o '? li... KID OLOPD, WKBRAllA, CHIEF P I i I ' ! I iiiiiiyiisi It Isn't Hard To Save It is only hard to Start saving, and that is only because you think it is. Start saving today by depositing whatever money you can spare in this bank where the safety of your money is guaranteed, not only by us but by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the slate of Nebraska. VWATAVJ'A'M'MWVAVA I W Correspondents WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RKD CLOUD, NEBRASKA CAPITAL 25.4)00 -.t,fcWHii;i:;na:ef,:!- INAVALE SAVE IT ALL Don't throw your corn on the ground. Slat cribs are cheap. Store safely until you shell, throw your cobs back in your crib. When cobs are gone, roll up crib and store for next year or use for chicken fence. Come In And Inspect Those Cribs, They Will Bave You Money. v THE MALONE-AVERY CO. 'TALK WlfN US ABOUT CRIBBING" Mr. mill .Mix. Clyile WlcUwIrc hii tin' prowl parents of u l;ily lny born Deoi'iii'u'r nnl, Tloislo Keltf In very -lek with tonnl litis. llliiniili Marker npynl Siuidny nt liome with hor parents. Mr. C. II. .lovue mill fmnlly petit iMiniliiy lit Cecil MeCull'.v Mm, Miles, I'utnimi ami children look ilintiur nt tho HiiroHH homo Sun lay. Dr. Myers was culling In Kivurton Suii'lay. John HurgL'ss hns been laid up with cliickenpox. Kef. U. D. K Mill was oalleil here Tin"iliiy to pieucli Hie funeral "-einioti of li. Martin who died Saturday after UOO'.I. The Furnierh1 Union held a moctlnir Saturday at the Christian church also a diunor at Hunter's hall. Will Topliam and family took din nor Sunday with Ouy Marker and family. Koy Palmer is laid up with a lame back. John Peterson hhipped two cars of hoffs to Kansas Uity Sunday. M. Faruhaiii shipped a car load of hogs and MuCall Bros., two cars of cattle to Kansas City Sunday. Uev. Hill and family are spending a few days here with friends and relatives Mis. Morauville of Red Cloud nut'.siiiKut the Wick wire home. Ill th Cwnty VmtX of Wr.bMr r touniy Nebraska. HTATKO.'NKtAHICA, I Webster. County, ( H is the matter of the Mtatc of Hat M I,. Oroat deccsmed, lti:i)tTOIt'J of said estate will tako notice, that the tltno limited for iirevutnllou and fltliiic of claims n-jnliiHt the same l June ITIh, llilfi; mill for the un mr-tit of dibts In Not ember latli, ll.lil. Unit I ulll kit .i ii. county court room lu said county on the Kith day of June mil. at lu o'clock a.m.. to n. rrlte. examine. Iie.ir. allow, or mlimt all claim ami niijPoilouN duly MM. IhiteJ thin uiii i-i of November, A, H.. i.ilo. ilwll.i A. It. 1 A .VSKV. County .ludtfo an The UUtrlci Court or Wr toiler Ccunty. Nchrnskn. NWIH'.fc. r. Pre I Wnllln, I'lulntlir. Discount 25 i . Sale! ON it Public Sale! At my farm 3 miles north a one-half mile cast of Red Cloud, on Thursday, Dec. 16, 1915 Commencing at 1 0 o'clock 54 Head of Stock:-- 4 head of Horses, 12 head of Cattle, 38 head of Hogs. Farm Machinery, corn in crib, &c TERMS: $10 and under, cash. Over this amount. 9 months time at 1 0 per cent. v f SOUTH INAVALE UP s J. W. Most, Owner Col. J. H. Ellinger, Auct. W. A. Sherwood, Clerk ( 2 Alva Stoner had his threshing done this week. Two of Bruno Schnelbcr's children have lioin quite sick with sore throats for several days. Hairy Whitley of Nelson Ih spending a few days with his parents, V. T. Whitley ami wife. John Sutton and family spent Sun day at the It. V. Point's home. There was preaching at Ml. Pleas ant church last Sunday. II. P. Points was transmittal; business in Ueil Cloud, Monday. Mrs. UinpheryiKtherton spout Satur day nlKht and Sunday with rolatlves lu Ited Cloud. J. A. Heed and wife and daughter, Ad tut, and Clarence Reed unci family weio Kiiests at the Carroll Noble home Sunday. , -i KANSAS PICKUPS (I'rmn'Siultli County) T NO ALUM v-4.v IN ROrAL BakingPowder AbsolutelyPure Avoid All Substitutes Austin Spurrier was here last week. from Ids home iu llnrr Oak, bullditiir n cattle tiled m his farm. Mis Coin Crabh of Topoka has re timed IniniH alter a two week's visit with rel't'ive- in that vicinity Mr", Win. Kelllnm of Tnpeka is heie niaklni; a few weeks visit with hei bays on the faiui. Mis. Laura Morris spent Saturday evening and Suiiilty with her sister ttrs A W I pp. There tvus a suipusi party at Mr. Uoy Tev si' last Ki'nlny evening, bei g Vilm i Barnes' birthday. Mr. and Mis. Frank Delka and Mrs. Flora Blair -pent Satuidny ami Sun day with relatives iu Burr Dak. Mr. T. S. Spurrier has rented Us fat in to Mr. Shannon. Mr. ami Mi. Spu 'tier have not derided as to where they will loeale. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert lannigan r.ic the proud parents of twin bojs, dal d I'ioiii lat Saturday Tho babes aie liotli strong and healthy, weigh!' g o'h pounds eai'h. F. M. Brown is cpiito sick at present. Karl .Miller is the owner of a new Oakland automobile. Real Estate Transfers Compiled by B. W. Stewart, bonded A'mtracter and Atti met i Andrew Iluhlein fing to Siplua Ahrendi ot 0 to 10 blk 1 1 and , lots 4 to 8 lilk lu Itj'emtft . . . 1SD0 1 OM IIihIv an wife to Maltha , Murphy wd Iota 122 2.'J and 21 Simi'io u'i v.-i it mi. ii t 1 Rd Ciou-i 1 Emaiiuiil lu i , u. .. lo"'J !. , HiiwUit I -Jo in Kil.ik fi Van- , ; ccs tu'd Cimiie Unci". 760 Martha Murphy .. I'.. -i.ee M lledgo qcd I" W V'J I iJ Shucks mih div U 1 Ited Cniid. . 1 Garfield G Wagoner and w to I, ESpaiiseetuI vtd It T blk 1 Bin den ; 15)00 John L Cli:iilian nnd w to Mary Christian wd s-l and e2 sec ?,'i . tiM-lii-lau i'2sv.lan. wwliwl Mini 1 2 IU-1 11 i M t Sunpoin ,iiit Imn to Smth II' Igti'niut I toll. II Hill l,.i 1 t at nw.l s .1 iM 1 It J K'u lib r hihI it tn Mn r t in B U..rnr ipl . 2 i 2 2 it" ! .nut w2 net tt2 w 2 2 if I I'll 10 .. '' I' M ' IV o lWron 11 iii-"-- ' a J2 1 10 suo E :.u..u M i.,m , ii, g tn ICIi lli Gr-.rl i ' i la LI S VfincUB a'd Gel 'j " ieV 2tl()0 r. y It . . in sm.' 1.. Alicu May Iviuitsiii. tv i It 12 n i. 2 Speneea ndd Blnriep J2C0 Mo tgngon tl'iod $17,030 00 Mortgages released 5.1)00.00 I have sevoral good farms for sale or trade. 0. A. Schultz. Notice of Probate. In tin) I'diuity Court pi Webster I'oiuit) . Nebraska. M.iliiul Xebrakka, I fcK Welister cmuity. f h ' 1'onll pcrMiiiK InteriHtetl lu thu i-htnte ol Attain Murliurt, Hveeaseil: I Kt: NOI'ICi:, tlmt a iKttltlnn bus bctu llli'illiraylin; tluit tbelnstriiuieiit lllcil lutliW i'iiiii t on tbe 1st il:i) ol Deceiiilier I'.il.'t purport lnlo lie the Inst will ami Ustatucul ol f:M ihi'iasiil, uiny bo proted ami alloweil ami ri'i'orili'il us the last will ami tiKtanicut ol Aitani Mot hart ill imsuUUmt wilil hn-truimnt be ailiultti'il lo prob.ite, ami the mliiilnlstra t'on ol h.tlit estate lie granted to lOIIiert I. Murium, i:ieiitnr. 1 1 I j li.ir.iKi .ii-.li i-.i.l I... .1... ........ .!... ..ii i i. lUii iij nun hm n,i iiii-iiiiiii. mill Illl( w i-i-- J persons liiu-rtsteri lu salil estnto aiipe.ir at I '"r tbreeeoiixieittiti Us julor tuMilililay .. . . . . ... . . . ' .. I rl.u. ' ini'i ouiiiy i oiiri io ue iitmi in ami lor wilil Win. . Seward (Jnrbtr, Uarber, hlstvlle. lint name unknown; lluuli w. ilulllionl, Lucy (lulilfonl, his uTfe; llrlee W. Miller; lleriinnl McNuiy, Nellie Me.N'tny, Ills wile; MImeoii HolitrtKon; frauds I,. Amloraon, Andermin,hls wile. llr.M miuieuuiiiiown: and thu hclra, net Ikvh nml legatees ol I'raui'N I,. Amlemoii, mid tho unknown rlalniuntH and the miknuw n owners ol luts i ami :i la bloekSol tho ordinal town ol lttd Cloud. N'oliriukn: and tho unknown owners and unknowii tlnlmaiitsol lots 1(1 and 17. block II, liiMmlth ,t Moore's Addition lo the city ol Ited Cloud, Nebraska, Defendants. 'I he aboved named non-resident defend aiitH, Wllllftm Seward (Iiirbcr, Mrs. William Hawnrd (larher whose llrst name Is iinknow i ; Itmsh W, (lulllfordand l.ucy (lullllord, his wile; and unkiiottii defendants, tho un known clnlinnntH and unknowii owners of lots -J audit In block Hot the original town ol Ited (loud, Nebraka, will tnko notice that on the 2nd Hay ot December, 11115, the alxive named plalntltr, C. Krcd Wallln, Hied IiIh petltlouln U10 District Court ol Webster County, Nebraska, imalnst them, the object and prayer of which Is to foreclosed tnx sale certllleate, Issued by the treasurer of Well sler County, Nebraska, on April 3, 1111:1, U favor of the above named plalntlil, for the taxes for the years )8W to mil, botll Inclusive, which repreieutcd the unpaid nmt delinquent state and county, school district and lied loud City taxes levied upon lots nnd :i. block :iol the original town ol Hod Cloud, Nebraska for the years IH'.iO to I'M I hniii in. elusive. Under which ta saloecrtltleate the said above 11uu1.nl plalntlil paid the subse quent taxes let led 1111011 wild real iHtnti. auiountliiKto iiO.1'2 lor theyearof 1'Jl'J; ii.:,'l for the year ol l'JIS; and W.' for the tear of Hill; that the total amount due 011 the said tax sale certltlcatoai'd HUbscqiK nt taxi s paid thcrcumlcr mid Interest due thereon. Ik i"WI. ill. which is a llrst lieu on lots 'J and :i, block 4 In the original town ol Ited Cloud, Nebras ka, rialnllit asks for an accounting lor the amount due htm; that the same may bo de creed 11 ilrsl lien and that the said real estate amy be cold tit satisfy said amount and costs of suit, and rucJi other relief as equity may Kraut; tlmt thereat and true name of Mrs. William Seward (iarber Is unknown to the plnlutlir, as Is her place ol residence. Tho above named iiou-resldent dcfendantr, l-'rancls I,. Anderson and his wife. Mrs. Trim els I.. Anderson whose llrst and true name Is unknown to the plalntltr, as Is her place ol residence: and unknown defendants, the un known owners and the unknown claimants of lots III and 17, lu block II, Smith .1 Moore's Addition to the city of Ited Cloud. Nubraskn. and ihohilrsatiddevlMJis and legatees and others Interested In the estate of Trancls h. Anderson, will also take uotlco that tho above named plalntlil". ('. Frist Wallln, Hied his petition lu tho District Court ol Wehsti-r County, Nebraska, against fheni, the object and prayer ol which Is to lureclosu a tax sale certllleate Issued by the county treasurer of Webster County, Nebraskn.on the Ithdavol Noveniler. lUli. for the taxes for the .tiara I'.HWto l'Jtl liotli luclui-ltc, iiuuitiutlug to J..70. which re) r.-acuted theuupalilaiid delinquent state, county, school district and lied 1 loud city taxes levied 011 lotn 10 and 17 block 11, Smith ,V Moore's Addition to tho cltj ol lttd Cloud, Nebraska, for the tears ltm!i to lull botll Inclusive, under which tax saleeirti llcate the abote named plalntlil paid the Mihscquinl taxes levied upon said real estate. as follows: I'or tho year nil'.'. J.M: lor the year IIU.I, 2Ci'i; for thnyear Hill, s-too; that the total amount due upon said lav nilti ctrllllcutc and subsequent taxes paid theiiou. Is SiH.i, which, with accruing Interest. Is a Ilrsl lien on the rial estate ubote descrlbid. Plalntlil' asks lor an accounting of the amount due. hlni, and that thesame may bedtcreed.i llrst lieu, and that said real estate ma.v besold to sitlsly said amount and costs of suit, and such other relief as iqulty may giant. All of tbeabote u.inied 11011 resident and unknown dcfemlaulsaro reoulred lo iiuswer said pctltlonou or before the !5illi day of .lanuary, I'.UH. Datid l)iceuibir7tb, HU0. ('. I-'kkii W ti.i. is. My r..l. AllMitt. Ills Attorney. Order to .Show Cnuse Slate ol Nebraska, ( in The l ountj Court. Webster County. 1 At a Coiinty 1 ourt held at the County Court room lu and for said county Wednes day, Not ember 17th, MIS. IX tho matter of the islate ol Henry C, Cutter, Deceased. " ON reading and tiling the petition ol John Wlxoui, praying that administration of said estate may be granted to Cora M. Culler, widow of said decedent, as Administratrix. OltDKUIin. that I'llday the loili day of December, A. D. U15, at two o'clock p. m., Is asslgnisl (01 lit in lug said petition, win 11 all perMiUHinti rested In Mild matti r may ap pear at a County Court to be held In and lor said County and tdiott cuum why prayir ol potltlom r should not be grautid; and that notice ol the pendency ol said petition and tlio In iirlng.tlilriol ho gltiu to all pirsous Interested lu said miiitii, by publishing a copy ol thl1) oulir lu Ihe Ited Cloud 1 hkl, a weekly musptiper printed iu said county. ') Every Sliit (Serges excepted) 1 g Every Overcoat ( exception ) g bvery Pair of Men's and Boys' Trousers Only One String to this and that is Cash. . . Green Stamps too. J PAUL STOREY The Clothiei p-33 ng3CSt fiPJ I' !','iT,l!'aii'i!,ipjf:l;iil!''i!;;1i,ii;':i! wwif Li. fV .,' .,! ,,u i , j ;,, .1 ,l()iJi 1J i Sooner or Later You Will Have Repair That Corn Crib To m m WHY NOT NOW? PL ATT & FREES RED CLOUD, - - - NEBRASKA nn mi1 'i wwmsMsWMmE -. i ( ; jf ; vVww rixrrr county on tho !!7th day ol December ltllo. at ten o'clock A. M., toKhow cause, II any thiio be u by the pr.i) er ol tho petltlonerbhould nor be granted, and dial notice of thu pcudi'uc.t ol Mild petition and the hearing thercol, lie git en to all iierMmslntcrcMnl iu said matter by publishing a copy ol this order in tho Itul Cloud t'lilel, a legal w 1 1 kly newspaper print ed lu said ciiuuly, lor thrio couccultvu wicks prloiMohutd day o hearing. Witness my hand ami the seal ol said court this IM day of December, A. I). 1I5. A. D. ll.iN.XKi, (sK.ti.) County Judge. ol hearing. Seal) V I). It is. m v. County .lodge. People Say To Us "I cannot cat this or tbat fooil, it tloc9 not ngrco with inc., Our ailvico to nil of llipm is in take ft -- -.. . ." IT" 5fcrwiiClL Dyspepsia JtsSSSSSi Tablet before andnltcxcacb meal. t 25c a box. H. E. Qrice Drug Co. i LJuu- .C3tw'it.i''NA. . vllll5UIlcl5 Aiieetr r ? MOW is the time to get your Chrisl- mas Presents, while the weather is fine and the stock is complete. We have many nice and useful pres et ents for YOUNG and OLD. Don't put it orr and disappoint the kids. If you want Candies for your schools, come to tne t VARIETY STORE -Vv- Christmas Display We invite you to inspect our large line of goods suitable for Christmas Piesents. We will not stop to enumerate. You will have to see to appreciate the many beautiful gifts. We will be clad to show you. C Chas. L. Cotting, i The Drsggist Nv'' -W wv vsvVfyv-4 TFT YipsSx "idi Tff 5? T?ET s'A r f -t J T"N SI 5 I 3 3 5l iMr CUARA NT E E-'cT Sold By Miner Bros. Co. fl M I i s 4i At. 0iiikkii ... ii - .. .. ......... "maMfaiaMVit4it l - IJ,, itf.;!., -'. M&m1UWiU!Wtmi V !r?wWlwarii?wiKrAtni.wi.,. W; " x. COT 1 -' vj kin yy.ywaiga6Ufttt