The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 11, 1915, Image 3

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"-""W "
I Recommend Peruna Xo
I Do
Think I
Ever Felt
' Mrs. William II. Illnchllffe. No. 20
Myrtle St., Beverly. Muss., writes: "I
You know wlmt vnu pell or buy tliiiuiKh tho Hairs Iiiim uliout
ono chuiioc In fifty to escape SAI.U STAlll.i: l)ISTK.ll'i:U.
"MPOIIN'S" Is jour triii pinloi'tlun, vom only M.ircgiiind, for
us Hum hi voti tri-iit all your homos with It, nu will soon
In' rlil of the illRt'.'t.Hi-, It arts mm it mire pn'onlivi tin mat
tiir how they nrr "Vxpoird " DO im'iiIh and II n bolttr .
anil $10 iliwn hottlps, tit all Knoil ilrugKlxl.H, horsy Komln Iiiiiikcs,
or ilflivi r m1 liy tho tiiatiiifiirttirers.
SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chomlils and Baclerioloolsts. GOSHEN, INO, US.
Ancients Used Gas Warfare.
Tho earliest uso of deleterious gases
In hlcgo warfare Is tccorded In the
history ol tho Polopoiineslan wars
from 4H1 to 10 1 II. C. During this
struggle between the Athenians and
Spartans and their respective allies
tho cities of Platea and Dolluni were
Wood saturated with pitch and sul
phur was set on lire and biirneil under
tho walls of these cities in order to
generate choking and poisonous fumes
which would stupefy the defenders
and render tho task of the attacking
forces less dlHlcuk.
Its Sort.
"Military courtship must bo trying."
"Naturally. It is a sort of court
A woman's idea of doing charity
work is to get her malo acquaintances
to furnish tho money.
Tho bigot Is usually pretty small.
Stop That Backache!
There's nothing more discouraging
than a conxtant bneknehc. You nu
lnine when jou awake. Pains pierce you
when you bend or lift. It'n hard to rest
and next day it's the Mine old t-toty.
Pain in the back im nature'H warning of
kidney ills. Neglect mav pave tho way
to drop, gravel, or other t-uiious kid
ney ni'liu'n. Don't delay begin uing
Doan's Kidney Pill-i -the remedy that
has been etiting backache and kidney
trouble for ocr fifty jears.
A Kansas Case
Mrs A D Saner.
CW W. Pout tli St .
S , Abilene, Knn .
says "My kidney
w e r e In dreadful
shape and my liaek
bothered mo awful
ly I was worn out
and ncrtmiH a n d
cniild hardly do my
work. After doe
t or I 11 k falthfullv
without succchm I
ufimI Doiiii'r Kid
ney Pills mid they
r e 8 t o red me to
health and Btrcngth."
Get Don' at Any Store, COe Be
The Army of
la Growing Smaller Every Day.
responsible they
Jr. In .i CjJjiiV
Moij" (
not only give relief
they perma'
atipation. Mil
lions use
them for
ladigestioa, Sick Headache, Sallow Skin.
Genuine must bear Signature
Reduces Bursal Enlargements,
Thickened, Swollen Tissues,
Curbs, Filled Tendons, Sore
ness from Bruises or Strains;
tops Spavin Lameness, allays p.iin.
Does not blister, remote the hair ot
lav up the horse. ?2 00 a bottle
at druggists or delivered. Hook 1 M free.
AUSORBINE, JR., for mankind-an
antiseptic liniment for bruises, cuts, wounds,
strains, painful, swollen veins or glands. Il
heals and soothes. 51.00 a bottle at drug
gists or postpaid. Will tell you more if you
write. Made in the U. S. A. by
W. N. U LINCOLN, NO. 46-1915.
Most Eminent Medical Authorities Endorse It
A New Remedy for Kidney, Bladder and all Uric Acid Troubles
Dr. Eborlo and Dr. Bralthwalto as
well ob Dr. Simon all distinguished
Authors ugrco that whatever may bo
tho dlseaso, tho tirluo seldom fulls in
furnishing us with n cluo to tho princi
ples upon which it Is to ho treated,
and accurato knowledge- concerning
tho naturo of dlsenso can thus bo oh
taincd. If bnckaeho, scalding urino or
froijuent urination bother or distress
you, or if uric ncld in tho blood has
caused rheumatism, gout or sciatica
or you suspect kidney or bladdor
trotiblo JURt wrlto Dr. Plerco at tho
Surgical Institute, lluffolo, N. Y.; Bend
a sarnplo of urino anil descrlbo symp
toms. You will recelvo frco medical
advico after Dr. Pierce's choralst has
examined tho urino this will bo care
fully dono without chargo, and you
will be under no obligation. Dr. Plorco
All Sufferers
Of Catarrh
have taken four bottles of renina, j
and I can say that It has done me
the head and throat. I recommend
Peruna to all sufferers with catarrh.
I do not think I ever felt much bet
ter. I am really surprised at the work
I can do. I do not think too much
praise can be said for Peruna."
Our booklet, telling you how to keep
well, free to nil.
Thote who object to liquid medU
clnet can now procure Peruna Tab
Englishmen of Prominence Interest
Themselves In Providing Litera
ture for the Soldiers.
Tim London Times announces tho
completion of plans for tho publica
tion of reading material in a new and
portable form, especially suitable for
tho trendies. Sir Walter Ualelgh,
professor of ICnglish literature at Ox
ford, has aided the Times in this work.
Tho Times has undertaken to supply
"a numerous and various selection of
tho best passages, grave and gay,
from Kngllsh verso and prose," to bo
printed on llylcnves, or broadsheets,
and sold In mixed sets at 11 very low
price. ICadi broadsheet can bo In
closed In a letter without adding to
tho cost of postage, while whole assort
ments can be sent to nlllcers for dis
tribution nniong tho men. Of theso
broadsheets tliirtysix, in sets of six,
havo been arranged for.
Tho first set includes: Tho two tes
taments; Shnkespearo, Milton and
Wordsworth; "Pericles to tho Athen
ians" (Prolssart on back); selections
from tiie "Coniplent Angler ; Dickens'
"A (iaiiio of Crlbbago"; Macauhiy's
"Armanda." In the second set arc:
The "Song of Deborah"; four poonis
on tho war; three essays by Ilacon;
"David Hnrrls. Cricketer" (Nyren);
"Tho Worthy Commander" (Over
bury); "Partridge at thu Play" (from
Tom .Jones). Tho third set oflers:
"Tho Illessed Mfu"; "The Last Fight
of the Uovengo"; "The Winchester
Country" (Cobbetl); some Shakes
spoaro songs: "Mr. Mlcawber's Trans
actions;" "Caviinagh, tho Fives
Player" (Ilalitt).
Tho font th set is varied, starting out
with King Solomon s Prayer. Follow
ing this are: "The Men in llueknim;
Tolstoy's "A Ftituro Life;" "A Swim
Ilelow Niagara," by Trelawny; "Ado
nais;" two letters of Charles l.nmb
"David and Goliath" heads tho llfth
list, followed by Pope's "Tho Secret
Happiness, Prayer; "Interview Willi
a Pasha" (Klnglako); "A Quarrel With
tho Captain" (Fielding), and "Tho Hal
lad of Agineourt." In thu last sot are;
"Elijah and the Haln;" Grny's "El
egy;" Himyan's "Tho Hiver of Death;"
"Tho City at Night;" "Old Trees," and
"Dob Acres' Duel" (Sheridan).
With Cuticura Soap Because So Sooth
ing When His Skin Is Hot.
Theso fragrant supcrcreamy emol
lients aro a comfort to children. Tho
Soap to cleanso and purify, tho Oint
ment to sootho and heal rashes, Itch
lugs, dialings, otc. Nothing moro ef
fective May bo used from tho hour
of birth, with absoluto confidence.
Sarnplo each freo by mall with Hook.
Address postcard, Cuticura, Dopt. XY,
Hoston. Sold everywhere-. Adv.
Just It.
"I see by tho papers old Tompkins
has failed for half a million."
"Why, I had no Idea ho had half so
"Ho didn't."
An Extremist.
"I sco that a man nged ono hun
dred and two has Just died in tho poor
house." "Ho lived long and died short, oh?"
A woman's grcutest need In llfo lb
Write Murine ltyrltrm-tly'o., Chicago
fur lllubtruted Hook of the Kye Free.
A term in ofllco will In most cases
kill the reform bug in n man.
during many years of experimentation
lias discovered a now remedy which
is thlrty-Hoven times more powerful
than lithia in romovlng uric ncld from
tho system. If you aro suifcrlng from
backache or tho pains of rheumatism,
go to your best druggist and ask for
n HO cent box of "Anurtc" put up by
Doctor Plorco, or Bend 10c for a largo
trlnl pek'g. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pin
ficrlptlon for weak women and Dr.
Pierco'B Golden Medical Discovery
for tho blood havo been favorably
known for tho past forty years and
moro. They nro standard remedies
today OB well as Doctor Piorcn's
Pleasant PolletB for tho liver nnd
bowels. You can hovo a sarnplo of any
ono of thoso remedies by writing Dr.
Pierco, and sending 10c for trial puck-ago.
(P.y 15. O Si:i.l.rilS, Acting Plrntor of
Sunday School Ciiurxo of Moody llltiln
Institute of Clih'.iKo )
U'i)'HkIiI lUH Wmttrn Ni-urpnin r I nlnn
LKSSON TKXT Daniel 1 V K.. 11 'JO TIIXT -Watch ye, stand fiim
In the fulfil, unit .Miu Mki men, he xtrong
-I Cor. 10:13.
This familiar story bus been select
ed for the "World s Teinperunci' Sun
day' It Is tho llrst record of bis
Hahylonluu experiences and Is an il
lustrious example of those evei lusting
principles which govern a successful
I. Daniel's Position, vv. 1-7. No
buehadiiezzar, 011 tho dentil of his
father, returned to llabylon from be
sieging Jerusalem to take the throne.
He carried with him Jclioinkiiu nnd n
number of young men, "In whom was
no blemish" (II) They were perhaps
twelve years old Among theso were
four who hud been particularly se
lected for pious training and the nanio
of each is compounded with tho nnmo
of God; Daniel h inclining "God Is my
Judge" They are now nlono In n
licentious heathen pnlaeo and abso
lutely at tho power of tho king and
his court. Their names nro now
changed; Daniel becomes llelteslinz
zar "favoied of Pel " Such changing
of names is enstomnry in most heath
en or Mohamniednn lands even todny.
A still greater danger or temptation
confronts these young men, viz., that
tho king appointed them "a daily por
tion of tho king's meat" (Am. Itev. v.
5). To refuse to eat invited rldlculo
nnd perhaps loss of life, but to eat
was to break tho Jewish law as to
food (Deut. 12:23-2C). See also (I
Cor. 8:7-10; 10:27-28). Their captiv
ity had been foretold (II Kings 20:17),
but a chnngo of locntion nnd nnmo
does not lnvolvo a change of heart aa
many a tempted ono has discovered.
These men In splto of natural appe
tites, danger of being thought pecu
liar, or even gratitude to king for lives
preserved refused to eat tho king's
meat and to drink his wine.
II. Daniel's Purpose, 18:13. Thn
real purpose of a man's heart not
nlono governs his nets but reveals
what ho Is God looks upon thnt when
ho Judges men (II Cor. 0:7; 8:12;
Luko 1G:15). "Without will (purpose)
(hero Is no character " (Acts II "23).
Daniel purposed "in his heart" not to
tlelllo "himself." No compromise, no
trimming becauso of being nway from
home, no partnership with tho rich
and opulent court. Daniel wns to bo
"ns clean ns n hound's tooth." Men
who dnro to stand nlono always find
co-operation, so Daniel found tlmsn
who Btood by him (v. 12). Daniel ex
orcised great tact In his dealings with
the prlnco of thn eunuchs but God
had evidenced his protecting and lead
ing caro (v. 9) enabling him to win
Ills way and persuade tho eunuch to
allow tho suggested test (v. 12). If
Christian workers would nxerciso
moro tact they would moro frequently
nttaln their desired ends (Luko 10: S).
It Is possible to bo so unbendingly
puritanical as to lay us open to n
shnrgo of Pharisaical pride. Daniel
Illustrates spotless purity, Infloxlblo
loyalty mingled with a sweet reason
ableness that alwnyH gains its ends.
Daniel had sufficient conlldcnco In his
God nnd fnlth In his notions to bo will
ing to bo submitted to tho acid test
of oxporlencc. His wns a religion
that could stand without being tied.
III. Daniel's Profit (Reward), vv, 14
21. Pulso denotes such vegetables as
beans and pens. Their diet was to bo
a general vegetable ono. Samson ns
n Na7arito drank no wlno. This ago
has yet to fully comprehend tho
reasonnbloncss nnd ofllcncy of thoso
ancient Jewish lnws of sanitation and
diet. Myriads of men nro today dig
ging their graves with tholr teeth.
Tho result of this test was thnt Danlol
and his companions woro delivered
from trnnBgresBlng God's InwB and
tho prince of tho eunuchs from being
punished bcniiBO of tho physical con
dition of his charges. Heauty, health,
and strength enmo to Dnntol nnd his
friends with tho result of preferment,
position, nnd Inlluenco nt court (v.
19). They "stood before tho king,"
(Horn. 14:10-12; I Cor. 3:10-1C; II Cor.
6,9) ; (a) becauso of tholr unsworvlng
loyalty to God and obedlcnco to his
Word (John 14-15; 1G:20 It. V.): (b)
becauso of their llfo of prayer, for It is
tho work of tho Holy Spirit to glvo
unto us wisdom (Luko 2:lfi, Acts 0:
10) oven ns Daniel was thus blessed
(v. 17) tho spirit bestows dlvcrso gifts
(I Cor. 12:1-4-11); (c) nnd finally bo
causo having a spoclal plnco in tho
purposes and piniiH of God tholr liven
woro counted 'precious In his sight (v.
27). Verily, "Ho that docth tho will of
God nbidcth forovor.''
Temperance Application. This les
son suggests tho value of total ab
stinence. 'No user of tobacco has over taken
ilrst honor nt Harvard." Longfellow
Tempornnco nnd self-control must
begin In tho homo and bo porpotuntcd
In tho Btrongth nnd powor of God
which nlono comes through an intelli
gent knowlcdgo nnd obedience of his
Word. Tliero la no way to win suc
cess except by means of a complcto
victory; to conipromiso Is to fall.
Tho loyalty or such la not earth
born and their victories aro superhuman.
n 1
Have you
ducing the
jingle book
in the
j Chew
Guest's Mistake, It Will Be Under
Stood, Was Not a Thing to Be
Wildly Advertised.
Smytho'a mistake, which Is de
scribed In an English contemporary,
must havo been disconcerting, to say
tho least.
"You'll find your bath In tho out
'oubo." Thus ho had bcon directed the night
before at tho llttlo Inn whero ho was
stopping, and that Is why ho was now,
In IiIb dressing gown, pushing open tho
outhouso door. It was dark, but
thoro was tho tub, and it would do
Ho hopped In. In tho middle of his
ablutions the red-faced landlord thrust
his head In nt tho door. In thu dim
light ho failed to see thn man in tho
"Water qulto nicely wurm, thanks,"
obsorved Smythe, "hut It's a trillo
"Muddy ho hanged!" roared tho
landlord, bursting In suddenly. "Your
tub's In the next placo. Git out of It,
you bllthorln' idiot! Not a word ot
this in tho 'oubc, mind! not a word of
this In tho 'ouso! That's my 'omo
browed nlo you'ro a-wushln' In!"
Divergent Opinion.
Ho had a lot of money, but no dls
covorablo ancestors, and no It came
that ho nffected contempt for prido of
birth. And thoro was another man
whoso family tree was tall and um
brageous, but who possessed no other
assets wortli mentioning. A discus-
l slou botweeu theso two men wus of
profound Interest. Each avoided
hutting tho other's footings, but It was
easy to detect an undorcurront of an
tagonism. Thuy concluded: "Say what
you will," tiBsoitcd tho ono, "it Is a
flno thing to comu of good stock." "It's
a finer tiling," replied tho other, with
duality, "to own It."
Sorry He Spoke.
Ho (during family quarrel) 1 sup
pose borne idiot proposed to you before
1 did.
Sho No, when you did.
Tho man who is an oxpurt with tho
garden hoo Boldoin plays golf.
"Mil SMI)"
i'-MSM ?
r p a ,& I ..fojJL 'Mn kjv
Smites bright teeth white
mnmii - g-f .
Delicious, wholesome, beneficial, appetite
and digestion-aiding confections
The longest-lasting, most helpful and
goody possible
seen " Wrigleifs Mother Goose, intro-
Sprightly Spearmen"
28 pages in colors?
As I was going to Saint Ives
I met a man with seven wives
Bach wife had a fine, clear skin,
All were fat not one was thin,
And each had a dinmla in hor chin
caused it? WRIGLETSl (flj
lne wngiey bpearmen want
to see all their quaint antics in
book free ! Write for it today and sss
ask lor "wrigley'S" the gum S
sealed package wrapped in
Profit Sharing Coupons.
t4Q4 Kosnoi Bltig., Ohlcago
it after every
Not Guilty.
Tliero had been a railway collision
near a country town In Virginia, and
a shrewd lawyor had hurried from
Richmond to tho scene ot tho disaster.
Ho noticed an old colored man with a
badly Injured head, and hurried up to
him where ho lay moaning on tho
"How about damages?" began tho
Hut tho sufferer wnved htm off.
"G'wny, bOHS, g'way," ho said. "I
never hit do train. I novcr dono slch
a thing In all mah llfo, bo help mo
Gawd! Yo' can't git no damages outen
"Toll mo noo, Jamie, what was tho
most wonderful thing you saw at
"I think the strangest thing I over
saw was tho flying llsli."
"Noo, laddlo, dliiua mnk' a fulo o'
ycr nilthor. Wha over heard o' a fish
"Another strange thing I aaw whon
crossing tho Hod sea. Wo dropped an
chor, and when wo rnlsed It again
thoro was ono ot tho whcola of Pha
raoh's chariot entangled on It."
"Ayo, laddlo, I bollovo that. Wo'vo
scrlpturo for that." London Tit-Hits.
Quite Right.
"What do you understand by tho
phraso 'a liberal education?'" asked
tho professor when tho freshman class
in economics bad assembled.
"When thu governor comes through
with plenty of spending money," re
plied tho llrst youth culled upon.
"Wero you much Impressed by tho
majestic roar of Niagara?"
"I was at first, but later on, when
my husband put up a roar about our
hotel bill, Niagara sounded llko a
ilppllng biook."
A3 the Twig Is Bent,
Hills What lino does your son
tako to?
Mills Contracting. Debts. For
dad to pay! Judge.
TI10 more n man is envied tho less
real hupplnuss ho has.
sWsta ,d sjlMfcsMfc a as sss w 1 , v h
S lrc?il uu"IT
Ma am k
to buy. jg
Long Known.
"Father," said tho minister's Bon,
"my tenchor says that 'collect' and
'congregate' mean the samo thing. Do
"Perhaps they do, my son," said th
vonernblo clergyman; "but you mar
toll your teacher that tbero Is a vast,
difference between a congregation and
a collection." Christian Register.
Not Cray Ilalra but Tired Ejrea '
make us look older than wo aro. Koep yonff
Kyes young and you will look young. After.
tho Movies always M urino Your Eaa-t
Don't toll your age.
U'b tho llttlo troubles that wear,
away a man's conceit.
Death Is assured, othorwlso men
would not require llfo Insurance
QWAMP. Is not recommtnda
O VViUr- roP everything; but l
HOOT yu havo kidney, llrsf'
v,-'v' or bludder troubla It
may bo found Just tho remedy you ntad.
At druKglnts in llfty cent and dollar Iim
You may rucelvo 11 sample size bottla of
this reliable mediclno by Parcel PoaW
also pamphlet H-lllnff about It.
Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham ton.
N, V., and enclose ten cents, also nwa
Uon thta paper.
I tH X Insujii, D.U. Jlookiifrtw. Illfte,
S stall IWm references, iieat mulia,
Nebraska Directory
iili( gor ")ui" r'F- f"'1"
cuk trim, Will. (r Fur 1'iltt Uit u
Tilt. ,.ulw.DUj In.xir Uwn. lfn
lilt hldM la Mil, wlIU (01 llldt 1'llM Urt.
Wo Will Tan
fKlnuitytur own htdo
anJ furaluUifotxsLCotU.
f., an 1 i you Li tuontj All work U
.. ... i..f u.'. It. !,. l.t.nli.irilrii.
UI SUIIIUI tlllkWfVI ! fi )-'"""
907 bo. 13th St. . Omaha, Neb.
Omshs. Nebraska
Kociiim (rota II M up single, 71 cents up double.
cArE paiccs heasonabli
vrivsi iiiiM w insta r
Address 1502 S. 10th St., Omaha, Neb,
or W. L. Beavers, Mgr.
' J