The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 28, 1915, Image 8

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Should We Have More Churches?
Hear J. L. Beebe at the United Church
11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.
(Morning Subject)
"Basis Of Church Union"
(Evening Subject)
"The Millionaire And The Pauper"
A Cordial Welcome To All!
0 Raising The Dairy Calf
A bulletin jtist Issued by the Kxpcri
incut Station bears the. title "Raising
the Dairy ChIP It deals with the
bcit piiu'tleesof caie uinl tnanagHiiotit
of the dairy heifer from birth until
time of frpsln-iiituf.
This bulletin nmy be obtained frco
by any resident of Nebraska who ie
nests It from tliu Agricultural Kxpcri
meiit Station, Lincoln. H A lliirnelt,
Corn Shelter For Sale
A I hole .lolllet coin sholler with ex
lenslnn feci. Tim sheller has been
rim uiii! season nib I is us good as new.
Inquire of I). Un..r or K. Ilimes.
The United Church
J. L. Beebe, Pastor bi south d coun nous..
nmtnwaoCTwi n huiiuuiiiiijjm i iuimu wiim m iw
HAVE received a
large and varied slock
personally selected on
my regular fall trip.
Come in and let us
show you through the
I have a nice line of
Blankets' in cotton and
wool. Underwear in wool
and cotton. Petticoats in
silk, sateen and heather
bloom, extra large size in
sateen. Hose in wool and
cotton for ladies and child
ren. Dress Goods in as
varied a line as you want
in color, quality and price.
Again I Invite You To Come In
And Look My Stock Over. 3
New House For Sale
A new four room house with screen
eil poicliS by lOfoi't. Will sell tit a
very reasonable price. For further
information Inquire of The Chief.
Order to Sliovi Causr.
Matool .s'lbraska. I in The County Court.
Webster Cotlllt). I
At a County Court held nt tlio County
( oiirlroom In ami for mi Id county Oetohir
I- the mutter o( t lie i state of David I..
(Iroat. Hci'isiiiri.
(I.v rcadlni; anil llllmt tlio petition nt l.l.lo
(Iroat. 'iruylui! tliat administration of xald
estate may bci;rantcd to Imvld A. (Iroat. as
OKHi:lti:t). Iliat Friday tlio I'Jth day of
Novumlier. A. I). 1016, at tun o'clock a. m., Is
nnslmiul for hcarlm' said petition, when all
persons Interested In wild matter may ap
pear at a County Court to liu held In and for
said County and show cause why prayer of
petitioner Hhould not he Kranted: and that
notice, of the pendency of Haiti petition nmt
the hcarlm thereof ho itlven to all persons
Interested In said matter, hy puhlishlui; a
copy ot this order In the lied Cloud Chief, a
weekly newspaper printed In ald county,
fur three consecutive weeks prlur to slild day
of heal lut;.
A 1). ltANNKY,
(Sent) County J uitije.
Taarniner Vird Provanlinn
. wuwU...b ...... lUIVUIIUU
In Our Public Schools
Fire drills should be held on File
Day III every publlcund private school
In the state The teaching of Flro Pre
vention in our tIiooIs is n state law.
and at I III- time We bee- lo tliaiih tliu
teachers of tlio sMite for tlieir real In
terest in this important study. It will
be the school children of today who
mi having these, lissons on lire Pic
ventlon nnpr,"d on their voting,
ulert iiiiuds who will after all bo the
ones who In a tmv years will icnllv
bring Into the home anil the business
world a campaign of Fire Prevention
that will materially decrease, our great
unueecs-uty fit o loss. Teachers will
flint Intel c-tlnir tirogrnuis for Fire Unv
out ineil in the Fife lYcAVinlon Text
Hooks which the Fire Commission De
partment has furnished them. We
earnestly request every teacher to ar
range anil outline n progiam which
will instruct ami entertain the pupils
It would b6 well toni-runge such a pro
gram as would interest the parents
anil let tin pupils aslc their patents to
visit the school on the afternoon of
Friday. November (1th. llll.'i.
Respect fully,
W. S Utur.Ki t
thief beputj Fire t'.iii:is.iiiior
Will Do Wonders
To Your Chairs
marred and scarred, losing
neat, new appearance? You
can makn it store-new again,
and do it yourself at little cost.
10c will finish a chair, 30c a
dining-room table, 90c the floor
of a good sized room, etc. You
can do the work yourself with
Pitcairn Sole-Proof Colored Varnishes
They give a brilliant, lasting newness, which
makes things look better and wear longer ready to
use as it comes from the can. No mixing. Comes in
14 colors, including transparent, all natural wood shades
and other colors. Graining outfit enables you to imi
tate expensive woods.
Pitcnirn Sole-Proof Cloiul Vnriiishes may be used on iloors,
woodwork, furniture, i ndiators, brie-a-bruc, picture frames, linoleum
and home articles of every description.
Mrs. Bartaw Pbares
AgiMit For 13utterick Patterns - Warner Bros. Corsets
&HBirJf A .VUXJUSTVllfc-VM mM 3X4r
rrmrarx suLuiManntzTgVTnrraKZtn rmsc? r&Nrmzn'EwsxrxiiviizfKt w
r "CENTURY F.DiT!ON" Sheet Music
. irnl. f r' .. I Auk icm Cir-poM-rsi, finest cdi
A!' . . (iru.i hi '. cli iw.i K-ri. m or coitte't.
ir.i net I '.' icadini; l tiuo', , indCiin1cr.uoti.3.
10c a Copy li.izjrdkis of Publishers ' Prices
Get "Century" Cntal.y, ol 2.0G0 sckctioaa. Wc carry Uic line,
ct;, -ti i jjjiinTiT',l
Sk333ftl Aolc f o
mmm src
Coming Back To
Red Cloud
United Doctors Specialist
Thursday, November 11th
Hours 10 A H. to 8 l. H.
Remarkable Success of These. Talented
Physicians in tlio Treat incut
Of Chronio
oil'orTi.eir Services Fieoof Charge
In the County Court of Webster County
inter fonnlj, ( s p
In tlic in. liter i tin istati; of John
llaMts-, dfi'1'a-.t'd.
t'UKUiroUSof Kald estate will take notlci',
that the thno lltnltbd for presentation and
IIIIiik of claims against llie h:uiic U May
l'JIh, unit, and forllic paymi'iit of tlititH It
Dctolxr llth, lillil, that I will sit at the
county court room In s:iM county on the I'ltli
day of May mill, tit 10 o'clock a.m., to re
ceive, examine, hoar, allow, or adjust all
claims and objections duly llleil.
Datid this llth day ot October, A. P.. 1HI3.
(Seal.) A. 1). UAN'NIIV, County .luili;u-
(Jail at the store and let us show iu how eav.
little money, you can make your home new uiain.
and for uliat
g Red Cloud
Furniture and Undertaking
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice In hereby ulven that by virtue of tlio
decree ot foreclosure, rendered by tlio District
Court, of Webster County, Nebraska, at the
.September term l!)M, In tho action therein
pending, wherein Charles fluy Is plalntlir,
an I John 1 i'hrltlan et nl, are defendants,
I wUI on the'Jmh day of November luiii. at '2
o'clock p. in. at the Kouth door of tho court
house In Ited Cloud, In Hald county, ollir and
sell at public auction to the hlulust bidder,
foreaxh. the fullowluu described real estate,
The North Half ol tlfe South Half of .Section
Tivimty-NIno i'St), In Township Ono (I)
North, Itmme Ti'il (Id), West of the lith p. m.
Wuusler County, Nebraska, under anil lo
h itlsly tliu Mild d eerie.
Dated October 27th. 11)16.
O. I). IfniKiK. Sherlll'.
Notice of Suit
The Sage Foundation Reports that in this country there
Three Theatres Ten Schools Three Public Halls
Two Colleges Two Hospitals and Twenty Six Hotels
Thousands of Homes catch fire each week
Let America's Greatest Fire Insurance Company, "The
Home of New York" carry your risk
,Geo. M. VanCamp, Agent
lOur Store) 's Clctblnft Store)
PHONES: Intl. 241 anil 173 15 oil I3K
SSSesesssess &3&S 3raGE58ED.SSSS0
Pianos and Musical Merchandise
Calts Answered Day or Night
mSSmmmmm 6369 hbhbS69
The I'liiti'd Poi-tori, llee'iiseil ly tlio
Slate of N'o!rasWa f'"' tlio tiealtnetit of
(lefor'uitiesnnil all nervous anil cliroiilu
iHm'iis"-. ol men. women ami eliililion,
olTi i t'i all who i:all on lln.s trip, t'nii
sitltaliiii. I'Mimlualioli, ii(lvie' free,' I"1 '"lmrci wlmtevor, oxo-pt the
actual e ht if treut,inent. All that is
nslu'tl in tviiirn for ilif'se valtislile sor-vii'i'-.
i tha i -very person treated will
atii-e th ilc olitaltietl to tliulr
friends 'tins puive to tin1 hivdt nod
ulllii't. il in i v i y eity mid loealtty,
that at ln-t Me I'uitMil' have lieeti ills,-
I'ovi'i'ed tlur at, i iniMiiiably sat ami
certain in tin- r ell et.
TIu'm' ililetur-i are UlllOII' Alilel iua'h
leadiiik f.tutii.u'ii and nerve hpeelaliith
and a' e expett-, In ttio treatment, of
eliriiniij iHe.iM,s ami bo u'reataiul won
ilerfiil l.avn lieen tlieir uii'ilts tliat ill
many cast's it U liard to tiud tliu divid
in Hue skill ami miracle.
Diseases of the stomach, intestines,
liver, blood, skin, nerves, lieait, spleen,
kidney-., or bludder, ilietiiuastlsin, sei
atlt'ti, diabetes, beil-wuttlnK, tnpoworm,
lej; uleers, weak Innirs mid those tif
llie ted with lonyhtundiiiff, deep seated,
chronic diseases, that have liailled the
bltiti of thi) family physicians, should
not full to cull. Deafness often has
been cnied iu sixty days.
AccordhiK to their system no more
operations for appendicitis, pill stones,
tumors, (jolter, piles, etc., as these
diseases are treated without npetntion
or hypodormlo injection.
They were nuionp the first hi Amer
ica to cam the. natno of "Woodless
Surgeons, ' by iloinir away with tho
knifo with blood and with all pain in
tlio successful treat uieiit of these dan
gerous diseases
If you have kidney or bladder trou
bles bring a two ounce bottle of vntir
urino for chemical analysis and niicio
M'npio oNnmliHtl jn.
No matter what jour ailment may
! lie, no mutter what others may have
told you, no matter what experience
yo i may Im.e ivad with other phjsi
imiis, it will bi- to ynur advantage to
see them at once. Have It forever net
tled iu your mind. If your case is lit
em able they will ulva von such ml vice
as may relieve ami stay tho disease,
llo uot put oil" this duty you owo your,
self or friends or tolatlves who are
suffering because of your sickness, ns
u visit at this time may help you.
orn-ottt uud ruiwiown men or
women, no mutter what your ailment,
consult them. It costs you nothing.
Remember, this last free offer Is for
this visit only.
Married ladies ccme with their hus
bands and minors with their parents.
Iu tlie District t'ourl ot W'abiter ( oant '
IM. Komi, I'lalntlll,
It. T. Knot, nmrtnaiui' anil owair ot tlio
uiorlmuje rei'oriled mi I'aue W, Hook II ot
.Mnrtttituu lteeonls, ol Webster County,
Nibraska. real name unknown;
I'ho unknown lu-lrs, dovlsecs, personal rep-
ri'sentatlvi's, anil tihsluus, ami all persons
luturesteil Iu the estate ot the above named
It. T. Itout. Deteiiilants.
ThesalilaliiiM' uauibil anil ilcslKiiatiil ile
Ii niliiuts. ami the unknown i'elrs, delsces
ami awelunsof each ot the persons so named
and dcslt-uatt'd will take notice that the
above, named plalntlir has tiu-d in the above
named court bis petition aualust said do
(emlaiith, the object mid prayer ol nlileli are
to obtain tti('Jiid'4munt ant dicrco of Halt)
nmrt eauei.liliiijaiids'Ulstylmr of record lh(
eertnlil iitortKaKe In lavorol It. T. Knot, e
k ilel by liiuld T. Tlmiiiahatiil wife, dated
I'tliruary t, iKO, and n r mleit on piue iV), j
lliml: II ot utorti$aui records nl Webster,
county. Nebraska, ami null tliu; and con.
llriuliitf In tlio ,brtutln the title to the there
Ill di scribed teal eHiatc. tioiit l.otH 1 ami 'J.
block:!, Village n( owles, Webster ( ounty,
Nebraska; as avtalusl the sulci defendants
and all persons abovo named and des uuated
as such, and perpetually enjoining them and
all persons ctaluilm: by, through, or under
them or any ot them, from hrttlui; up, claim
luit or tihsertliiK any title or Interest Iu said
piimdseis, adverse to plalutlll hy virtue of
said uinrtKai'uor oilicrwlKe, and lor general
iiiiltablo relict.
You arc reiiilred to answer said petition
now on tile In the otlke of the Clerk ol said
court, at Ited Cloud Iu said county, on or
before the 8th day of November lt'lo.
Hated September 30, IIU3.
Ki. Koon, I'lalntlll",
Ily 1.. II. lllackledKe, Attorney.
Beezley Feed Store
And Cream Station
Amack & Barnes'
Cash Feed Store
We (Solicit Your Patronage And
Will Give You a SQUARE DEAL
Come In And Get Acquainted
mmmm -SSiSSiSSSS
-- 8
Iflade Higlit, Lettered
Right And Frected Right
legal Notice
Iu The District Court ot Webster County,
Martin I!. Corner, I'lalntlll',
I'laiikllu W. t'ass; Mrs, I'rnnklin W. Cass,
liU wile, an riikuownOwnernnd I'ukiiowii
Claimant of I.ota Itt-JO-Jl In Block 3. In ear
lier' Second Addition to Ited cloud, Nebras
ka; and John Doo Tenant lu rosscslou.
The abovo named non resldint deteml
ant, l-'ranklln W. Cassand thoabovo named
Mrs. Krunklln W.Cass, his wife, xtliiisu tlrst
name Is unknown and who Is deslunated lu
ihlsactlou as an unknown owner and un
known claimant of lots IH-'."J-'JI la lilock :i In
tlarher's .Second Addition lo ited Cloud. Ne
braska: will take notice that on tliesih. day
of .MiKiist 1013. Martin 11. Corner, plalutltl'
hi'ielu, tiled hts P'tlttou lu tho district court
ot Webster county, Nebraska, aitalusl trnld
deteiiilants thooujoet and prayer of which
are to foreolosoa certain mortmuje, eieutcd
to 1 1. (!. Tcul and assigned for a valualilo con
sideration lo the planum; on tho folioivlnst
described lucm'fcs, lo wit:
l.oi rj '.Mil In Clock 3, In tiarbcr's '.'ml.
A tiluloit lo Itid I'loud, Webster County, NV
tim-.i;a. toBccuio payment ota certain prom
ssorv uotudated May -M. I'JI-', for the mini ol
K'w payable May ft), HUT, hat which by the
terms ot said note Is now due and payable
by rcanouof unit payment ol Interest; that
tlu ru Is now duo and payable on said note
and mortgage the sum of t'SI'J.71 for which
sum with Interest from August 10, 1UIS plain
tilt prays for decree; that the defendants
may bo required to pay tho saino or that said
premises may be sold to satisfy the amount
found diip.
You are reiiulrcil to answer said potltlon on
or beloro the '.Mud, day of November l'JI 5.
Dated October 7, 11)15.
M.VitTI.v II. C'oitNKlt,
Ily F.J. Muuday,
Ills Attorney.
Makcrs'of Artistic Monuments
Red Cloud,
See Wyoming Now I
At Harvest Time
Sco foryouiEolf tlio bumpor crops of the homesteaders. Meet these peo.
pie on their own places and hear of tlio opportunities await you theto,
s!eo lo bushel pur acre wheat; see the alfalfa, potatoes, su-yar beets and pruo
tically evory farm product now.
During tho )iast year more than ti thousand famillps have tonnd homes
in this state alone; our lines. There is room for you You now have a choice
of a !l'J0 acre Mondcll homestead of good agricultural uud grass laud, or an SO
aire government irrigated farm in tli9 U'g Horn li.isin. Think this over; get
lu touch with inc. This should be a big question witli you. This U better
than a rented or mortgaged farm and is a sure way to get ahead and own
youi home.
AsU about personally conducted excursions to tills territory on' FIRST
and THIRD Tuesdays of each mouth
I have ready for free distribution literature that tells all about whatj
Wyoming oners you, u you ure in searcn oi a nome. write me.
S.B. Howard, Ass't. Immigration Agent
1004 Farnam St., Omaha, Nebraska
9 .
. i
i r
4 "v
Vi " 'v-'
w-ajfaw-rftl SLx A '' r-ii
.-r, .r .
1J,J, -in .-j