i -. nj J EC" r5-i 3 -. Nj i. ,-, mt -wr RED OLOUD. NEBRASKA, CHIEF ' '(' V v 7 y HOME NEWS I Bulletin of Tho Week's olnj s ." iuy your goods of the local stores , ,,. ,. ,, , , I! . K..OHU. wii- iii Hnstltif.s lues- ('ll.V Dan Pumroy of lliverton was in ton it Tuesday. ( Cabbage n.c per hundred lit Miner , Hi 0. Co. store. , Oeorgc Mntkirs of liiitvnlu was in I lu city Tuesday ' Mr. John Chnney of Kivotton wnsj In tlio city Kilday. ; Wall Paper at 20 per cent discount at Cotting'.s Ding Store. I)r C. !. Cross was in Sunrior Tues day attending a dental meeting. Dr. H. V. Nicholson was in Superior Tuesday attending ft meeting of dent ists. A. II. ludey of Lincoln arrived in the city the llrst of the week to visit his daughters. Next Sunday is World's Temperance Sunday and will he ob-erved in the Sunday School. Mrs..!. W. Warren left Monday for Washington, Iowa, where she will visit her daughter. I'ernard Atkins returned to Omaha Tuesday morning after -pending a few days here with friends Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sinelser are the proud parents of a baby girl which ar rived at their home Friday. .iolin Hamilton of (Snide ltoek was in thu eity Saturday visiting his son. W. (S. Hamilton and family. Will Shoemaker and family have moved into Mrs. .1. W. Warren's res deuce in the east pint of tlio city. Miss Mary Christian who is teaching school at Funk, Nebraska, spent the week end in this city with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,1. f Chi 1st Ian. Miss Ethel Waller, who had been -ponding a few days with her grand patents Mr. and Mis. .1. II. Pulley, re turned to her home at Cow les, Monday. Mrs. Hauer, who laid been visiting her daughters, the .Misses lieatiiceand Hazel McKeighan. and other relatives leturned to her home at Lincoln Tues day. Dr. Warrick, the specialist, will meet eye, ear. nose and throat patients and those neeiing glasses fitted at Dr. Daniciell's olllce. Monday. November 1.1th City Superintendent ot Schools P. M. Whiteliead returned the last ol the week from Oinuhii, where he hud been attending the State Teaclieis' Con vention.' We have taken the agency for the famous "San-Tox" line of Medicines and Toilet ai tides. We ale so eon vlnced of the merits of these goods that we oiler to lefund the purchase price to anvouc not satistled with the use of anv article. Ask for a Ulue Hook Sign of the Nur-o C. h Cutting. At a meeting of tlio A. F. .v- A. M. lodge Friday evening the following were given the Master Mason degree: Fied Fuller, Guy Scott, Will Mutter and Frank Shuinan. After lodge a Vouch was seivcd to which all the members did justice. A large crowd was present, several from (Snide Hock and Kiverton being in attendance. Mr-. C. Ij Myers entertained a few of the intimate friendsof Dr. Clarence Caldwell at a six o'clock dinner on Friday evening, the occasion being due to the fact that the doctor had decided to remove from this eity. The spread was all that could have been expected, and Mrs. Myers was declare 1 by all present as being an A No. 1 hostess HIGH SCHOOL NOTES hv Hi ssi. i.i. Mm:i:s m It is quite evident from the paint , that has been added to the High School and surroundings that the Seniors were not alone in Saturday night's event. Who painted the fonu - tain? Tlio Senior class plus are here anil everyone in the class who have them seem to lie well please I. Corn Shelter For Sale A I hole .lolliet corn sheller with .v tension feed. The sheller hits been run one season and is as irood as new. Inquire of H. Kassor or K. Himes. C U A R A NTEE'D ' Sold By Miner Bros. Co, Insure your Harm Prooctty with Frank T. Hoon, FieldmarJ for tin. ' Farm Central Mutual Firej Insurance Co., i of ' Hastings, Nebraska , ' A sine safe s mini mill (-i mh-al ,,,,, , , . ,,,,., intf ,, ,,., IllMIIIUIiV. Will y,,nr . iu-y soon expire Wiite nte -md let mo explain No obligation on your part. . . , .'. ; -- heveialof the funnels tin com- iiUMieoil shti 'king corn. WeeMier x Kooiilz .ltlpivil n ear of lcps to Kan-ns City Wednesday. Hi. .1. W. Mmaiiville itnd wife ucic jns-cngers to Hastings Tuesday. A new heater has leeetitly been in stalled in tint C. 1!. ,V . uuiiid bouse. I'orsaleor trade ISO Hires Will tuUe a small farm ami entry the lull-anee.-C. A. Sehultz. Special discount tinting Pat mors' Institute on C!Iiis-es Nov. 1Mb and loth, ut 15. II. William's in olllce over M A. Albright'-, store. Mrs. ,)as. Itillings and two sous, who had heeu visiting her mother. Mrs. .las Melinite, returned to their home til ftmnoria. Kansas, Tuesday uiht. Dr. Clarenee Caldwell left Wednes day night for l.aClede. MisMuul, where he will praetiee his chocn profession. The doctor has made many friends dui-. in his stay in this eity who along with The Chief wish him success in his new location Owing to tlio seveieslonn which pre vailed in this vicinity on last evening, not a largo number witnessed An Affair of Three Nations, shown at the Tepee both afternoon and evening Those who did, however, pronounced it up tu the usual high standard, and no doubt many will tuUo advantage of it being shown again tonight. Uoseoe P. Weesner, the hustling head of the I!. P. Weesner .V Co. store, this week in his inl to be found on another page in this paper, introduces something new in the art of advertis ing in this vicinity Hcsidcs offering any number of bargains, which out class any mail older house a city block, under the caption of "Some Things To Kcinembcr" gives nijeh tood for thought. 1NAVALE Hemic-1 Saunders is assisting with the household duties at Will Tophaiu's Many Myer.s had a relapse ot chicken pox and has been quite sU-U lint in better. Miss Itlnuuhe Marker went to Peel Cloud Monday to assUi Mr,, It. V. i Koout. Willi her household duties. C. Hunter and wife and Mis. Ilarr Cloud relumed Sunday from their dip t ) the sand hills. Mr. Matkiiis returned the middle of last week from Powell. Wyoming. He doesn't like the country there. .Miss (icneiveive Miller has been quite sick with sore throat, but is im proving. Hazel Harvey was not able to retain to lied Cloud Monday but went Tues day morning. Karl Young of Guide Mock spent Sunday ami Monday lu luavale. Mr J. IVtiM'sou shipped two ears of tat hogs Wednesday to market. The M K. Ladies Aid met at the church on last Wednesday to tie com forts Jtv. Meebe of l!ed Cloud preached to a large ciowd Friday evening at the Christian cliurch. C. F. .Joyce, 1!. .V M. Agent, resum ed his duties Tuesday morning after a ten days lay oil'. Mr. and Mrs. Art Myors went Itcd Uloud Mondav. to Corn Acreage The aci cage devoted to corn in Ne braska will e.Ncee.l (i.'.MtS.OIIO aOI'CS IIS . against li..":in,()00 in lid I. Iteports of ' the condition of the crop will soon be tubulated by the Nebiaska State Hoard of Agriculture " i People Say To Us "I cannot eat this or tint food, it docs not agree with me." Our advico to nil of them is to tako a -.-. ,.. nn nvenensia Tablet before and alter each meal.' 25c a box. n. E. Gnco Drug Co. 7fl25: TEPEE Monday and Tuesday N..v rnui.l ' Neal of the Navy TlllHH SluHY PTIIK WIPKIA and a CO.MFDY Wednesday and Thursday Nov IT and is Comrade John AN KX I'll A SP1XM l. l-'KATUHi: AT ISHiSI l.H PUICIN Alive i eel drama licuu the popular novel by Samuel Merwln Henry Kit chell Webster. The stiiiy concerns it-elf with a make believe philosopher. Ills dis illusioned wile, a credulous girl ami a man who tefu-cs to be blmVi'd. A splendid p'etute ill all its details MATINI'.H WKDNKDAY and TIIUUSDAY at : p. m. liny your Sal-Vet of Cutting the Druggist. adv Walter W. Marshall spout Sunday lu St. ,1oe with friends (Set your glasses titled properly. Satisfaction guaranteed and prices rea-onable. II. II. Williams, i lllco over Albiiglit's stoic, Nov. is and P.'. It. C. Letson. the popttlai and enter piising manager of Hie Miner Mros. iJo. store, with his usual foresight in ilolin; the rle-ht thine- at Hie i-Lrn , .1.,,.. i,..t i,.i,.,.i ...u-..iit.i.r,i f (I... f,.t .....V, .... . ...... .. f, ... that net week Farmers' Institute - will tlnd large crowds in this city, and on Thuisday, Friday and Saturday, he lias arranged for a free denionstiation of the famous Sunshine cookies and biscuits Mr. I.etson says it Is the Miner Mios Co treat. We intend to get ouis you should do likewise! U. WAi ft m:i 'imam . iTVM,T ti-fi , . Aim; hfcWiWiS ssw a m& Uw im m r &i JS. mM0- $; 'tfil rrw -"ir ut.,i'.iw.,r i ynm.tj ww' ai r'.-iitivrai-ii ivu itc " imvi 2A.-W. mm wa??7 A SCENE FROM "COMRADE JOHrP' (PATHE) At tho Tepee Wednesday and Thursday. Next. Afternoons and Evenings. KANSAS PICKUPS ll'riiin Miilth loiuityi Little Harold Matson is reported better at tills writing. Joe Morgan is here visiting at tlio homo of It V. l'.iyne's. Mr. and Mr. Cluules McCliue were .Sunday vlsitois with Mr. and Mrs. T. Frauues .Mr. and Mrs Thud Uylo of l.elianon were Sunday guests at the H M. Spurr ier liome. There is a great deal of slclcness especially with the oliildren in (IiIh uelKhhurliood. Mrs. H. K. Spuniur and hahy, (Jleii, visited Friday afternoon with Mts. 1 Miller in Lebanon. Miss Myra I.eibliait of Lebanon spent Saturday and Sunday the guest of MIhs Hello Stones. Tho young people of Highland gave an oyster supper at Henry Humes' last Friday evening, there was a latge at tendance Jesse Hoching and family autoed over to Smith Center last Thursday in their new ear, which thoy icceiitly purchased at Red Cloud. The Heir Hiss Hertlia Fogleburg and assistant Miss Keys ate holding a series of revival meetings at I'awucfi They ate good spiiitual worheis, come out and hear them. New House For Sale A new four room lion.se wit Ii scret ti ed porch S liy Id feet Will sell at it very reasonable ptice. For fiuilier Information lii'inlie of The Chief. , o Watch Your Children Often children do not lot parents know they aro constipated. They fear nomc thing distasteful. They will like Itcxall Ordcrlie3 a mild laxativo that tastes like eugor. '.. Sold only by us, 10 cents. H. E. Grice Drug Co, Fresh liowueysat Miner Pros. Co Fat her Fitzgerald leturned home this week from California lr H V Nicholson -pent Sunday at tiuulo Kock with Dr. Hronhmau and wife. Will-VT SoiiKi.MSi.s: Fl is t class chicken feed SI tier UX pounds at The Diamond Mill. Metier order the bushels of those line Potatoes sent to the house from j Miner Pros. Co. Mts Melissa Hedge and sun. Carl. I and daughter -pent Saturday lu Hast ings with Aaron Hedge. Will labor ami mother of Omaha ai- lived in the city Monday evening to visit relatives and friends. I mm... i ...ii.. .. .1... i, ....it., l i. I .....:.., . ! i ut, i. nines in nit' iiiiiiii-i in -ui-ii'i(i j will serve dinner and supper, Pi bitty. 'Nov. pith, in the M. W. A hall. i Dr. Nye and wife and N. C. I'lse and I wife of Osborne. Kansas, were In the 'city Monday tiansactitig business ciiy .Montiay iiausacung ousmess, Mi-s Hello Hamilton came up f""'1 (.aide Hock Monday evening to visit bet brother W. (i. Hamilton and fatui l.v. Mis. F. W. Harris ami daughter Mrs Versawof Itlooinltigton were the guests of Mis, ,)as. MeCiului the last of the week special price to school children on glasses tilted, Nov. IStli and IPth. U II. Williams, olllce over Albright's store Will Shoemaker resumed his old position as the heavy man on the light end of the street lailway system, on Monday (Hi account of the Farmers' Institute the regular meeting of the W. C. T. I t i lie held on November 17th, has liceli postponed until the Ullh. Another good farm consisting ol Ils'O a''ies for sale or tradr Will take a 'small faint close to a (iermaii settle- nieiit and town. For other bargains see me. C. A. Schull.. Tom Ibibiiisoii of I!ed Cloud lias been addeil to the depot fiuight force this weeli Tom fortneily worked here, and his friends will be glad to welcome h m and family buck -Thursday h Me ( ,ioU Tribune kmmfflM fmm I.M U0Vlr.'.T SaugLSWSm r, MBsaKf Rural School Jlotes District 20 During the passed few weeWs many new and interesting tilings huvo been begun. Tlio boys have each donated a few pieces of tools and have erected a work bench in thu hall. They have organized a Manual Tiainingohiss and have began their Hist piece of work, which is a match holder. Two of tlio older boys are wyirking on a bench for the lloweis of which we have ten varieties. Tlio girls have started a Hewing class. They haw finished humming towels and are now making white curtains for the school room. Two more new pupils have been add ed to the school which are Mildred Havel ami Albie Zajic. Those pupils witli perfect attendance recotds for the mouth of October are: Alex and Fied Strobl, I. urn and Leslie Higglus, Ned I'iiley, Herbert and Hilda Broinnior. Seventeen of the Normal Training class and Miss Thornton of Itcd Cloud weieoiitto visit the school Octol cr ar.ih. The school gave a l'ie supper Hal lowe'en eve which proved iito a suc cess as well as much merriment. Miss Anna Hrimmi:k, Teacher. Farm Owners According to tabulations made by tho Nebraska State Hoard of Agricul ture, theio are more owners of farms ocoupying the land this year than at I any lime in the history of tho state. I More Ihuu T'l.COO farni owneis aro re siding on their farms, according to Hie Nebraska assessors Last year tlio number teported was (l.VJtH. In 1I1'J the number of farinowncis aggregated 7'J,1I8. This stood as a record until lllir, fl ! f) H Kr. .:. ...--.j 'i n itiriiniiilYi 1 ' H i-rr i.ii '-"'". . . --. ' '"V' w) I ll Sr-sm Hi ) W) f) The Last Chance Is Approaching For Greeting The Members of the Booster Club The premiums will be awarded to the Booster having the largest number of M COUpOIlS Oil V ATtA nocQir uvuiiwuujf, uvvvmuvt xa The Booster Ballot Box Closes At 12 O'clock Noon But here is the big opportunity. We Have Put this Booster Club campaign on in order lo get cash. We have gotten it, bill it is not all in, so we make the following offer: For each account paid before noon, Nov. 17 we shall give ten coupons for cacli cent paid on account or for each purchase or money deposited to be traded out in the future. Help your friend with the coupons. Help us clean up our books. The exact standing of all Boosters ore now posted at our store. Jhe (jomden-Kaley (plotting Qo. The Booster Store 3 DC FRESH STOCK OF BUCKWHEAT Has Arrived 50c We Give Our Own Trading Stamps and Redeem the Same For $3.25 in Merchandise--$2.75 in Cash WASJEK W- MARSHALL THE SANITARY GROCERY 'I151E FIRE FIRE The Satfe Foundation Reports that in litis country there IJURNED EVERY WEEK INTHE YEAR, on the average Three Theatres Ten Schools Three Public Halls Two Colleges Two Hospitals and Twenty Six Hotels Thousands oC Homes catch fire each week WILL YOURS BE NEXT? Let America's Greatest Fire Insurance Company, "The Home oC New York" carry your risk Geo. M. VanCamp, Agent (Over Storey's Clothing Store) THE OFFICE WHERE YOUR CLAIMS ARE WELCOME PHONESt Ind. 241 and 17.1 Bell 128 IF YOU WANT PMEflT OR A PMER JVIade Right, Lettered Right find Erected Right SEE: OVERlflG Makers of Artistic' Monuments Red Cloud, iMmromKor rl 4 3 3D C PER SACK 5HDH FIRE BROS. & GO. Nebraska i j 3 "I m n tin n a ftf; WMwxfcjmuo-jAittKwyy ' I