iSSl!&SSSSSif9rtMiSS: RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF .. ivrtrr uttm ttM f fl., n P tfflfm lll'ilf (tl()rtPlf "l" ipM'' ii ' , iih i. ' 'i .! hi inn ilm hi WWW'W-WWWWIIIHWI l hi I I It i Why Not e W D ell ressea f te Come In And Let Me Show You My Line of Dry Goods While You Are In Town Institute Week I Have A Well Selected Slock In The Following Goods And The Prices Are Low--Quality Considered Outing Night Dresses Dress Goods Sweaters Velvets Go!!; Gloves Kid Cloves Underwear Fabric Gloves Hose Silks Blankets Silk Petticoats Goods Delivered Free With A Purchase Of $1.00 Or Over (-2 I fe Barbara Phares f onl For Bullerick Patterns and Warner Bros. Corsets (& Pinnae onrfl MncirjaG Mtfiynnrlica ( A t4KlU WiitU iTiUiJAW.a Kltii. Viimi-UIO UNDERTAKING LKDY KTTENDKNTI Cull Answered Day or Night 1 61 FTi AI fcri MAM w 3 idU4 iru bAM XiA.r iX rJ. .. TV-zr phones SS&SGHaraigKi 3&S rasaaEHsaCSC 3 WH Hfc. o Ik. 6 McFARLAND BUILDING g a I Go To The United Church And You Will Go Again Sunday, November 21st The Philosophy of John, Locke And It's Effed On Religious History (Morning Subject) Life of Booker T. Washington (Subject Sunday Evening) U R WELCOME - SPECIAL MUSIC I The United Church I I J. L. Beebe, Pastor 1st Door South ol Court House WE WILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OF YOUR COAL ORDERS platt&Tfrees " " af"At- Farmers' Institute Now In Full Swing (Colli iniU'il fio llrstpHgc) r Ht'ililv whh HihI ii Imv out lit Cm)- hridge N'ehm-ikii, suceoeilnd in raiding o ghty eight Im-heN oT corn from one Mill- It naturally fallows thit a ys I 'in Unit unit touch ahoy to accompli h what Hie men hnvufnllcd to nceotnplUh imitl liu of some lienellt. llo closed ly picdli'tiug tht the time would come when tlio public schools would lie Hit' ci'iiti'i' of tins community lift, uii'l would Iih acknowledged us tlu llrst fiu'lor In oiirujoiiiiiiiit'il develop iii lit Tin' double quintet of the 1 1 i jr 1 1 school gave two verv pleasing songs, wliii-li hioiiuht loud iippluiisc. Many of the mnllcncc wen1 uiiiU'i the im prossion Unit this was the end of the program, mill ot bets were, uiieoinlort libit; owing to the cold, so Unit, the lust nddtcss which was to have been given by Mr. V. H Mnuivriviis postponed un til SOtllU flltlll'O tlmo. Wednesday nioriilug whs spent in jtittKiiir the cattle and It was very evidmt that the boys in the ngtlctil tuml uhi&s took a keen interest in this phase of tho Ii Hlitute. Ily the uuy thoe boys are quick to catch the point and thoy wore giently benefitted by having COllCICtl! examples to '.voile up- on In tile tittetnoon the pupils of the Lincoln building gave a souk reed I- ill whifh I'onvini'ed everyone that the leacning or singing in our public schools Is a deoided success. fritiiii Is ii(i taught in all tho guides of our school nod we have reason to bo proud of the neliiewtneuts of tho yoiingstcis In the t!ie High school or ehestta Un i.Ulit-ii the iiiumo which was up to stumbled in every lespeet. Miss l'loienee .liduiston gave a lending which was well icL'civoi). Miss .loliiu stem bus a rlear voice, exact e'ltiucin tlon and a pleasing delivery. lion. 12 M, Pollard iis then intro duced and deliveied a splendidadihess of "XelirusUa us an Agi h'liltnral State." The .speaker foivu lutly iviuinded Us that this state is prliunrily a farming state and that all our forces ought to be united to make the must out of our Boil. Much had been accomplished in the past but we mo far from perfect ion. The frtrmer.s' congress, the state farm and the agricultural schools to gether with tho hearty co-operation of the fanners themselves would and will make wonderful strides in tho tiext few yeiu.s. The speaker showed a thoro familiarity with his subject and his address was much enjoyed. fc FIRE THE ALARM is a riiemtuil thing OF FIRE for tho mini without Insurance. Kvory time he sous the engines racing along lii heart fumes up in his tin nut H tho lire ii any whom near his place What folly, w hut mis taken oeotio'iij,. THE COST OF is so small that it INSURANCE need hardly be considered The fret dom from wnny alono is wmth it main times over Have us Insure ymi to day Reliable Insurance. Don't fail to soo the big'j to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. TRY AUCTIONEER... COL. R. C. PETERS SEE HIM NOW FOR SALE DATES He Understands Livestock Values and lias Enjoyed Great Success as an Auction eer That Gets The Money. iMio.Ni: un wiiin i.ti:to COL. R. C. PETERS Guide Rock, .;. Nebraska Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED CSTOiTiri: Ovkii Ai.iiiikuu's Stork DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OVEK KME IUNH Red Cloud Nebraska Attend the foot ball gnmo tomorrow. In llic Comity Court oV Webster Count) Rr.lir.isan. si 1 I ill m im s , i W tliMi r i unit), i s' Is the iiiatttr nt tin ihtutt oltUU.l I.. 1 1 runt li tiiisiM. I'UKDIlousofhal.tistiUfWlll tnliO notlie. that the tliuo itiuite,! for ireMiitaiton unit lllliii; of claims against tlio muiio U June 17th, nun, ami for the payment of iltlimu No ember l.'lh. Itfltt, that I will sit nt the county court room in haul county on the null d.iy of June I mil, at 10 o'clock a. in., to re ccle, examine, hear, allow, or mljusi all claims ami ohjictluiis ilul) tiled, IMtul this IJtli ilay tit ,o ciiiIk r. A. 1)., una, (Seal.) a. P. UANNi:v, County .Indue. HER 60LDENR0D DYE Dy MURIEL CHANCE i jjm i neonx iu.i- vwu .' v.vu1 . unoaimri It was the tnt t wonderful expert enco that Nancy had over had Tor a long time nfier it happened ko could not mako hcrj'.'lf heliovo that It was true alio wi8 weaving In tho nttic, mak lng the homespun ruxa which had bo como a village industry in tho little Pennsylvania town Her wlnter'u work brought In enough money to buy a few luxuriou for her bedridden mother and clothes for Xonlo, at grh.iol. Suddenly u knock camo below and, when Nancy wont down, nho taw n young man, a Htranger, Btandlng nt theloor. "I nm told that you make tho bes! rugs In tho village, MIsh Mcl.tinu," he Bald. "May 1 seo Bomo of your work? Sho showed him some. Certainly the contours wero fctralght, and not higgledy-piggledy llko thoso of most of the vlllago rugs. However, tho young man was Interested In other details thnn that. "My natno Is Cyrus Hrown, and 1 nm from tho rug factory at Aitootin," ho said. "Wo want to buy tho secret of your vegetable dye tho yellow one." Nancy laughed. "There Isn't any so cret about that," tho answered "i: very body hero know 3 that. It'a goldenrod. You steep tho flowers in hot water nnd add u little alcohol and " And Nancy gave li'm the tenet "May I como anoller day when jou nro making tho tract?" asked th- young man "Ves, I reckon I'll he making bot.o thlR day next week." Nnncy answered "Seems to me, Nunc.-," grumbled her mother, when ho had gone, "you might have got hold of "a young fellow like that Instead of that good-for nothing Jim Penny." v Nancy said noihing Uut Lho slghr 1 a Uttlo that night when Jim out i.t work na usual, nat glumly at hfir side and asked, for tho tenth time t'.iat year, when Bho would marry him. Nancy and dim had been engaged for yearB. Put ho had never held a po Billon more than a week or two. and, whllo tho girl felt tho bond of old as sociation, she Had begun to think sorl ousdy of tho future ' When Mr. Krown called, a week la ter. Nancy had a steaming pot of gold onrod extract upon tho table, and he was quickly Initiated into tho mystery ot dyeing the fabrics. "It seems too good to bo true," said tho young man "Wo thought thoso vegetable dyes had been forgotten long ngo. I am authorized to pay you this In remuneration." And ho handed her a crisp bundlo of bills. Nancy drew back. "Why, Mr. Krown," sho said, "everybody knows how to mako goldenrod dye. It Isn't worth anything really." 'Hut ho left tho bills upon tho table and, declining to stay for supper this tlmo, departed. When ho had gono Nancy looked at tho money. There wero flvo hundred dollars! Krcathlcss, alio ran after the visitor, but he was out of sight And so sho camo back and wrote a letter to tho rug factory explaining that a mlstako had been made. Her mother, though inclined to agree with this view, was strongly against Nancy's poBtlng tho letter. Thut evening Nancy, radiant, ran to Jim with a cry of pleasure and told him what had occurred, showing him tho bills To her amazement Jim became al most inarticulate with nnger. "Five hundred dollars for a trade secret!" ho shouted. "Why, It's worth live thousand nt tho least." "nut, Jim, everybody knows how to mnke goldenrod dye," Nancy protest ed. "We'll tell them that wo stipulated for flvo thousand," he said, "and I'll tako this lot, Nancy, to make a first payment on that cottage I spoke about." A fow days later tho young man called again. "We have received a letter from a Mr. Penny, threatening to bring suit on your behalf for five thousand dol lars" ho began. "Tho company sent mo to investigate. Do you really make such a claim, Miss McLane?" "Mr. Krown, I don't want to tako a penny!" sho cried 'Why, I I gave you tho secret and" Sho brought tho money and thrust It Into his hands. "That shows you what I feol about It!" sho cried. And It took tho whole nfternoon, until suppor tlmo, beforo Mr. Krown could convince Nancy ot tho vnluo of a commercial secret. In fact, it took so long that Jim camo In upon the couplo unawares as Mr. Krown wns ex plaining to Nancy after supper was over. "Hum! I guesB I hoo where tho nig ger lay," remarked tho young man, sur veying tho couplo with a cool staro "Nan, If you're going to lot yourself be cheated out of your money by a swin dler llko that, all I say Is, I wash my hands of jou." Nancy got up with dignity. "Per haps you would like to talk to Mr I'rown alone." she said meaningly. Uut Jim Penny beat a hasty tetieat Writing letters was moro to his tasto Ho wrote Nancy a long ono after the engagement was announced It con tallied a request for money. Kut the girl never knew that, because sho put It in tho flro unopoued. Sho had left Jim Ponny behind her now that the now Hfo was nt hand. "He's Just another trade secret be tween us, dear," Bald her fiance, laugh i"K. (Copyright, by W. 0, Chapman.) FOOT mAJLsrj E D C L 0 u D I n '- A The Red Cloud Team Has Played Good, Fasl Fool Ball AH Season And Franklin Is Reputed As Having a Very Fast And Strong Team. Koontz's Field " i ... .., At 3 P. S7. Come Out and "Root" For the Home Team. It Will Be a Fail Game And One You Should Not Miss. Admission 2gc F A N K L I N C A E Y IMsgivinc Be j :MJ&wjurcittriM.iTOuTOMW!ilttJ( .iiiacsi&iAu.'sBiiuxfesinjttuj f HEMRY COOK, M. D. HK.M I Ii IN V. DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES'AND TOILET ARTICLES j i it. .. . :.., '. i x , 1? 'sii , ra iih, ii, .ii or, .. nrix ii.i : .; , r'!i.wi! nr i ii' i,., m u a awaummM m Sooner or Later You Will Have To Repair That Corn Crib WHY NOT NOW? PLATT & FREES rj RED CLOUD, foil' ilE NEBRASKA DE m 3 ARE YOU WELL LOCATED FOR NEXT YEAR? Why not take up u .Tin acre MONDKLL HOMKSTEAI) in WYOMING? ff these splendid priiitie land'-oho that need cost you but the tilling fee; see the winter store of grain and vegetables the settlers have and their fodder supply for the stock. If your homestead right Is gono buy a farm in one of these inviting settlements of Western Nebraska or Northeastern Colorado. on can get il at a fair price and on terms you can meet. Prosperous neigh, bors will welcome you to their schools and ohurches; bnnks and stores are roiuly to servo you. Have you lost your crops through excessive and untimely rains? Go where you have absolute centrol of moisture conditions, buy Irrigated land in the NORTH PLATTE VALLEY or tho IHO HORN BASIN Ask for free Illustrated folders with maps and data covering either sec tlon. The Burlington employs me to help find the location best suiting your needs, Let's get together. S.B. Howard, Ass't. Immigration Agent f 004 Far nam St., Omaha, Nebraska m R.E.CAMP,D.C. Chiropractor Independent 'Jl'J Phones .. , ,, ( Bell Bed 101 c. II. Mintr Hr. . S. iminlorf, M. l. r. Mamitier Veterinary In I'lmruo C. H. Miner Serum Co. -I'HiiMl tl It,- Anti Hog Cholera Serum Ur.d Clotnl, Nebraska Wire or Phone nt Our Expense I), S. Veterinary License No. 45 FOGEIi'S PRIGE ON STRAP WORK For Farm Harness X inch Ilamo strap- . 15cts I " pn Ua" Polo and Breast strap No. 1 80 " iy" Pole and Breast strap No. 1. $1.00 IX inch 20 ft Team lines 5.50 1 inch 18 ft Team lines 4.50 We are Oiling Harness Now For $1.00. This is the time of year to Oil t t , i A ! 4 ft XWf