The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 11, 1915, Image 4

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    Sw3WSawwag :t!TX;
ItoM' ps 1HI-
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k 1
Rod Cloud, Nebraska.
Entered In the I'iiMi film lit Hull K.tnl, Nub.
ih Nceohd finis Mntli r'
A H. MiAHTIIl'll
Tlio llrst four ilnys (tf llils month
ui'iu uninirr tlimi llu- first four days
of .July tliK year Ileie is soinotlilni:
for tho extreinost to cl.ioiili'lu. In
fuel our two summer months this year
veie September mill October ami this
month m fur In p;ood old summer time.
Kvoty win in iliiy now uiiilcos tli winter
that much shorter.
Tho business limn anil farmers have
lici'ii vciy busy ouch Thursday in milk
inn ioiiiN. Mui'li liciul vvny has la-en
made ami oonsiilcinblo work done.
There is room, however, for n oie work
ami those in elm rye ol the worh would
gladly welcome volunteer labor. This
work is all done without cluii'KO ami
everyone doilves homo henellt from It.
Many hands make ll'lil work is an old
triiiHin hut it is especially applicable
to road;. Willi tho continuance
of ood weather it is to ho hoped that
over load in the county will tin put
into u passable, condition hcfoio tho
mound fryc.os.
The Ilinh School Athletic association
of tho statu has made a uiliiu,' that no
MiiolieiN can play foot hall in the con
tests or hleji school meets. Now this
association has not made this rulluu
because it thinks that smoking is a
uiiuio or unmanly, or harhaious hut
oaeb hchool desires to win ami exper
ience has shown that excessive smokers
cannot win in athletic contests. 01'
course some of tho hoys will think
that this idea Isold fojjyism hut the
fnclh aro against them. We believe
that this ac'.ioii will have more cU'ecl
t linn all tho lectures and n'litc crows
that could possibly ho devised.
Tho Adams County Uar Association
Is uIiuulntliiK it petition asking .Indue
Duncan to make the race lor another
tciiu usiUstiict JiiiIkc. We trust that
tin; .Iiulc will he prevailed upon to
iiKittu shy his hat Into the rliifj. lie
has pleased his triomls ami suiprised
his opponent- with his fair, honest
and conscientious administration. Ho
lias made fur himself an excellent
reputation in a judicial capacity and
has gained the ood will and esteem
of bin constituents. Fearless yet con
horvative he has the ipialillontions for
this impoitant olllce It Is very likely
that tills petition will be signed by
ovciy liar association in tho district.
Just now with winter coming on the
temptation is strong to got out the
mail order catalogue and hunt for
liurgains. The di'sciiptlons of the
various ai Holes aro very cleverly wilt
tin ami tho assertion isconstautly ro
pcutcd that tho price Is much lower
than any local meichant can make.
liul is the assertion tine? Article for
urticlc, pi loo for pi ice, service for ser
vice should he compaied without any
leanings either way. Hcfoio any one
yields to the temptation of sending
mviiy for any goods which may he
needed he should in common honesty
to himself take his catalogue to his
nieiohunt anil sco for himself where
he can liny to tho best advantage. No
ono would like to ho sent out of any
community and told never toicturnso
why should we tioat the poor dollar in
such a niannci ? If the dollar stays at
homo it can buy butter and eggs, grain
and pioilucts, ll can eauy us over
when wo need credit during an off
season and help us in many ways. We
iirecoulident that It the buyeis would
make a tl.oro investigation of qualities
and prices they would alwajs do their
fcJtrudlng at home. Try it!
Notice of Final lit not I.
Jil tlie Count) I out! ! Webstii cuunt.i,
In the ninth r of tin t state ot I'rulcrlek
All persons luhrcshd In said estate are
hereby iiottllnl thai tlie i:tcutor luixc Dint
a llnal account unit reporter tin lr aduilu-
.Istrnliou, auda pitlllon lor Dual settlement
ol tliclr account anil a ilicrtu ot illtitrlluitloii
uil 1 1 in i al state mat rt sliluc of tin personal
property ami a illscluirfe from tlielr trust,
which have la en set tor hiarlm: before s:Uil
court on the 'Jiillidny of N'o ember, IMfi, at 10
-o'clock A. M wlieuall ptrsoiiN Interestut In
Hie premise) may appear and -iitit ihe
JWitctl this, iltli ila of .Voveuihtr, 11)15.
KAI.l A. I). 1U.V.NHV,
county Juilwe.
Lincoln Letter
The hugest bond issue to bo register
ed at the audltot's olllco during the
ptesont Incumbency camo from the
Uinaha school district last week Tho
otlglnul issue was ii million dollms.
but only half of this amount was re
gistered. The other half million will
come in later. Tho smallest issue was
also received the past week, this being
in I ho sum of siftl. ami camo from a
school diliicl out in Sioux county
Tho mandamus ease of I'iie Com
missioner Kidgell vs State Treasurer
Hall, whs argued in the suptcmo emit t
hist week Mid a decision Is looked for
In a few dajs.
TlieToklo Mm hie Insurance Com
puny of Tohio. Japan, has applied ami
was giaiited a license to do business
ill Nclnasha hv State Insuianeo Com
missionei W. It. r.ustlinm last week.
Its principle Hue Is the lire and liability
insurance on automobiles, also upon
caiu'os, freight and other propel ty
against loss hv lake, river, and inland
trauspoitatlon. The I'atiiotic Insur
ance Company of Dublin, Iiehind, is
another company asking admission to
the state, and upon investigation It
found lo bo all riulit, will likely he
i licensed.
The monthly report issued by State
Auditor Smith shows that a total of
II, ll..' claims were passed on by the
auditor's olllco dining the mouth of
October, those aggregating a total of
i:il)J,!l()!l '2J. With tlie exception of
l''biuary this was the smallest, total
of any month so far this year. Tho
total amount of claims audited during
the past ten months has been fM.filll.lO.").
.Mi, while tho aggregate for tho year
1!lir will probably run close lo live and
and one half millions of dollms.
At tho hearing held in Omaha a few
days ac,o wherein the .Missouri I'lieillo
l!y. Co , is seeking to have its passeng
er faro rates incieased from two to
two and one-half cents per ndlo by the
federal couit, the point was raised by
Attorney tienoial Keel that tho court
in question has no jurisdiction in the
matter, and whether the august jur
ists agree with tho contention or not
the people ot the state arc of tho opin
ion that the altorncy general is right
in his contention.
The meetings of county assessors
hold by Secretary Iternecher of the
state board of equalization and assess
ment, throughout the state the past
tell days have been widl attended, ami
will doubtless result in a morn prefect
understanding of assessment matters
Might meetings wcie held in all, the
state having been divided into eight
distiicts ami the assessors being advis
ed to attend the one most convenient
to tliein. In ono county the past year
automobiles were assessed at an aver
age of Sl() each, while in a neighboring
county the assessed valuation miisK!iS,
Other property was assessed propor
tionately in many cases, and tli.i meet
ings that have been held by Mr. Iter
neckor have been for the purpose of
seeming ii more equitable assessment
in tlie t'utuie.
I)i.(i. W. Cullins of Pawnee City,
one of the pioneers of tho State of Ne
braska was visiting Socretaty of State
Tool and other old friends in the State
House this week. The doctor was
speaker of the house of representatives
at tlie third session of the legislature
In 1S7I; lids was the legislature that
impeached Governor David Duller.
Dr. Cullins was a neighbor mid friend
of (iovoruor Itutlor and did nil in his
power against the impeachment The
doctor is hale mid hearty and Ids con
versation on the early political history
of the State of Nebraska is most inter
esting. The monthly report issued by Slate
Treasurer Hall shows the collections
in by the trcasuier'.s olllce the past
month to have been s:!0O,:tT2.7S, and
the balance on hand to tie St, ".Sri, I'm 120
In addition to the foregoing the state
has invested in 1 1 list funds the sum
of $",".'15,71 Mil), all but about one mill
ion of this being in tlie permanent
school fund.
Ho Understands Livestock
Values and Has Enjoyed
Great Success as an Auction
eer That Gets The Money.
Guide Rock, .;. Nebraska
.1. II. Urn. illton .v. Son, October '.'.'I,
Ho sure to attend the Farmers' Insti
tute next week.
Methodist ention
Mr " ' Mrs. Alex Ib'titlev and Mrs.
Ilnwkt" t iiiiiltd with the church the
llrst ot 'lie month.
Splendid meetings at Ash Creek
Von ate Invited to come.
Hoc. Hummel lllled the pulpit at Ash
('reek in the morning and at Hod Cloud
in the evening Sunday. The pastor
fully appio lutes the help of lirotlier
Hummel in the work on tlie charge.
Tho mens bible class continues to
grow. New names aro being added al
most very week
All the legular services when the
pastor is away will ha held just the
same as tf he was present.
Next Sunday will bo a groat day In
the Sunday Schools. It Is World's
Temperance Day. lie Mile to sign a
Our Janitor has- a supply of umbrel
las, handkerchiefs and other articles
which thcownetseaii have by calling
for thoin
A special cut price mail rate of only
fcl.'O a year is ma lo for the Daily and
Sunday State .Journal ,vlth colored
comic section and maga.iuc. Without
the Sunday paper the mail into will
be only Ii a year. The State .Journal
price heietotore has been 8"t a year tor
Daily mid Sunday and l without the
The publishers believe it is possible
to give its patrons the henellt of cut
ting out Unvoting solicitors' salaries,
hotel bills, railroad fares and other ex
penses. Therefore these new intcs,
A siilllclcnt increase in the business
should make these special rales pee
There will la- the same expenditure
of money and brains in producing The
.lournal in the futuie that has given
it the leputatiou of being Hie most
ably edited and most carefully prepar
ed newspaper in Nebraska. The .lour
nal receives the full Associated Press
reports, has its special Washington
representative, ami hundreds of local
coriespondents throughout the state.
It has a corps of special writers who
produce in tides upon subjects of which
they have real knowledge. l'ho Jour
nal is Lincoln's only morning paper.
It has always been the endeavor of
The State Journal to serve tho people
of Nebraska and Its ell'orts have now
tho approval of thousands, its circu
lation being at its highest point at this
time. It is especially titling now to
reach out. ami include thousands of
others in our list of reudeis. Tho
character and cleanliness of a paper is
much to ho considered in its admission
to the home.
These new prices aro but little more
than usually charged for a good weekly
newspaper and hundreds of families
which aro not mnv subscribers to a
daily will feel able to have one since
they can have tho best for $-J a year
or $.'l..0 including Sunday.
There are many in the state who.
while preferring The Journal, have
felt compelled to take cheaper dailies
These can now have their favorite pa
per, because now the "best" is also Ihe
"cheapest'. News dealers throughout
the state will deliver Tho Journal,
week days ami Sundays, with tlie spec
ial Sunday features, for only ten cents
a week. Addiess
A Sad Taol.
An niiKllslaaau wlio was la Kaol
Untitled ii very load waul.
"I'm locked lip." uald lie,
"AV'lieio tliey never serve tea.
And I don't Iniow v. hero I can raise, Uaol.'
"How did Jones come to lose lilt
money?" asked the old fogy.
"It was spirited away." 'replied the
"What do you mean?" asked the old
"lie spent It on bonze," replied the
That Helps Some.
"Ho Ilko the rooster, sna. ( be;;."
Said wise, olil Mr l.uu-st.
"And If you caaaot lav an wa
You can aland rouinl Tint boost."
"I don't iiudei'stuuil this picture, Mr
Dauber." said Mr Hlbrow. "There Is
nothing to It but a man wearing n
blue suit mid a cap. and you have
nanicd the picture 'Friendless.' Who
Is this man. mid why Is the picture
mimed 'Friendless?'"
"That," replied the nrtlst, "represents
mi uinpiio alter tlie homo team has
lost u close game,"
More Appropriate.
"Somo day I'll uct a harp." said Dlx,
"And Join tho heavenly choir,"
But when he died and crosbed tho Styx
They handed him a lyro.
Daily Health Hint.
Never step on n banana peel when
you nre carrying n bottle of nitro
glycerin. How It Happened.
HolMed llmjon.
Awful Jan un.
Sees n drnRon.
Water wokuii.
Names Is Nnmos.
Tho firm of Katz & Iloticctitter is In
business In Liverpool, Englnnd.
Tiiursclay-Friday" Saturday
November 18, 19 and 20
FA a he
Come "
One Spoonful Gives
Astonishing Results
Uod Cloud residents are astoii -Ued
at the ivH'l( K results from the suni lo
mixture of hucUtiiorn barh, glycenin-. i
etc , known as Adler-t ka. This reui.d.
acts on IJOTII upper and hner bowel
mid is so THOU.H nil a bowel clean- '
her that it is used .successfully in up-'
oendieltls. ()NK St'OON'l-'ft.iir Ailli.r. I
i-lsu relieves almost ANV CASH of con
stlpalion, sour or gassy stomach ONE
MINUTE after you take it, tho gasses
runiblo and pass out. Clias. L. Cot
ting, druggist.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice Is hcrehy len thai l lrtui ol the
diereeof (nit closure, lemtt rut hylhe District
i ourt. ol elistrr county. Nebraska, at the
M'litemlier tei m Mill. In Hie action therein
piudluu, wherein i harles uuy Is plalntlll,
and .lolia I.. lirlstlau et ill, are ilcleiidauts.
I will oa the '-".Mil ilaj o( November lu.", at 2
u'eloek p. ni, al Hin south door ol the court
liotiM- In Ui il ( liiiul. In said count v. oiler unit
sell at public auction to the IiIuI'icnI bidder,
lor cash, the (nllowlai; ilecrlbcil real estale.
The North Half ni the South Ilaitol section
Twenty-Nino (Jin, lu Township olu. , h
North, Kmiuc 1 en ilia. Wist of the fit It p. in.
Webster Comity. Nebraska, under and to
satisfy lliesalil ilierie.
Hated October '.Till, Mlli.
i). 1). II mm i:. shcrlil
In the County Court of Webster County
.sr.n:ii'NKim.sKA, i
Webster county, "'
In the matter of the estate of John
llael sir., (licensed,
I'll KIUTOIIS of said estate Mill take notice,
thai tho time limited for pusentation and
lllinc of claims iikiiIiixI tlio same In Mnv
IJIh. mill: and for the payment of debts Is
October Hill. I'.MIi. that I will sit at the
county court room in said county on the i:ith
day of May mill, at 10 o'clock mm,. to re
ceive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all
claims and objections dulj illid.
Hated this lllhday of October, A. P., I!II5.
(Seal.) A. P. UANNKY, County .Itnlci-
Order to Show t'nnsc
State ni .Nebraska, i T1. , ....... ,..,,,.,
W(bstcrlountj. i "' ""' i oantj i onrt.
Arn county (ourt held at thu County
( ourt room In and for said county uetulxr
In the iiinttcr ol the estafe of Pavld I.,
(iroat. Pcnasnt.
o.s rcadlnij and mint: the petition of l.lie
liroat. praylnc that adiiilulstrallou ol said
cl.itc iiuiy hi'Krniitcil to PaxIdA. i iroat. as
oitPi:m:p, that t'rlihiy the IJIh day of
November. A. P. Ililj, at ten o'clock a. in.. Is
assicued for hearlml said petition, when all
persons interested In said matter may tip
pear at a County Court to be held in and for
siild County and show cause why prajer of
petitioner should not be urantedi and that
notice of the pendency of said petition and
tho hearlm: thereof bo ulven to all purmiug
liitcristiil lu said matter, by publlshlm- a
copy of this order In tho Ited Cload Chief, a
weekly newspaper printed lu said county,
lor throo consecutive weeks prior to said day
of hearlm;.
A I). lUvvKt,
St'rt') roimty Indue.
imMm and Biscuits
Miner Bros. Co.
Our Store Your Headquarters
Instilue Dates Are 1 6th to 1 9th
- Have A 'Good Time
iner Bros0 Co.
General Merchants
Mighty Safe Place To Trade"
Mifl mwiEfZyifc
CTisTn3Jtrjy 'zscsc2taPcrt!rznMtir5?i
R39 3 n K .H
in: w.i.
''' ' ' " 'i . , ,1
In iiil;
The Table that Saves Steps
Why trudge to the attic or the basement for extra leaves when you
can have them right inside the table and at no extra cost?
The Robbins is the only table that has this simple and convenient
feature. It is one of the advantages of buying the Robbins kind
and it is one you will appreciate more and more as you use it.
Robbins Tables are built by men who have studied table construc
tion for forty years men who know how to build tables that are
convenient, good to look at and durable.
4 -
Come in and let us show you why the Robbins is a good table to buy.
Furniture and
Red Cloud
As!c for "CENTURY EDITION "Sheet Music
fc'anJ-.rl .-"ic! c ', : ' in -r mericna Composers; fiacst cdl
5"0,i' , .it-'. f i t ii hiiii;, dravinn-room or concert.
1 --t an.J ls nainni iu in Icidir. achouls and Conservatories.
10c a Copy Regardless of Publishers ' Prices
Let ' Century " Catalog of 2.000 stlcttiuns. We carry tho line.
n in
ska g
',rsyr!ry,iiia?c"tr?wta.m.- wwMnwr,i,w -