, 3, grades; Sarah Burdick, first; Dora Woodward, second, GO yard dash Boys 4, !i, 6, grades: Emil Carius, first; Loyd Thompson, second. 00 yard dush Girls 1, 5, G, grades-; Caroline Burdick, first CO yard dnsh Boys 7, 8, grades; Lyn Burdick, llrst; Roy Burdick, second, Standing Broad Jump: I, 2, 3, grades Paul Burdick, first Paul Smith, second. 1, Ti, 0, grades Emil Carius, first; Gilbert Luudstedt, second. 7, S, grades Lyn Burdick, first; Floyd Paine, second. Chinning: 1,2,3, guides Paul Burdick, Hist; Paul Smith, second. 1,0,0, grades Floyd Paine, flist; Lyn IJttrdlok, second. THE M ALONE-A VERY CO. "TALK WITH US ABOUT THESE CRIIBS" Chamber of Commerce Appoint Committees At tho llrst tegular meeting of tho lloatdof Directors of tho Ited Cloud Chamber of Commerce, with F E. Miuuer, president) ptcstdiug, the fol lowing committees wete appointed for tho year: House Committee F. W Cowdou, T. .1. Diamond, ). S. Gather. Finance-W. A. Sheiwond, G. W. llutchitiMih, K L. (iiitnes. Entcithinmutil II, A. Let sou, T. .! Diamond, F W. Cowden. Membership t). C. Tee!, (i. W. Hutchinson, V. (.!. Haiuillou. Advei Using Paul Storey, H L. Grimes, II A. Letson. , Tratlle-T.. I. Diamond, V. A Slier- woo i. 1'. w. I nutlet). Publlo InipioVemeut t). C. Teel, Paul Slot ey, K. F. Oatinun. A motion was inado by (). C. Teel to refer the mutter regarding tho adver tising of Webster county ami Ited Cloud city, which, as planned, would bo in pla'.e torn), and on tho back of tho business men's letter heads, to the Adet using Committee. A motion was made by Paul Storey to leave matter of lighting the city by Great White Way," to Public Im- proveinent Committee. A motion was made uy T. J. Diamond to have Public Improvement Commit tee look Into tho matter of opening the street to tho depot. At n special meeting 'held on Mon day evening, President F E. Maurer was appointed to go to Alma mid con fer with Congressman Shnllenbcrgcr, who will be home during the holiday vacation, regarding the new federal building, which the Congressman and others are endeavoring to seouro for this city. Real Estate transfers. Real Estate Transfors compiled by B.W. Stewart, Boudod Abstractor utid Attorney, Hed Cloud, Nebraska. Harold Neville, single to Jauettu L. Neville, qcd, mvJ 34-4-10. . . 1 B. C. Wberry and C. It. Albright to Itusscl W. Shields, qcd, &w 34-4-10 1 H. Gauderault and wife to John W. Werner, wd, netf 20-4-12... George Trine and wife to Will. lam Wlbben, wd, v aw0.4 9 Conrad Eckhardt and wife to E. O. Bergeman, wd, c4 ne4 18- 3-13 Martie Bailey to Itoy Bailey, wd, tot 1, Blk.110, Guide Rock.... Chas. Rasscr and wife to Carl Ilasser, wd, uetf nc 3-1-10.... Louis L. Watt and wife to Hugh B. Hunter, wd, lot 7, pt of 8, Blk. 8, Vanccs Add to Guide Rock 1 A. J. Boren to W. E. M. Devers, wd, lots 4, 5, vuK 3, Blk. 10, Cowles C00 Joseph Dusatko to Anna Dusatko, wd, undivided V, int nw ueJ 3-1-9 1 Charles B. Smith and wife to Ed Amack, wd, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Blk. 1, Piatt's Add Rod Cloud 3000 Mortgages Filed 525,23.1.00. Mortgages Released 820,800.00. 0500 (800 3000 12 2400 For New Post Office Site Hunters Take Notice Having stock on my farms in beet Ions 10 and 15 Line township no hunt lug or trespassing will bo allowed. Dit. Hour. D.vmi:iii:m. Attorney Frank J. Munday and family leave tomorrow to spend Christ mas with relatives at Beaver City. Congressman A. C. Shallcnbergcr lias introduced tho following bill In tho House of Representatives which lias beon rofetred to the Commlttc; on Public Buildings and Grounds: "He it enacted by tho Senate and House of Representatives of the I'uited States of America in Congress as sembled, Thut tho Secietary of the Treasury be, and Is hereby, authorl.ed and diiected to acquire, by purchase, condemnation or otherwise, a site, on which at same fiittne time, there shall ho erected a post-olllco building, at Red Cloud, Nebraska, and the appro propriation therefor shall not exceed tho sum of 815,000". Max Mocde and family left Saturday for Sterling, Illinois, where they will make their future home. Send New Years Gifts to Ihose who sent you Christmas Gifts WHEN SOME UNEXPECTED FRIEND SENDS YOU A CHRISTMAS GIFT SEND A "RETURN PRESENT" FOR NEW YEAR'S AND MAKE SECURE THAT FRIENDSHIP FOR ALL TIME. OUR STOCK OF BEAUTIFUL GIFT GOODS DOES NOT SINK OUT OF SIGHT WITH THE SUN OF, CHRISTMAS EVE. YOU CAN STILL COME TO OUR STORE AND, FIND THE GIFT YQU WISH TO SEND. WEMAKE "QUALITY" RIGHT; TH.EN THE.PRICE RIGHT., E. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optommtrltt - J3TC. B. Q. Watch Inspector M T WV GREETINGS We wish you in all sincerity a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year with hope that the year 1916 will be one of bounteous prosperity R. P. Weesner & Go. mJrTtjfu-,yj- ,vyv ,.v., rVyvvvx'v IT IS GETTING LATE IN THE SEASON FOR S rJ3ntiSZ 3 KZ, WWW MX But i you have to have some done in a hurry, please give us a call Either Phone. Piatt 8 Frees 'VsWfc' r it h A M