The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 18, 1915, Image 6

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Republican Candidate Concedes De
feat In Kentucky Election Se
rious Break In British
WoHluin Newnpiix-r t'nloii Ni'ivs HctvIcp
London. Tim foiitltuioil lnndlng of
Dritlsh and French troops ut SnloiilUI
1h causing hoiiki uticisltieBS to lltilgurla
and Turkey and tlm ministers of thoso
two powers liuvo ugiiln protected to
tlio Greek government, which tool:
formal notlco of their protest. Tlio
doturnilnatlon of tlio entente allien
Jn tliolr Ilnlkan campaign Is iiliown
by the largo forco tlmy nro sending
to tlio Malknns, and iujwb wiih ie
rclvml from Itonio tliat Italy had de
cided to Intervene In this region "In
u manner worthy of her grc ttness"
and to give HiHIlrlriit support to the
JlrltlHh and French to assure a com
jilt to triumph. TIiIb In iiald to have
koiiio Inlliionno on Greece and Itit
inanla. Hiiiiianla, however, Ii waiting
for tlio devulopmontii of tlio KuhbIihi
Serious Break In Cabinet.
London. Winston Spencer Church
Ill, chancellor of tlio Duchy of Lnn
cantor, 1ms resinned from tho cabinet
and will Join hln regiment, tho Queen's
Own Oxford Hussars, of which ho In
major, and Ih now In France. Al
though It had often boon reported that
Mr. Churchill would retire fioin the
cabinet, bis resignation camo ns u siir
prise, as with tho retirement of Sir
Edward Carson from tho ofllco of at
torney general, it was thought that
mil cabinet differences had been com
posed and that tho remaining mem
tern woro contented with tho arrange
ments mado for tho formation of n
mall coramlttco to control tlio war.
It appears, howoTcr, from Mr. Church
111'h lotor of resignation to Premier
Asqulth that tho former previously
bad been offered n placo on tho com
mittee, an offer which tho premier
was compelled to withdraw, when the
tlmo camo to seloct tho members of It.
Republican Candidate Concedes
feat In Kentucky.
Louis vllln, Ky. Tho tiled Ion of
former Congressman A. O. Stanley, of
Henderson, democrat, as governor of
Kentucky, is conceded In a statement
Issued by Edward I Morrow, of Som
erset, republican gubernatorial candi
date In tho election of November 2.
Republican campaign managers had
claimed a victory for Mr. Morrow. Ito
turns from the 120 counties In the
stato showed n plurality for Mr. Stan
Icy of slightly moro than 300 votes.
Heavy Advance In Drugs.
Lincoln. Colds and hoadaches will
be oxponalvo this winter If ono Judges
by ndvancoa in prices of cures for
thoso ailments. Asperln, quinino and
all tho moinbors of tho bromide family
aro rapidly soaring highway, say Lin
coln druggists, and eastern manufac
turers aro using cocoa butter instead
of glycerine In some compounds. Just
because another use 1ms been found
for cocoa butter it too has raised in
sympathy with tho other drugs and is
now doublo In price.
Laughed Himself to Death.
Hastings, Neb. Few enjoy u Joko
hotter than did William Schollak, and
It has dovulopcd that n burst in laugh
ter tcrmluatod in his sudden death
Thursday night. Whllo Ed Ring, pav
ing contractor, was boasting to his
ridiculing friends about his Ford car
bo raplled to a question that it was
worth 360. As all Joined in a loud
laugh Schollak dropped to his knees,
tbon fell backward dead.
Dies Seven Years Aft;r Injury.
Omaha, Nob. After n tight ugalnst
death which lasted seven years, Rob
ert Campbell Cunningham, twenty
Beven, youngest Bon of Col. C. G. Cun
ningham, dlod Thursday morning at
tho family residence, 703 South Thirty
sixth street, of football Injuries sus
tained on Ucllovtio Held In 190S. For
the past six yours ho had been n hope
less Invalid by reason of an injury to
his spluo.
Wichita, Knn. Arthur Hcuser,
brought hero from Indianapolis, was
identified by Miss Grace Slater as bo
tag tho slayer of William H. Smith,
national secretary of the Woodmen of
tho World, who was murdero.l In Om
aha, October 1G. Miss sinter, tho only
eyo-wltncss of tho killing, picked
Houser from among thirty-seven pris
oners In tho county Jail. A delega
tion of soven from Omaha, members
f a party held up and robbed on the
ilght of tho Smith murder, Identified
Housor as their assailant as positively
as did Miss Slater.
Think Neutrality Violated.
Washington Tho Amorlcan steamer
Zeolandla was forcibly searched by a
party from n Urltlsh cruiser whllo
lying in tho port of Progreso. Mox.
Tho Amorlcan consul reports tho
cruiser now lying outside, presumably
waiting to seize tho ship. On tho faco
nf such a rapnri aB tho consul sent,
ven though Incomplete, the olllclal
inclusion hero is that tho Urltlsh
tvnl authorities not only violated
jxlcan neutrality, but far exceeded
Ir rights in forcibly scarcLIng un
uericau slily In a neutral port.
l-ii'y rii;ia.
Canadian Farmers Aro Anxious
6hlp Grain to United States
Conscription May Be
Western NewHpapcr Union News Service
San Francisco. Refusing to en
dorso President Wilson's proposal for
a continental army of 400,000 men
marked tho closing session of tho sov
onteenth annual convention of tho Na
tional Guard association of the United
States. Ashcvllle, N. C, was select
ed as tho meeting placo for 1910, the
dato to bo decided lator by tho ox
ecutlvo committee. A resolution pro
posing that tho association approve
President Wilson's proposal as made
public in an nddrcRs by tho president
at tho Manhattan club, Now York, was
offered by General Henry D. Hamil
ton of Now York. Without debate the
resolution, which asked that "the plan
of tho president of tho United Stater
for n continental nrmy bo endorsed
by tho National Guard association,'
was referred to tho legislative com
mittee. May Enforco Conscription.
London. A strong intimation of
compulsion at an early dato Is con
tained In n statement by the Earl of
Derby, director of recruiting. This
statement Is mado, Lord Derby de
clared, with tho authority of tho prime
minister. It says: "If tho young men
medically fit and not lndlspcusablo In
any business of national Importance
or any business conducted for tho gen
eral good of the community do not
come forward voluntarily before No
vomber 30, tho government will, after
that date, take tho necessary stops to
redeem tho pledge made on Novem
ber 2."
Canadian Farmers Anxious to Ship to
United States.
Winnipeg, Man Robert Rogers,
dominion mlnUtcr of public works
met representatives of tho farmeis'
organizations of Albortn, Saskatche
wan, Manitoba nnd Ontario at a meet
Ing of the Canadian council of agri
culture hero and heard their plea for
the frco entrnnce of Canadian wheat
Into tho United States The minister
Is said to have received favorably tho
farmers' suggestions nnd will submit
to the Ottawa government a resolution
ndoptcd by tho council, urging that im
mediate steps bo taken looking to thi
elimination of tho United States Im
port duty on Canadian wheat.
Paris. An Athens dispatch to the
Havas ngoncy, dated November C,
says that an olllclal statement Issued
by tho Serbian legation estimates tho
Rulgarlan losses In killed nnd wound
od up to the present at 100,000.
Chicago. Two hundred and twenty
seven persons woro killed In Chicago
by automobiles fiom December 1, 1014,
to November 1, this year, according to
figures compiled In Coioner Hoffman's
On Verge of Revolt.
Douglas, Ariz. Tho Villa garrison
at Nogales, Sonora, Including the
forces left there by Jose M.iytoronn,
aro on the vergo of revolt and turning
over to Cnrranzn, according to ofllclal
advices here.
Had No Effect on Stock Market.
London Tho American note scarce
ly affected the stock market beyond
causing somo hesitancy in dealing in
tho American section, whero moderato
Balo3 woro recorded nt fractionally
easier prices.
Job for Former President Taft.
Washington. President Wilson has
appointed former President William
Howard Taft chairman of the central
commlttoo of the American Red Cross,
to puccoed Major General George
Davis, retired. General Davis resigned
on account of ill health,
Chlneco Governor Assassinated.
Shnnslial Admiral Tseng .lu Cheng,
governor of tho Shnnslial district, has
been assassinated. His socrotary, who
was with liltn at tho time, was Berl-
ously wounded.
Money Once Sent to Germany Will
Come to America Score of
Americano Lost on
WYmU'IM .Vcvnup''l t Tutor. News Service-
Groat Uend, Knii.--Twolve persons
at least were killed and more than
uiiu hundred injured, many of them se
riously, in a tornado which swept
through tho residence section of Great
Uend at 7:30 Wednesday nlsht.
Tho property loss Is estimated at
half a million dollars. Tho city water
plant, a laundry, threo flouring mills,
the Santu Fc depot and tlfty resi
liences woro demolished. A path
three-quarters of a mile long and
nuvcral blocks wldo was cut through
iho residence district. Here the
heaviest toll of life wns exacted.
FIro broke out In several of tho
Iiouscs, and as the city was without
tiro protection they burned to tho
Among the towns In which buildings
were reported destroyed wctu Clafton.
Ilolslngton, and Larnod.
Several thousand sheep were killed,
tho uulmnls being hut led into the uti
as tho storm struck their feeding
Amerlcr.ns Lost on Ancona.
Washington. About twenty-seven
Americans are believed to have been
lost with tho torpedoed Itnllan Unci
Ancona, according to a cablo to the
stnto departmont from Ambassador
Pago at Rome
Tho ambassador said the probable
American victims of the tragedy were
Alexandor Pntnttlvo, his wlfo and four
children of New York nnd Mrs. Fran
cos Mnscolo Lnmura and about twen
ty unnamed third class passengers.
Mrs. Cecil L. Grell (first reported
Grey) was named as tho ono known
American survivor among the pas
Ambassador Pago and American con
suls through Italy havo been Instruct
ed by Secrotaiy Lansing to cable Ini
mediately all Information nvallablf
concerning the torpedoing of tho Ital
Ian liner, Ancona, and to ascertain
particularly whether other Americans
were lost.
London. A dispatch to Lloyds from
Illzetra says that 300 persons on tho
Ancona were drowned. Most of the
lobt, the message says, woro women
and children emigrants.
Millions for Machinery, Once Spent
In Germany, Will Come to
United States.
Now York. Frunce will bo a heavy
buyer of American maehlneiy nt the
eloso of tho war, Maurice D'Amour,
head of a Kronen commercial and in
dustrial commission which has Just
arrived here, asserted.
"Heretofore wo havo spent $1G0,
000.000 a year In Germany for machin
ery nlone," said D'Amour. who was
formerly Kronen consul nt New Or
leans and Is now socretary of the
commission on appropriations in tho
French cluunbor of deputies.
"That money will go to tho Unltod
German Winter Has Set In.
Rotterdam Great anxiety oxlsts In
Germany because :f tho unusually
early winter which bogan October 20
with a frost and a heavy snowfall In
Uorlln. An oxamlnntlon of weather
records shows thn such sovere wlntor
has not boon Known at such early dato
In two centuries. It Is roported tho
Gorman military authorities woro
found and that tho armies
on tho eastern and southeastern fronts
aro not properly equipped to with
stand the unexpected cold.
German Cruiser Torpedoed.
Herlln. Tho snnll Gorman cruiser
Undine has boon torpedoed and sunk
by a submarine off tho Swedish
oaRt, It wns ollicltilly announced hore.
"The small cruiser Undine," bays the
olllclal nnuonncomunt, "wns sunk by
two torpedoes from a submarine on
the afternoon of November 7 whllo pa
Moling the south Swedish coast. Near
Sir Chrlstophor Cradock's squadron
I'n.llno was a protected cruiser of 2,
C72 tons displacement, 32S foot long
nnd 1D.8 feat In depth.
Commercial World Going Ahead With
Unexampled Rush Says Ancona
Attempted to Make
IWste-rii NewHpnpct I'lilim News r-'i-tvlcc.
Harbin, Munehutla. Russia's last
call for reserves took .'1,000 men fiom
this city, which has u population of
30,000 Inhabitants. Although Muncliu
i la Is not Russian tertltory and Har
bin Is nominally n Chinese city, Una
nlati control of tho railways nnd other
gioat corporations, which ate develop
ing North Manchuria, ban made tho
lino between Siberia and Manchuria
very Imaginary. For tinny months
nf'er tho war began Manchutla did not
feel tho effects of the struggle, but re
cently It has fallen heavily under tho
gilp of wtir.
Say3 Ancona Tried to Escape.
Ret Un. Tho AuBtro-lluiigniiaii ml
jilrnlty has olllelally announced that
the Italian steamship Ati'-omi tit templ
ed to escnpu at full speed after a
warning shot had been II red across
her bow and that the vessel only
stopped after being shelled several
times by nit Austrian submarine, says
tho Overseas news agency. Tho sub
marine commander, It Is asserted, al
lowed tho Anconn's passengers and
crow forty-llvo minutes to abandon
tho ship after tho vessel was tor
pedoed, sinking three-quarters of an
hour later.
Progress In Commercial World Is Al
most Unexampled.
Now York. Dun's Rovlow reports
that notwithstanding the rapidity oi
tho movement there is no Blackening
of tho advance that foreshadows tho
greatest commercial development in
tho history of tho country. Follow
ing many months of gradual recovery
and adjustment lo now conditions
progress hns come with such a rush
that reaction Is feared in somo quar
ters, yet tho economic position stead
ily gains in strength and seldom if
over lias tho sltautlon so fuvorcd
continued expansion. Business is no
longer wholly dependent upon tho war
demands, tho bumper crops, the wide
spread Increaso In production, in tho
working forco and in the power of tho
pooplo to purchase hnvlng established
tho basis for an era of unexampled
prosperity. Thero Is. moreover, tho
further and highly significant influ
ence of abundant supplies of monoy
for all lcgltlmato purposes, whllo tho
arrangements for supplementary for
eign credits augur well for tho main
tenance of tho phenomenal movements
In ovorscas commerce
Granted Increase In Rates.
Jefferson City, Mo. Tho Missouri
public scrvlco commission has granted
tho railroads of Missouri partial In
creases In freight nnd passenger
rates nnd granted tho railroad permis
sion to chnrgo a passenger farn of 2i
cents n mile on ono way tickets, 2U
cents a mllo on round trip tickets, nnd
fixed a rate of 2 rents a mllo on mile
ago books for 500 to 1,000 miles. The
now rates aro to becomo effcctlvi
January 1, 1910.
Negro Educator Succumbs.
Tuskegce. Ala. Hooker T. Wash
ington, foremost teacher and loader
of tho negro raco, died early Sunday
nt his homo hero near tho Tuskcgco
Institute of which ho was founder and
president. Hardening of tho arteries
following a nervous breakdown caused
death four hours after Dr. Washing
ton arrived from Now York.
Rome. Tho Italian chamber of dop
utles will assemble December 1. Tho
session Is expected to last a week.
The chamber probably will extend to
the government for a further period
full powers to carry on tho war.
Snn Francisco. Cnl. Frank C. Zehr
ung of Lincoln. Neb., was unnnlmoiisly
elected president of tho Western base
ball league Tho oleetion will go Into
effect January 1, 1010. Tho schodtilo
mooting Is to bo hold In Lincoln Fob
ruary 15.
Fifth Successive Champions.
Lnwronro, Knn. Flashing a brand
of offensive football that wns ful'v
equal to their most brilliant efforts
during tho nll-vlctorlous onmpnlgn of
1014, tho Nebraska CornbitskerB liter
nllv mtlverizod tho Kansas .Tayhawk-
1 ers Saturday on McCoolt field, achiev
ing n 33 to 0 triumph nnd nnnnxlng
their fifth bucccssIvo Missouri Valley
championship. Ilarrlng a falluro to
kick two goals, tho scoro was an ex
act counterpart of tho flvo-touchdowiif
victory over tho Jnyhnwkors last No
vcmbor on Nebraska Hold.
Washington. Secretary Lansing an
rouncod that tho stato department was
making every effort to gather Infor
mation and details on tho slaking of
the Itnllan liner Ancona. Tho depart
ment lo yot unnblo to determine how
many Americans woro lost. It Is en
th'ely without olllclal advices ns to tho
nationality of tho Biibnnrlno which
thelied nnd torpedoed tho ship. Stite
monts will bo taken from survivors,
nnd tho United Stnt03 will gather all
posalblo Information before inking tho
mat tor up with uny foreign government.
New Ded of Indian Relics Found In
Adams County.
L'ncoln. A new bed of Indian col
lections has been unoaithed In Adania
county, which gives ptomlse of con
tain Ing soinu Intel ohtlng specimens A
box of specimens from W. K. Thorne,
of Illndeii. mid an explanatory letter
toll'tig of t'io find came to Dr. Melvln
Gllmnru, of the State Historical so
ciety, and he plans to leave for tho
site at once to direct the Investiga
gallon. Mr. Thorno wrote 11. at Mr.
Reed In dlgrlng a cellar on the south
west scetL n 3ti-.-12, Logan proe'net,
Adams county, dug Into an Indian
grave In which were found a few
pieces of clny pottery, a quantity of
bead', fragments or bones, several hit
innn teeth, pieces of bark, f,Kmo cUnr
slipped sticks in a bundle and n skiiII
whli It retained Its shape but roitld
in t be handled without crmu'illtig. It later I that tho specimens
were not conllned to one grvc, but
Hint there seems to be a largo bed
of them, b-o digging operations ure bo
ing delayed until thu unlval of Ur
First Seedling Mile Finished.
Kearney. Tho Lincoln highway
reedllng mile, constructed of concrete,
was completed last week on schedule
t'mu. The roadway Is sixteen feot
In width nnd of excellent construction,
running past tho stale tuberculosis
hospital nnd adjoining the state Indus
trial school. It Is laid in tho most at
tractive part of thu country on a beau
tiful thoroughfare. It Is planned to
erect electroliers at the ends of the
mllo nuil also to build a concrete
brldsu ucioss tho waste weir from the
ctectrlc power house, which will be
lighted at night by electricity.
Poultry Show at Falls City.
Lincoln. Ollicers of tho Nebraska
Stato Poultry asboclntlon definitely do
elded to hold their next annual statu
convention and exhibit of poultry In
Falls City, tho third week in January.
A largo city aduitorium is to bo used
for the exhibit. It is of such size as
to insitro the greatest amount ot
tloor space over used for this show.
Tho Nebraska Stato Poultry associa
tion Is now in Its thirty-first year and
was thu first state organization of its
kind cvor to receive aid from the
Home-Made Dyes Popular.
Lincoln. Dyeing of garments by
lotting them stand a week In u log
wood or sumac solution may bo the
"great grandmother method" resorted
to by Lincoln dyers In an effort to
provldo ii substitute for tho prepara
tions cut off by tho European war.
A local dyer has departed for east
ern points in a desperate effort to
bog, borrow or coax a fow pounds of
dyes out of somo of his dyemen ac
quaintances of that region. If ho re
turns without any dyes, the above
method will be given n trial.
Kills Mammoth Bald Eagle.
Kearney. A bald eagle, measuring
over six feet from tip to tip, wns shot
and killed by Mart Moran of this city,
south of tho Platto river. Moran waa
in quest of ducks when ho spied tho
big bird swooping down on a scamper
ing rabbit. Although quite a distance
away, ho fired and several shots took
effect. Tho bird mado straight for
Moran's dog, and two moro shots wero
tlrod beforo it fell. Moran will havo
It mounted nnd ndded to his extensive
collection of trophies here
Omaha. Members of tho Nebraska
Peace society aro getting behind an
effort to luduco President Wilson to
cooperate with other neutral govern
ments in calling n confcrcnco of nou
tral n-Mions to receive suggestions
for settlement of tho great war by
tho belligerents.
Fire drills will bo hold weekly in
tho schools nt Kearney.
Nebraska laundrymen will hold their
next convention at Lincoln.
Falls City will have n new paper
tho Courier making three at that
November 15 to 21 is being observ
ed as Prayer Week throughout the
Will Shollak, a Hastings business
man, dropped dead in his office whllo
conversing with a customer.
Tho oloventh annual automobile
show will bo held at tho auditorium
at Omaha, February 21 to 2G.
An attendance of over 800 Is ex
pected nt tho "Older Hoys" conven
tion nt Lincoln, November 2G to 28.
Michael Schalllnqulst was killed
when his team ran away at Lincoln.
Lydla Burbank, two years old, fell
Into a water barrel at tho rear of her
parents' home at Lincoln and was
Tho Nebraska Cornhuskers will
tncklo tho Iowa university football
team on tho local field, Saturday, No
vember 20.
Ilorso thlovos aro busy in Pavvneo
county, a number of flno animals hav
ing been stolon rocontly.
A Kearney woman got rid of a
bunch of hoboes by hanging a small
pox card nt tho kitchen door.
Democratic newspaper men of tho
stato will banquet at Lincoln Jan
uary 11.
Albert nrink was found dead In his
bathroom nt Omaha ,tho result of an
attack of apoplexy.
Rev. Ilyton Rcnll, ono of the best
known ministers and evangolists In
tho state Is dead nt his homo in
Lincoln, ns tho result ot a paralytic
An Invitation to tho Paclfllo coast
for a post-scison game has been ro
colved by tlio Cornlnikor football
team, but It Is hardly probable that it
can be accented.
Stomach Bitters.
l.lljti ' Culter'a tllatklft Plllt. low.
IVnVU rr!o,l. frnh, rrlUMt; v:HttttJ br
ciem MiK-knirn. h-iaii-a trjey
r v m protect where other aeclnei fill.
1 Wt m Wrltn for hwklrt mid r itlruonlili.
I . W to.dosr. pVgi. Hlaekteg P.llt J 1. 00
9-JitlmAJm SU-dcit rkg. UUcMeg Pills 4 00
I'fp ti liucrt.r. but I'titter"! taiL
Th iuwrlorlty tf CutU-r iirodurts Ii due to oter It
mm tit n lillli k in va:clnri and aerumi only.
Inilit on Cutler'). If iinnMalnable, onlff direct.
The. Cutter Laboratory, Uerktlu, Cat., or Chicago, III.
Making Hubby Happy.
'George, dear, you remember Just a
few weeks before wo wero married you
said that anything that you could do
to make mo happy, would make you
very, very happy?"
"Yes, darling. What Is It?"
"George, I really must havo another
now gown. I hope you won't deny
yourself that happiness."
Sizing Up Llppy.
A Droad street lawyer wa3 describ
ing an acquaintance Said ho: "Llppy
1b a man who will ostentatiously buy a
box of cigarettes and let you pay for
tho dinner." Newark News.
Dr. Pierce's Plcasnnt Pellets are the
original little livt-r pillo put up 40 ycaro
at'o. They regulate liver and bowels. Adr.
Hut few men work overtime In an
effort to mnke their wives happy.
Achy Joints Give Warning
A creaky joint
often predicts rain.
It also foretells in
ward trouble. It T
may mean that the
kidneys are not fil- ?,?',
tering the blood fife;'
and aru allowing r C(
poisonous uricacid Jr-J
iu ciuk inc uioou
and cause trouble.
Bad backs, rheu
malic pains, sore,
aching joints, head
aches, dizziness,
nervous troubles,
heart flutterings,
and urinary dis
orders are some of
the effects of weak
kidneys and if nothing is done there's
danger of dropsy, gravel or Bright's
disease. Use Doan's Kidney Pills, the
most widely used, the best recommended
kidney remedy in the world.
SO? at all Slorcs
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine times in ten when the liver li
right the stomach and bowels are right.
gently butfirmlycom
pel a lazy liver
do its duty.
Cures Con-
stipcUinn, In
and Distress After Eating.
Genuine must bear Signature
How to Heal
Skin Diseases
A Haltlmoro doctor suggests this
simple, but reliable and inexpensive,
homo treatment for people suffering
with eczema, ring
worm, rashes and
similar itching, burn
ing skin troubles.
At any rcllablo
druggist's get a Jar
of rcslnol ointment
and a cake of resl-
nol soap. Theso nro not nt all expen
sive. With tho reslnol soap and warm
water batho tho affected parts thor
oughly, until they are free from crusts
and tho skin Is softened. Dry very
gently, spread on a thin layer of the
reslnol ointment, nnd cover with a
light bandage If necessary to protect
tho clothing. This should bo done
tvvico a day. Usually the distressing
itching and burning stop with tho first
treatment, and tho skin soon bocomes
clear and healthy again.
A toilet ir'pr!lou uf m It.
llrliiK to erikillcatn dudi-mr.
ForReitorlns Color an
Beauty toGmy nr l' Jed H!r
Stw. ami llll ut HtUL-L-Ht"-
I u5uXrT A
kw ,wm'ii
&rmm j s
IMaaff P
LBRQI aaiTTi r
BW ivtK
kBaiii.LR HflLLa.
... mJT 1