The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 25, 1915, Image 3

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Girl Is Bed-Ridden and Speech
less for Ten Years After
a Fall.
j?j OOUHOumc k
Wooden Icehouse, Insulated With 8awdust or Mill Shavings.
(Prepared by tho United States Depart
ment of AKriculturv.)
Among Its typical designs for farm
icehouses suited to dairymen tlio Unit
ed States department of ngriculturo
offers the following suggestion for a
wooden Icehouse, Insulated with saw
dust or mill Bhavings:
Framing. All framing used should
bo dry, squaro-edged, sawed fair and
full to the sizes given, and should not
contain any of the following defects:
Worm holes, shrikes, heart pith,
warped, twisted, or unovenly sawed
lumber, rotten or unsound knots. Sizes
to bo as shown on drawings.
Boards. All boards used should bo
thoroughly dry and sound and frco
from looao knots, heart centers,
shakes, or splits, and should bo
dressed and tongucd and grooved. Un
seasoned boards should bo carefully
Papers. All paper used should be
heavy waterproofed insulating paper,
VUPC 2.1Gf,CllO
Mtfct. JlAVtKtb
TlO nattnd
.. !-'
End View of Icehouse.
not the ordinary building paper. Dou
ble thickness of paper should bo used
in all cases, each layer lapping bIx
Inches over tho preceding ono. Tho
layers should extend continuously
around all corners, and breaks should
ho carefully covered.
Insulation. When shavings or saw
dust are used they should bo thorough
ly dry and freo from dirt, chips, and
bark, and well packed into place.
When commercial insulation is used
and Jnstalled by the manufacturers, it
is usually under guaranty that the in
sulation will not transmit moro than
Labor Should Not Be Continued for
Long Period Without Good Rest
and Change of Diet.
Horses at work on the farm should
be given tho best of care, and tho
work should not bo too severe or
continued for too long timo without
giving tho horso a rest and change
of diet. Collars should bo examlnod
frequently to see that they conform
to changes in tho slzo of tho neck as
fat changes to muscles, and' tho
names should bo kept perfectly ad
justed to tho collar. Tho mane should
bo kept from under tho collar and
tho shoulders should bo washed at
meal times, preferably with a llttlo
salt in tho wator. Oats is tho stand
ard grain whero available and mixed
clover and timothy is ono of tho best
hayB. A llttlo hay may bo givon at
noon, all tho animals will eat up
cleanly ovor night," and none in tho
morning. Water should bo givon
threo times a day before feeding, and
it should bo clean enough for, the
owner to drink, Ohio Agricultural
College Bulletin.
Keep Animals Feeling and Looking
Good and Flock Will Return the
Best They Possess.
Tho main point in tho business of
sheep breeding is to get tho best lot
of breeding ewes you can for tho
money you have to invest, then the
best ram, and aim to handle them so
as to get tho best results in numbers
and quality of progeny.
This means an observance of caro
and feeding that will keep these ani
mals alwayB feeling good, looking
good, and the flock will return to you
tho best they have.
Ufl m i. 'O- inoF V3
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fr'-P, '
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a cortaln amount of heat under given
Cinders. Coal cinders should he
used where obtainable to cover the
ground area of building in prefcrenco
to sand or gravol.
Excavating and Grading. Excavate
for floor and foundations sufficient to
got a solid and firm footing. Orndo
entire floor to level shown and roll
and tamp until firm and solid.
Foundations Footings should bo of
stone or concrete of bIzo shown on
drawings and of sufficient depth to in
sure a solid foundation.
Carpenter Work All work to bo
oxocuted in a substantial workman
like manner.
Walls. Sot up doublo rows of 2 by
4 staggered with ono 2 by 4 tlo, as
shown on drawings, and cover outsldo
with ono course of -lnch tongued-and-grooved
boards. Place on tho out
sldo of this two layers of water
proofed Insulating paper and then a
good quality of drop or shlplap siding.
For Inside of room placo directly on
studs ono courso of -lnch tongicd-and-grooved
boards, then two layers of
waterproofed Insulating papor, and
finish with ono course of -lnch
tongucd-and-grooved boards. Paper
to extend continuously around tho cor
ners nnd lap six inches.
Ceiling. Celling to bo constructed
as shown on drawings, with ono courso
of -lnch matched boards nailed to
joists, then two layers of waterproofed
insulating paper, following by a courso
of -lnch tongucd-and-grooved boards.
Roof. Hoof to be sheeted with i
Inch rough hoard and covered with
good quality of shingles laid 4
inches to weather and securely nailed.
Or some one of tho patented roofings
may be used.
Doors. Doors to bo constructed as
shown on detail drawings, of a good
quality of seasoned lumber. Com
mercial doors can bo bought at a
roasonablo prico, nnd will probably
glvo better satisfaction than thoso con
structed by an inexperienced carpen
ter. Drainage. Provido for thorough
dralnago by filling in a floor about 12
Inches deep with cinders or gravol,
and if necessary provide a 3-inch
porous tllo drain. Drain to be proper
ly trapped to provent warm air from
entering room.
Ventilation. Provido ventilation as
shown on drawings.
Pasture Rotation, Combined With
Drugs, la Practical Method of Suc
cessfully Combating Pest.
Tho stomach worm is tho worst pest
affecting sheep. Lambs aro moro sus
ceptible than oldor sheep, probably
because tho older sheep aro accus
tomed to the presence of tho worm.
In tho spring, soon after lambing, tho
old sheep should each receive a doso
of ono or two ounces of gasoline, fol
lowed by a small doso of epsom salts.
After a day or two they should bo
placed in a worm-frco pasture, if pos
sible. In July treat tho whole herd, includ
ing tho lambs, with gasolino, and
turn them into now pasture, and re
peat the process in November. Pas
ture rotation, combined with drugs
that are injurious to the worms, is n
practical method of successfully com
bating this worm.
Results of Research Have Been of Im
mense Value to Farmers In Many
Different Branches.
Scientists have learned much about
soils and plants and animals. They
have classified tho soils and know
about their crop adaptation. Tho ef
fects of manures, fertilizers, lime,
dralnago and cultivation have been
studied. Varieties cf the various
grains, grasses, legumes, fruits and
vegetables have been compared. Tho
production of fruit and vegetables de
mands great skill.
Science has enabled the orchardlst
and market gardoner to combat suc
cessfully some of the worst funguses
and insect foes. In dairying and poul
try husbandry tho results of research
have Immense value for practical men.
5 y
Neither the Child Nor Her Parents
Discover She Is Better Gradually
Led to Walk and Talk
By Teacher.
Los Angeles. Ono of tho most ro
markable cases known In medical his
tory and ono fraught with interest
both to surgeons nnd to students of
psychology, has been called to the at
tention or scientists In this city. It
is tho case of Cnrlotnu Sauscdo, a flf-toon-ycarold
For threo years Carlotna was con
sidered a hopeless paralytic, who
would never bo able to speak or walk.
Sho had been Injured by n fall an hor
head from a swing when sho was
twelvo years old.
It 1b declared now by doctors and
her tcachors that whatever body or
brain injuries sho may havo received
from that fall have been absolutely
outgrown and that sho is pcrfoctly
normal physically and mentally, ex
copt that hor mind has failed to reg
ister tho fact of hor recovery.
Doesn't Realize She Is Well.
In other words, nccordlng to tho
doctors, If the child's mind can bo
wakened to tho fact that bIio has re
covered from hor fall oho will bo nblo
to walk, talk and dovolop as other
children do.
Whllo three weeks ago Carlotaa
could not speak and could not walk
alono, today sho speaks with caso,
walks without help and can ovon
walk up and down tho school stairs
Threo years ago tho llttlo girl
pitched from a swing to her head.
Sho was picked up and stood on hor
feet. Instead of standing still sho
began to whirl round and round. Sho
was entirely unablo to stand still or
to sit up. Sho wns put1 to bod and
pronounced a hopeless paralytic. Her
power of speech was completely
Schoolteacher Finds Her.
With tho beginning of tho present
school term Miss Ettie Lee, ono of the
In Bed for Three Years.
grammar school teachers, discovered
the child. There wcro Ave other chil
dren in tho family, all normal, and
Miss Leo inquired into Carlotaa's his
tory. Securing medical examination,
she learned that, whatever bodily in
Jury may have been caused by the
fall, it no longer existed.
"Wo cannot toll Carlotaa she is not
a cripple or sick because her mind
has to bo wakened up gradually to
that fact," Miss Leo said, "but wo aro
teaching her by degrees. Sho is placed
In a special class at school and hor
teacher inventr Uttlo exercises and
lessons for her
"She had to bo almost carried to
school. Her teacher made a Bmall
Band pile in tho playground and
many times a day took Carlotaa there
and helped her walk over it. Today
Carlotaa can walk up and down the
school stairs. Tho othor'day sho went
alono to tho soup kltchon, got her cup
of soup and sipped it unaided.
Was In Bed Three Years.
"Whon school oponcd she could not
talk. Now sho talks to us and knows
what wo say. Sho can count in Eng
lish and Spanish and can writo her
own name. Hor rather tolls mo sho
was unusually bright beforo tho fall,
and I see no reason to supposo that
sho cannot bo restored to her former
"Sho has been in bed for tho great
er part of tho past threo years, as
tho schools at Chlno would not take
her in. So, whllo her body healed it
self, apparently her mind never re
covered from tho shock of tho fall."
Llttlo Carlotaa was taken to tho
Parent-Teacher clinic for further ex
amination to verify the diagnosis or
other doctors. If a similar report la
mado, her special teachers will con
tinue as thoy havo bogun in their
novel work of teaching tho child's
mind that hor body is neither pax
alyzed nor injured in any way. '
free by saving
,v,.w. -
or with
delicious (italics u you win ante ior u.
Save the Trade-Mark Signatures
from nil Skluner packages nnd send the
coupon louny
pet a complete
munity far riato silverware wnn
Skinner's Macaroni Products.
All good
sen SKinner's
Buy It by tho
24 packages
Tht LaritiX
Mtcevnl Ftdtry
BtptA OmalM.Neb.
Dreary Samuel in Earnest Effort to Se
cure Employment, but Not, of
Course, for Himself,
"Well, whnt do you want?" said the
master of the housu stonily to Dreary
Samuol, tho tailored tramp, as ho
stood outsldo tho door, shivering with
tho most accotnpllbhcd nrt.
"I'm lookliiR for work," replied h.
of tho unemployed brigndo. "Ain't
you got no srrubbln' or waahln' or
clcnnln' or nothlnk that an honost
body could do?"
This earnest npponl for work mado
tho housuholdor think that ho had nils
Judged a real, honest British laboror
out of work.
"Ah!" ho said, 'now you spoak like
a ninn. I like td'hcnr of anvono will
ing to make on effort. I novor tht ught
you wanted work of that kind."
"No moro I do," whined Samuel,
shuddering at tho bare idea. "It's
work for my wlfo that I'm a-lookln'
for." London Answers.
"I understand young Jlcgors has
takon up tho pursuit of literature."
"Yes, but ho linBn't caught it yet.
Llternturo Is pretty swift nowadays,
you know."
Tho prettiest thing in feminine
headgear is n good-humored face.
The Breakfast JHL
Shapes the Day , W$L
Load the stomach up with a breakfast Mm mhJlk JmkvU.
of rich, greasy food, end you clog both Sfl Viw ill Mvifii'
For real work real efficiency-try a rSrifll I - ak m R9rf3&
Grape-Nuts KBr
Some fruit, an egg, toast, and a cup of V HHb
Then tackle the work ahead with vigor HewiA
and a keen mind. There's joy in it . jJttwaavV
Grape-Nuts is a food for winners. jK vaK
"There's a Reason" ff 6
Sold by Grocers everywhere.
and learn how you can
the trade-mark signature from Skinner packages.
oiivervvare 01 quality. uuuiuiilia.u, ia.ii v.aio. u.uuu
ful Bridal Wreath pattern.
Skinner's products arc made from the finest durum wheat, in the
largest, cleanest and most sanitary macaroni factory in America.
There nro nine kinds of Skinner ProductsMacaroni, Spaghetti, 15cs
M.,,11u rn Miirnrnnl. Put Knntrhptti. F.lhnws. Sntin RinPS. Alt)hubct03.
, w. ........, .. ,...,...-...,.,., - ----- -
Vermicelli. These can be cookcu imy-ciRiu
f ..!.!.. ...!.! ,.i sf m.nt illf n t1n
Willi V.llt!lll tllira u 11 1 -.... n.v vak.iife.ittu. ......,
cheese, tomatoes, hsii.musi.rooms, oysters, etc.
Products cut down wonderfully on meat
More nutritious ana nettcr loryour neniin mo. o win
urnd vnu n lino rcclne book tclllne how toruako many
ior iuii lumnnnuon now io
set oi unciun com
He Was a Boy Himself.
"No," said Undo Fogy to a group of
urchins. "1 am not going to walk
through your gamo of marbles, but
around It. I was onco a boy myself
and know how you fuel about it. I
em not going to pat any of ynu on tho
heml nnd prognosticate that you will
bo president somo day. I was nnco a
boy myself nnd still remember how
tired I got of philanthropic old goops
patting mo on tbo head. On tho other
hand, you young varmints aro not go
ing to lam mo In the back with a
dornlrk when I etntt on my wny, as,
having onco been a boy mysulf, I
shrewdly suspect you Intend to do,
or I'll wrap my faithful hickory nround
you about twice apiece. Ilaur-ruumpl"
Kansas City Star.
He Pleased the Baby.
noBtnurant Patron (caustically) I
am glnd to boo your baby has shut up,
Mothor Yea, sir. You nro the only
thing that's plensod him since ho saw
tho nnlmals at tho zoo. Punk.
Its Class.
"Forestry is a science"
"No, It's an art. Imi't it where all
the wood cuts enmo from?"
Men laugh at fomlnlno folly, but It
fools them Just the same.
The man who goes through life on a
bluff eventually walks.
Send the counon below
get a complete set of
uutercni ways.
tnllt fill 1lti1l
Htmrm m
w Mlfi. CO.
unt. a I
Omaha, Ntfe.
flrti. rnij mi fj
f m nkfain I lnlilA lV.. H
monllr Tar I'LL Hl!trwr
tir Tin lan.turr Irem m
ilonr' tUcuonTrnKtuctt.
Kansan's Act Hard to Beat, Even by
Those Who Have Made the Mat
ter a Study.
Oomor Dnvlos of tho Concordia Kan
sun, declares that tho worst tightwad
story bo ovor heard was told hint
years ago by Doctor Jones at Hupubllo
City. Tho doctor was an all-around
practitioner, and occasionally pulled
tooth, tho town having no dontlst. The
president of ono of tho banks enmo la
to tho doctor's otllco onotivonlng .ead
lug his nevon-yearold boy by the
I ...I nn . I. I III .. .a
tnuiui. vuv, no iihkuu, iiuvo jou m
tooth forceps Im Iy?" (lotting "Yob"
for an answer, he ankod to seo them,
and tho doctor hnuded them over.
Tho banker put the boy In a com
mon chair, onuned tho child's mouth,
Inserted tho forcepB and yanked out a
molar to tho accompaniment of bowls
of pain. 'There," uuld tho banker,
handing back tin lorceps, "tho thing
Is out all right enough, and Just as
well as if I'd paid you 50 cents for
doing it. Let's go homo, kid, and
quit your bawling." Kansas City
Tho woman who neglects her hus
band's shirt front Ih scarcoly the wife
of his bosom. I
If n hostess did not go to extra trou
ble mighty few pooplo would stay to
j, '