RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF x U I MP JOY FUOERS ARE PfflfBI Victims, Shunning Publicity, Arc Glad to Say "Mum's the Word!" MAKES ONE MISTAKE Holds Up Former Police Sergeant Who Wat Riding With His Own Wife, and Now His Game Is Up. Oklahoma City. When Jnmcs V. Uerry, former police- sergeant, matio a report of nn nttotnpi by a lono oandlt to hold him up when motoring along n quiet street, ho started something that resulted In a revelation. It lias slneo become known that the robber has boon operating nil summer and haB mostly victimized Joy riders. At tho Central pollco station thcro Is a secret list of thoso who lmvo re ported their losses, but it will novcr bo published. The total amounts to moro than $10,000 in money and valu ables. In tho list nro soveral diamond ringB of considerable valuo. Tho lono bandit operated almost entirely on tho streets in tho western part of tho city. Several strcetB there nro paved for a dlstnnco of more than two miles, but aro sparsely set tled. Shade trees grow in tho park way on each sldo and tall wcede cover tho vacant lots. "I Am an Officer; Get Out!" On these streets tho lono bandit operated unmolested. When ho saw an automobllo coming with a man and woman in it his practiced cyo Bocmcd to toll him unerringly whether or not thoy wero Joy riders. If they wero bo walked into tho middle of tho street and held up his hand. When tho car stopped ho said to tho occupants, if thoro wero only two: "I am an officer. Get out and como :ith mo." To bo caught by an officer on an occasion of that kind was about tho worst thing that could happen. Usually tho man and woman obeyed at onco. Tho bandK led them to a dark spot at tho sldo of tho street and gavo his second command. "Put up your hands!" Perhaps it was a relief to soma of them to find that they wero only in tho hands of a stlckup man and not In the clutches of a pollco officer. Made Victim Find Ring. Whon tho robber saw four Joy rid ers In a car two men and two women ho usually held them up in tho car. Onco ho held up a man and woman, and tho man slipped a diamond ring from his finger and dropped it in tho Fired Several Shots. weeds. Tho robber had seen it on his finger, howovor. "What did you do with that ring?" ho asked. "Hand it over." With a six-shooter hold at his breast, tho man said bo had thrown tho ring into tho woods. Tho robber compelled him to get out of tho car and search for tho ring until it was found. Tho only mlstako mado by tho high wayman, so far ub is known, was whon ho attempted to hold up Berry, for Berry was riding with hiB own wlfo. The robber came closo to tho sldo of tho automobllo and commanded Berry and his wlfo to put up their hands. Instead of doing so, Barry whipped out a rovolver and thrust it into tho highwayman's face Tho bandit leaped backward Into tho weeds and from that hiding placo fired sevoral shots, ono of which went through Berry's hat How many Joy ridors ho held up may never bo known. If ho is over caught and convicted it will bo on tho ovidenco of Berry alono, for tho othors have given notico that thoy will not appear in court against him. To ex plain their prosonco with their com panions would bo ruinous to their rep utations. Is Called "Meanest Man." Portland, Oro. Portland's meanest iman, according to tho pollco, is John (M. Haborloy, managor of a drug storo, 'who was charged with stealing cigars and chewing gum from blind Tom Long's stand. Dally thefts for over six montha lmvo totaled a loss of moro than $100 for tho bljnd man. mStr i 7'mtA )' Sue mm r-O-m HHH FolKWeTouck IiPassiig 9? Julia Chandleriimxx I "I Want to Work With You; THE GULF Whon Tho Man and Tho Woman wero married "she was willing enough to boar her sharo of tho world's work. In fact it was her idea that thoso who love and marry should pull together in doublo harness, accomplishing suc cess through combined energy, and, when thoy mado tho path of Hfo some what smoother through their common labor, grow old together. But Tho Man's conception of mar rlago was quito another matter. "Why," Bald ho to his brldo, "what is a man's lovo for if not to protect tho woman ho loves! Besides I valuo your lovollnesB too much to run tho risk of losing it. Hardship and work mako ono old and ugly early in life. I shall protect your beauty your won derful, wonderful beauty." Whereupon Tho Woman's laughter rippled llko a sweet song in his cars oven whilo sbo told him that sho had rather bo n truo holpmato to him than a dresscd-up doll to adorn his home, and Tho Man kissed her rapturously, insisting that his was tho right to bear tho greator sharo of all tho burdens marriage entailed. During tho first few years of their life together Tho Woman often pro tested to Tho Man that ho was work ing too hard, -and more often com plained that she would prefer fewer sorvants and less costly frocks to bis continued absenco from homo. "I want you, dear," sho told him ten derly, "I want our marriage to mean something deeper than show. I want to work with you; to bo your truo companion." Whcroupon Tho Man took her soft hands within his own and kissed each rose-tinted finger, telling her how proud ho was of her beauty, of the admiration in which hiB friends all hold her, and insisted that sho had no business in tho world of work and usefulness. "But," protested Tho Woman, "aside from tho fact that I am of no Borvlco in your schemo of living, I am lonely. Of what good is my beauty to you when you aro never at homo to sco it." "That will not bo for always," laughed Tho Man. "I am coming on splendidly. Beforo many years have gono by I hope to havo my business in such shapo that it will tako littlo of my time. Then, dear ono, wo will en Joy life together. In tho mcantlmo amuse yourself no you pleaso only boo that you keop your youth." Tho Woman obeyed tho wish of Tho Man. Sho know tho art of keoplng her youth and beauty and pursued it with a dlllgenco worthy a better causo. Ab tho years wont by Tho Man worked llko a slave Ho waa seldom with Tho Woman, and long slnco sho learned tho futility of protests and complaints. Ills business interests grow Dlggor and bigger, and aosorbod moro ot his tlmo as thoy grow. Ho did not havo much lelauro-in which .V'' J&i ' -r - to Be Your True Companion." to look at Tho Woman, but when he did it was always with supremo picas uro and satisfaction, and if over he had stopped in his mad pursuit of financial power to thank tho good God for anything it would havo been for tho success of his work which had enabled him to protect his wlfo from every hardship from overy ugly thing In Hfo that helps to bring tho lines of fret and worry to a woman's fnco and tho stoop of ago to her shoulders. Tho Woman, from tho high pedestnl upon which Tho Man hnd set her, looked out over tho valley in which ho worked. Sho saw him giving of his might to tho achievement of wealth. At first alio wan proud of his success, although it novcr ceased to hurt her that sho had no sharo In tho work which brought It, hut when sho voiced tho hurt to Tho Man ho told her that sho was tho very foundation of his success, his inspiration, his Incentive, and Tho Woman learned eventually to bo silont whilo sho watched Tho Man grow fagged and old and ugly as tho battlo ho fought took its toll of his strength. Tho tlmo camo when a gulf strotched between Tho Man and Tho Woman that neither tho ono nor tho other could brldgo. Tho Man who had forged all tho links of their united life, alono and unassisted, found himself stooped with enro beforo his tlmo, whilo Tho Woman, because she had not borno her Bhnro of tho burden, was younger than her years In both appcaranco and experience. Finally tho spaco be tween them bocamo so wido that Tho Woman mado no effort to call across it, and Tho Man was so absorbed in making dollars thnt ho did not notico what was happening until ono day It was borno in upon him that ho had become an old man wrinkled and stooped and unsteady. Whereupon ho turned his faco toward Tho Woman, but all ho saw was tho great gulf of Bocthing waters which strotched botwoen thorn, and all he heard waa her laughter across tho distance as youngor mon told her how wonderful a thing was tho youth and beauty which sho bad managed Ho keep. Windmill Signals. Tho English aro a practical pcoplo who know tho consequences of spying. At LeranoB thoro aro a numbor of mills, flvo or six in a group. Tho owners of thoso mills aro not permit ted to run thorn nltogethor to their Ilk ing. Tho English admiral requires that they shall havo his authorization. A proprietor camo ono day to ask tho admiral permission to run four mills for two hours. Tho officer responded: "No, you may run two mills four hours." Tho reason for this has been stated that cortain millers had an out sldo acquaintance with tho sea whoro tho wings of their mills would carry signals and roveal to tho Gorman sub marines prowling about tho Island tho movements of tho boats of tho allies, 1.0 Crl do ParlB. C.v rZiV K i) KIDNEY TROUBLE NOT RECOGNIZED An tTAtnining nhjpirinn for ono of the prominent l.tfc inmininoe Companies, in tin interview of the subject, made the tmiMuiiK Mntement 1 lint one irnson why I o many (ippiiennt lor inMtrntire nre re jected if lirc.iu'o Kidney trouble I com 1 mon to the American people, nnd the Urge majority of thon uliofo Applica tion nte declined tin not een nnpcct that they hao the iliene. According to tlu it would eem tlmt medicine for the Kulne,M, poeuii; inl lirnlnin nnd no propertied, would lis bleuitiK to'I, Dr Kilmer's Swamp Hoot, the well Known Kidney, Iner nnd bladder reinedv. i remniKnhlv uiwifiil in sicUirM cnned l Knlnev and Icr troubles It i mild ami Kctttle in it n-tmn and 'In healing in fliienci i oon noticed in tnont oncs. There i no othr leiuedy hKe Swnnip Hoot It will wirelv nnd effectively over come Kidney, hv"r nnd bhdder tuniMet and on can ile'iind upon it Go to nnv dnis'dtore anil got n bottle ho n to Mnrt treitment todn You will won tee m.n KimI improvement. However, if .von vvMi firot to tet tliii Kieat ptepiintioii feud tell cent to Dr. Kilmer A ('v., lluiKhimton, N Y, for i ample bottle When vviititiK be Mite nnd mention thin paper Adv. If your disposition is to tuik m tidal waves, you will llnnlly be swept fiom vour inoorltiRH ,Ket Contents 15 Fluid Drachma I nTTT I TTTTTTT'l II""""" ALC0M01.-3 pp.n Or.NTj AYcijctnhlc PrcparnllonTorAsi Die Stiim.iclvvn.nd llovvcls ol Frouiolcs DiUcslion,Cltccrful ncss nnd tfost.OonlalnsncitlKr Opiimi.MorpliincnorMlncml. Wot Narcotic. XtdpttfouDtSMmptraraf nutftrgrmn aiw-J A rvrfei'l lVmi'dv roi'rciil.lTnfl7 .uou. ooiiroroiiiacuiiinrnuHJi, norms, icwnsniicss uim toss of Sleep, t ' -. ' Foe Simile Sltffmlurcot .i Jin: CcNTAimCOMiwrV, ljBtTjra EnctCopy of Wrapper And Now They Don't Speak. Anniu It wii8 uwfully diirk whoro wo met undor tho trcoH, nnd tho llrut think I know, ho'd klRHod mo. Kannio 1 wouldn't ho nucry nhout It, doar. I don't think ho'd lmvo done It hnd It hoon In tho daylight. Judgo Not Cray Hair but Tired V.jru make us look older tliivn we are. Keep your Eyes young and you will look young. Af lor the Movies always Murino Your Eyes Don't tell your hko. Credulous. "Very credulous, la ho?" "Why, you could Boll him a mort gago on a cnstlo In tho air." Judgo. CASTORIA t.fmfH mii,, i j, I'vi'v""""! rvwyi.'.m,:? in I ilil a '-Mm -i. .ii.ii.. A N U R I C ! The Newest Discovery in Chemistry This la a recent discovery of 'Doctor Plorce, who is head ot tho Invalid's Hotol and Surgical lustltuto at Buffalo, N. Y. Experiments nt Dr. Plerco's Hospital for several ycarB proved that thoro is no other eliminator ot uric acid that can bo compared to it. For thoso easily recognized symptoms of inflammation as backacho, scalding urlno and frequent urination, as well as sediment in tho urlno, or If uric acid in tho blood has caused rheuma tism, it is simply wonderful how suro iy "Anuric" acts. Tho best of results aro always obtained in casos ot acuta rheumatism in tho Joints, in gravol and gout, and Invariably tho pains nnd stiffness which so frequently and per sistently accompany tho dlscaso rap Idly disappear. Go to your nearest drug storo and Imply ask for a C0-cont packago ot 10c Worth of WUI Clear $1.00 Worth of Land Get rid of the stumps and. prow bit? croDs on cleared land. Now to tli l!m r jjjL YES, RESIN0L CERTAINLY DOES STOP ECZEMA Aro you nn eczema sufferer? Do thoso ugly patches of eruptions start up nnd Itch as though they would drlvo you frantic? And lmvo you tried treat ment after treatment with, nt best, only tempornry rellof? Then you nro only going through tho oxporlonco of thousands ot others who nt Inst found that loslnol honied their sick skins for good! With tho flrnt uro of reslnol olnt mont nnd reslnol soap tho Itching and burning usually stop, and soon all trace of eczema or similar torturing skin-troublo disappears, oven in su- i voro nnd stubborn cases. Doctora havo proscribed tho rosluol treatment for twenty yenro. Adv. The Man for the Job. "He tuner couipliilns at his luck, .lust tain's his misfortunes with a smile nnd Keeps plugging along." "Kino, lies Just the man wo'ro look ing for. Let's niiiliu him chairman of the entertainment committee and give him the worst of It." Dotiolt Kino Press. if you Intend to do a menu thing, wait until tomorrow; hut If you aru going to do good, do It now Children What Is CASTORIA Cnntortn Is a hnrtnlcns Bnbstltnto for Castor Oil, Poro Boric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Nnrcotlo suhstnnco. Its np;o Is Its gnnrnntco. It destroys Worms nnd allays Fcvcrlshncss. For moro tlinn thirty years 16 lias been In constant uso for tlio relief of CoiiHtlpatlon. Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Tccthlnp; Troubles nnd Diarrhoea. It regulates tho Stomach and Dowels, assimilates tho Food, giving healthy nnd natural Sleep The Chlldrou'sFanacca Tho Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 'Bears the 2L&0&u In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought tHm CINTAUn COMPANY, NKW VOHKOITY, HAIR BALSAM A toilet iirtlHU-allon o( ratrlt. Il.lp. to .rAcllmt. riuidrutr. pAvnftlnrln Color ana ButytoGryorF.d.dHlr. bw rm iiwb.itiikiii.. W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 45-1915. Worth Looklna Into. Noltt That follow llnwklnH Is as honest oh tho day Ih long. ABkltt Hut what's his night rec ord? Quoon Elizabeth of Holglum holdB a degrco of doctor of mcdlclno. "Anuric" manufactured by Dr. Fierce, or even writo Dr. I'ierco for a largo trial package (10c). If you Buspoct kidney or bladdor troublo, sond him a samplo of your water and dcscrlbo symptoms. Dr. Plerco's chemist will oxamlno it, then Dr. Plerco will roport to you without fco or charge NOTE. "Anuric" Is thlrty-sovon timcB moro activo than llthla in elimi nating uric acid, and is a harmless but reliablo chemical compound that may bo safely given to children, but should bo used only by grown-ups who actu ally wish to restoro their kidneys to porfect health, by conscientiously using ono box or moro In extromo casoH as "Anuric" (thanks to Doctor Plerco's achievement) Is by far tho most perfect kldnoy and bladdor cor rector obtainable (fiTPDitt) rlnn nn vnur fnrm Wl W2 mm while products bring high prices. Blasting ia quickest, cheapest nnd easiest with Low Freez ing Du Pont Explosives. They work in cold weather. Write for Free Handbook ofExploiioeM No. 69 F, and name of neareet dealer, DU PONT POWDER COMPANY WILMINGTON DELAWARE BETTER "3 DIGESTION BETTER UBAI Til Vmm You must, first, get the stomach work- ing property, Keep H the liver active and the bowels open. You can help Nature by taking HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS I MAN STRAW SPREADER J'reimrn fur llnttnr mill lllcunr Crops, lluy (ho ieit.uikiiinriiiiiiAMri;iMu,kh Cry For Signature of Nebraska Directory United Farmer's Rural Credit Association of i Nebraska INCORPORATED FOR $500,000.00 An organization which Is co-operative In tho trucdt hciibo mid will make long tlmo loans, 1U-2O-30 years, at low rulo of IntercHt on tlio partial pay ment plan. Lot us Instruct you how to get the boncnts. OFFICER8 R. V. McCJrcw, Picsldent; also presi dent of the State Hunk of Naponeo, Neb.; Htato Hank. Itlverton, Neb.; State Hunk, llepubltcnn City, Neb.; Stato Hunk, Woodworth, Kan. Clias. Huden, Crotton, Neb.; Vice President (State Senator, Farmer, and Htockman). John Mattes, Nebraska City, Neb., VIce-l'resldcnt (State Senator, 8ecre tury of Amerlcnn-tlermsin Alliance). C. J. Warner, Waverly, Neb., Treas urer (Itoprcsentutlvo 27th, 2Sth and 23th Legislature, Farmer and Stock man). Frank n. Saunders, Bocretary (Audi tor, Kano County, Public Accoun tant, Hlgln, III.). AddrcBS Bankers Life Building Lincoln, Nebraska. Ill AH T Ell A thorouehly reliable lo rn Nil I EH cal agent to represent .7 .. - a,,a look u"cr he business of the United Farmers' Hural Credit Association or Nebraska. A splendid opportunity for the man who can furnish unquestionable reference. United Farmer' Rural Credit Attn Bankers Life Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. FILMS DEVELOPED WeniTeoneoi to best eanliMd flnliUat inert meats In ths oountry and lis flunt yon Mod as tm ltreloplos, pnntlag or eaUrdof will be haadtod by xvrtt who will tt to beit ponlble itiolU lot rou A trial ordir will coarlace yon of tae suparlflf liulity of our work LINCOLN PHOTO SDPPLT CO. (KattmaD Kodak Ou.) 1217 O ST- Dcpt K. LiscoU. Ktbraaaa FerallStairta. Ringei, Fur aicii. Stein) Water PUnte If yonr local dealer will not supply you, writs ua Ulrccl, clvlnc bis uauie. LINCOLN STOVE REPAIR CO- bkuu Bbck. Liiali, Nek. JS,US BILLY SUNDAY T iff flaps cWMyarArMT ' M.yttK&!ttiCc7-Mi7Ay zbtfiitfabsrcmr-M SVMWV MiUWKr (U ax) XTCA.&Jf aU4 SlUVtKtH . ;i' f ,1 i M fw JUs' 1 1 emimtlHBPtQflfM - -s -.--Jia- jliv-stThl!iitH. !-' iVV 1 j "iM' wionywg I" Wt!.' 'nw