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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1915)
a i l?jr rJf "rw 't gt&lo Ulalorlwil Soi'liU . HQ mjB nm wuwxa-a ft iWH v fBrvrriffirifTTr"'fin?TrrjiiitBnfUf.n nnt.'ir" VOLUME 4:3 A Picnsp.iicr flint Cilus Ihe News Fifty-two Weeks L'auli Year for Sf.fiO. iiiwiiiiMmwfcnw.MtMMitiiintjMtwrtwnwji KBI) CLOUD, NEBRASKA, DHCUM VA 1(5, 1!I."i. mn9rn9mamunkwTwwuwipuMtmmmmw&mvmimm KUMIIKK 51 wJMsrt4J& mwc wmm auur24X)TttTMwviiKucjra wmmmuwju i w r wyi m ip n trim imift. um Hit Id iinpp aum UK c m 0 S GIFT SUGGEST 1JC2 7 L1 r vvc (.an 11 trip 5 '.you select those Amas Gifts 0 "X. N. yiV" " sTZJT VL AVWHi tf. Ttys'r. &?. n i'r: WW MB HI W .. MARK THIS LIST This list was prepared for your help and assistance. Look it over carefully, mark what you want. CUT IT OUT-BRING IT WITH YOU Our line of Christmas Gifts embraces selec tions for every member of any household from grandpa right down to baby. We have what you want at1 the price you want to pay for it, and our name on a box is a guarantee of right quality. Give Our ssSNlViI .lowlrv feSS and roVvS ::&& . tl a m?in "s " v: i' Km 1 '&ji .' -..VT-i rem W k-tHs-KfiBBKX wV. . ''J MWMfc? ftEt&S ntfMmwt u !W- SOL Vk Vs,' . Y"- -.- x ., X . - .J 1. t , w D D For Baby Ring. 50c to $2.0a Silver Food Pusher Silver Cups Silver Spooii. 75c to $1.75 Baby Pins Locket and Chain Napkin Ring or Marker Silver Spoon and Fork Bib Holder For Brother Lodge Emblem Pocket Knife Key Chain or Ring, Gold or Silver Cuff Links. Silver and Gold Watch Fob Kodak. $6.00 up Gold Ring. Plain or Fancy Signet or Set Tie Clasp Scarf Pin Camera, S1.00 to $12.00 For Sister f Fancy Comb, Silver, Ivory, Mandarin Jatlo 7flo to 32.00 nand Mtrror, Silver, Ivory, Jade, 2.B0 to f 8 Cut Glass Perfume or. Cologne Bottle Ring, Plain" or Fancy Hand, Signet or Set Fancy Belt,PlD or Buckle Mesh Bag, Mandarin Jade, Silver or Gun metal Toilet Set, Ivory, Jade and Silver Maulonre Articles, singly or in sots Parisian Ivory Boudoir Clock Kodak or Camera For Mother Gold or Silver Thimble Silyor Toilet Set Mesh Bag Gold Brooch Watch Pearl-Necklace Ring Fountain Pen with safety attach ment Embroidery Scissors Toilet articles For Father Watch Watch Chain or Fob Lodge Emblem ,"' 'i Match Safe Smoking Set Cuff Links Scarf Pin Emblem or Initial Ring Gold or Silver Mounted Knife For Grandma Tin Tray Toilet Set Gold Lace Pins Brooch Automatic Pencil with Holder Silver Yarn or Thread Holder Spectacles or Eye Glasses Gold or Silver Thimble Eye Glass Chain or Holder . For Grandpa Gold or Silver Pencil Tie Pin Cuff Buttons Match Box New Spectacles or Eye Glasses Shaving Set Gold-Headed Cane Fountain Pen Hat or Cloth Brush, Ivory, Jade aud Silver Waldemar Watch Chain For Her Bracelet Watch Jewel Box Locket nix! Chain La Vallturu Brooch Diamond Hint; Bracelet Hold Mounted Fountain Chain Toilet Set, Parisian Jade aud Silver Cut Glass or Silver Vase Fancy Mesh Hag Manicure and Toilet Articles Pen with Safety Ivory, Mandarin For Him Silver Shaving Set Initial King Smohing Set Military Brushes, Parisian Ivory, Man darin Jade, Bbony or Silver Initial Cuff Links Combination Slilri Set Watch Charm (iold Pencil with Safety Chuin Silver Drinking Cup Pocket Toilet or Manicure Set Watch Chain, Waldomar, Coat and Vest Shirt Button Set For the Home Sliver SnooiiB, in sets or single plecos Knives and Folks Fancy Clock Spoon Trays, Out Glass or Sliver Slivor Bread Tray Fruit or Nat Bowls, Gloss or Silver Cut Glass Water Set, 32 r.O and up Silver or Cut Glass Dishes Blectrlu Grills, Toasters, Percolators, etc. Kdibon Diamond Phonograph, disc or cyl inder Client of Silver The above are but a few from many. There are hundreds of other gift suggestions in my stock, articles suitable for any one, and at prices you will like. We invite you to come and inspect the offer ings. Glad to show you the goods and assist you to make satisfactory selections. STORE OPEN EVENINGS. Remember, "Satisfaction or Money Back." E. H. NEWHOUSE, Jeweler and Optometrist, C. B. & Q. Watch Inspector HI m m a 3) SO BE u c m n ! Will Kent went to McCook Sunday night. Every tenth buggy whip free at Fogcl'b. .7. II. Elllnger was In Oberlln, Kan us, Friday, on business. "Structo" the best mechanical toy in the maiket, hold by Cutting. WecMW Si Koont. shipped two cars of hogn to Ivitusas City, Sunday. We have a new shipment of black kid Gyp'-y Boot.s at $3.70. Ellis Shoe Storo, udv At Buy, which was shown at the Tepee yesterday, both afternoon unci evening, is another ouo of those pic tures of the highest type. Florence illecd is the lady appering in the principal part, which together with tbo facts that It brats IhoUold Rooster itamp, and was selected by Mr. War Bn as a special feature attraction, Jclcntly proves Its worth. It will i shown again toulght. Our bronze lace shoes aro 81. Ellis Shoe Store. ndv .1. II. ElliugorMiipped a car of mixed stoek to St. Joe, Sunday. See C. A. SchulU for real estate, farm loans and exchange. See ns for (ho latest in silvor novel ties. Mitchell, The Jeweler. Loyd A mack purchased u Uhovolt nutmnobile fiom the Hall Garage lavt Saturday. "C. L. Cottlng has a line htoek of packagu caudles. Try the Allogretti Chocolates. Finost candy made " Class (iraham a brakemau in the employ of the C. B & Q., who left this city Tuesday morning on train No. CO, was instantly killed while switching in the yards at Reynolds. Ills homo vaa.nt Hubbell, and he had been in the employ of th Burlington for about six months, but previous to this had spent several years in the service for the Rock Island. Buy your buggy whips at Fogel's Every tenth whip given away. Mrs. Sheldon and daughter, Miss Hazel were in Hastings Saturday. Don't fall to hoar thu Ilallowell Musical Company of Chicago at the Congregational church, Christmas even ing. Tlckots 50 and 7oo, children 25u. Tho Bladen Enterprise thinks that thepaporsof this city luivo been a little scveiu on tlio Fair question but It Is kind enough to say that no ill fueling was intended. That position is absolutely concct. Tno question before this city was did wo want tho Fail.' We could not soo how wn could work It in with our other activities aud we decided that wo would not en tertain the proposition. Wo are pleased that Bladen has concluded to got down to business and make tho fair a siiccoss, and If there is anything that wo can do to help, our services are at the disposal of tho people of Bladou. I have sovoral good farms for salo or trade. C. A. Schultz. Mrs. E, U. Overman anil daughter, Miss Elizabeth were In Hastings on Saturday. A complete assortment of beautiful gold lings at wonderful prices. Mitch ell, Tho Jeweler. Mr. and Mrs. Charley tiurnev, Jr., who reside north of this city nro the proud parents of a baby girl which was horn Sunday. Go up and down the streets of our fair city and you will see tho finest window decorntions in the Hepubllcan valley. Each window is a model in itself. Articles of value aro artisti cally arranged aud temptingly dis played. It Is an education in itself to carofully study thec-iTect of those holi day windows. Nothing has been spared to mako them attractive, and no one will And any difficulty in select ing just tho right preseut for Christ mas. , -Ellis Soo our Christmas Novelties. Shoo Storo. ndv Thos. Clark departed Monday morn lug for Illinois, wheio he will make his future home. Have you seen those exceptional values In Umbrellas and Parasols at Mitchell's Jowolry store. Mako tho children happy by buying them a pair of those red top, (lecce lined rubber boots at Ellis' Shoe Store. How about one of tluie beautiful LaVallors for that slsteror sweel hearl ? All tho new styles at Mitchell's Jewel ry store. On Sunday at high noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs Millard Hunslcker, southwest of this city, occurred Ihe marriage of Mr. Edison U, doodwlch of Brush, Colorado, to Miss Hose Reed, Ilov. (1 W. Ilummol performing the ceremony. A bountiful dinner was served. Tho bddo nud groom will make their homo on n ranch near Brush, Colo, Buy Ilor one of thoso dainty Bract-v let Watches nt Mltcholl's. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Saladen were iri. Lebanon, Friday, visiting her sister,.,, Mrs. II. S. Burrett Dudley Buckles, who recently undor wont an operation for appondlcltls hL Omaha, returned homo Saturday. U. W. Koont. went to Norton, Kun--sas, Friday, and drove homo u Ford.i car which ho purchased at that place. Mis. Will Kent went to McUoolc thui ' last of the wivk to bo (it tho bcd-slduo of her mother, Mrs. John WILson, wbox was very low nt tho homo of her son.. Cm t Wilson, at that place. The Hnllowell Concert Company -which appeared at tho Pulace Theatre r last evening, before a largo and .p- J prcclatlvo audience, was considered. nfin nf t.lin vnrv linof. rviucl.tnl . la niilitlirul 111 nan.,l.H.nM .. IT " ri 1 l i I f mivj vuujiuKUkiunui vuuro u jiiriBi; evening, Admission r.o ana 7oo, c rcn iwu, : i '! h .A A 1 ft, I ''$$ l fcv, ,