fyMm, ,... .....L, , m , ,i w t fi'ii&i'1SfiSitiiyiyg5..N "jJ lirIIwii iirj-r "" w- rr-"" pmn ip ' -- ' -a - iUf ... 1-.U,. ifcM Js RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF TfjBfiiSKEiESr mm (ft! Jn. . lk MWtfa- i- i m f"j. hi ti NO ALUM BAKING POWDER I Made from Cream .of Tartar Absolutely Pure THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud. Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Entered In the. 1'ontoniro tit Hid (.'load, Nob. m Hccond CIrni Matter A h. Mt'AKTIIUK l'lJIlMSIIKIl THE ONLY DKMOUKATIU I'AI'KH WEU8TKU COUNTY IN Tho ofllccrs of tlio Farmer's Institute worked hard nil Inst week and they deserve unstinted prulso for what thoy did. Not a thing was overlooked and every part of tho program wns carried oat without a hitch. These people who had this instltuto in charge had a llg problem on their, hands but they solved it to the satisfaction of every one. Hats off to the olllcers and de partment heads of the Farmer'! Insti tute. The difference between a Farmer's Institute and the ordinary county fair Is this, at the instltuto every premium is paid in full and as as a rale the pre (alums of the county fair are nearly al ways pro-rated orfwt psMat nh U big Institute can pay out in full with out a single charge for admission why fwntinf a. nnntitv fnlr An flu. "ttnmit thing? The real rensotf is because titer county fair thinks It must have -homo racing arid costly nmusements to draw crowd and an institute docs not At a county fair the horse men get .their money and there 1h none left for tho xhibltots. The worst of it is the, THces are ruees in name only. Usually one horse trots horenly n round tho track and there is never any question about whleh oue will win. Hut they get tho money. Another draw bnek to a county fair Is the state pi-Ice admits nlou feu. This cuts down the at tend ance and ovoivono Is disgruntled. Order to Show tatise !tntoil Nehriihkii, I Ul -vu county Court. w clutter County, f At iv County Court held at tho County 4'otirt room In and for Mild county Widnts- day, NoMinlur l7th,lUI0. In tho matter ol tint istalo ol lliury P. llllltcr, lU'CI'llKCd. On rcndliik' mid tlllnn tin petition ol .lohn WUoiu, pra Iiik tlint ndmlnlMriulon ol Haiti "Witnto nmy In' uranlid to Cora M. Cutler, vlduw ol m Id dtcidcin, iim Administratrix. OUDKIM'.H, that Friday tlio tuih day ol 1uceiiibcr, A. It. 1UI5, nt two o'clock p. in., In 'MlKi'd lor licarliiK Mld petition, whin all ItciwiiiH IntcrtKUd In wild inattir uuiy ap lr at a County Court to lie held In and lor mkl County mid show cnuso w hy pru) cr ol IH'UUoiiit Hliould not bo Krauttd; and tliat xuitlcool the pendency ol Mild petition and AebcnrtiiK thereol lu kImh to nil persons tulwcMcd In wild matter, hy publishing a aty ol thin order In the Hed Cloud Chlcl, a wwkly newspaper printed In Bald county, or Utreo coiiNWutlve weeks prior to Hald day t1 hearing A I). ItANNhr, Sel) County J mine. """! the County Court oV Webster tunly Nebraska. WATKOI'NIMIItASKA, I Webster county, MS. -CM tho matter ol the etato o I Dm Id I,. "iUiual deceased. 'CUKDlTOItS of said estate will lake notice, (bat tho time limited lor presentation nud mtiig of claims acalitHt the batuo U Juno TTth, HUB; and (or the payment ol debts la -Tforreinber Pith, MM, that I will kit at tho -otwty court room In said county on the l'Jth stay, ul Juno IUIO, nt I0 o'clock n.m.,turi 'wire, oxanilno, hear, allow, or adjust nil XJalms and ohjcctlou duly tiled. Dated thl l'Jth day ol November, A. I).,ll&, (Heal.) A. I. HANNKY, County JuiIko. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DKNTIBT tVEt SUIE LURK Retf CloMd -" Nebraska New House For Sale A new four room house, with soreen d porch 8 by ill feet. Will sell at a mtj reasonable price. For further information inquire of The Chief. P Farmers1 Institute Was A Big Success (Continued from 1st pitge) success of tho ladles' department of the Institute is largely due to her sup ervision. Also that a copy of this resolution be spread upon the records of this association. The following are the names of those who were awarded premiums nt the Institute: CATTLEi liecf Breei UULL, 2 YEAHS-, 1st., Frank Dean. 2nd., J. W. Crow. HULL 1 YEAR 1st., C. W. Johnson. HULL UNDER 1 YEAR 1st., J. M. Stoward & Son. 2nd., J. M. Stow'ard & 'Son. COW, 3 YEARS. 1st., J. M. Steward & Son. 2nd., Frank Hean. COW 2 YEARS 1st., J. M. Stoward & Son. 2nd., Frank Hean. COW 1 YEAR 1st., C. W. Johnson. 2nd., Frank Hean. COW UNDER 1 YEAR 1st., C. W. Johnson. 2nd., J. M. Steward & Son. SWEEPSTAKES, HULL '' C. W. Johnson. i .- " U SWEEPSTAKES, COW- ' ' 'V" j. w. Jonnson. . T u BEST HERD, 1 MALE (AND 3l FE MALES , ' o ' ft 1st., C. W. joniiRpn; f 2nd., J. M. Stoward & 'Sdn. " Hiury HrfcdH ' COW U YEARS OR OLDER v 1. ' 1st., E. S. Garner,,' J 2nd., Jno. U. Stawser. HORSES Draft STALLION ,' iSenlor. 1st., A." Frttcgcr. .lunlor, 1st., Henry Kecney. Sweep Stakes, A. Fringer. MARE OR UICLUING 4 YEARS OR OLU10R 1st., J. A. Hall. 2nd., J. W. Crow. MARIO OR GELDING 3 YEARS, UN DER 4 1st., Jan. Doylo. 2nd., Hue.li Mcl'artlln. MARE OR GELDING 2 YEARS, UN DER :i 1st., Glen Mountford. 2nd., Will Kuehn. COLT 1 YEAR 1st., F. L. Smith. 2nd., .1. M. Stoward & Son. COLT UNDER 1 YEAR 1st., C. W. Johnson. 2nd., Glen Mounttoul. HoiuMer or t'oiuh STALLION I 1st., Ed. Pano. 2nd., Ed. Gilbert. .MARE' OR GELDING 3 YEARS, UN DER 4 1st., Ed. Payne. Jno. Gilbert. Roadster or Couch YEAR, UNDER 2 R. W. Koontz. Ed, Payno. 2nd., COLT 1 1st., 2nd., MULES lucks mid Jliinejx JAUK 1st., 2nd., II. V. Cobus. F. S. Copley. J1NNEY 1st., R. W. Koontz. JACK 2 YEARS 1st.. R. W. Koontz. COLT UNDER 1 YEAR 1st., R. W. Koontz. E'THER SEX. 2 YEARS 1st., Frank Klllnger. 2iul James Doyle. COLT, 1 YEAR 1st., Harry Stuuluird. 2nd., Hert Stunkurd. COLT UNDER 1 YEAR 1st., Joseph l)pham, Jr. 2nd., F. L. Smith. Miscellaneous TEAM FARM MARES 1st.. J. W. Crow. TEAM MULES 1st., Hert Stunkurd. 2nd., J. W. Crow. SHETLAND PONIES 1st., Mrs. C. II. Miner. CARRIAGE TEAM 1st., Josonh Topham, Jr. 2nd., Charles Hurpham. SINGLE DRIVER 1st., Ed. Payne. 2nd.. Ed. Gilbert. TEAM HORSES 1 HARNESS 1st.. J. W. Crow. TEAM MULES IN HARNESS 1st., Hert Stunkard. 2nd., J. W. Crow. HOGS Poland China HOAR UNDER SIX MONTHS 1st.. J. M. Steward & Son. 2nd., Lyman Essig. SOW 2 YEARS OLD AND OVER 1st., J. M. Steward & Son. 2nd., J. M. Steward & Son. SOW 1 YEAR'OLD 1st., Lyman Essig. . 2nd., J. M. Steward &.S011. SOW C MONTHS - 1st., Lymnn L-slg. Sid.. J. M. Stoward & Son. SOW l .VPER C MONTHS lrt., Linaii Essig. 2nd., Lyman Essig. REST PAIR 1st., J. 31. Steward & Son. 2nd., Lymnn Essig. REST SOW AND LITTER 1st., Lyman Essig. 2nd., W. D. Thomas. Sweepstakes REST HOAR ANY AGE J. M. Stoward & Son. REST SOW ANY AGE Lyman Essig. IMiroc Jcrsoy HOAR 2 YEARS 1st., E. N. Roberts. HOAR 1 YEAR 1st., C. L. Herrlck. 2nd.. C. L. Herrlck. HOAR C MONTHS 1st., C. L. Herrlck. 2nd., C. L. Herrlck. HOAR UNDER C MONTHS 1st., C. W. Johnson. 2nd,, E. N. Roborts. SOW 1 YEAR 1st., C. W. Johnson. SOW C MONTHS 1st., E. N. Roberts. 2nd., C. L. Herrlck. SOW UNDER C MONTHS 1st.. E. N. Roberts. BEST PAIR 1st.. E. N. Roberts. 2nd., C. L. Herrlck. BEST SOW E. N. Roberts. BEST HOAR E. N. Roborts. Poultry UARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS 1st., Mrs. F. L. Smith. 2nd., J. O. Butler. WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCKS 1st., Henry Lambrccht. 2nd., Ed. McAllister. GOLDEN WYANDOTTES 1st., Jno. H. Stanscr. WHITE WYANDOITES 1st., Lyman Essig. 2nd., Max Mlzcr. RHODE ISLAND REDS 1st., Mrs. I. W. White. 2nd., J. O. Uutler. HUFF ORPINGTONS 1st., W. U. Aloxnndor. 2nd., W. B. Aloxander. WHITE LEGIHORNS 1st., Frank Sutton. 2nd., Mrs. I. W. White. BUFF LEGHORNS 1st., Mrs. C. H. Miner. ' BROWN LEGHORNS 1st., Will Kent. 2nd., Mrs. B. F. Points. HOUDANS 1st., Joseph Topham, Jr. -CAPONS . ,i 1st., F. S. Copley. ,. t BLACK LANGSHANS 1st., Mrs. Guy Day. INDIAN GAMES .. 1st, Earl Smith. MAMMOTH BRONZE TURKEYS 1st., Nolson Hays. TOULOUSE GEESE 1st., Harry Topham. iINDIAN RUNNER DUCKS lHt..nJack Wllmnt. 1 iandj, C-.)L. Crabljl. J ' ; '. V '1 i,ji (1 51 11 2nd.( Harry Topham.) .BANTAMS 1 1st., Mrs. C. H. Miner. . h a , 2nd., Mildred njhd Elizabeth Mlzcr., " ' .'. - it' .. GUINEAS 1st., Nelson Hays. i2nd., NeJcon Hays. ' L ,r' SWEEPSTAKES ' Lyman "Essig. HIGHEST SCORING FEMALE Frank Suttbn. Farm Products TEN EARS YELLOW CORN 1st., C. M. Lovcrcheck. 2nd., Henry Lambrccht. TEN EARS WHITE CORN ' 1st., George Hefflebower. 2nd.. C. L. Herrlck. TEN EARS RED OR BLdODY BUTCHER CORN 1st., C. L. Herrlck. 2nd.. E. N. Roberts. TEN EARS CALICO CORN 1st., E. N. Roberts. 2nd., August Hrlnkman. TEN EARS ANY COLOR Georgo Hefriebower. BEST COLLECTION lht., Henry Lambrccht. 2nd., E. N. Roberts. TEN EARS OF YELLOW CORN HY HOY UNDER 10 YEARS Robert Hasklns. ', TEN EARS OF WHITE CORN BY HOY UNDER 1C YEARS 1st., Robert Hasklns. 2nd., Elery Hooper. TEN EARS OF SWEET CORN 1st., Ernest Hasklns. 2nd., E. N. Roborts. TEN EARS OF POP CORN ', 1st., John Coon, Jr. '2nd., Henry Lambrccht PECK WHEAT lst.,.'A. B. Crablll. 2nd.. Ed. Payne. PECK OATS lst,"AuEust. Brlnknun. 2nd., Harry Topham. PECK MILLET ' 1st., Bert Hllnkcnstoff. 2nd.. Bert Bllnkcnstofr. PECK EARLY OHIO POTATOES 1st., Alec Beu'tloy. 2nd., Chas. Ludlow. PECK OTHER VARIETY 1st., Wlnfleld Palmer. 2nd.. J. M. Stoward. PECK ONIONS 1st., Geo. A. Latin. 2nd., John Coon, Sr. PECK TURNIPS 1st, J. M. Stoward. , ,-' 2nd., Mrs, Chas. Ludlow, ?.' PECK TABLE BEETS ' ' ' 1st, J. M. Stoward. 2nd., J. M. Steward. SIX JARSNIPS 1st., Noise Hayes. "nd., -ack WUmot SI... CARROTS .. John Sutton. ' 2ni. Robert Hoxsey. ' ' MANGLE BEETS to- 1st.. R. Blrkner. , c' 2nd.. R. Blrkner. PEPPERS 1st, J. B. Stouser. CABBAGE 1st, J. B. Stausor. 2nd., J. B, Stauser. PUMPKINS 1st., J. M. Steward. 2nd.. C. L. Herrlck. SQUASH 1st., E. N. RobcrtB. 2nd., E. N. Roberts. CASHAWS 1st., Len Aultz. ' 2nd,, Lawrence Pierce. (Continued on page eight) jgll! iliillfi Well Dressed Wear Wooltex That's Why They're Well Dressed Correct Styles and Wooltex Quality Keeps Them Stylish Looking Style and Quality Are Equally Good In Wooltex Tailored Garments Wooltex Garments Coats - Suits - Skirts SOLD IN RED CLOUD BY The Miner Bros. Co. ' H'lV (.; ..ft .:. .'C'-.... 1 ,wj -fff ' X! Coiis'v SuiU - Dry Action - of Single. Spoonful , Surprises Many Red Cloud people who bouKht tho simple mixture of buckthorn bark, irlycerine, etc , known ns Adler-1-ku, hYh surprised at I.nSTANT clfcct of a SINGLE SPOONFUL. This remedy lb so complete a bowel cleanser that it U uspiI successfully in appendicitis. Adler-lka acts on BOTH upper nn' lower bowel and ONE SPOONFUL re lieves almost ANY CASE of constipa tion, sour or iray btouiach. ONL MINUTE after you take It the pases riimblo nnd rmss out. C. L. C Cotting, druggist. In the County Court of Webster County Nebraska. HTA1KOKNK1IUA-.KA, I.. Webster County, f h IN tlio mutter ol tho estate ol William I rons deceit hihI. OUKlMTOKHof MililtnttUo will Hike notice. that the tlmo lluiltttl lor prisLiitiitlon nnd ItlltiR ol claims iiK'alnst theHnmu iH.ltiue liith, llltfi; nnd lor the pay ment ol ilebts Is Novoiu 1:1th, tain, that 1 will sit at tho county court room In hald county on tho 111th dny ol .lune 1U10, at 10 o'clock, A. M., to receive, exam ine, hear, allow, or mljust nil claims iind o,)- Jcetlonsduly tiled. Dated thlNtath day ol November, A. n., iHir. A. I). HANNKY, (ska 1.) County Judge. Noticed Final RejKitt. In tho County Court ol Webster county, Nebraska. In tho matter ol the estate ol I'rederlck Wlttwer, deceaned. All persons Interested In wild estate are hereby iiotltled that the Ktecutors have llltd a tliutl account mid report ol their admin istration, and a petition lor llnal Kcttlemeut ol their account and a deeno ol distribution ol tho rial estate nnd residue of tho-pcrKontil property und a dlKdiarKu from their trust, which linvo been net lor lunrluu before Hald court on tho 2iith dny ol November, ID1&, lit 10 o'clock A.M., when nil persona Interested In tho promises may appear nud contest the BillllO.' Dated thls,(Uli diy of November, lltlu. SKAI.l A. D. IlANNKV, 1 County Judise, Sheriff's Sale. Notlco In hereby ijlvcn that by virtue ol tho decree 01 foreclosure, rendered uy me uisinoi Court, ol Webster county, Nebraska, at tho September term 1914. In tho action therein pcudinK, wherein Charles Guy Is nlnlntlir. nnd Jobu I.. Christian otal. are doiendnnts. I will 011 tho )lh day ol November 1015, at '1 o'clock p. 111. at the south door ol tho court house In Hed Cloud, In said county, otter and sell at public auction to the highest bidder, lor cash, the tollowliiK described real estate, The North Halt 01 the South Hall ol Section Twenty-Nine (2a), In Township One (t) North, Unnge Ten (10), West ol the 6th p. 111. Webster County, Nebraska, uutler and to BatUly tho said decree. IklrJ rti.tnlu.r-.nth.lMr. o. u. Hkuok. Sheriff Corn Shelter For Sale A 4 hole.Tolllet corn nhcller with ex tension feed. The shcllcr has been run one Reason and in us good ns new. Inquire of U.'RaRseror B. Himes. 3 "A MIGHTY SAFE PLACE TO TRADE" l? -rt. ..-.f . . IV. " ... . . .. ' M - Goods - Ruts -Shoes - IT IS GETTING LATE But if you have to have some done in a hurry, please'give us a call Either Phone. Piatt 8 Frees The Table that Saves Steps Why trudge to the attic or tho basement for extra leaves when you can have them right inside the table and at no extra cost? The Robbins is tho only table that has this simple and convenient feature. It is one of the advantages of buying the Robbins kind and it is one you will appreciate more and more as you use it. Robbins Tables are built by men who have studied table construc tion for forty years-men who know how to build tables that are convenient, good to look at 'and durable. Comejn and let us show you why ROY SAT Furniture and Underteking Red Cloud g . ' - . . f9HHHI'vaHHiiJHBH 3 C Women D D ... . .. 1. 1H1 1 .j.t 1..i Underwear -Groceries S J VT. VxviNJMV- INVTHE eXsON FOR S S svNasN'w", DC Ask for "CENTURY EDITION "Sheet Music Standard nnd classical, forcicn and American Composers; finest edi tion published. All prndes: lor tc.-.clnnR, drawing-room or concert. Usui and recommended in leading Schoo'snnd Conservatories. 10c a Copy Regardless of Publishers' Pricet . Get " Century " Catnlos of 2,000 .elections. We carry the llne. CHAS. L. COTTING the Robbins is a good table to buy. lf n v i; I i U ilka SH '