The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 18, 1915, Image 3

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vimrtKlWt " wi '
" TT
Fiftrrn yearn nrrt I hit! an nttnek o)
cute Kulnry trouhle I eon-mltrd a physi
clan who pivp tne medicine which only re
lieved nip fur a time After di'contitminp
hin medicine my trouble returned an te
vere a before.
Having heard of Swn-np-lloot I pave It
a trial ami r.m hpnctly state tliat tliree
dollar bottle cured me, neer hating any
U'knei in fifteen tears. I have old I'r
Ktltner'o ivntnp Hint a a drugcNt foi veiri mid give It t lie cry best
of recommendations nt all times.
Yon are nt liberty to uc this statement
any time jou wibli.
w. c. sr.MJtr.RS.
1210 Central Atc. Kansas City, Kan.
With Ciand View Drug Co.
Ktatc of Kanas )
Comity of Wyandotte 1 '
On thi 11th div of Attgtit, 1DM, per
serially nppeareil befoie me, W t. Sum
incr. who piihpcithcd to the within etatc
tnetit mid made oath that the came is tiut
in fcubsluucc and in fact.
Notary Public.
Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For Yoi
Send tin cents to Dr. Kilmer &. Co.,
Ilinghamion. N. Y., for a sample Kie bot
tie It will convince nnutnc You will
aUo icceixe n booklet of valuable infor
mation, telling nliont the hiducvi and bl.d
der. When writing, be mho and mention
thi paper. Itcgiilir lift v cent and one
dollar ki?c iKittlea for Nile at all drug
tores. Adv.
Henry of Prussia Evidently One of
Those Leaders Who Do Not Say
"Gol" but "Cornel"
Prince Henry of l'rusBla Is nn ar
dent sailor, says Pearson's Weekly,
but he Is known among tho bluejack
ets as n great martinet, and they fear
rather than lovo him. Tho following
Btory is typical of his methods, and
shows that, although ho expects those
under his command to put up with all
kinds of hardships, ho Is by no means
above "roughing It" himself.
One day, when ho was on board a
warship in tho North sea, ho suddenly
gave tho order, "All hands to batho!"
It was a bitterly cold day and the
water was Ilko Ice. Tho order was so
evidently distasteful that one of the
ofllcurs ventured to maku a mild pro
test to tho prince. Without answering
him a single word, Prlnco Henry, al
though fully clothed, sprang over the
vessel's Bide, swam out a good dis
tance in the Icy water, and returned
to tho deck dripping from head to
After that, tho sailors took their
bath without demur.
Got Into Trouble.
A much bauged-up son of Ham shuf
fled disconsolately into a Louisiana
levee camp, after a fdiort leave to go
to New Orleans for the returns of the
Wlllard-.lohnson light.
"What's tho matter, ZackV"
naked the boss. "Did yuh git In a
riugh house?"
"It wuz Job Ink dls," explained Zack
finally. "I wuz watchln' dem fellahs
givin' out (icm dcre newsies, an' on
do fus' paht ob do light 1 reckons 1
Jes' Boht o' ovehsphoke maso'f."
Courageous Policeman.
Inspector How was it possible- for
tho prisoner to get away from youV
Policeman (embarrassed) Well, you
boo, on tho way wo were chased by
a cow, and he stood still. Kliegcndu
It is not until he begins to peddle
horseradish from door to door that
a man Is willing to acknowledge that
ho Is a llnaticial failure.
If you want to mako a lazy man
tired, offer him a Job.
Quit Coffee and Got Well.
A woman's colToo oxporlcnco is in
teresting. "For two weeks at a time
I have takon no food but skim milk,
for solid food would ferment and cause
such distress that I could hardly
breath o at tlmoa, also excruciating
pain and hoart palpitation and all the
time I was so nervous and restless.
"From childhood up I had been a
coffeo and tea drinker and for the past
20 years I bad been trying different
physicians but could got only tem
porary rollof. Then I read an article
telling bow somo ono had been helped
by leaving off coffeo and drinking
Postum and it soemod so pleasant just
to read about good health 1 decided to
try Postum.
"I mado tho change from coffee to
Postum and there is such a difference
in mo that I don't fool llko tho same
person. Wo all found Postum dell
clous and liko it hotter than colToo. My
health now is wonderfully good.
"As soon as I mado the shift to
Postum I got bottor and now my trou
bles aro gono. I am fleshy, my food as
similates, tho proBsuro in tho chest and
palpitation aro all gono, my bowols are
regular, havo no mora stomach trouble
and my headaches aro gono. Remem
ber I did not ubo medicines at all
Just left off coffeo and used Postum
Bteadlly." Narao given by Postum Co..
Battle Creek, Mich.
Postum comes In two forms:
Postum Cereal tho original foriD"
miist bo well boiled, 15c ami 25c pack
Instant Po3tum a solublo powdor
dissolves quickly In a cup of hot water
and, with cream and sugar, makes p
delicious bovorago instantly. 30o and
COc tins.
Doth kinds nre equally delicious and
cost about tho sauio por cup.
"Tliero'a a Reason" for Postum.
"sold by Groceri
(Hy E O. HI'LLIMIH, Aetnii; Plrertnr of
Sunday School Course of Muody ltlblo
Institute of riileugo )
(Copyright, 1915. Wintcrn Newspani r t'nlon.)
T.i:SSON Ti:XT-,1onali 3.1-10
OOI.Oi:. Tl:.T-Oo o then-fore, nml
make (tiKtlplcs of nil tuition, lupHsing
.!icm Into the tinine of the Puttier anil of
tile Son nml of tin Holy Spltlt; tcachlm;
them to observe nil tliliiK whutsoexer I
command you, nml lo, I nm with you al
ways, t'on unto the end of the world.
Matt. 2S.10, 20 It. V.
Tho story of Jonah in ono of tho
most fatuous and must interesting In
tho llihlo. In former scries of lessons
moro extended use has been mado of
tho book giving lime to discuss Its
historicity and other questions In
volved. This time only ono roferenco
is used and that for the purpose of Its
missionary teaching. Wo accept tho
record of tho book literally becauso
similar facts aro recorded in profane
history but chlelly becauso of tho tea.
tlmouy and tho usage made of it by
Jesus (sco Matt. 12:10; 1G:-1 and
Luke 11:30).
I. The Prophet Proclaiming, vv. 1-4.
Jonah "paid tho faro" (1:3) and "out
of tho depths" (Ps. 1110:1) Cod de
livered him that ho might fulllll his
God-appointed task. Even so tho na
tion of Israel is today crying from out
of tho depths of Its woo among tho
natlotiB and will certainly bo "deliv
ered" when tho king comet), that It
may tako its rightful place and fulfill
its God-appointed tasks. It Is a won
derful testimony of God's graco (vt)
that God's word carao to Jonah a "sec
ond time." Onco ho ran from God's
command but God is tho God of tho
gospel of a "second chanco" and a
third if only wo repent and do his
commands, but God docs not gtvo a
"second chanco" to tho unropontant
(Num. 14.40-45). Verso two explicitly
sots forth tho messago Jonah is to do
liver oven bo wo aro to proclaim tho
Gospol (sco I Cor. 15:1-4) not tho spec
ulations of men nor tho subtleties of
philosophy. Tho messenger of God
will find his messago in tho word of
God and will declare it. It is tho
word which roveals God's lovo, hla
plan of salvation, and tho destiny of
tho saints. "Dy tho foolishness ot
preaching" men will bo saved. Tho
word "preach" literally means "to cry
out" or "call out" and implies that
earnestness and insistence needful for
a truo advocato or witness of God.
Dut tho power is not In us; it is not
tho word of God mingled with tho tho
orles of men, or with such added to
tho word. Tho Elblo Is tho soul win
ners truo staff. Ninovoh, vast magnif
icent and wealthy could not atono
for Kb wickedness; its greatness only
aggravated Its condition. Jonah did
not spend any timo to acquaint him
self with conditions or to do sight
eoolng but cried, "yet forty days, and
Ninovoh shall bo overthrown." When
ho explicitly and minutely obeyed
and dolivercd God's messago ho at
onco aroused and arrestod tho atten
tion of tho city. Ho did not attempt
to present "credentials," nor explain
or defend his message. Ho did not
seek to harmonizo It with "cup
rent thought" nor glvo it a "mod
ern expression." Ho was blunt
and without compromiso but gavo an
opportunity for ropontance.
II. The People Penitent, vv. 5-10
Ninovoh paid lmmcdiato hoed to th
man who did not slur over God's warn
ing. Had tho city continued In sin, it
had not been delivered. Nineveh did
four things and as a result they wore
saved: (1) They believed, "boliovod
God" (v. C). All truo repentanco is
conditioned upon accepting God at
his word (John 13:20). (2) They
evidenced humiliation (v, 6). They
gavo such ovidonco by humbling thorn
solves In tho sight of God from tho
king upon tho throno to "oven tho
least." Tliero was no apparent attempt
to qualify or to ovado God's decrco,
but rather to accept it and by taking
a propor placo in his sight bo deliv
ered from tho ponalty ot tholr just
desorts. (3) Thoy prayod (v. 8; cf.
6, 7). Tholr prayor was intonso. Tho
kind of prayor that counts with God
must also count upon God, and God
"Is slow to anger, and plenteous in
mercy" (Nch. 9:17). Prayor that 1b
effoctlvo Is (a) grounded upon tho
word ot God (b) forsakes sin and (c)
oboys tho will ot God. (James 1:22;
2:17). (4) Thoy mado sacrifice (v. 8).
Moro humiliation and prayor does not
effect a remedy unless there 1b a mor
clloss judgment executed upon Bin.
Did Jonah fail in his mission? No!
for God's predictions of ruin aro not
absoluto and unconditional (Jer.
18:7-10), Chapter four Is tho record
ot Jonah's potulanco and ot God's loving-kindness.
Ninovoh continued for nearly 200
years subsequently but it was then so
complotoly destroyed that for nearly
2,000 years Its location was unknown
and disputed though now yielding a
rich harvest for tho archeologlst and
Ulblo studont.
Can a nation bo stirred today? For
answer wltnoBS Mott and Kddy In
China. In 11 of China's chief cities
during three months of 1913, 7,000 ot
tho leaders of that nation enrolled as
Havo your class read carefully nnd
prayerfully Psalms 2, Matt. 28:19, 20
(Goldou text) and Rom. 1:16,
Items of General Interest Gathered
From Reliable Sources at
State House.
WcMetn Nwsriper t'nlon Nhtj Servten. tho fact that Ne
braska is ono ot the greatest stock
producing M.ttcs in the union, it Is not
a groat shipper of "lte onea," as
k1iowii by a report of the state live
stock coiutuls' Ion, wh'ch has Just
been mado public. Nebraska pro
duces mires of thrusu'ids of cattle
hogs and sheep tnety, but they
aro shipped to South Omaha and
when they liavo tliero tliey go as
dressed meat products. Tho ropoil
mentioned shows that asldo from
daily and Htock. this state
chipped only 7,:U!S cattle from April
1 to November 1 ot this year. Tho
number of head of swtno shipped was
only 790 and of nhoop only 317.
Change In Assessment Methods.
Next year's valuation of real estate
of the stato will bco assessment work
of a sensible, sane character attempt
ed by tho olllclals whose Job It Is to
perform this dllllcult task. That Is
tho unanimous verdict of tho county
assessors with whom Secretary Horn
cc.kor, of tho stato assessment board,
has been holding sectional confer
ences over tho stato.
Tho dcslro of county assessors to
uso the sales method, a method long
advocated by advanced students ol
taxation In Nebraska and other states
and in fact used in many states at
tho present tlmo, Is most pronounced,
according to Mr. Uorneckcr.
"It will bo a revolutionary change
In this state," says Mr. Ucrneckcr.
"but I bollovc that tho people aro fair
minded enough to want to sco It in
stalled Into our tax operations.''
Relieves Dealer of Liability.
For tho benefit and Information ol
rotail dealers, rood Cotnmisslonet
Harman calls attention to tho feature
of the Nebraska law, which rollovos
a retail merchant of liability for the
sale of mlsbrandcd, shortwolght oi
adulterated products if ho can show
a written guarantoo from tho manu
facturer that tho goods aro what Is
claimed for them. Whcro such a
guarantco Is obtained, tho responsi
bility thereby passes to tho manufac
turer and makes htm subject to proso
cutlon. In tho cttso of tho Meier Drug
company, of Lincoln, which tho depart
ment recently prosecuted for selling
a catarrh remedy branded as a "cure,"
tho guarantco was lacking and tho ro
tail firm could not avoid tho penalty
provided by law for disposing of mlB
branded goods.
To Consolidate District.
Dr. L. Mulr and S. C. Roylcs, ol
Alvo, woro at tho stato house recent
ly consulting with Stuto Superin
tendent A. O. Thomas over tho mat
tor of consolidating five school dis
tricts in tho center of which Is lo
cated Alvo. In tho flvo districts there
are only eighty-four pupils and tho val
uation of tho tlvo is $287,000. It is fig
ured that with a lC-mlll levy a first
class building could bo erected and
twolvo grades could bo maintained,
whero thcro uro now only ten In Alvo
and eight in tho other four districts.
Superintendent Thomas, after figur
ing on tho matter, concluded that
about $5,000 would bo needed to main
tain a twelve grade school In Alvo.
Farmers' Institutes for November.
Farmers' Institutes havo boon sched
uled by tho Agricultural Extension
service of tho university farm for tho
month of November. Tho places and
dates of tho meetings aro as follows:
Middle Creek church, near Loup City,
13; Loup City, 15; Davis Crook church,
near North Loup, 1G; Candy. 18; Gar
field, 19; Callaway, 20; Miller, 22;
Pralrlo Gem church, near Aurora, 24;
Champion, 27; Culbortson, 29; Tren
ton, 30.
Incorporation papers of tho Central
Investment Co., of Omaha with n
capitalization of $1,000.000 have been
filed In tho ofllco of Secretary of State
No Limit to Bond Issues.
An opinion has boon handed down
by tho stnto legal department to the
effect that In school districts Jn towns
of moro than 1,500 poplatlon tliero Ie
no limit on tho bonded IndebtedncsE
that may bo Incurred. Heretofore It
was supposed that a statute limiting
such Indebtedness to 12 per cent of
tho assessed valuation was valid and
binding. Tho provision Is hold by
the attorney general's ofllce to apply
only to school districts In towns of
less than 1,600 population.
The State's Dalance Sheet.
General fund balances at the end of
October totaled $140,030, or enough to
mako Treasurer Hall bollovo that war
rants will not havo to bo registered.
Whllo drafts on tho fund totaled $200,
952 during tho month, tho rocolpts to
taled J137.S96 Jn tho samo period. To
tal receipts during tho month amount
od to $300,322 for all funds, ami total
oxpcndlturo3 wcro $392,702. Tho re
colpts credited to tho Uesscy endow
mont fund amounted to $1,1G2 durliu
October. Tho total of that fund l
now $1,108. Checks and cash on nan
attho closo of tho month aggregated
Wisconsin Man Wins Prizes for
Dainties That Set Mouths
Watering at Festival.
Madison, Wis "Cooking for t tit
Ihresboirt" has been tho stock opro
sltm for all that Is wonilsonio In farm
lug households for many yours. It
meant olia help In tho kitchen
hustle and worry ami stow, bako and
hi oil and fret from S a. in. until after
oleht o clock nt night.
Hut in Dano county tho fanners'
whoa havo no need to worry. That
county can boast of ono throsliortiuui
who is such an oveooillngly skillful
and roMoiirooiul cook that ho can boat
tho best of woman competitors
C A. llnlloy of Do l-'oroht is tho
num. At tho Windsor lull festival
ho arrled oiT ono lltst prlo on dot Us
lood cal.o. aunilor Hint pilo on cocoa
nut cookies, llrst prlzo on baklng-potv-
Told the Gaping Group His Best
der biscuits, second prize on lemon
plo and sweepstakes on canned
"It's u shamo 1 couldn't havo spared
moro timo from my work with tho
gang or 1 would havo entered some
thing In every class In tho outllt,"
smilingly declared Halluy to a group
of people who wero admiring his
Ho then leaned back complacently
against tho show caso and, putting
his thumbs In tho nrmholes of his
vest, told tho gaping group his best
recipes. His defeated rivals icily
turned tholr backs and began examin
ing tho crazy quilts and tutting.
ilailoy bids fair to rival tho famous
Maker Dunn ot llaraboo.
ersistence of Unlucky Number Was
Also Aided by Killing
Black Cat.
California, Pa. T. J. Undorwood,
comptroller of Washington county, as
cribes to "thlrtcens" his defeat aB can
didate for sheriff at tho primaries.
In the llrst placo, his name, Tom L.
Underwood, contains thirteen letters
Tho license number of his yellow cam
palgn car was Hit. On Friday, August
13, whllo riding in ills car with an
other candldato now numbered among
tho also-rans, ho ran over and killed
a black cat. Tho number of signers
on Mr. Underwood's petition was 11H.
Forgetful Woman Sends Secret "Vault"
to Cobbler Follows Old
Chicago. Adam Schultz, a cobbler,
Dellovcs thoroughly In tho old ago,
'Honesty Ib tho host policy."
Mrs. Harold Fellngcr has a habit ol
concealing her Jewels, valued at about
$:t,000, in tho too ot her slipper. She
put them In a now sllppor tho other
night nnd then forgot tho fact when
sho sent tho Bllppor to tho cobblor to
bo stretched. Tho cobbler found tho
Jewels. Thoy wero restored to the
owner and ho was rewarded with $5.
Snake Strikes Negro's Overalls and Is
Unable to Disengage Itself From
.loffcrson City. A negro farm hand
rutting corn felt several sharp tugs
at his overfills and thought ho had he
eomo caught In brlors. Glancing over
his shoulder ho saw a rattlesnake llvo
feet long, Reaching round with his
corn knifo, ho managed to sovor tho
snako JUBt back ot the head.
Tho snako had burled its curved
fangs, nearly an Inch In length, In
the slack of tho negro's overalls and
could not disengage them.
Youngest Hunter Is Eleven.
St, Paul. Tho youngest nlmrod to
apply for a hunting UceiiBo this year
has been granted his "papers." Ho
Is A. 8. Hull, cloven years old, and
lives at No. 21-18 Carter avenue. Nor
man Slado, No. 435 Summit avenue,
son of George T, Slado, vice-president
oi tho Northern Paclllc, takos second
honors In tho list ot Juvenile hunters.
His ago Is thirteen.
Children Cry
Tho Klml You Havo Always .TJotiijht, nmt which lias heca
In uso lor over iJO yrura, hiiH burnt) tho nl;rn:if tiro of
-Y? and has boon iinuto under his ncr-
ts r i&-F?'?- noh'iI KtiporvLsUm hIiioo lis Iniatioy
WuzJyX&ccSuZ! Allow no ono to deceive you In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Jusl-ns-Kootl " nre but
13purimeuts thai trlflo with and endanger tho health ot
JUiIanta and Cluldrcu lixnorlenco aj;iiliiaL Kxncrhncut
Cnfitorhv Is a harmless substitute- for Castor Oil, Pnro
irorlc. Drops ami Soothing Syrups. It. Is pleasant. Ib
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other JSitrcotla
tubstnneo. Its njro Is Us guarantee. It destroys Worim
nnd allays l-'everlshness. l-'or more than thirty yours lb
has been la constant uso for tho relief of Constipation,
rintuleney, AYlnd Colic, nil Teething Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates tho Stomach and Bowels,
lissluillates tho Food, giving healthy and natural Bleep,
alio Chlldxeu'B rmmccu The Mothor'a ifrluiuU
Bcars the
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Husband's Sacrifice.
Eliliu Hoot was discussing In Now
York tho recent constitutional conven
tion. "Hut thoro wan ono group," ho said
"happily It saw reason later on hut
onu group tliero was which had ahout
as truo mi Idea of selfsacrlllco as
"Smith's wlfo said to him ono ovo
nlng, anxiously
" 'I know, John, dear, this high cost
of living Is terrlhle, hut do you really
think we can gel along without a sur
vnnt?' " 'We'll havo to,' Smith answered,
firmly, 'unless I gut a raise. Why.
hang It, If tho worst comes to tho
worst you can do thu cooking for your
self and I can get my meals at a res
taurant." "
Mr. P. C. Cnso of Wclcomo Lake,
Pa., writes: "I Buffered with Hack
acho nnd Kidney Trouble My head
ached, my sleep wub broken nnd un-
refreshing. I felt
heavy and sleepy
after meals, was
always nervous
nnd tired, had a
bitter tasto In my
mouth, was dizzy,
had floating
specks boforo my
eyes, was nlwaya
thirsty. had a
Mr. F. C. Caso.
dragging sensation across my loins,
dllllculty In collecting my thoughts
and was troubled with short
ness of breath. Dodds Kidney Pills
havo cured mo of theso complaints.
You aro at liberty to publish this let
ter for tho benefit of any sufferer who
doubts tho morlt ot Dodds Kidney
Dodds Kidney Pills, COc. per box at
your dealer or Dodds Mcdlclno Co.,
Iiuffalo, N. Y. Dodds Dyspepsia Tab
lets for Indigestion havo been proved.
COc. per box. Adv.
Something Like Thrift.
Thoy wero n very saving old couplo
and as a result thoy had a beautifully
furnished house.
Ono day tho old lady missed her hus
band, "Joseph, whoro aro you?" alio called
"I'm resting In tho parlor," camo tho
What, on tho sofy?" crlod tho old
lady, horrified.
"No, on tho floor."
"On that grand carpet!" camo In
tones ot ungulsh.
"No; I've rolled It up!"
Follow Use of Cutlcura 8oap and
Ointment Trial Free.
By bathing and anointing thceo fra
grant supcrcrcamy emollients Impart
to tender, sensitive or Irritated, Itch
ing skins a feeling ot Intenso skin
comfort difficult for ono to realize who
has never UBod them for like purposes
Cultlvato an acquaintance with them.
Samplo each free by mall with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dopt. XY,
Boston. Sold everywhere Adv.
It Is cheaper to go by way ot tho
water wagon, and that will account
for a number of tho fares.
but tired
us look
than wo
Old aee
snu Dull
VlarU Em
Eys Rimi4r Compter. Ohlcn.
out Ml
Tout age
for Fletcher's
Signature of
JNebrasna Directory
Room $1.00 With Bath $1.50
R. W. JOHNSTON, Owner and Manager
Films" developed
Ws hire one ot tbs belt oqulpped flnltblnc depart
ment In the country una the tllint you uai uj (or
levcliiplnc DilnlloK or etiUrelnii will te handled by
txveit who will get tlit brut poadble leault tot
you A ttUI oider wlU convince you ol tht upttiof
jujllty ol out woilc
IKmMu-u" Kutluk Ou )
1217 O ST. Drpl K. Llacolm. Ncbi-stfe.
The Lincoln Tannery
Send ut your Hides and Fun
nnd linve them mnde into Robef
nnd Garments (or the whole
family. Address
HENRY HOLM, Proprietor
917-919 Q St., LINCOLN, 1IEB.
Largest stock In the West. Shipped
by exprrn anywhere In the U. B.
THEO. LIEBEH k SON, 1516 Howard St, OMAHA
Bend us namples ami utate how much you and
jrournelKliliorMliaYetOHellof Alfnlfa.UIMet.Clo.
Ycr, Timothy, Hiulnu CJ i una ami uuy uther seed.
UUUM OLLU 1.U,, i,ICOU, Nebraska!
Wo aril thi-m, all uiakpi from no up.
This Inclmli-ftfiuch wnll knunn make
i Uniluritoud, lli-mlnglon, Sinltb-I'ri'inlt-r.
Ollii-r. I. 11. Hiiillh. IL.m.1.
j.iiiiiiiii.ii... vamiii. iiik!, uiiu iiiutif ulnars nm-rhlni-s
(.hipped nn upiiruvnl Hrlililsl rjnnrrlttr
UsiliuiiKn, 1UIU H htruuU I.IuluIii, fieU.
f I... .77....... ........ imi...... ...... - .....-! .
Z T. J. Thorpo Mnctilne Co., loan
ni nt., i.uirulii, iseli. Machine aaa
l'attern work o( all kinds. HHUmmII.
For the Liquor and
Drue Addictions
The only trnulnn I militate
ut lis kind In I bo StU
Call or utH
The Knolay Initltntn
coukH t;ik liu uss, ostiu
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 47-1915.
His Vulnerable Point.
"A war export says Achilles would
cut a sorry llguro In tho presont con
"Maybo so. I fear ho wouldn't last
long with tho Russians."
"Hu'd ho suro to got shot In the heel
whllo making a 'strategic movo' to the
His Reward.
"Do you go to Sunday school ovory
Sunday, my little man?"
"Suro. Pa won't let mo go to the
movies If I don't."
When a man tells you how you
ought to run your business, just tako
a look at tho way ho Is running hla
To keep clean and healthy take Dr.
riereu'n Pleasant PellctB. They regulate
liver, bowels and stomach. Adv.
What has become ot tho old-fash-toned
pcoplo who used to go to bed
with tho chickens?
Alter t lie
CO homo
your Eye.
will rut,
Have It
Smll Book ottktEytJipoii riittt.
' J I r-9