s i r y J -,- K 1 . 0. n .1,1 Hhlnrical Boclt.y Big Discount Off On All Cloaks Commencing Saturday, December 11th-At Turnure'i rc-y55a'jp,-:xHiS1 "t t V22??! . .c.r-Sxr 1 . . x?ge'Egggggissft--rT vwh. . t--, . -- J . . B T . H . - TW H H fCT B' -M B fc. K. H IH B BBBI -BBBBV Bk. BBB1 MBBB BB ' "-" . . in &K i3 iSSSsAfi: flffly LEmS .i-i:j?.m ia,,JfcMx; jgs aMWwrrf -l 'IQ:;1. flsifilttMSK3PB2ES : !: i t tt-ii itt ra -1 r - t t 'jvf. bbi Piiw i j - :cj m .m T jjrizm. x .- r' v l n jvii - 1.1 .. r" i- unn .bv m . m lm j BBrnwiaw 4a MMryr .'iwmtfxm. "v . j. .Trr:--a-isr.u ga.'. i.vi t 11 i .,-. ini f 7..i . - M A newspaper That (lives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year Fr $1.50. VOLUME 43 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. DECEMBER J), 1SH.1. NUMBER 50 0 Hi Id 01515IIE lallaliBlIt Hd 3 C 0 CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS V e Can eP iiwir v" " tlPlrGifts S Mzk v ts L W0JX J.. mzzm MARK THIS LIST This list was prepared for your help and assistance. Look it over carefully, mark what you want. , CUT IT OUT-BRING IT WITH YOU Our line of Christmas Gifts embraces selec tions for every member of any household from grandpa right down to baby. We have what you want at the price you want to pay for it, and our name on a box is a guarantee of Tight quality. Our y Jewelry w ana Things TwV mi La riWA - MCj'i 'JiV I a . ri M v liKiACK. 7 ' s UVaxT wjJmj& TIB D For Baby Ring. 50c to $2.00 Silver Food Pusher Silver Cup Silver Spoon. 75c to $1.75 Baby Pins Locket and Chain Napkin Ring or Marker Silver Spoon and Fork Bib Holder For Brother Lodge Emblem -,- Pocket Knife Key Chain or Ring, Gold or Silver Cuff Links, Silver and Gold Watch Fob Kodak, $6.00 up Gold Ring, Plain or Fancy Signet or Set Tie Clasp Scarf Pin Camera. $1.00 to $12.00 For Sister Fancy Comb, Sitverrlrm'Maniliirln Jnde 7r.o to S2.00 Hand Mirror, Silver, Ivory.Jade, a.no tofs Cut Glass Perfume or Cologne ltottlo King, IMuiu or Fancy Hand, Signet or Set Fancy Uolt I'in or liucltle Mesh D.ik, Mandarin Jade, Silver or Gun- tUL-tlil Toilet Set, Ivory, Jade and Silver Manicure Article1), singly or In. sets P.iiiaian Ivory Boudoir Clock Kodak or Camera For Mother Gold or Silver Thimble Silver Toilet Set Mesh Bag Gold Brooch Watch Pearl Necklace Ring Fountain Pen with safety attach ment Embroidery Scissors Toilet articles For Father Watch Watch Chain or Fob Lodge Emblem ! Match Safe Smoking Set Cuff Links Scarf Pin Emblem or Initial Ring Gold or Silver Mounted Knife For Grandma Pin Tray Toilet Set Gold Lace Pins Brooch Automatic Pencil with Holder Silver Yarn or Thread Holder Spectacles or Eye Glasses Gold or Silver Thimble Eye Glass Chain or Holder For Grandpa Gold or Silver Pencil Tie Pin Cuff Buttons Match Box New Spectacles or Eye Glasses Shaving Set Gold-Headed Cane Fountain Pen Hat or Cloth Brush, Ivory. Jade aud Silver Waldemar Watch Chain For Her Hiacelet Watch Jewel Uov Locket and Chain Ln Vnlliuru Brooch Diamond Iling lti;i(.'iil(t (old Moiiiited rouiiUtin IVn'wUh Safely Chain "' ' Toilet Set, raiitiun I (!',. Mandaiin Judo ami Silver Cut Glass or Kilvor Vap Fancy Mnsli Hag Manicure aud Toilet Articles For Him Sliver Shaving Sot Initial King Smoking Set Military Brushes, I'ailsiati Ivory, Man darin Jade, Illicitly or Silver Initial Cuff Links (,'nmliiuutlon Sliliv Set Watch Chuim Cold I'oncil with Safety Chain Silver l)i lulling Cap Pocket Toilet or Manleuie Set Watch Chain, Waldemar, Coat aud VeBt Shirt Button Set For the Home Sliver Sponnh. in sets or single pieces Knives aud FoHch Fancy Clock Spoon Tiays, Cut Glass or Silver Silver Briad Tray Fiuit or Nut IIuwIn, Glass or Silver Cut Class Water Set, li Mi aud up Silver or Cut Glass Dlshos Klectriu (iillls, Toasters, Peicolutois, etc. Kdismi Diamond Phonograph, disc or cyl inder CIipM of Silver II m i The above are but a few from many. There are hundreds of other gift suggestions in my stock, articles suitable for any one, and at prices you will like. We invite you to come and inspect the offer ings. Glad to show you the goods and assist you to make satisfactory selections. STORE OPEN EVENINGS. Remember, "Satisfaction or Money Back." EH TV P AT H II I T Q P Jeweler and Optometrist, li. l JL VVnUUlJJjy C. B. & Q. Watch Inspector s Oil m C1 tn c H 51I511E 3 C 3IIC nn Opens Up Law Office The- many friends of Howard S. Poo will bo pleased to leaiu that lie has decided to cast his lot with us in the old home town, His law oillcc Is com fortably located in tho Farmeis' Inde pendent telephone building. Immed iately after being admitted to tho bar, he was associated with the Into W. S Moilau, in the law business ut Mc Co )k. Mr Foe is a joung man of stetling woith and uuqiie-tioned Integrity, loyal to his convictions ami untiring ill all his eil'oits. Ho was icared in this city and educated la our public .schools and the Chlof welcomes him ns a citizen who tbtublished his resi dence hero ycuis ago. Wo wish him the utmost sucoess in his choson profession. Stiucto" thoboit meohanioal toy in ho matltet, sold by Cottlng. Mrs. Anna Emick Mrs. Anna Hmick, mn: of the old sottlers of this vicinity, who for ycais had uirido her home on a tut ut east of this city, passed away Tuesday, after an Illness of seveial months duration, Tho lady was 01 jeais of ago at the timu of hor demise, and leaves to mourn her death, llo sons and four daughteis. Fuueial seivlees went held at the M V eliuieh today, Hev. G. V Hummel olllclullng Mis. Tony Clark is in Hastings to day. Cabbage ti.'c per hundrtd at Miner llrot. Co, htoro. Wo aie glad to note tho fuithor ad vancement of Clarence (Lefty) Mitch ell, who has been with Denver for the past two hoasons. He goes to the Cin cinnati Hods of the National League, aud we aiu confident ho can make good. A. 0. U. W. Elect Officers On Tuesday' evening the A. O. U. W. lodge met and elected tho follow ing otllceis for. the ensuing year: K. R. Slnwhon, MWor Workman; V, V Cather, Past Master Workman; (J. C. IJailey, Foreman; C, II Uust, Over coier; W. (lt Hainiltoii, Ilocorder; Paul Storey, Financier; Finnic HulVur, Treasiuer; U. P. Wensuer, Guide; II. J. Manier, Outsldo Watch; John Pai sons, libido Wutch; Henry Cilliiiin, Trustee. Heorgo VanCanip was in Chester Saturday. See 0. A. Sehult. lor ical estate, farm loans and exchange, Attorney L II. lllaelclndge went to Lincoln, Tuesday in?inlnj. Mesdamos -F. L Smith and A. T. Walker nro In Chester today taking in the Merlodan Poultry Show. Foot Ball Team Banqueted Moadainos Polnieky and Medlar wcio hostesses'at a banquet tondciod the foot ball team, at tho Polnieky home last evening, Conch W. P. Medlar acted in tho capacity of to.istmaster, tlie spioad consisted of all that could be desired, , and tho boys all ropoit having spent an enjoyable evening. T C. Hayes wns In IJluo Hill Mon day bee our Cliiistnins Novelties, Hills Shoe Store, adv Tho Afternoon Whist Club mot Tuisday with Mrs. Ilobt. Mitchell. Judge Dungan and Couit Ilepoitor Ilaiid, leturned to Hastings Saturday, aftei adjourning district court horo. 10. S. Umber has purchased tho late .1. A. TdmlinsoH's electrical supplies and has "movod tho samo into his wall paper and paint storo. G. A. R, Elect Officers On Saturday afternoon the O. A. It. mot and elected the following olllccrs for the ensuing yum: .1. W. McCiacU- lull, Conimandei; J. I). Ci.ins, S. V; A. I S. Carnnboll, .1. V ; C. C. McConkcy, O. I).; S. It lloyue, Chaplain; II. (', Wolfe, Olllcer of tho tiuaril. Mts Ciny .olglcr went to Superior today. Flank Illootn of Hastings visited telatlves lioio Wcdnchday. Chailes Schult, retuiued homo I'uus day from Seneca, Nebiaska. Mrs. H. Wolsch is In Hastings ie ceivlug medical tteatmeut tor her i'i es. For one week, commencing Dec. 13th, j on can secure eight dollars' woith of lluu granite and copper cooking uten sils, absolutely free. The Majestic man who will bo at our storo that wock will tell you how. Pope Bros. The Weather Report Tempeiature: Mean 13.'); innItuunu 80 on 7th; minimum 15 on 'JOtli. Prnclpttiithm: Total 0.GU Inches. Total Hiiowfall: Trace. Number of days clear 18, partly cloudy 1, cloudy 8. Dates of hail on llth; thunder storms on loth and llth. Pievallir.g wind Diieellon NW Hi., days. Itemailts-ltalufall since Jan. 1st, :i8. til inches Cms S. Lunr.ow, Ob&ervcr. Alf MeCall weut to Knusas City Sun day morning on business Attorney Bernard McNcny was, a, pasonger to Hastings Tuesday. Vein Wlttwor ioturned tho last ot the week fiom Campboll, Mlnneaota. Wo have a now shlpmetit of black kid Oypsy Uoots at IU.75. Ellis Sho Store. udv 'i u i 1 m j1 4 m 4 i' J ft' , -A tp-r-?-TE; -t ir;marrwyj'?r