W"ii .t "Vfmifufmi!t'mfi!i'J''' i ' MMKf. RED CLOUD, NZB1AIIA, CHIEF m lajwwv ii t It ? ? J ii c Ad 111 AT J t I it i ii s; i i i- fj "'. SSPS uunr w Vxbl I ' 8 O e O Ijm go iypt''t ;' ' ' . '.Sfi S I Want!" Jgj gVSji 'Give mo cake made Jf 3 ! X!rt with Calumet I know lint C? KM I'm nenl"! -now ',,s Jf'C AJ putelioliomc, nourishing, uy w templing and tasty. &0 tf$r "It's nil iii Calumet's won- Jg? JM durful leavening nml tatting CO frt power Its nb.clutc purity, fttj jfyl I Ciluinct isr uniform JVJ jy results ami economy." gyp fl' .ui ciJ i.'oi r SCr jOI SilS'lln ISunJCtH. t, HsBf Cheap anil big canUakingPowdersdo not gave you money. Cnlumetdoes-it'aPure and fur superior to sour milk and aoda. Self Delusion A sermon by Deacon Walker, taken from the I.tneo'n Her.tld, November JOlh: 'We still run across fellows whoiro trying to fool tho Lord nnl get to liHHVen on half fare They imagine t'.mt bocauc they diess tip a little on Sunday and go to chuiuli and dtop iv few nickels Into the collection box they have btlbed St. I'oter for unother week. They fotget their neighbor, tho pearly gates and everything else during the next six days. They shin their brother and break every com uiaridment in the decalogue- of de cency with no pang of conscience. Then on tho first day of the week they Rgaln think of the happy golden strand and go forth with it hymn book x ider their aim ami Hie dime for the Election bnv in their vest poukct. r'unny how they fool themselves If you should intimate to one of thmu that they me not religious they would lietunllv bo insulted. They work tho same game year after year They oc- vmniiaiiuiiiiiiHi'iiiiiH iiiiniiHiwiiwi.i' nn.i i in iiinwi'iraniHiiunii :vi HENRY COOK, M. D. 9 DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TOILET ARTICLES j lAMIUIHinillll idt'l'.i ..i1 ' , ii 1 'VI - Hi 31 m Sooner or Later You Will Have To Repair That Corn Crib WHY NOT NOW? PLATT & FREES RED CLOUD, m IE HH I IP MI- CUARANT E.'ElrD 4 Sold By Miner Bros. Co. Cftssloniilly fool n few inntnborn of llio Hock and Hotnotltncs the tiuvv minister lias to take a month or two to git tii'.xt to tht'tn Unt tint day of reckon- tig COIIIUS " The Slouch Farmer The following from the Nebraska 1 .limit- of Wednesday. November, IT: To lotun Ciu-lc I huvo In-fore llle u . ii.M1h N'( Iir.iMiu r.tiinei' of Octo I" i i mmiii lining the nit Me about the . mi. h fid ii by Mrs intou Miimll lnii or Dmilder u unity, tuln-mlo. She iiihwis l liu to tidy up a bit, lent he should make hiniMdf mlh-uloiis In the eyes of the clly folks. I don't i. now who these city folks could he who would dine luiigli at the coiintiy folks, but it Neither the- coik headed, good-for-nothing piece of hit maiillj that sits on I he bench at the coiner stole, drnssed in his glad nigs, for winch lie still owes, or the much diessed, frizlyhalrcd, gum-chewing women whose only accomplishments ate tutting, fudge eating and giggling. The hitter accomplishment bus become I'hionlc, so It is now consideied n ilis-iiHc. Hueh pei.-oiiH lack tho inde pendence of the happy runner, or slouch riuiuer, I should say. I don't believe there mo any of tho slouch fanners iirtiuiid heie, but 1 have seen the honest, tiled farmer cntno in Iroui tho Held when ho had biokeii some of his machinery, and wash the dirt from Ills bands and face, and go to town lor 1 epulis without changing those despised patched blue oveiulls, so he might get back to woik as quickly as possible. Hut who would date to call him a slouch even If he did wear his work clothes and straw hat'.' lie- doesn't caic for the brainless few who would luiigli at him. Ills friends mo the bunkers, the merchants and the black smiths with whom he deals and who eMoiid to him tho glad hand, tor It is the farmer who makes It possible for them to stay in business. He can put his dirty hand in bis faded blue over alls ami llsli out ii check book to pay his lulls, lie is honest, he is Intelli gent, he is economical ami that Is w nit counts. Mis. Hamilton thinks the fanner should wear shoulder braces. Not all farmeis have stoop shoiihleis. I wonder what she would suirgest for the city man who has tho hump in trout so that ho hasn't seen the tips of his shoos for years. I would suggest, that he cease lighting booo, put on a pair ot blue, overalls, take a few les sons in politeness ami get out on a fuiih with tho respectable slouch farm er and go to work. Webster Uo. MItS. S. FARMER Corn Shelter For Sale A I hole .lolllct corn stieller with ex tension feed. Tho sheller has been run one season and is as good as now. Iu(iilie of II. itassor or E. Hiines. New House For Sale A now four room house with screen ed poichHby Hi feet. Wilt soli ut a very reasonable price. For further information Inquire of The Chief. Much Adler-i-ka Used In Red Cloud It is leported by C U. I'ottillg that much Adler-i.ka Is sold ill Red Cloud People have found out that ONE Sl'OONl-Tljor this simple buckthorn bark and glycerine mixture relieves almost ANY CASE of constipation, sour or gassy stomach. It Is so power ful that it is used successfully In ap pendicitis. ONE MINUTE after you lake it the gasses rumble ami puss out. It Is peifcctly safe to use and cannot gripe. i., i i ,i , kt ? i iiastiiiirjiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiw n 'iiiiniiiifi'irara IU-.AM.I! IN Ii II , M 1 ll,' I . I -I..3I. ill! Ud m NEBRASKA m Dl 3 O , Special Services Tne EplRCOptil Chinch throughout the Unito.l Stnten enter upon a preaching mission next week, the Ht-a-oti of A I ventwhich rtnpb i-'Z h the romi jr of Christ. Solvation through Jouh Christ will l.e (.trexscd i a I id preschm. Tin'm misdniH will int in the l.irgir ccntetH for stxillt two wttuhs. In the mll(er rhoiCutM like till in It" I C'iiiiiI, four ot H' iM vi I lit- ml ttmi 1 IhniiJit advliHi I -I) in Y umr, Uctiir o' Si M'lm Miurt'ii -it IUxlinit Will in' id ti'neti- r h'-it' ixl wueh, hi'tfiKiiicg Tiicdy iiUhi. S-rvl'cn will be h I i ut follow.; T.ium1 to I-'nlxj thi iiimIii pteiicting ((.rvi.-H i,i 7:'I0 eh igiil Toll .ii lie llio popuiHr mtI'C. Si.o pt ii ing Hervlec with lie .tilitul Iiviihm. At I each afternoon, . (I viit'on-il citvIci and histructlnii mi ihiegs vital In (he Christian life. A 0 o'clock each morn, lug a hhnrtenetl ueivlcn tor the ceh brailoi of the Holy Cjinmuiimu with out vurinoii. Thertc are all open to the public. You are urged to come to the firt ucrvleu in oriUr 'o c i'c'i h npiril ol 'he who e. You can .tally ntay away if ou don't like the llrnt one. J. M. Baths, Pastor. licnl Blitti: Iruiisfr.rs. Real Estate Tratisfeis enmplled by II. W. Stewart, Hondo I Abstiacter and Attorney, Red Cloud, NubrasKii. Herman Harlg, single, to T. (J. Montgomery, wd, lot 12, Ulk. .1, ISnrbcr's) Aild Red Cloud S 1500 Frank H. WoodiulV, Single, to Sarah ilelikius, wd, lots 1, 2, .'I, Shuck's sub-div annex lot 1, Red Cloud lUOO j. E. Spenec et al to llauali Wor ley. wd, lot Hi. Hlk. 1, Spenec .V: Ilennctt's Add Itladen 200 L. E. Spend: et al to llanah Wor ley, wd, lot 11, Itlk 1, Hpcncu Al Iteiiuetl's Add Hladeu lHOD Emma Miller ot ul to II Caiid reauld, wd.no', 20-l-U' r.OOO Adellx-rt Neville, single to Jan ettu h. Nuvillo, qcd, sw :il-t-K) 1 R..I. KoehlerA: wife to E. T. l''oe, qcd, ncj , T-.'l-lu 1 C. I). Robinson, Tieas., to Mar tini. I. lilndsey, tr. d., lot 1, lllk. 7, Railro,id Add Rod Cloud .loliu I). Olmstede and wife to Mary C. Urouks, wd, seJJ, scU of wj. 27-1-it 1)J00 Herman Ilium ami wife to John Rostock, wd, lots (, 7, Ulk. l(i llluc Hill .'120 Mortgages Filed $20,100.00. Mortgages Released $11,572.50. FOR SALE The Mrs. H.' C. Cutter Residence " V ' rr' ".. On account of tho death of Mr. Cut ter, and Mrs. Cutter wanting to go east and make her future home with her sister, we are otYering this fine residence at a bargain price for a short time only. This place consists of three lots, a good seven loom house well built and In llrst class repair, good collar bricked up outside and Inside entrance. Elec tric lights, cUv water, bath with hot ami cold wuicr (iood large bitru with driveway from trout, all buildings well painted, good shade and lawn. Cement walks inside and out hIso from resi dence to t ii ii i 1 1 part of town, only live blocks t'loiu the Post Olllce. See us or Mrs. Cutter for prico and terms. Rut do it now for if it sells at all it must go soon Wo also have 10 quarter sections in Rawlins County, K.insiis, that we arc offering at a price ranging from 8700 toSUKXi per (punter. Hutchison & Saladen Red Cloud, Nebraska In the County Court of Webster County Nebraska. sr WK OK M-:illlSk' , miter county. In till) mutter l tho I'stntu ol William IroiiMiliii'txscri. Clllllil I'OKS ol hiitilcstnto will tiiko iiotlic. Hint tilt' Unit' limited lor prcsi'iitntltin iiiul IllliiK"! claims annliHt tluit,aiuu Is June tilth, llllll; nml for the )i:tymeut ot debts Is Novum f.ltti, llllll, that 1 will sit at tho county court room In said county on tliu lUtli ilayol ,!iine I tl 111, ut 10 o'clock, A. M to receive, oxniii. Inc. hear, allow, or adjust all claims and ol Jietlons duly tiled. Dated this tilth day of Noveiulicr, A. H lUla. A. I). IIANNKY, iSh VI.) County .Indue. Order io Sliow tausn .Slate ol NeliniHU, l in 'the (ounl Court. elisler I DunlJ. ( ' A fa County ( ourt lu Id at the Count) Court room tn and tor miM count) Wnluch. da.v.Noveuilur i;th,Ui,". Is tho mallei ol the istato ot Henry ('. Cutter, IHctiiMtl. ON n adlui; and llllnu the u lUUin of loliu VIom, pra) Imj that administration of said estate may lietrauted to Cora M. eultir, widow of i-ald lUciilint. a Administratrix. OltlU.ltrP. that 1'rlday Hit lot Ii da) of IHccnihir. . I. 1U15, al twoo'clocU p, m. Is nsli:iiid for liuirlnu'i-ald pi tltlou, when all lu icons lull rtsud in fald matter may ap. pt ar at a l ounty Court to tc lit Id In and for aid County amUhow c:uim why priijtr of petitioner hhould not he uranttd; and that lmlUeol thoptiidrnt') ot aid petition and the iRarliiK tht rts)f lie lin to all perMius luteristed lu stil.l matter, by publlt-hlnt; a copy of this ordtr In the lied Cloud Chief, i weekly newnpaper prlutid lu hitlil county, for thne consecutive wttks prior to said day of liearlin;, A I). It isvm, (bial) County Judge, Bulletin On Lamb Feeding Experiments The Nebraska Agricultural Kxperi iiieut Station Ins just issued Ilulliu N.i. lo'., on "I.tinib Feeding E. crl incuts" IMiinv In I free by its, dents of Ni'bt.isk.i on iippneilori to tin- Hlreeloi of Him Agi Icilltiiril R perlimn' N'mIkhi, Lincoln, ,.i,i Iii ilic County out t ci1 Uili&tir Uunty NrhriMei. ir ricni' m.iiii wu a . . ttehKtcri (Miiit, ( '"," j I the niMttir ol the mtntc of Puht I.. (Iront ilcccnKoii. i I III. linolCfof mild mtntc will lnl,e iioilce. thai the tlniB limited tor prescntntloii and illliiK of rlnlniK n.'Mlnsi ihe siimc . .Iiuie Kill. 1UIK. ami lor i In. nnnnt ol dclilH H NoMiulicr IJth. lillil. that I will elt at the coiiiiij ('iii t loom In mild county on the I'llh da) of ,liuii' HUH, at 10 o'clock n.m.. to re cti c, examine, hear, allow, or adjust nil (InliUHiiiid oli.kctlimt duly tiled. I intid thh IJIh day of Noicuilicr. A. I)., IHir. (Mill.) A. I). liAN.VrJY. ( ouuly ludiic fXotlcn of Probatn. In tliutoiiuty Court ol Wt Inter (ountj, Nchrimka M.'ilcof Nihrasl.a. i s Wtlwter ( ouuly. ( To all perwjns Intcrntcd In the tstalo of Adam Morhart, Deceased: TKi: NOl'K'i:, that a petition has hem (Hid ir:iliiK thai theliistriiuient lllcd lit tills court on tholHlda.vot ll( rem her I'lir, nurnorl- Inmohe the last will and tistauicut of said diciaseil, may he proved and allowed and recorihd as Hie last will and tistauicut of Adam Morlmrt deceased;! hat said Instrument hendiiilitid to pridiate, and the administra tion of N.'ild estate ho craiitcd to Kllicrt I. Morhart, i:icutor. It Is hen hy ordered h the court. Unit all persons interested lu said (state appear at thel'oiiuty t'oiirt lo he held In and for said county on tho 'JTth day of Hieemhtr 11)1,1, at ten o'clock A. M., to show- cause, II any tin re lie why the prayer of the pel Itlonir should not lie r:int'il, and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing tlurcof, ho nlvi'ii to all pcrMins lunrcstut lu said iiuilli r hy pahllshliuacopy of thlsordor In the l!(il cloud Chief, a lens I wickly new spa pi r print id In Mild county, for three cousccntlvo wicks prior to said day of hiariin;. WltiKss my hand and the seal ot said court this 1st day of liicciulxr, A. I). llIS. A. II. ItVNNCV. (si:vi. County .ludije. TRY AUCTIONEER... -COL. R. C. PETERS SEE HIM NOW FOR SALE DATES He Understands Livestock Values and" 'Has Enjoyed Great Success as an Auction 6b'r That Gets The Money. M IMIONE (Ht WIKE DATES TO COL. R. C. PETERS Guide Rock, -: Nebraska FOGEIi'S PRIGE ON STRAP WORK For Farm Harness X inch Hame strap 15cts 1 20" 1" Pole and Breast strap No. 1 80 " " Pole and Breast strap No. 1 $1.00 inch 20 ft Teamlines 5.50 1 inch 18 ft Team lines 4.50 We are Oiling Harness Now For $1.00. This is the time of year to Oil F I RE THE ALARM is it ilreiullul tlihiR OF" FIRE for tlio limn without insinniifo. livory time ho ( the etiKl'''s t'lH'iiiK .'ilotm his heiirt comuh tip In his throat If the tin i any vvhorc lie, ir his pliuv Wlmt foil), vv hat mis tuiieit eciiiioiny. THE COST OF is so small that It INSURANCE neeil hnnlly be ootisliletoil. Tho (i'ociIoui from worry ulonu is worth it niiiiiy tiiui"? over Have us Insure you to-iluy. O. Cm TEEL, Reliable Insurance. " "" H i Mnj,1.Ijnm,nnjHmpr.mj A mm Tm m urirni ii i m jA ? A Purchase of $1.00 JRfs. Barbara Phares 9mam&s ssb i3S3a liu eses ohhmci Pianos and Musical Merchandise $ UNDERTAKING 'LHDY HTTENDHNT Calls Answered Day or Night ED. AMACK ALL THE PHONES The United .Church Will Hold An ' i RvaiMVAlatlijl 'f amnoinn l'lvniioMir IQIfi We Will Be.Glad Operation Of All "Shall We Prepare For War?" Subject Sunday Evenlner. Docombnr S Services For The Next - -- Congregational Church WE WILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OF YOUR COAL OR.DEKS PLATT & FREES Secure A Farm In The North Platte Valley TUB NORTH I'LATTK VALLEY, frequently cnlleil the "Scottsbluff country," is limiting u more wotulorful fallowing every year in its production of IrriKiited crops suur beets, utftilfti, potatoes, wheat aud oats; it is becoming one of the richest localities for breeding nud fattening of live stock. Many Cjoveriinient irrigated holdings of 1G0 acres are being reduced to MJ acres, making it possible for land seekers to secure St) acre tracks litigated under the reliable sjstem of the Government on terms that never again will be dupll cited All wo can ask is that you visit tho Valley and lot our agents put von in touch with reliable (Inns Ask about tho crop tonnage, the Increased ponu lation, uiul note the general prosperity; this will tell you what advance in land values you may expect thete in the next live years Or wiile mo tor tho Uurllngtotis new niihllentluii. V.i.-tii ii..i.r v,.ii Lit mc help joh go there and see fcr of tho West. MifflaTl IBSSSSSSBSU 9-mtm RIST I YOU ran tub and scrub a WARNER'S Rust Proof Corset and always keep it fresh and clean. You can wear it in the hottest weather in bath ing if you like everything about it is guaranteed Rust Proof. Water will not hurt the cloths and trim mings, wash it as you will. Prices: SI to $5 or More Delivered Free McFARLAND BUILDING To Have The Co-"' Christian People. Six Months In Th -. ..... w m a u, i -i your self this locality which i.s the talk C S.B.Howard, Immigration Agent 1004 Farnam St., Omaha, Nebraska N 'I 9 . I ft N a lLWM'&K ., "W A'A.iS4 i.tzu.. . WT-iSU-.-WiO.