The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 02, 1915, Image 3

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cm -H,r niiftaJjiWiii rMfc. la
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Beats Men in Famous Race for
Homes at Oklahoma
Twenty-Second Birthday of Town of
Jennings Brings Dnck to Memory
of Old Timers Thrilling Story
of Early Days.
Jennings, Okln. Not for Al Jen
tilnga of "Denting Hack" fame, but foi
Joo Jennings, nn early day character
In this Bcctlon (if the Southwest, cow
hoy, horso trader and general rousta
bout, was the town of Jennings named
according to Col. George McKlroy, the
last of tho cowmen still In tho business
In this part of Oklahoma.
Tho original townslto of forty acres
was given by Joe Jennings upon re
ceiving a promise that tho town would
bo given his name, McIOlroy says.
Tho Pawnco Indian country, Includ
ing tho old Oklahoma trlanglo, in tho
center of which Is Jennings, was
opened to settlement along with the
old Cherokee strip In September, 1893,
Just twenty-two years ago. A number
of tho towns within tho strip have just
been celebrating tho event of their
twcnty-soconil birthday with appropri
ate ceremonies.
Tho strip extended westward from
tho western boundary of tho Cherokeo
nation, about thirty miles cast of Jen
nings, to tho Colorado and Now Mexico
border, including at ono time, it is
said, tho famous No Man's Land, which
is now divided into tho counties of
Cimarron, Texas, and Heaver.
Chose Daughter for Race.
Tho story of how Jennings was
homestcadod and named is Interesting,
therefore, at this time, when tho twenty-second
birthday of tho town has
Just been observed.
Joo Jennings had been a resident of
this part of tho Indian country for
Bomo time, according to Colonel Me
Elroy, and had raised a family here,
Made the Race for a Quarter Section.
including a half grown duughtcr, then
porhapB slxtocn or seventeen years
old. She was tho typical country
raised girl of tho border day period,
ablo to rido, shoot, hunt and throw a
Jennlng's conceived tho idea, when
announcement of tho strip's opening
reached him, that this half grown
daughtor should make tho raco for a
quarter section of land, which tho
family would homestead.
Tho raco for homes when tho Chero
kee strip was opened to settlement will
go down in tho history of tho South
west as tho greatest horso raco that
was over pulled off under tho sanction
of tho federal government.
Few Knew She Was a Girl.
Thero wcro several thousand choico
quarter section farms ns tho prizes,
nnd men camo from nil sections of tho
United States to mako tho raco and
win a claim if possible Tho swiftest
and most seasoned horses wcro select
ed whorover they were obtainable, for
all tho riders know that by tho men
and animals with tho best staying Qual
ities would tho farms bo won.
Among tho riders into tho Pawneo
country was tho half grown Jennings
girl, and sho proved her ability as a
Dressed In men's clothing, with
hlgh-heelod boots and spurs, sho en
tered tho raco and won a claim, a
tract of valloy land lying between two
long ranges of low hills, ono of tho
prettiest natural spots in tho entire
strip country.
Having won tho claim, tho family
evidently did not caro for It, for before
long three-fourths of it had been sold
to John Simmons and tho other 40
acres had been given for a town site
on condition that tho now town bo
named Jennings. Tho family thou left
this section of tho country, and in la
ter years It was reported that Joo Jen
nings was living in Old Mexico.
Baby With Two Heads Soon Died.
Camden, N. J. A baby girl, weigh
ing 18 pounds and having tnreo per
fectly formed arms, two heads and
four legs, was born to Mrs Dranzy
Zaneskl of this city. It dk-0 within a
low hours.
Kim Hubbard Essays
! A f i t-Q?,l? cm! i : : ; ; f&8k
No Family Doctor Could Expect t' Enjoy th' Full Confidence an' Respect
o' His Patients Unless He Had All th Space on His Face Under Cul
tivation Except His Nose an' Forehead.
"It hain't been so many yenrB ago
Blnco you could Bland on th' comer an'
como purty clo3o t' gucssln ever' fcl
lor's ago who passed along by th' cut
o' his Jib," said Hon. Kx-Edltur Calo
"O' courso our estimates wcro based
largely on th' length an' stylo o' whis
kers. T'day whiskers are th' excep
tion nn' th' feller who throws himself
on th' tender mercies of n capahlo har
bor can easily pass for thirty-two till
he's seventy-nine.
"In th' olo days when whiskers wuz
th' height o ever' feller's ambition
nobuddy wuz over taken fierlously un
til they showed unmlstnknblo evidence
o' thcr ability t' grow a beard. After
a feller raised a full set o' crisp, glossy
whiskers, either red or black, ho at
once becamo cltgiblo t' discuss th'
most momentous questions, cither na
tional or international. Whiskers de
noted n mature mind. Professional
men cultivated them in largo bunches.
Sideburns wuz in high favor. Somo
times they wero under control an'
sometimes they were allowed t' foller
thcr own inclinations. Pull sets wero
all th' rago with medical men, an' no
family doctor could expect t enjoy th'
Is Ther a Photo o' a Yo-Jth Leanin' Agin th' Talcum Can on her Dresser?
If Ther Is, Study th' Necktie an' Hair Cut Carefully Before It's Too
When th' avcrago mother gits t'
revlowin' th' past sho can't help com
parln' th' pleasures an' opportunities
o' t'-dny with th' Blow goln' common
placo diversions o' her uneventful girl
hood. So sho sets on th' vcrandy In
th ovcnln' nn' smiles nn' quietly con
gratulates her daughter as th' tender
strlplln' hops Inf a mouso colored six
cyllndor Juggornaut an' spina away In
a cloud o' cigaretto smoko with somo
irresponsible pompadoured caterpillar.
"Let th' poor child enjoy herself while
sho kin fer sho'll bo married soon
enough." That's th' modorn mother
Instinct croppln' out, but it hnint th'
motherly instinct o' th' olo Plymouth
hen that never loses sight o' her
chicks till they aro feathered out un'
on a payln' basis.
Th' mothor o' t'day thinks that bo
causo sho safely tided o'er th' wiles o'
th' 1880 Lothario with hla pink gum
drops an' yeller-buggy that her daugh
tcr Is too smart t' bo carried away by
a shepherd's plaid suit an' caviar an'
lobster f music.
Our girls aro growln up too fast.
Wo no longer son th' meekness that
used t' lurk under th' long lashes o'
Miss Sixteen Th' sweetness too, has
vanished. Th' rarabo Hush that once
enveloped her fnco at th' slightest slip
o' th' tonguo Is off th' job Th miss o
t'day is interestin' but not girlish.
Hut after all ther Ib much t' admire
in th' now girl's pluck her olTort t'
bo solf-sustalnln' nn' her aversion t'
dishwater. We lovo t' eeo hor goln
down town t' work, when th' economic
conditions demand It, with a spool box
full o' angel food. Wo love t' see her
full confidence an respect o' hlB pa
tients unless ho had nil th' spaco on
his fnco under cultivation oxcopt his
noso nn' forehead. A feller's ability
wii7 measured by th' length o' his
whiskers, an when they wuz Btreakcd
with gray his judgment wuz supposed
t' bo rlpo an' ready t' pull.
"Onco In n while somo fcllor wuz
darln' enough t' wonr a smooth face,
hut ho wuz soon drowned out o' th'
conversation. If a young, barefaced
squirt proposed t' a girl sho would call
him for Ills presumption an' say: 'Ho
gono! When you kin show mo a nent.
closo-rcefed. velvety mustache I'll talk
business, but not until.' A girl used
t' bollovo that n feller that could work
up t a firm, evenly spaced muslncho
could easily master nil th' later prob
lems In llfo.
"A fuw architects Btlll stick f th'
olo tlmo Van Dykes an' wo occasion
ally meet a government employee who
nlaiula deilnntly under th' civil scrvlco
laws wcnrln' a hedge. Th' trallln' nr
butus, or Wild Hill mustache, Is almost
extinct. It wuz undermined nbovo th'
lip nn allowed t' droop from either
corner o th' mouth after th' fashion
o' cypress mosu. In somo sections
whero land sells for eighty cents per
aero wo not Infrequently meet human
bcln's wcarln' a tangled mass Inter
spersed with cowlicks."
-:; "!. ' - ! vPI Bllis" III ifrf
homeward bound with her noso erect
after th' business worries o' th' day.
Hut wo miss th' ole indescribable
somethln' about th' girl In her teens
that used f mako us stutter an' trern
bio In her presence. Wo wonder If
sho's glttln' all th' homo trnlnln' that's
comln' f hor. T'day th' charm o' girl
hood Ih jlst as liable f git rubbed off
under th' soft glow o' th' parlor lamp
or among th tango dancers at a week
end party as In th' factory er under
th' careful scrutiny o' tho' pompous
What Is your daughter rcadln'?
"Vanity Fair" or "Deserted on Her
Weddln' Morn." Is sho slngin' "8weet
Gonovlovo" er "Mlnglo Your Eyohrows
With Mlno?" Doos sho leave anythin'
fer th' Imagination when sho dresses
up? What Is Bho playln' on th' plan
ner? "In th' Gloaraln'" or "At th'
Dovil'B Hall?" Does sho Blgh fer a
Shakeapearoan revival or Is sho lookln'
forward f a musical show? Is thor a
photo o' a youth lcanln' agin th' tal
cum can on her dresser? If ther Is,
study th' necktio nn' hair cut care
fully boforo it's too lato.
Father Is th' ono f talk f daughter.
Ho knows what's goln' on downtown
Let him fcrglt his business fer an'
hour or so an' tako th' llttlo girl Hint
only yesterday set on his kneo nn"
naked r seo his gold tooth out under
th' willow treo near th' pump an' tell
her that when an automobllo goln I
forty miles an hour hits a telephono '
polo thcr Is no appeal that a gown
o' gray radium Bilk with green stripes
i . u w ftfuuii until lliuimu IH
ns trnthln' t' n clear conscience, an
that many a heavy heart beats behind
a pair o' perfect eyebrows.
(Protcctod by the Aduma Nowspapci
Stranger Puts Trustful One's $63
in Sick Man's Wallet to
Show They're Honest.
Chlrago. Joseph It. Posledsy's es
loom for his casual stranger compan
ion kept rising ns they strolled east
on Mho Island avenuo. For Instance,
his kindly courtesy to tho wretched
sick matt, who now speaks
"(ii)od sirs, 1 nm nn epileptic, nnd 1
want to get a car at llnlsted street
Will on help me?"
"Nes sir," and tho poor fellow of
fered to throw a few samples In hla
lliie light thero on the curb. Ho was
eager to do It Hut Mr Poaledsy nnd
his companion restrained him. Tho
stranger said that ho could not bear
Offered to Show a Few Samples.
to let tho epileptic llnd his wny alone
to the cars.
"Hut how," whined tho fitful gent,
"how am I to know you'ro honest? I
carry a largo sum of money."
"Wu'II put our money In your wal
let, won't we, Posledsy?" said tho
ge.ilal stranger ns ono humors a de
fective "Then you'll bo safo."
Mr. Posledsy's JOU wns accordingly
transferred. At tho car junction tho
epileptic returned Mr. Posledsy's wal
let. Spaco Is tight, and It Is scnrcoly
worth whllo to relate what tho trust
ful Mr. PoslcdBy found on opening his
wallet, when ho reached homo nt 2215
Sawyer avenuo.
University of Pennsylvania Expedi
tion Discovers Mundurucus
Indians' Home.
Philadelphia, Pa. Tho University
of Pounsylvnnia'H museum'H Amazon
expedition has forwarded an nccount
of its discovery of tho original habitat
of tho Mundurucus Indians, n llttlo
known trlbo of savages who behead
their enemies and then boll tho heads.
Dr. William C. Furnbco Is In chnrgo
of tho expedition, which, after won
dering for months in Hrazlllan wilds
whoro whllo men nover boforo had
penetrated, is now In civilization
again, for a tlmo.
Doctor Farabco passed a long tlmo
among tho savages, studying their
language, their manners and customs,
and mnking a vocabulary nnd writing
down much of their folk loro. As a
result ho expects to settlo absolutely
tho long-vexed question of tho rela
tions of this trlbo to tho Tupl.
Peculiar Plant In a Michigan Library
Is Exciting Much Curi
osity. Marquctto, Mich. In tho public li
brary building, in this city, Is n plant
which Is growing in tho shape of a
cross. Tlrreo years ugo Petor Dolf,
tho custodian, had somo clover grow
ing in a pot.
Out of this clover sprang the stalk
of a etrango plant which grow upright
until this summer, when two shoot3
branched out near tho top at right
angles with tho stalk and formod a
Mr. Dolf has had amnteur botanists
and exports from tho Northern Stato
Normal school oxamlno tho plant, but
nobody knows what it is. Ho doos not
remombor planting anything hut
clover In tho pot.
Scare Girls, Who Now Pick Steps Be
cause Some of the Reptiles
La Crosso, Wis. Normal school
maidens aro walking circumspectly
slnco tho discovery of a nest of so
called water moccasins, deposited in
a locker by a roptlHan mother evident
ly anxious to obtain education for her
Thero was real oxcltement when tho
nest of small reptiles was discovered.
With tho opening of tho locker tho
snukes darted nut and about tho Moor
mid thoro was a scramble, Somo of
tho snakes met violent deaths, but
Bovoral wriggled Into holes of uafety.
Hcnco tho clrc'"w,otlon.
AY J ' "''
Caused by Discui
Tho close connection which exists
between tho heart and the kldnojs la
well known nowadays. As sunn aa
kidneys aro diseased, arterial tension
Ib Increased and tho heart functions
aro attacked. When tho kidneys no
longer pour forth waste, uremic poi
soning occurs, and tho person dlea run!
Mro cause Is often glvon as heart dis
ease, or disease of brain or lungs.
It Is a good Insuranco against such n
risk to send 10 cents for a largo trlAl
package of "Anurle" tho lntost dis
covery of Dr. Pierce. Also send n
samplo of your water. This will bo
uxnnilned without charge by export
chemists at Dr. Plorco's lmnllils' Ho.
tel, HufTalo, N. Y. When you suffer
from backncho, frequent or Beauty
urine, rheumatic pains Itoro or there,
or Hint constant tired, worn-out feel
ing, It's tlmo to write Dr. Plorco, do
flcrtbo your symptoms nnd gut hla
Hvcry man must catch cold for him
To keep cli'im nnd healthy inke Dr.
IVicp'h I'liM-Miit Pellet. 'Iliey regulate
hur, liouoW und hUmmch. Adv.
"I'll say or.u thing for Dlggs.
never gets n b oiled head."
"That's true. Solid bouu doesn't
swell very easily."
The Remedy.
"Ilcen taking anything for Hint cold
of yours, old man?"
"Yes, but I'm willing to tnko nn
other, If you'vo got tho prlco."
And Tony Suffered.
"Thoy any Tony's Injuries woro tho
result of n practical Joke."
"Yes. Tho chappies told him that
a big, burly fellow In tho smoking
room was deaf and dumb, nnd Tony
walked over to him with a sweet
srnllo n.ul told htm ho was a fool."
"Tho man wasn't denf nnd dumb."
"And," continued tho lecturer, "I
warrant you that there Is not a mnn
In this entire ntidleueo who has ever
lifted his finger or In any wny at
tempted to rtop this awful wnstu of
our forests and our lumber supply. If
there Is I want that mun to stand up."
There was a slight commotio.. In tho
rear of tint room and a nervous llttlo
man roso to tho occasion and to his
"And now, my friend, will you ex
plain In just what way you have con
served tho forests of our nation?"
Arid with tho utmost grnvlty and
sincerity tho llttlo man said: "I have
used tho samo toothpick twice."
Harper's Magazlno.
81 HP? !! Hi !8
HaKiiiii lilJiik
BSl I::::: :: iiHflPy
sijiwnn :; MssjiniLiiB " 11
niDlnifini r'niiilll
I IllH I
For Years to Come
In the erection of modern buildings the primary
thought is for endurance.
The same thought should be given to building our
own body and brain but few give it This building
process requires certain essential food elements which,
within the body, are converted into the kind of brain,
bone, nerve and muscle capable of enduring tho severe
tests of work and time.
is scientifically made of whole wheat and malted barley,
and supplies, in splendid proportion, all the nutritive
values of the grains, including their vital mineral salts,
which are all-important for life and health, but lacking
in much of the food that goes to make up the ordinary
A daily ration of Grape-Nuts food is good "build
ing" for sound health of years to come.
"There's a Reason"
Sold by Grocers everywhere.
o of the Kidneys
medical opinion, without chnrgo nb
solutoly free 'IIiIb "Anurle" of I)r
Plorco's la .'17 times more nctlvo than
llthla, for It dissolves uric acid In the
system, ns hot water does sugar.
Simply nsk for Dr. Plurce'B Anurle
Tablets. Thero can bo no Imitation,
livery package) of "Anurle" Is suro to
bo Dr. Plorco's. You will llml tho slg
nattiro on tho package JUHt as you do
on Dr. Plorco's Fhvorlto Prescription,
tho ovor-fnrnoUB friend to nlllng
Worry Is n frequent cause and
sometimes a symptom of kidney dis
ease Thousands have testified to Im
mediate relief from these symptoms
nftor using Dr. Plorco's Anurle Tablets
for the kidneys nnd backache.
Dr. Plcrco's Fnvorlto Prescription
makes weak women strong, sick
women well. No alcohol. Sole, In
tnhletH or liquid.
A lot of people are disappointed tr
love after man Inge.
fur lllmtriitod )Mik in tlm Kyu Kroo.
"I see a great magnate has tried
digging coal In ono of his own mines"
"Now ho rimy reall.o what hard
work It la and rnlsu wages."
"Yea, and ho may fool justified In
raising tho price." Louisville Cour-ler-Jnurnnl.
Not Necessary.
"Hollo! la this tho telephono com
pany? I'd like to have n telephono In
stalled In my house."
"Very well, rnadamu. Would you
llko a pnrty wlro?"
"No, 1 think not Wo don't expect
to entnrtaln very much this winter."
The Only Wny.
"I wish." said tho pnstor, "that wo
could Induce your husband to attend
church mora rcgulnrly."
"I don't know how It could bo man
aged," replied the delinquent's wlfo,
"unless you could arrange to have It
rain every Sunday so ho couldn't play
Wireless Sent Many Miles.
Following oxperlmuntn extending
over n porlod of suvornl years, wire
less communication has been estab
lished between n now station at Funn
bashl, near Yokohama, Japan, and tho
Hawaiian Islands, over n dlstnnco of
3,1(80 miles. Wireless communication
botweon Hawaii and tho United States
hns been maintained for about a year,
and now messages will bo regularly
transmitted between tho United Htutus
nnd Japan, by way or tho Hawaiian
s V 1
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