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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1915)
-,T' IKWPVW IW --ti. nw "yyr' -yiwww. ; i rJ ".-ft'W!y'ffTW''S!wt'yy'wp-yi"f-? xsr RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OHIEF fjvflr ;- E c 1 M THE OLD OYAL H VJtiiia BAKING POWDER Absolutely Puro Contains No Alum THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, NebrrvsUtv PUBLISHKD KVBUV THURSDAY Kntml In tliu I'oMollWo nt Hid Cloud, Noli. ni Hteonct CImm Mnttur A H. McAKTHUK I'lnu.tHiiKit TOE ONIiY DEMOCKATIO I'APKU IN WKIIHTKK COUNTY Wo learn that tlicro ure tlireo uiiiiill dates tor the iosttniistor.Hliip nt (luiile Itock duly nccrcditod and endorsed. TIiIh will mnko things lively in Hint burg, nml since only one of them can land the uoNltlon, wc trust that that one will be the one most acceptable to the good people of (lulde Rock. It would seem that the Hand of Fate deals very kindly with some. With the hour fast approaching when those who aspire for otilee must travel over their territory and inspect their political fences, it (Inds one of our county ofllcers, who has always mad a Lard race, in possession of two Ford cars. It Is hard to keep a good man down! t' 4 v "v 1 1' Hon. A. C. Shallenbargcr has an joounced his candidacy for a second ! 'iterm In congress. Mr. 81iallenbarger lias been true to his pro-election prom isesand has .tnnde a useful public ofllcer. He has been one of those who ably assisted President Wilson in real constructive leKislutlnn, and ho de servos to lie sent, buck to finish the "work so well bejjun. "Various asplruuts for county olliees nro begliinliiK quietly to feel their friends and Incidentally to muku their desires known. Judging fiom present lndleittlons, the voteis of the county -will have a gcod sized list of capable men fiom which to make their selec tion. The mil eampali-n will begin light after the holiday., and by the Uu-tof the j ear it will bo in full Awing. I'nder our present primary .kys'.em, one man has as good an oppor tunity to land u nomination asanother. At a successfully conducted picture mIiow, such hh is the Tepee, plctutcs of every kind and dcticilptiou are ex hibited, and while some of the very highest order have been shown here, never were tho pations of this popular motion picture theatre, given a better treat than in wltne.-sing Nedrn, which wus shown there yesterday, botli after noon and evening. It is one that you fctttinot airord to miss, and if you failed toncuit yesterday, you yet have an opportunity, as it will be shown again thix evening. Conventions are useful In stimula tlt.g ambition for great ur tilings. If n town or community sends one of its -members to a convention, that dele gato will leturn full of new inspira tion, and often stalls n movement which develops into great usefulness. Hence the community is the gainer, and this gives a confidence and a faith that results in development along all other lines. None of us do (Uiltu an much as we could, and no town, or city, iH8 active as It might be. A ecu vontlon of live men spurrsthclaggaids and often levolutloulzcs an eiuire city. The war In F.urone may have its In iluence In hurrying people up to take tcut their tnUuriillzHtlon pupuis or it nay not. At any event, it is slgultl ant that there have been more foreign jT8 admitted to citizenship during the RELIABLE past year than formerly. This Is but natural. If onn has his choice he would very much prefer to be a citien of a country at peace than one at war Regardless of tho ties of kinship, there are about 100 ooO.oOO people who believe that this is a pretty good conn try and that Impression is universally held by neatly all the peoples of the earth. A mass meeting was held in the Chamber of Commerce rooms Monday night to discuss the Fair Association proposition as submitted byDladeu It seems that the county fair lias not proven a success during the past fow ycare,and llladcu desires to sell the "franchise." Messrs. Hummel, Cow den and Maurer, the committee which was appointed to investigate the mat ter connected with the fair association, reported that the association was in debt to the amount of S17C0. It was also reported that money to the extent of $7200, which has been donated by the county, would have to be returned if the association ever disbanded. After considerable discussion, the Cuathber of Commerce decided not' to accept the proposal for two reasons First, because it would Interfere with our Farmer Institute, which has proven to be a great success, and any thing that would injure that institu Hon should not be attempted. Second, because of the huge amount of "blue sky" noticeable in the traiisiictioti. SOUTH 1NAVALE W. it. Conley and wife spent Sunday al the Flohrs home. Nearly all of the farmers in tills vicinity aie busy gathering corn at piesen't. Somu few will finish this week. Mrs. It F. Point anil children spent several dajs in Red Cloud lut week visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Aine son. Can oil Nobles spent Sunday with Harry Harrow-. Mr. and Mrs. Kthcrtnu and Sum Humphrey and wlfi! spent Thanks, giving with relatives in Red Cloud. The Fanners' Kducationul and Co Operative I'liion will hold an nil day meeting at Inavale nest Saturday The ladles will serve dinner at Hunter's hall, and an able speaker will speak at tho Christian chinch. Hvcrybody in vited. About forty young people were en tertained at llut iliinslcker home last Fiiday evening in honor of their daughter Lnlna's birthday. Clarence Reed and family and Mrs. K. K. Smith spent. Thanksgiving at the Robert Mitchell home. Methodist Mention Plans for the Christmas program are being formulated. The organs in the primary depatt ment have been lepalred and are now iu'good shape, Young Peoples" meeting continues each Tuesday evening in the study of John's Cospel, ItiTngn hard question for next week. Tlie Social Helpers meet with Miss Kniley Thursday afternoon for a Ken sington. Piayer meeting every Wednesday evening. The pastor will pi each tho second sermon in the series on Kschatology Sunday evening. Subject, "The Second Advent". We need some more men iu the bible class. You are invited. Notice I 1 lie yt. it. c. will meet Saturday at 2:30 p. in. All members are requested . to be present as there will be election of ofllcers. Two More Pass To The Great Beyond Mrs. Sarah Saltzman Mrs. Hiirnh Suitman, an old settler of thls'coiinty, died at her home iu this city Tuesday, after an lllr.ess of several months. SI10 was born in Ohio, August (J, IS'lTand was 78 years old at tlie time of her demise. The funeral services were held at the South Side Mission this afternoon, Rev. llcebe olllciating. Intel me nt took place in the Martin cemetery southeast of this city. I'ive children tire left to mourn her dentil. Henry Patten Henry Patten, who for tlie past clht. years, lias made ills homo with his son, W. I.. Patten, of this city, passed away at an early hour this morning. Mr. Patten suiTered a stroke of apoplexy about a year ago, since which time he hint rapidly failed iu health, lie was born iu New York State, mov. lug from there to Kansas, where he resided for a number of years. Had he of lived until the Jlilnd ct next month, he would have been 7.'t years of age. Funeral arrangements have not been entirely completed at tho time we go to press, but iu all probability services will lie conducted at the W. L Patten home 011 Saturday morning in charge of Rev. J L. Heche. The Wedding Bells Continue To Ring On Wednesday afternoon, Rev. O. W. Hummel united in marriage at Ills homo south of this city, Mr. Lee Par cus of Blue Hill and Miss Vcrna Wright of Rosemont. This morning Rev. G. W. Hummel united In marriage at his home Mr. William Fisher of Garfield township and May Summers of Lincoln, Miss ouri. The couple will make their home on tho groom's farm in Garfield township. "" ' Hr's Annthar Varaa. I m longing for the country, far from, miueu, mirrored Dars, Where you don't fee thin legged chickens hopping on the trolley car: , whero gtrla don't drew "en deshabille" " and you get boozelcsa eats And where a man says, "Howdy, friend,'" to every one he meets. Ezra Priff.t - Oh,Joy. , . 1 Roy ClinUlngberird of' Ashland nnd . . - t miss uussie Clutterbuck of New, ItloomOeld were married Sunday at tho homo of the bride's grandpnrenU.' -Fulton (Mo.) Sun. Things to Worry About. A Russian soldier gets $3.58 ppr year. 8amo to Youl A happy now year to all tho hiimau family and other Inferior nnlmnls. Uluu River Onzetto. Our Daily Special. It is safer to have the world laughing with you than laughing nt you. Luko McLnUo Says: A hoy always feels sorry for 11 pam pered, lap raised poodle that never gets to play wllh other dogs. When two liars meet tho llrst liar Is going to he (iiitclnsed as soon ns lie gets through talking. When a single man finds things un pleasant In his boarding house he inn pack up and move to another board log house. Rut a married man hasn't that kind of n cinch. The man who carries shooting gnl lery cigars to give to his friends Is al ways surprised to learn that you have quit smoking when ho meets yon the second time. The "safety first" campaign has worked a lot of good, but the inno cent bystander is still getting his with great regularity. There Is too much bull in the world. It has got so that driving a garbage wagon is n "position" and not a Job and $7 per week is "salary" and not pay. When the bartender begins to fix a drink for n man as soon ns the man en tors the door of the caTe and before the man has ordered anything you can bet that I tie bartender Is fixing the right drink and that the man Is a fi-1 low who hrags that he Is a moderate drinker. This is a speedy age. Some brides begin saving up money to pay a law yer for a divorce before they get all Mie riee out of their hair. It Is funny that a girl knows that you can't see the hole In the heel ot her stocking, hut Is afraid you wll) see the hole If It is located around the knee. The old lashloucd man who belleveO that any man who would let n barber shave him was a dude now lias n son who lets a girl manicure his nails three times a week. There are lots of perfect thirty-sixes on the street who are Imperfect twenty-twos when they aro in tho hay and the props are on tho dresser. Nature doesn't glvo tho men n fair deal. Why Is It that the young girls run to dimples and the young fellows run to pimples? You can't get three men together when you sound a call for a meeting for uplift and clvjc betterment. But there aro never enough scats to go around when you sound a call for poker game. " Lincoln Letter Dr. .1 I) Case, State Health Insp,... or, hos just issued State Rourd of Health Rulletin No. I, which contains a largo amount of interesting Inform atlon that should be iu tlie hands c,f every citizen who is ln'crested in tlie health and progress of Ills state and the community where lie resides Pu ller the supervision of Dr. Case the State Hoard of Health is covering 11 broad field and accomplishing n great deal of good. Rulletin No. I can be secured by willing Dr. Case, State Hoard of Health, Lincoln. That (Jovernor Moieluad's Interest in good roads Is bearing fruit is indi cated not only In Lincoln, but in many parts of tlie state where his enthus iasm along this line lias inspired the general public to Increased activity in building more ami better road-.. Not only the cities and towns but many of the rural communities of the itate have taken hold of the work with ti will, and as a result road improve ment has received an added Impetus not heretofore known. One of the most notable achievements iu this re spect was the paving of Holdrcire stieet past tho Stnto Farm. This was Governor Morcliead's plan and inmates of Hie penitentiary were used to con struct the satno. The road is pruct leal ly comploted and at 11 very small cost. comparatively, to the state. As 11 nark of appreciation of tlie Governor's Interest in good roads, and esneciallv to commemorate tho completion of the Holdrege and state farm road, tho Lincoln business men have arranged to tender him a banquet at tho Lincoln hotel Thursday evening, Dec. 2,atil:'Jo The dinner will bj informal and the price of tickets 91 and a good time is promised all who wisli to attend. Soon after taking his olllco, State Treasurer Georgo K. Hall served notice on the various county treasurers that he would require monthly remittances of their collections of state funds. Most of the counties have complied with his ruling except those named be low. During the 31G days of Mr. Hall's incumbency up to the 19th of November, he has written 714 receipts for county treasurers. This makes an average of 39.5 dajs between remit tances or 8 per county in less than a year. This average of dBys would be considerably reduced if Dom-lns. Nemaha, Otoe, Richardson, Sarpy, Valley, Washington, Wayne and York counties had not been netrliceut about making remittance. If we take tie years lUl.T and 1014 under republicau administration, we find thtft the pres ent.9.1 counties made 846 remittances, an average of K)'.3 days between remit tances or n little better than 1) ner county. In this two years of republi can rule, six counties only have a credit of 24 remittances each, and 5 havo it credit of 20 or more. Monthly remittances are by no means an inno vation. Ruck in 18i7, John B. Meserve democrat populist State Treasurer, re quired monthly remittances of all tho larger and richer counties and iu tlie two years 21 remittances were made by each of 111 counties, 20 or moro by 10 counties, and the total number made by tho then t0 counties was I.VjII. This is an average of 111 days between remittances, or over 17 per cuunt. INAVALE Ida Colkiuu-of Hebiou Is making a short visit with Uliiiiche Rarker. Mi. anil Mrs. Davis of Friend are visiting their daughter, Mis. Ifliint mid family. Grover Suell of Lawrence spent Sunday with Ulanch Rarker. Mr. Ruby spout a couple of days last week with A. K. Wolcott and family at Ilebion. Miles Piitman left Tuesday for Crete t3 work Dr. Myers ami wife were in Red Cloud Tuesday. Loyd Darker was in Rod Cloud Satui- day. Mr. Saunders went to Creto Monday to work. Mrs. J. W. Vance Is quite sick. Lyle Saunders mid linos Cole were passengers on the freight to Riverton Tuesday. Miss lloner or Red Cloud is tilling Miss Kirkp.itric.kV placo as Inter mediate teacher. Tho Willing Workers will meet with Mrs. Irons Thursday. Tho Royal Nelghbois spent Friday with Mrs, Lundy. Mr. Rradford of Red Cloud was up repairing the switch board Monday night. Miss Koontz of Red Cloud spent Sunday with Maude Morauvillc. Bargains Mower guards each 15o Mower pitman, complete each 85o Mower sections each !ki Mower guard plates each 2c Plow lays each 175 Cultivator shovels, set ifiO Hard oil, per pound yc Machine oil J30 Hay rack reach j.oo Wagon reach 7f)C C. F. Wllln. rpi."-i 57 fl. . 7c ' r-A3P-VT -ZA-.r -V It fir- mfim w mskrr yOU SPEND HHLF OF YOUR LIFE IN YOUR BED AND BEDROOM. HAUE IT PRETTY. OUR SOFT. WARM BLANKETS AND QUILTS WILL DELIGHT YOU. NOT ONLY WHEN YOU SINK YOUR TIRED HEAD INTO YOUR PILLOW. BUT ALL DAY LONG. WE HAUE A SPLENDID LINE OF BLANKETS. COMFORTERS AND EUERYTHING YOU NEED FOR THE BED ROOM AND BATHROOM. ; LET OUR STORE BE YOUR STORE FOR EUERY THING ALL THE FAMILY NEEDS. New Goods In All Departments The Jliner Bros. Go. i General Merchants "A MIGHTY SAFE PLACE TO TRADE" 1 illllUIIIIIIIIIIIIILIIIIIli I! 1i;ii;i:il0lli!l!!IIII!,!ll!lill !illll!ll!:ill 3G 3 HE 3ME ket Us Help II Yoar Christmas Present Where Can You Find Articles More Serviceable Than In An Up-to-Date Furniture Store? WE HAVE: j Davenports Dressers Library Tables Rugs Matting Boxes Pedestals Foot Stools Book Cases . Mirrors In Fact Something Useful For Every Member of the Family ROY SATTLEY Furniture and Undertaking HE 1 mr !! c IT IS GETTING LATE ( CONCRETE WORK But if you have to have some done in a hurry. y please give us a call Either Piatt 8 E. S. Gerber Konl KstiiU', Farm Loiuis titul Insurance. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED tSSTOiTic-E Oveii A i.iimon r's Sionu DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DKNTI9T OVER STATE IANH Red Cloud a ' - Nebraska r h ijirarr.., v '! mrrmuf nn mm DONT YOU NEED WARM BLANKETS AND BED THINGS s ij&r-&.r& sv s' 313 E 3 You Select Rocking Chairs Chiffoniers Magazine Racks Cedar Chests Smoker Stands Tabourettes Writing Desks Pictures , DQC HE n vr. wtvv IN THE SEASON FOR Phone. Frees R. E. CAMP, D. C. Chiropractor Independent 212 Bell lied 101 Phones C. II. Miner Dr. H. S. Dcanlorf, M. H. C. Mnnni-cr Veterinary In C'tmrijo C. H. Miner Serum Co. -I'HODUt'KUS- Anti Hog Cholera Serum Red Claud, Nebrra Wire r PhtM at nr ExMe V. S. Veterlnrv Uceue fU. 45 1' v i i f 13 i I " I ill ? I . ,Bit M,, -wxaiKrt, Tr.'i.l J .i-aai-aai