twrtr,r v tr"iw5 m b - jrsirawra4 .' jr ' ' ' stu i ?. HXB1AIKA, CHIEF 4 rs SECURE YOUR r - f RED. C.Ltufo. i i" ! ' -t i p i. .." T - t '--Lziz; aaHa. i CUSsl 'IBic TasBBBBeHHHHs&' - x fc t sy "S BKMummF aBBBBBBMraBJSBaBBBafJZZ' 3 i!. i I H ; 11 1 II 'AS sA ' MftafaaaaW laB ' waaaB' caW iVl ' rJ aw Jam' jawte'-; , t' LMM'"-p---;"iViTi1fc -MBwBBBBT "(H' ieeMBBBBBBssjev 5 i ivv2xISi -BPBBBBaBBBIaBs1gBBBK?ABBWl r a ni i .FOR Il'yjl 1 rALO CHRISTMAS WANTS; EARLY! CHRISTMAS RIGHT NOW What A Joy To Give Presents. And He That Giveth Shall Receive: MOW IS THE TIMEi.Our Store Is Thetote To Buy Things To Give All Your Friends And ' Family. The Rush Will ..Soon Be:,Qn. So Come Early This. Year And Buy Your Christmas Needs While You Can ,Tle Plenty QfyTime To Choose What You Want. Our Store IsTti&Store V?here Your Money Goes Far GIFT iSXfe3i'fe ESTIONS: I For Baby Hose-Silk. Wool. Cotton Shoes Mittens , , Handkerchiefs t Furs Leggins Candy "" ii. ,0 tll)uJ Crib-or Carriage. Blankets For Father ,.- 2 ICatdv ti nog Slippers Shoes Blankets Hose Underwear Handkerchiefs Overshoes i:iars .Tflharco. i n'al , , IW I I Women V Women's Wear i'tr f ' t'V..'(b.LiAi -.'U J...u.h-..jJito .,- B " WTOI?T&TOiJ sYf a DidROtRItr ranwfi Women's Suite-EntMlocftbnW'iii te&WhWm For'Mother ' Silk for Dress. Silk for Waistf Flower BeadsT Fvrs: Table Cloths: Linen Ndpkhw Suit' . Coat . ;Skirt Underwear . ;; Shoes and Slippers Gloves arid' Mittens , 'v Goods for Bath Robe f Wool Dress Pattern - Jr' I'HanifcwohiefS) - .Candy. J H---w,r . ,,,, , wt-j m rrr rgflS For Sister Hair ornaments Handkerchiefs Pin Sets Coat -Suit - Skirt &tlkHose ' Cotton Hose Shoes and Slippers - ' - tinen Embroidery Ribbons Underwear Auto Scarfs . ((WtJ Furtl Gloves and Mittens (I XMiy'"mWMnL Cuffs lCincreads For Brother Shoes Slippers Mittens Underwear Overshoes Handkerchiefs s Q I Laaind Scrm Curajns ? Ties '. .N ..i 4.V'Tii. "?.? .. it ! U .il..-. m ,"(yv:xcl m& l!2..tlft.50. MtWrPccSrane ilObJO o ''"r,f. Women's Skirts all Jat a discount. ty V wiik'M5fn8mfi ' .Women's Sweaters at 25 per cent discount. Fleeced . i i i Munsing Underwear, 50c to $3.25. . F.URS We will receive in a few days the best assort ment of up-to-date Furs ever shown in Red Cloud, Gloves in Kid. Wool andSilk. " ' vDnffcBWIft&Hff,W ..J t.A HafaftMSttkoetlon and vtholikiWmuar'lQM .Union Suits. in heafryj weight) at fl.OOki stit Underwear 2-piece, 50c a garment. Handkerchiefs. 5c to 25c each. il -l For Friends Handkerchiefs Ribbons Laces Collars Gloves and Mittens ' ' Table Linens Table Scarfs Bed Linen Furs Centerpiece. Stamped and embroidered pil ' low cases 'Hose in Silks and Cotton' i !V iwou mm AJio aiiu wivvii rNe ... t-v .Aut9 Scarfs " '.' - -". rt'iuv';;L f.-fc ,., iim ?.-. rKiMAWoiAo; .. '' famiTB'imgBB r. wjam . . . .. . - -"-v-.r..-r-n-; Wj j'j iTTan u:- . "' ''! .1 .S.".' ...I-.... .'I ..t . ... ... ... ' ".".' t i i fi i ft ,;'. i'i IT'i ,ff( I. fXl J?i "Girls' and Childrenjsaats-Ata 'diwcmiit?i'iy ot t- v.,dHt to y.vt . $ .: . . . ufc . . wina.nntt trkuKa ivn.. w. . .... .. ,vi in iw, J i.. . ...-. ...wtr1ji(ic'r'"ir it:! . . Girls" and-BF'Shoes. 11.25 t4-9Nl-v a,,- ..'frntli l ''1' ) VV 't InfaanCmfarShoesJ&S'lSo; "V,. ? ;.'.-;:i . Girls' and Children's pniph.Suits. 50c. 75b. $1.00? ''" ' I i.: T',"1 ..( "jj f io y Wearelhis season better prepared than ever to sell youiChristmas Candies. We do. not try -' iCCC?0,'' !to sell the cheaD. hard. non-ea'taSle candies.. hnt w rjiter tn fft'p 'rhili?rn 'jmrl ffiravnww in. .v , delicious (andis.and at pripes withirij the reach of all. v "'' , I7i I '. ' , - . ,j . i ( .n'i '. , mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmt furnishing choice, f"t ' We invite your attention to the latest and best. ; We have the Newest and Choicesl in pleasing variety, . which insures an easy selection of approprir "" ate giftsforyoung anftld. ., 'n ' X ' I . : hi. 4(.i ,, , ' 'I .',!!', IV ' !v (ct t I Come. V 1 Ji You will approVeTofk our very reasonable prices'. We will be pleaised to show you our Many Useful Articles for Christmas .Gifts: . .. . . . ... ,-.... . -, ' ,.- . . ii .. v( I . ' rvof u : .. , kl .' THE MINER BROS. CO. GENERAL MERCHANTS . . 4 T U.v , v, i-. i.o ;-v-t IWV l,'l s u'J 5V . U J I.... ..... -.-.. ," ' ' f' IG .Wjt i. 'i .V.V 1 ! l '! J.'Ut'Jl" . ... J '(.) i.' ,-; ,., . iH j JfvvjM '-i)J.; W.i$ v"A, U' i . ;. , .' SAFE PLACE TO TRADF . ..i , ' , v i ilMpVr &w fw W ltW W p fPI a ria' f, aa Taar r aT "T lw WaT fc aa wl p b Mft naT aar ar pajf wavaT "(JfJI'W apF awlr &w Aw iW " ' i i ' -' - '- -" . : -.J vo . ,. - !' .lalggialamgMalBaalal 9MHfcS5 k f r TOE RED CLOUD CHIEF rtlLISHID EVERY THURSDAY Is the rMto0c at Bad Cloud, Ntb. m Bwoad llta Mtur J'A B. McABTBUR PDBLUHKB t ONLT DKMOCRATIO PAYBR WBWJTKR COUNTY IN '''Tk bnnd of weather whlcb jCftftW beea halog tbe pt six or elebt vvPMlti ought tadrftw tou'rUU from U m..f nf K ..nuntrt. Tha "aannT oLtbu"6K,thv"oldt gat,M cannot a4 nore intpUiOB tan the genial tky I NebriJka' wltb the fttaw of th noon lay tan enlarging the mental horizon . . . .t i i .i i.i I aUmuiaung iu pnynaii acuvivice inw, pradla good cheer and fello hlp,h' abroad in thelancl. TUb 'li the onetlmij of ibe yaar when we cast the trial and difficulties of life aside and begla'to think what we can do to lighten the burden of the other fellow. The.llttle oms of course, are eJtlJ6. delighted with this season f the year and freely confess their pleasure. The older omes catch the Inspiration -ind . t - - the whole world la the gainer. So here's a Wetaotne to the spirit of ChrieU mas, Seinta; Glaus, neighbors, friends and' everybody. to 'greater effoffeand crowning the elaja work wltb'plssBuse-auil satlsfact- I,-. . m '" SHi WW Wis -tHati ,,".sMoyt -disUuee i aBd already the spirit of Christ- FOUR ACES Am Cd Cdliiif Carels. Thay Cannat CIbm with 7,-v Qm, Hawavtr. Ctme InajtwSwa Our Sttkk. : '-.J -'t''' !.,,,- g., - ma! all' . NigagagaBgagswBgagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagaH' hlBBBBBBBBaiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI i JLHggHgB gaBBBBBBflgajOBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH ' gagagagHgagagagagagagagagagH gaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB JF;VOU.VANt, tv.t ' .vf. ..- M s J I B Tt B4 , sw M ' .1 '.) i ' .V t Ii ' rN ' .'( " - ..'.! .', ! I a l ',..,' '- jy-v j 'I ' . . Made Riobt, Lettered Erected Right " ..;: .-.,-, . "S v' nmm .fcf . ;' 'WM,!j ' H ),'! ! t h A.aCCNE FROM "AT BAY" (PATHI) At (he Tepee WcihSuIndfttureday.Dcc. 15 and 16' .. ifa RegtiUrPrices iTUi", i. I mW BROS. & GO; M " . ' mmkmrm 1.MrtMlcZMnnfmt W ReiCltww, r f v i y ' ..1...1 -j'l .r. . M .1 r r SesaessMB) t ;, . ' '' (m Ntkadki C J , .; . l Igy Gome To Refj; Glood Tfflfide t A Vfc .