.pp.1 8 8 "v fl BED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF rnw?r PUBLIC SALE! Having Sold my farm, I will sell at Public Auction at my place, li miles east of Red Cloud, the following described property, on Tuesday. Dec. 28th (69 6SSS696S -ilezn loiii iirai i nn -m r?n enema Commencing At 10 O'clock 9 HEAD OF ST 8 32 HEAD OF CATTLE i All Well Bred Short Horn Cattle- A Few Head Pure Bred Registered Stock 18 HEAD OF HORSES All Are High Grade 10 HEAD OF HOGS All Are Poland China Pure Bred Registered and From The Phil Dawson Herd. Cholera Immune Farm Machinery, Prairie Hay, Etc. 8 TERNS: Sums o! $10 and under cash. Sums over this amount a credit ot nine months will be given, purchaser giving note with approved seenrity, and ten per cent interest. Col. J. H. Ellinger, Auct. W. T. Arid, Clerk LYMAN ESSIG I When Christmas Time Comes It Is Always a Puzzle to Know What to Give , Come In and Look Ny Line Over. I Have Useful as Well as Ornamental Gifts. HANDKERCHIEFS I HOSE Handkerchiefs are always a use- A box of Holeproof Hose or Sox f ul as well as a much appreciated is always nice, especially when you gift. Have a nice line in fancy col- f get a 3 or 6 months guaranteeso you ored borders, with small colored me- do not have to wear holes or darns, dallion in corner, at 5c to 25c. in plain ( Six pair of (the cotton ones are guar- white and embroidered, from 2c to anteed for 6 months at $2 or $3 the the more elaborate embroidery at 75c. . box. Three pair o the silk ones are mtmm guaranteed for 3 months, $3 the box. v SILlfS . . DOLLS A silk waist or dress is a very ac- ceptable gift for the daughter or For the younger folks I have dolls mother. Cannot describe the silk in n a large variety, in the character thid small space. Come in and let dolls that are so life like, us show you the line. . DRESS GOODS BLANKETS Some ladies do not care for Sllk and for those I have a well selected A pair of good warm blankets is a iine 0f wooi g00ds, suitable for suits most useful gift. Have them in or dresses, in the dainty evening cotton, from 75c to $2.00. In wool shades, as well as the most sombre from $2 to $6. shades for day wear. Don't You Know Some One That Would Like One or More of the Following For a Present: Collar and Cuff Set Back Comb Hand Bags Linen Table Cloth - Napkins Fancy Bath Towel Dresser Scarfs Sweater Baby Blanket Baby Jackets Bootes Work Baskets Sewing Sets Store Open Evenings Until After Christmas Mrs. Barbara Phares Kid Gloves Barrettes Bed Spread Table Runner Hood 1U 1IIV . In one of our exchanges we uote aul I StoM concerning two "Kentetnen" who i would entitlo him to u t'vcre before the federul court on a'thH head. The "0. D. D.V Some rough-neck rubes of the Senior Class In order to distinguish themselves you see, Ordered and caused, and brot it to pass, That they should be known as the "O. D. D.V Now this dariug clan of Virtue and llrass, Declaring their power, they sought and seized The wisest and prettiest boy in the class And tortured unmercifully, did these "O. D. D.V' And every night w'.ien they should lo in bed, They issuo forth and paint big D's And tho paint they use, green black or red, It makes uo difference to these "O. D. D.V And now the cops watch uight and day, Starting at every noise and breeze, Porthoy know too well there'll be damage to pay If they once get started, these "O. D. D's." Now this 0. D. D. is a pretty name, Hete's hoping It lives on just the same Till the members all conquer in the Qght, And look at things in a different light. But the writer's opinion is that they When duly plucked and stored away, Into that realm, that looked for bones; That they'll be known as the Devil's Own. lly the Courtesy of Some Rattled Brained Poet. Special Notice To Red Cloud Folks We wish to announce that we are exclusive Red Cloud agents for the slmplo mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., known as Adler-l-kii. This remedy, used successfully for appendicitis, is the most THOROUGH bowel cleanser we ever sold It is so powerful that ONH SPOONFUL re ileves almost ANY CASE of coustlpa tion, sour or gassy stomach,. Adler-l-ka never gripes, is safe to' use and the INSTANT nctlon is surprising. C. L Cottiug, druggist. Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED ST Office Oveii Aldkioiit's Store ' Handsome Life Time Lasting Aluminium Utensils dy using Reliance Brand Coffee With every pound you receive a coupon, and when you have 10 coupons, call and take your choice oC the utensils without any extra charge. The price of the Coffee is 35c per pound Call and see our ncwSherer Sanitary Counter and sec how we protect your health from all unhealthy PESTS which arc hound to get in all Bulk Groceries if left out uncovered. " Ot'R motto is Good Goods, Pure Goods, Clean Goods And The Right Price WAITER W- MARSHALL THE SANITARY GROCERY dug 1 ' .I i I,,.. J!, ftp a mi mi ia njT LetUs Help Yoa SeleGt III Your Christmas Present Where Can You Find Articles More Serviceable Than In An Up-to-Date Furniture Store? WE HAVE: Davenports Rocking Chairs Dressers Library Tables Rugs Matting Boxes Pedestals Foot Stools Book Cases Chiffoniers Magazine Racks Cedar Chests Smoker Stands Tabourettes Writing Desks Pictures Mirrors In Fact Something Useful For Every Member 'of the Family Mi He ROY SATTLEY Furniture and Undertaking IE HOE 1MB DBG .(yAviyAvvyw Christmas Cheer "TOW is the time to get your ChrisT: A mas Presents, while the weather is fine and the stock is complete. We have many nice and useful pres ents for YOUNG and OLD. Don't put it off and disappoint the kids. If you want Candies for your schools, come to the VARETY STORE 'WvAWWaA yAAA0j" A Z7 rWFV 11 d Ic3g m c Sooner or Later You Will Have To Repair That Corn Crib WHY NOT NOW? PLATT& FREES RED CLOUD, - - - NEBRASKA BiBUHl 1, s. L ... .. cua n A-Rfiiftf f?--g Sold By Miner Bros. C M 3 4 1 m ffi Q ft M -aaraasaBPivr ih XJCTa-wrAr--