If -M ''W " 5?- -.x. i -fhlh j i wrjmwut vrtutmi mMMMimt4kkhMHmmiJ'jiaix.. imnin in ni)itnmmwnni''mMmrH'WJHi'iwi i RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF ppRi?5 n n 1 A U j I ,t$ n s OxgDED ML5T A TALE Of CIVIL .RANDALL JtLUSTPATIONsS AC.ftecuMUCO SYNOPSIS. II ('inifrd.'iati' rVrwmil Wynlt In cent w u niv Ik IiIh unlive rounly on the Oro'ii I trln r 1 1 mri'tH a iiiouiitiilnecr miiiumI .hni Taj Inr At ti Imtixi' tic fitnl Hut HprliiKH llicy meet Miijor lliirwniiil. 'I'liylur iniiiitiTH lliiruiiiiil mill -nnin-n U'yiill cliiitiKi'H to I) H tllilfiirin. inciim'N to tlm iiircn lit in r country iiml gnoii to lllirwood'H llflllK'. Wlll-IU 111) MllllH NoH'I'II Murium.! lie ItitioiliiK'H liliiiHrir iih l.li'U ti'Miint ItiiyiiniNil I'lirwin NIcIiiiIh ciiiiich to I lii' limine mid Wynlt fmicM lillti lo I'lltlfcNH tlllll III) llllM llUI'll Kl'llt III IlllVllfU'C of Arise. Cowan, who imioKH to innrrv NnriTii at ijiicc, iiml mo unlet tltlo to tint liuiil In illniiiitu liftmen tln C'owiitiM iiml Ntiiien'H iIimiiI fiillirr Aime Couiiii iiml IiIh Kiiiijf nrrlvi' Wyntt telln Nineen who hit Ik, They fotri) the pmiiiirr to ullcni n Umihlc to t-HciiN whllo tin' kiiiiK It mi Hip llr.st (lour n ml iiroillnl tin' Iiml n. Wyntt trooHi'M to iniirtv Nun en mill tirolcct hrr fioin Cowuti Klin in iln iiml Wyntt furroi t lift preacher to miiirv them. (Viwi'ti'H kiuik Im ilrlvi'ti oT hv l'Yilenil IK.iifH. oni) of uIiokii nfllriTH Im tlm real 1 .leu t tn.-i lit ttiiyinoinl Wyntt Is tniiii'il. though Niirci'ii iilleinptH lo t -frliil Mini Wyntt Im taken to LnwIxImrK for trlnl n n M'V The i'iuiii riimnmn ilnnl iiml t'nplnln I " i x InI( Wyntt In IiIh II In lln niiirlhoiiNit hiiHrtiirnl Hi' ro fiiKi'H t leniency III tctiini for In orinutinii. nnil iim'h IiIh boyhood' limmlcilK" of III" hllllillliK to 'Ki'iiii' lo the utile mill thence to Hit' HliiTirr'H nfllir hy iuciiiim of n IIh- UHl'll. Illll rilHllllllM'll "IlllllllI'V. Ill' WIIHlll'H olT tln nidi iiml chniiKi'H rlollicN In tln lllWllnl WIIHlltOllltl. mill lei ollllnltcrH Hi' HiirprlHi'H It.ivimiMt nnil the rnnin com inmiilmit. IioIiIh IIiciii tip. mill ullli tin' MM.ilHlmiii' of Noncn. kcIh out of the ctmrthmiNc CHAPTER XIX Continued. "I'luj Hiy you rulltiwH planned to hung In tln iimriiliiK." I answered, amused ly IiIh unexpected good hu mor. "Horry, Jack, but I'll have to gag you." "Tins pleasure Ih mine; don't men tlon It," iiml bo winked facetiously, with n nod of IiIh lii-nd townrd tho houvlly breathing colonel. I bound a bit of rng ovit IiIh tnotith, tnorti to give hint an excuse for bIIoiicu than because I had any fear ho would raise an alarm. Norecn liail allently oiiened tho door, and slipped out Into tho cor ridor. With a swift Rlimco over tho threo huliilesR men left behind. I Joined her. and tlBhtly cloned the door. Tho llBht of tho dlHtant lamp revealed her face, but her eyes wero serlnim. "Hotter letivo tho mtiHltet leanltiK iiRalnHl the wall," I ulilHperetl, notlni; Hliu Htlll KraHped tliu weapon. "It will only arotiHo hiihiiIcIoii. There tiro two KtiardH at tho front entrance-?" "YeB," Bho iwiHwered Hwlftly, "and you nnu iieuer bivo me word. If they Htop you nnd nali any iiuestloiiB, rIvo them any niiino you pleane only you eamo with dlHpntrhoH from (leneral Hamflay two houra nRo, nnd Imvu been with Colonel Plckney ever hIiicd, It In Iobb than nn hour bIiico tho cunrd wiib relieved, for C'aptnln Fox left mo In order to mako tho rounda, and thoBO men will not know. You under Htand?" "I'orfectly. And tho counterslfin?" "Knnnwha." I hesitated, and her eyes Handed Into mine. i "I will bo alHo." Bho said nlmply. "for I can Rtildo you throtiKh tho camp. Draw tho cap vlnor lower down over your eyoB wo may meet with somo ono who saw you brought In aa n prlB oner. That Ib better; now wo will ctint an wo ko about about West 1'olnt. Do you remember, lieutenant. that Inst cadet dance? Captain Fox tolls me" Wo turned tho corner Into tho wide entrance hall, Htrolllni; slowly bUIo by nldo, her fnco turned upward to mine. Apparently my oyea were upon her. and I mado somo Inuno reapoiiHo to hor words, yet I saw tho sentries at the door cotno stlHIy to attention, and thoa cross their musket barrela to bar our exit. I halted as though in sur prise. "Aro there any now orders?" 1 asked la tono of authority. "You remember passing us In, do you not?" "Wo passed the lady, Blr," tho older man answered respectfully, "but no ofllcer." "Ah. yes, I ace; you aro not tho immo men who wero on guard when I arrived. I am Lieutenant Mann, of General Ilamsny's staff, nnd have been with Colonel IMcUnoy. Tho lady will vouch for me." "Yes. Blr," yet with lingering doubt In his votco. "No doubt It Is nil right, lr; but tho ardent nro very strict tonight. If you have- not tho word I shall have to call the sergeant." "Quito right, my mnu; but that Ih not nocesaary," and I took n step nearer and bent my head. "Kana wha." Tho two men shouldered their mus kets, and tho oldor ono brought tils hand up In salute. 'Toss, sir," be said soberly, and Btood aside. Wo went down tho broad stops, dimly lighted by a distant lira, my hand touching her arm. Tho In fantry camp lay between ub and the road. Tho campflro In front yielded Just enough light to enablo mo to study out our surroundings. The band still played noisily In tho courtroom abovo. Tho camp was quiet, tho sol diers apparently sleeping on the ground. I could pcrcelvo only a few tonts, showing white In tho firelight, but tho figures of sentries appeared hero and thero, slowly pacing their beats. Had I been ulono 1 should have crept forward nnd endeavored to slip by unseen, but 1 wus conscious of the hand which grasped my sleeve, and my eyes fell to her face. 'i PARRLSri r CD.CTIODES "You are my guide tonight." I whis pered fioftly "llavo you boiiio plan already devised? Thero must bo In iilniit action " "linrdiy that; this has all occurred bo iilekly, ho unexpectedly, I have had no time In which to think. Isn't It best to go straight ahead, and run thi' chance?" "I'nst tho guard yonder?" "Yes; I am not Brcally afraid of him! Wo have the word, and Captain Fox and I wero together when 1 piiHHod hero before Ho will remem ber me, nnd have no simpleton. Only there may bo ofllcerH Bitting on tho veranda of the hotel." "It looltH dark and deserted from here, nnd the hour Is late." "True; I supptmo all who uro not on duty are at the dance. HcsidcH, there In no other way In which you can attain tho stables. I I am ready to try it are you?" I answered with the pressure of my hand on the Hirers claupltiB my Hleovu. There wiib no response; nei ther were they withdrawn. Sho drew a long breath, and stepped bravely forward. The way was clear, easily followed even in tho darkness, and I walked close beside her. Within a few yards of tho fellow she gave vent to a little ripple of laughter, barely enough to attract attention, and again slipped her hand Into tho support ot my arm. Tho soldier stood at atteu tlon, but made no effort whatever to bar our progrt'tia. We strolled on slowly, passing di rectly ht'iicnrh the glare of tho lamp. Wo attempted to talk, but I retain no memory of a single word that was uttered. My heart was beating like nu engine, and my throat was dry, the lingers of one hand gripping tho butt of a revolver in my belt. 1 was dimly aware of the tremor in her voice, tho pressing closer to mo of her slender ligure. We passed out beyond the glow of the revealing light, to where our eyes were able to sweep tho dark ened porch. Thore were a dozen chairs standing back of the rail, but uono were occupied She gavo a little sob of relief, botli hands nervously grasp ing my sleeve. "Thank (iod!" she said fervently, "now if we only have llvo minutes more! CHAPTER XX. A Step Nearer. "Tho stables?" I asked. "What horses are theie?" "Olllcerfl' mounts; but thero were suveral others tied nt the hitch rail an hour ago. They appeared to be good stock; better even than tho gov ernment horses." 1 could perceive them dimly, from where wo skulked in the shadow of the building. I took a step or two forward, circling the house, so ns to better approach tho animals along the shadow of an orchard fence. I knew she followed close at my heels nnd, turning, got a glimpse of her fright ened face. "Thero Is no reason why you should worry," I sum sottiy, tailing her hands in mine. Now listen to me; your nerves nru all unstrung; this night's work bus been too much for you too much for any girl. And God knows you huvo dono enough for mo nlready. Where aro you stopping? Hero at tho hotel?" "Y yes." "Then slip Inside while there Is no one hanging around; and get safely to your own room. Thero Is nothing more you can do. I will take ono ot those horses yonder and bo off, and I know the country well enough to ilnd my way. Onco In the mountains I shall bo safe. You will do as I Bay?" To my surprise, slie looked straight into my fuce, standing motionless. Sho seemed to catch her breath, as though it was dllllciilt to speak, "You mean that Hint I am to go to my room?" sho asked slowly. "Certainly; that will bo tho safest and best thing for you to do. I can not tell you how grateful I nm to you; nothing 1 can over do will repay the service you have rendered me. You nro n wonderfully bravo girl." "Do you think o? Oh, but I am neither bravo nor wonderful. 1 havo scarcely known what I was doing; It didn't seem as if there was anything else I could do. Hut 1 know now; 1 have no doubt any moro unless unlesB you refuso to let mo." "1 refuse! 1 do not understand what 1 could refuso. All that remains Is for you to go to your room. You will bo perfectly safe hero." "How will I bo safe hero?" she asked indignantly. "Do you suppose they will spare mo, merely because I am a woman? This hns not been done In secret; thero are too many who know my part In your escapo to over keep tho truth hidden. Colonel Plck ney will have to make his report and shield himself from blame. Thero is not an ofllcer hero who will stand openly in my defense unless it be Captain Fox, and ho could not help mo. Is it under such conditions you desire 1 remain hero?" "Hut do you realize what going with mo will Inovitably mean?" I "Yes, I realize not only tho Doril 5TPir nnd hardflnip. ntit every Issue involved I made my choice back in the court house It Is too late to withdraw." She paused as though unable to Unit expression, breathing heavily, and her face sank until I could no longer see hor eyes "When when I told Colonel Plck ney that that you were my husband." she faltered, driven to It by my con tinued silence, "I spoke hnstlly. It is true; for my only thought Just then was the necessity for Hiving your life I felt that that I could do no less, and anil I desired to Justify my ac tion. They they had to know why I did it; do joii not understand? I I am a Union woman; they have trust ed me ulwnyH these men; even to night they told mo the countersign be cause of confidence In my loyalty. I I was the daughter of nn ofllcer on (ieneial liamsay's stuff. I could not let those men think me a traitor. 1 I had to tell them why It had become my duty to nld you. There was no other possible way; no other reason which would Justify mo In such nu act; but but that confession left me utterly In your power." "In my power, Norecn I Surely you do not think that 1 will ever take advantage; that I will ever miscon strue your real purpose?" "No! but will you live up to the ob ligation? Oh, you do not sec the situ ation nt nil! When I said you wore my husband I threw myself on your protection. I I burned tho bontB. I inn all alone now, unless unless you stand by me. My father Is dead; there Is not one person nnywhere to whom I can go If I remain hero I shall bo placed under arrest before daylight charged with aiding your escape; perhaps charged with aiding you in your work and 1 have no friends, no defense. Tom, I must go an with you!" I could not ignore her plea, nor would I mlsconstruo It. It wns fear which thus drove her to me; she had more conlldenco in my kindness than In their Justice that was tho whole "I Trust You; Is Not That Enough?" story. Tho poor girl was so fright- cued she had chosen blindly she could perceive nothing, realize noth ing, except tho necessity for immedi ate escape. My own resolve was in stant. "Do not say any more, Noreen," I said soberly, but making no attempt to touch her. "I understand now. You mean you wish to rldo with me? You trust mo fully?" "1 trust you; Is not thnt enough? All 1 ask now is, do not leave mo hero ulono." Her fingers clasped my coat, her eyes suddenly lifted to my faco. "Promlso mo that, Tom," sho begged brokenly. "It will bo nil I ask." "Surely; wo will go together," and 1 gripped her hands tightly In mine. "Whatever hnppens I will do my best. Uut wo must go nt onco." "Yes, and nnd thank you." Wo crept forward along the shadow of tho orchard fence, until wo mingled with tho horses fastened at the hitch ing rail. I selected among them, as best I could In the darkness, two that seemed well adapted to our purpose. 1 helped her silently into the saddle, thrusting one of my rovolvers Into the empty holster, and then mounted my self. "Which wny hnd wo better go?" I asked, my faco close, our horses touching. "Along the south road at first; thero Is u cutoff Just back of the old school." "And tho pickets do you know where they are posted?" "At the ford of tho Green Hrlar tho mnln ford." "Thero nre nono nt Denton?" "No; 1 do not think they even know the river is fordablo there; it is not on tho maps." Wo rodo forward slowly, my hand on her bridle rein, keeping in tho deeper shndnws along tho sldo of the road, until wo passed beyond tho last houso of tho village. If tho camp was not ulurmed for another half hour, our pursuers would bo given a hard task. Strango thnt tho Federal scouts had novcr located the Ueuton ford. To be sure It was narrow, and of no vnluo in high water, yet an ideal place for raiding parties to cross, ami till those hills beyond wore full of guerrllln bands eager to strike quick and got safely nwuy. That they darod to attack small bodies of troops, and especially poorly guarded wagon trains, had been demonstrated more than onco, and this secret ford gave them easy opportunity. The Cowans certainly knew of Ita feasibility, and the wonder wan they had ncvr --ti llzeii it before. The longer I thought the more I began lo dread the unknown dangers ahead the gauntlet we must run tie fore attaining the Confederate lines We could battle pursuit, but If once we came Into contact with those Irregu lars of the mountains merciless, Irre- sponsible no one could predict the ll-HUIl I CUUIU HIUIIK IIIIIIIK IIHUIIKU the night, discard my horse, travel afoot, and thus avoid encountering any of those villains I was myself a mountaineer, and knew tho secret trails Hut with her besldo me, tho two of us mounted, such a feat was almost impossible. I must find her food and shelter, and we could not travel on horseback without leaving u trail unconcealed To be sure, I knew her of old; that alio was strong resourceful, fearless yet sho was a woman to be protected from insult, to bo guarded against exposure; more, she was tho woman I loved. Hut would she bo In uny less danger If 1 compelled her to return to Lewis burg? She would bo exposed to In dignities, to almost certain persecu tion from Raymond. "Norecn," I said, turning my face toward her. "Do you really think It best to try this ride with mo?" "You do not wish mo to go?" alio nsked, ns Instantly reining up. "You want me to return?" "No. not that. I havo no thought but for your own good. Only do you understand tho perils through which we must pass In those mountains?" "Yes, I do understand," sho an swered soberly, "nnd I comprehend, as you cannot, the danger of my return ing to Lewisburg. I will never go back there; but, If you think It best for us to part. I will endeavor to reach Charleston alone." "You would rather go on with me?" "I made that choice, but IT you con sider me n burden " "No, It Is not that, Norecn," I In terrupted, touched by tho regretful tono of her voice. "It was of you I was thinking, not myself. Then we go on together?" She was silent, her eyes on the darkness nhead. "It must be your decision." 1 In sisted. "I made my choice nn hour ago," sho answered frankly. 1 waited an instant, thlnltlng she might say more, but sho sat motion less In tho saddle. Just what her de cision Hlgnlllcd I could not Judge It seemed to mo that between two dan gers sho had simply chosen tho one sho deemed to bo tho lesser. It was not affection for mo. but fear of oth ers, which urged her forward Grasp ing her bridle rein, I rode on through tho dark without another word. The decision had been made; now we must both of us ubldu the consequences. (TO ItD CONTINUKD.) REAL MONEY FROM THE OCEAN Fishing Grounds Yield Abundance of Profit to Those Who Can Take Advantage of Them. When one hears of tho discovery of a now gold nrlno ono is very apt to wink tho other cyo nnd hold a trifle tighter to tho pockctbook. Also, thero Is no very great rush to tho scene. Hut It Is a different story when somo al truist fisherman discovers new fishing grounds and lets tho world know of It. Then there Is u real rush of fish ing bont3, for th owners thereof know that such now discoveries aro often real gold mines. Such has proved to bo the case with tho now halibut grounds discovered In tho Pnclflc. lying duo west from North Head. Wash., from 27 to 3.1 miles of? tho mouth of tho Columbia river. Thcso grounds, whoso area and exact location nro yet unknown, probably constitute a veritable bank lying Im mediately between two areas which tho bureau of flshorles surveyed with tho steamer Albatross last year. They aro roportod to bo from DO to 95 fathomB deop and aro boyond tho 100-fathom lino given on the charts. A small vessol fishing out of Puget sound caught 18,000 pounds of hali but on theso grounds In ono day, the largest Binglo day's taki this vessel had over made. During the threo weeks endod Juno 2. 191f. over 200.100 pounds of halibut wro brought .r. from tho now gold mines of tho ocean. Cut-Throat Competition. A correspondent of tho Now York Sun Informs tho editor of that pa per that a rooster has been discovered which cannot crow. It or ho can hiss, but tho bright chantlclerlcal cull 13 not for him. Such nro tho marvels of science! Kacli day it conserves a nuw strength, cuts out waste, diverts energies Into useful channels. Tho matutinal salute of the rooster has long been an exam ple, of criminal waste and liiulllcfency. It announced, at great expense ot en ergy, n perfectly obvious thing that the sun had risen. Uonstcrs, besides, havo been in tho habit of trying to "scoop" each other, to scoro a beat on tho sunrise as If auyono were pas sionately interested in tho matter and tho result has beer, a distressing series of "Extras" called at 2 a. m. Cutthroat competition has killed tho rooster. Philadelphia Evening Led ger. Sure of One Thing. Tho Town Council of a thriving Scotch burg rocontly acquired a piano for their town hall, and appointed threo of their numbor to Inspect and report on tho purchase The coun cilors were not musical exports, but ono a Joiner bonding down und ap plying his oye to tho sovoral cornors of tho instrument, remarked: "I'm nao Judge o' music, but I'll warrant y a' the boards aro nlumb" IfmmnoNAL smsrSdiooL Lesson IHy 10. O. SnLLRRS, Acllns Director of HutitJ.-iy School Courso of Mood) Hlble IiiKtltuto of Chicago.) Copyright, 1510, Wmtirn Newipaptr Union.) LESSON FOR DECEMBER 5 UZZIAH'S PRIDE AND MENT. PUNISH. I.KHSON Ti:.T--II Chron 2:8-10, 15-21. COI.DDN TKXT-A man's pride hIiiiII bring him low, but he that Is of u lowly Hplrlt mIiiiII obtain honor. Prov. 'J3:L'3 11. V. Again wo consider tho southern kingdom. No better character could huvo been chosen to lllustruto tho condition of rulers and people in tho declining days of Judah's glory. Uz zlah ruled for 52 years and his reign wns almost mldwuy between tho duya of Solomon und those or tho Dnbylon Inn captivity. I. Priest and Parents, vv. 1-5. Tho niinio Uzzluli means "God has holped me," und no king ever had better ad vantages In tho way of parents nnd counselors. To the liilluence of his parents ho yielded In his youth (v. 4), followed tho good counsel of Zacha rluli tho prophet of God (v. fi), nnd as long ns ho sought tho Lord, "God mado him prosper." Ancestry und en vironment aro not, however, a guar uuty of uny perpetuity in character. II. Pride, vv. 6-15. Dzziah or Azarlnh (marg.) mado u lino sturt and his reign, considered as a whole, wns ono of the most brilliant in Judah's history. It bears some striking resem blances to that of Solomon In that tho dangerous enemies becamu subject na tions (v. S). in tho conduct of his campaigns Uzziah "waxed exceeding ly strong" (v. 8 It. V.) Uzziah also greutly Improved und strengthened Jerusalem and gave much hood to stock raising und forestry (v. 10). The secret of all of this prosperity was thnt ho sought Jehovah. Christen dom Is not Christianity, yet it is n fact that in those lands where God is most highly exulted and most near ly followed wo witness the greatest prosperity and men living nmldst the moat comfortnblo surroundings. Seek Jehovnh, know his will us revealed in his word, und do thnt will when learned, la tho only true basis of real and lasting prosperity. Uzziah also gave an exhibition of worldly wisdom thnt ho strengthened the defenses of tho nation (v. 9-10). Conlldenco in God does not paralyze human energy or mako us presumptuous und cure leas (I Chron. 27:25-Ul). Uzziah brought tho army up to u high point of einciency (v. U-15), using tho best weapons known in his day. Wo, likowiso, may bo "marvelously helped" from tho same sourco and upon tho samo conditions; viz., that wo "seek tho Lord" (Eph. 0:10; Phi. C:13). III. Punishment, vv. 16-21. (1) Pride UzzIah'B fall and shamo Ib ono of tho saddest chuptera in history. Ills strength becamo his ruin. "When ho was strong his heart was lifted up." Poverty, struggle nnd adversity nro not passports to glory though they havo strengthened tho moral fiber ot thousands. The tempting tests of prosperity, gilded, perfumed and at tractive nro, howover, fur more hard to withstand. Prldo always loads to (2) Presumption Centuries befora God had warned men that prosperity would lead to ruin (Dout. S: 11-17; 32:13-1G) nnd Solomon also gavo warning (Prov. 16:18). Tho subtlety of prldo is tho gradual way by which wo como to look upon our prosperity as tho work of our own hands, there by forgetting tho sourco of our pow er and becoming tilled with a feeling of our own solf-sufflciencr. Tho next step was that Uzziah assumed to him self those duties (v. 10) which right fully and exclusively belonged to tho priesthood (soo Num. 16:40; 18:7; I Kings 12::!3; 12:1-4; Hob. 5:4). (3) Pro testing Wo now behold tho strange spectaclo of tho king protesting for tho wrong and tho faithful priests Azarinh for tho right. A sad specta clo Indeed when tho head of a nation oponly avows tho wrong nnd perslstB in it despite tho protcats ot tho serv ants of God. Tho last part of verso 18 indicates tho extent und perver sity of Uzzluh's prldo. Admonition only aroused the anger of tho nil-conquering monarch. No honor over comes (rom disobeying God (I Sam. 2:30; Dun. 5:37). Uzziah apparently (v. 19) was about to use tho censer in his hand as a weapon in execution of his wrath, but God Interfered (1 Peter 0:6-7). Azarlah is saved and Uzziah becomes a leper. Wo must not press tho teaching that all BlckncsB la tho result ot sin (read Job). Uzziah was forever separated (v. 21) and was in his death "unclean" be cauBo "His heart was lifted to his de struction." Thero aro four suggestions In clos ing: (1) Uzzlah's pride had gono too far; secretly and perhaps unconscious ly it had slowly, but surely permeated his whole nature. (2) Leprosy was a fitting punish ment, for it was an emblem of the foulness ot his sin. (3) Ills leprous condition was In marked contrast with what ho had formerly enjoyed. (4) His punishment shut him out ef fectually from the work of his king domability, strength, oxporienco and ambition fall boforo tho blighting, blast ot sin. A Loyal Ally In Stomach Ailments As foon as you notice the appetite waning, tho digestion becoming impaired or the liver and bowels refuse to perform their daily functions just resort to HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters It is really Nature's "first aid" A gooil many men are remembeied only lor the reason they wore mus taches A GRATEFUL OLD LADY. Mrs. A. G. Clemens, West Alexan der, Pa., writes: 1 havo used Dodd'a Kidney Pills, also Diamond Dinner Pills. Ucfore using them I had suf fered for u number ol ycais with backache also tender spots on jJs. spine, and had nt IMaT times black floating specks before my eyes. I also had lum bago and heart trou ble. Since using tills medicine I have been Mrs.A.G.C!emen relieved of my suf fering. It is agreeable to me for you to publish this letter. I am glad to have an opportunity to say to nil who aro suffering aa I havo dono that I obtained relief by using Dodd's Kid ney Pills and Diamond Dinner Pills. Dodd's Kidney Pills fiOc per box at your dealer or Dodd's Mcdlrino Co., lluffnlo, N. Y. Dodd's Dyspepsia Tab .eta for Indigestion linve been proved. JOc per box. Adv. A man may become great by nccl lent, bin he never has uenulno wis lorn and c.nniluchs thrust upon him. WONDERFUL HOW QUICKLY RESIN0L STOPS ITCHING To those who havo endured for years the Itching torments of eczema or other audi akin-eruptions, tho relief that the first use of rcalnnl ointment nnd rcslnol soap gives Is perfectl incredi ble. After all the suffering they went through und all the useless treatments they spent good money for, they cannot believo anything so simple, mild and Inexpensive can stop the itching and burning INSTANTLY! And they find It atlll moro wonderful that tho Improvement is permanent and that rcslnol really drives away the eruption completely In n very short time. Perhaps thero is a pleas ant surprise liko this in Btoro tor you. Itcsinnl ointment and rcslnol soap aro sold hy all druggists. Adv. A stroiig-neaded man may lie wenk minded Answer (he Alarm! A bad back makes a day's work twice an hard. Hackaclic usually comes from weak kidneys, and if headaches, dizzi ncKS or urinary diFordera are added, don't wait get help before dropsy, travel or Itripht's dixeaRO ret in. Doan's Kidney Pills have brought new life and new strength to thousands of working men nnd women. Used nnd recommend ed the world over. A Kansas Case -ivrrTV.T.-.'. . . - ,...,, 'illlf u Story - JW uwnn ....... - j rarmer, no a. oeconu St.. Iota, Kan., pays: "When youtiB I hurt my back and for twenty-nve years af- .VHiL jbjMif tcr my left kidney 11 s bothered me. The I Cfv kidney secretions Wte wore too free, esno- clnlly at night anil if I remained stooped long, dizziness enmo over mo. Doan's Kidney Pills removed tho pain in my back nnd llxed mo up In bettor shape than I had been for yonrs." Get Doan's at Any Stora, 50c a Box DOAN'S "pYJLV FOSTER-M1LBURN CO BUFFALO, N. Y. A Soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed For Douches In the local treatment of woman's ilia, uch aa loucorrhoca and inflammation, hot douches ot Paxtlno aro very euicaclous. No woman who has ever used medicated douches will fail to nnnreclnto tho clean and houltliy condition Pastine produces nnd tho prompt relief from soronosa and discomfort which follows its use. This Is because Paxtlno possesses superior cleansing, disinfect lug una Healing properties. l'or ten vcars tho L villa K. i Pinkliam Modicino Co. has roc- ominemleil Paxtlno in their prlvato correspondence with wo. inon, which proves its superi ority. omen wno navo occn lcllovort lav it is " worth ita ,&-! A MmMv ML Wifm tffS fSzs? V L"--Mhcmm if$&ii weight In gold." At druggists, "'-w?. Tho Puxton Toilet Co., Boston, Mas. ' V W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 49-1916. ). s tJnf i,jM j