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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1915)
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF h UuMD M5T ATALE or CIVIL r ma ja r JL l l W- I m jm g m A Il- LUSTRATIONS 4K.D. RHODES 2 COPYttGHr A C.1?CliM tiCO. SYNOPSIS. D Cnnfrtlrrnte RorRcnnt Wyntt In nfnt fin n tipy to lilx miflvn county on tint tlrrpti llrinr ll mcwtn a inniintulnrer nnnicil Jem Taylor. At n timise lii'Vuntl Hot HprliiKH tlipy mi'ul Mnjor Ilitrwontl Wyntt Ih sent to lied, Ho lioiomoH misplcliiui, Mini nmlH Hint Tnvlor linn murdered llur wood mid Rcntr(l. Wyntt clintiKOH to IT. H. unlrorin, iuhI to n iliitnclitncnt of Fed mil cavalry Idi'iitlllrn himself ns l.lnu tPimnl lliiyiiiond. Third U. H. cnvnlry. Cnptiiln Fox find llfirwooil'n body. The Ifltnrlinirni la nnitiiinhr-d. Wyntt rum pen yr the (Irioii llrlnr eniintry and book to llnriMiod'H hotni'. whern hi Minis Norrcn llnrwnod Ilt. Introduce) liltni'ir as Iltiyinnnd I'nrmin Nichols conn's Jo 1 1 io Iioiino mid t lln Norccti of Iht fa ther n donlli. Wyntt fori on 1'nrnon Nidi om to confess that ho linn been H-nt In T mivnm-o of Anxc Cownn, who propones to innrry Nnn-in nt onre, and so qiilot tlllo to tho lata! In illsputo hctwi'on the Cow "lis nnd Nnrccn's iiind futlior. Anso Cow nn nnd his Knn nrrlve and Mnd thn preacher hound In n closet. Wyatt nnd Noreen hnvu concmled tlimnsclven In tlto nine. The Cownn riiiik rnnsneks tlio ViJu"?' ,,"., fnl,B " flni1 hn hidden coupl.1. wyntt tells Noreen who ho Is. They ro. turn to the second lloor nnd nwalt tlio next mnv of tho kiiiik, forcltw tho prench r to silence. CHAPTER XI Continued. Slio left us qulotly, crouching closo agulnst tho wnll, until Bho could snfo ly peer out from Milncl tlio fold of a chintz cttrtnln. Th, glow from without reddened the entire room. Nichols uo gnn to groan, nnd mutter, but whether tho words were thoso of prayer, or not. 1 wns uncertain. That tho fellow's brain tottered on tho brink of total collapflo was evident, nnd I was too fearful ho might crento nlnrm to tie sort my guard. ICagur to learn what had occurred 1 culled ncross to tho Klrl: "Is it tho ntnblo, Miss Noreen?" 'Yes," with a quick j;lnnco back ward. "Tho whole west end Is abtuzo. I think thcro are horses picketed bo yond In tho orchard, but urn not sure yes, thero are men there with them. Tho llro, as It blazes up, glvoH mo a Doner vlnw." "Can you tell how many?" "No, but I didn't suppose Anso Cow an had so many with him, did you?" "Why, really I cannot tell, for I havo no conception either wny. Thero must havo been a dozen altogether In tho house, and doubtless others wora on guard without. Hasn't It ceased tormlng?" "Yes; I wondor what tlmo It Is; why 1 actually bollovo tho sky Is becoming lighter In tho east already." Sho stared out Intently, and thon sank to her knees. "Como over horo quick! They are getting ready for something." I swept my eyes over Nichols, who lny motionless, his arms folded across liio.fuco. To my mind tho fellow was acting n part, and wns not hnlf ns bad ly Injured as ho pretended to bo. How ever, ho could do us no great harm at present, nnd I stolo silently across tho room, nnd knelt beside her. Hho hold tho curtnln nsldo, leaving Just space enough for my eyes. For an Instant the glow of tho burning building blind ed mo, and Intensified tho surround ing darkness. I shadowed my oyes with my hand. "Whcro are tho men you saw? To tho left?" "Yes back under tho trees, close to tho first negro cabin; see! Just whoro 1 point." Once located I could pcrcolvo tho shadowy outline, which grow moro dis tinct as 1 guzed. Thorn wero men thcro beyond doubt; it seemed to me twenty or thirty, although It was Im possible to Judgo tho number. Hut tho shndow seemed to bo disintegrat ing. Kven as my oyes focused it, a section moved to tho right, and thou anothor swung Into tho open, circling along the orchard fonco. "Thero Is a slew of them," I mut tered unthinkingly. "Anso meant to have company at his wedding." "Oh, hush I" her hand caught my sleovo. "Thoy they are coming back to tho houso uow." CHAPTER XII. A Marriage by Duress. Daylight wns coming; tho gang meant to search tho houso again, por haps flro It bb they had tho stable, and then rldo away before the Federal garrison at Lowlsburg could recolvo tho alurm.t I turned away from tho window to pcrceivo Nichols sitting up mi tho odgo of tho bed. "What's aflro?" ho asked. "Tho stable," 1 nnswored, crossing the room. "Get down In tho corner where you cannot bo seen from tlio windows. Oh, yes you can; you -urn not so badly hurt. MIbb Noreen, Is thero any other place better than this in which to hide?" She shook her head. "Well, then wo must light It out hero If they como; you huvo your re volver nh! tho squad is already bo low; listen!" Wo stood sldo by sldo. scarcely breathing, close to tho bolted door. Tho llames of tho burning stable wero dying down, yet thero uas sulllcleut light to render every object in tho room plainly visible. Intent as I wub on every slight sound below and with out, I kept my eyes on NIcIioIb, seuted dejectedly In one corner. Feet tramped H STDirr r r vr. WJ. j mix i x . m noisily back nnd forth In tho lower hall, and tho sound of voices reached us, tho words Indlstlngulshnblo. There wns an echo of splintered wood, tho crash of dishes, and a loud Inugh. Tho fellows seemed to bo looting tho kitch en and pantry, destroying whatever they could not use. Suddenly thero nroso a sound of smashing gluss at tho front of tho house, and tho tinkling of a plnno ub If somo rough hand swott across tho keys. Noreen pressed closer, lifting her eyes In appeal. "Thoy thoy aro searching the houso," sho whispered, her volco shak ing, "nnd looting It. Do you hear that? Thoy aro even tearing tho car pot from the lloor. Somo of them will como up hero." "I am nfrnld so but you must not loso your nervo. Wo shall havo to fight!" "Fight? yes; but what uso?" and sho grasped my arm with both hands. "I I would not bo so afraid, only for that mnn, I cannot fnll Into his power. I will kill myself first! You do not know Anso Cownn; but I do. I would rather dlo than have his hands touch mo. I hate nnd desplso him; ho Is tin Incarnate brute nud and ho Is horo nfter mo!" "Hush." I urged, holding hor tightly, her slight form trembling. "Do not lot go yot: they mny not oven como up tho stairs " "Hut thoyNwlll," sho Insisted. "I toll you I know tho man llo ho swore ho would mnrry mo two yenra ago; ho told mo so, nud 1 Inughed nt him. Ho stopped my father on tho road, held u rlllo to his head, and boasted that some day ho would make mo pay his debts. TIiIb Is no mero Incident of war It is revenge! 11 would not bo frightened but for that that uwful altornattvo. Tell me toll me what to do!" Sho stared pleadingly Into my face, but, reading no answer thcro to hor wild appeal, sunk to her knees, and burlud her face In hor hands. All that was strong' nbout tho girl seemed swept uway by sudden uncontrollublo terror by dread of Anso Cowan. A honrse, strango voice roared out an order, seemingly from tho vory foot of tho Btntrs. "That's enough of that, Samuols! Hero, tako your men up above, llo lively now, and don't let a rat get away." Tho girl lifted her head; then got to her feet, clinging to the bedpost. I could seo tho glitter of a pistol In her hand A thought swept through my bruin so daring, so reckless, I gnspod at tho mere wildness of tho sugges tion. Yet It might answer; It might succeed! Hut would sho consent; even In her desperation, In tho cxtremo of hor terror, would sho grasp at utich n 'straw7 Thero wivb nothing else not another chance, ihls might not bo one yet It would surely servo to de lay; It would place mo In between her nnd Anso Cowan. Hho could not legally marry him, If sho woro onco my wifo! Only tho girl whoso oyes Just thou met mine "I I havo thought of ono way," I said eagerly, tho words coming forth almost Incoherent. "Thnt Is if you will listen to what I propose. Thero la nothing else feasible so far us I can soo. They they aro In tho front rooms now hear them! We haven't it moment to loso Will you will you consent to mnrry mo?" Sho shrunk back a step, staring nt me with wldoopened eyes, breathing heavily. "Marry! marry you?" sho faltered wildly. "Why what can you mean! I 1 do not understand!" "Of courso not tho conception Ib wild, Impractical, perhaps. It must Boom so to you yot listen. It Is tho ono way left open to save you from Anso Cowan You can trust mo? You do trust mo. do you not?" "Yoes but " "This is uo tlmo to question. Thoy aro coming hero uow, thoso fellows with Anso Cowan n' their head. You know what for. Tho question Is not do you wish to marry tno; but do you trust me moro than you do Anso Cow uu? Listen! It will bo a form only I urn not conceited enough to bellovo you desiro mo for your husband. Out you know who I nro; you havo confidence I", my honor. Ho cannot marry you If you nro already my wlfo " "He ho could kill you." "Yes, thcro uro enough of thorn; but thnt might happen anyway No doubt It would, tor otherwise I should tight to the cud. I do not think being your husband will add In tho least to my danger nnd It will possibly, le gally, protect you." "Hut how can I? Will it bo legal?" "Noreen, don't stop to nrguo, or doubt," 1 urged, grasping her hand In eagerness. "Wo haven't tlmo. Listen to thobo voices In tho hull! Of course It will ho legal Nichols is an ordained I minister, and no llcenso Is required I ! shall never attempt to uoiu ou. any court will set you I Noiecn, and free the moment you tell tho story. Tho one. tho only thing, for you to con sider now, Is cscnpo from Anso Cow un." "You do this to to suvo mo?" "To keep you from fulling bclploss ly into tho clutches of a beast tell mo yes! My (lod, girl, thcro they nre now trying the door! Answer will you?" "Yes yes, Tom Wyntt" With ono leap paBt her I had Nich ols by the collnr, tho muzzle of my re volver at his head. A heavy foot crushed against tho locked door, and a volco without gavo utterance to an oath. "Mnrry me to thlfl girl," I command ed sternly. "Como now, not a word; don't wait to ask a question. Noreen, tuko my hand" "Open up In thcro or we'll break down tho door I" en mo hoarsely from the hallway. My oyes never left Nichols' faco. What ho read of threat I know not, but his IIpb began to stumblo through tho form, though I could scarcely dis tinguish a word. Ills faco wns gray with terror, and I dnred not look aside nt tho silent girl only 1 vnguely realized that tho hand held in mlno trembled, nnd once, when sho had to speak, tho two words uttered were al most a sob. Novor surely wns thero n stranger marrlago In nil tho world. Tho dying embers of tho stable llro shot red gleams of llnmo over us through the unshaded windows, giving Nichols a ghnstly look, anil glowing on tho steel barrel of tho revolver 1 held poised nt his head. His volco faltered and broke, and clotted blood rendered hideous one side of his face, while his huuds shook ns If with pulsy All tho sneaking coward In him wns manifest. Outside u dozen voices roared, ono rising gruff above the others shouting orders. Once a single shot crashed through tho up per pnnfl of tho tloor and broko tho glass of u window opposite Tho girl, stnrtlcd, reeled against me. and the prencher stopped, gasping for breath. "No firing, you fool!" roared a deep volco angrily. "Wo don't want any dead ones beat down the door1" "Go on!" I ordered grimly, nnd thrust tho black muzzlo hard against his cheek. The preacher choked, but tho usual words of the ritual sound ing nlmoBt like mockery dropped me chunlcnlly from IiIb tongue "And now I pronounce you mnn nnd wife, und whom God hnth Joined to gether, lot not man put asunder. Amen." Sho gave vent to n little sobbing cry, hnlf stilled In her throat, nnd "And Now I Pronounce You Man and Wife." Hhrank away from me. I knew that her faco was burled in her hands, yet hud no tlmo to look that wuy, or utter n word. Illlle butts wero crashing In tho panels of the door; I could pcr ceivo nlreudy dim figures revealed through tho Jugged openings made In tho light wood, a vista of faces, a gleam of weapons "Hit lower down!" yelled the same gruff volco of command. "There Is a bolt thnt holds fust reach In, Sunn deral" "(let back beyond tho bed." I culled, pushing hor behind mc, nnd bracing myself for tho tlrst shock. Tho door gave, sagging nsldo on Kb hinges, nnd half falling Inward, and through tho opening men tumbled for ward, carbines gripped In their bunds. Tho red light gleamed ghastly across their foces and revealed tho bluo uni form of Federal cavalry. CHAPTER XIII. Before Lieutenant Raymond. The headlong rush stopped In star tled amazement ut sight of us, nnd 1 stood thero staring at them, unable to speak, my revolver lowered In thnt Instunt of puusc, nn olllcer thrust tho men aside and fuced mo, sword In hand "What does this mean, sir? Who nro you?" ho questioned, sweeping his glunco over my uniform, nnd then be yond mo at tho two others. "I would ask the same question," I returned, not yet assured as to whom I confronted, nnd suspecting some trick. "Wo bolleved ourselves attacked by guerrillas. Aro you soldlerB?" "Well, rather," with u short, grim laugh. "Thoso nro Pennsylvania cav alrymen My nnmu Is Itnymond and 1 demand to know, first of nil, where you got possession of that Third U S cnvnlry uniform " Perhaps In his excitement he hud not really recognized her bofoie; nut thoso words wero scarcely out of his mouth when tho lady stood hestdo mo, facing him. 1 caught 4o swift (tush of hor eyes ns though warning mo to silence. Whatever fear sho had for morly felt seemed to have left her In this crisis, for sho stood erect, ber cheeks Mushed, her eyes frunV.ij meet Ing those of the surprised olllcer. "You will, howovor, recognlzo me. lleutennnt," sho snld pleasantly, ahu extended her hand. "nnd If you will listen I think I can clear up the mys tery." "Miss MIbb Hnrwood," he mur mured, slightly embarrassed, but still belligerent, his glance wandering from her faco to n.lne, "Certainly wo hoped to find you hero. It was to rescue you we came at least It wob that hope which led me to request tho sending of troops, nnd to accompnny them. This outrage has been commit ted, I bellovo, by Cowun's gung. and this man hore " "Is my friend," she Interrupted quietly. "Lleutennnt llaynioud, If you will kindly order your men to re tiro I will gladly explain his presence In tho house." "You wish to Bpeak to me nlono?" "Not necessarily; but I certainly prefer greater privacy than this. You are In command?" "No; Captain Whltlock Is below." He turned towurd the crowd blocking tho doorwny und I grasped tho oppor tunlty to breathe a hasty word of warning Into tho ear of Nichols Tho girl novor glanced again nt either of us. "Take tho men back into the hall, sergeant." tho lieutenant ordered, "nnd look through whatever rooms havo not been visited. IlequoBt Cap tain Whltlock to Join mo hero." Wo wulted motionless, tho lleutcn- nnt's hand on the butt of his revolver, as though ho half susplcloned treach ery. Twice ho endeavored to open conversation with tho lady, but hor responso was not encouraging, nnd ho evidently did not feel sufo except with IiIb oyes on me. Itnymond fronted nw, n tall, well-proportioned fellow, with Incipient mustnehe. black and curled ut tho polntB; a rather long face, and eyes sternly serious. There was about him nn appearance of force u bit of n bully I should Bay and his uniform was new. und carefully tlttcd A man stood In tho doorway, bow Ing, his mild blue eyes sun eying us nervously Ho Bported a light benrd, closely trimmed, tho top of his head scarcely reaching to tho lleutennnt s shoulder Miss Noreen greeted him with o. welcoming smile, nnd he stepped gallantly forward, bending low as ho accepted her hand. "So pleased, so delighted. MIbb Hnr wood, to llnd you safe and well We were. Indeed, grently worried at tho thought of your being hero alone,' he exclaimed, a slight lisp In his voice. "You have not suffered. I trust?" "Not seriously, Captain Whltlock: tho guerrillas wero outwitted" "Ah! do not attempt to explain, I beg. Wo understand what you have passed through, as we have captured two of the villains You Bont for me. Lleutennnt Raymond?" "Yes, air, I did," the young officer's expression exhibiting clearly the con tempt he felt for his superior. "I pre ferred that you decide what shall be done with this fellow." pointing at linger at mo. "Miss Harwood vouches for him, but I full to understand how ho comes to bo in tho uniform of my regiment." (TO II K CONTINUED.! KEEPING CUT FLOWERS FRESH Must Be Property Taken Care of, and Here Are Some Suggestions of Moment. The only drawback to cut flowers Is thnt they wither so quickly, nnd In keoplng thom fresh some seom to have moro luck than others. For instance. In tho matter of vio lets, It 1b possible to wear thom sev eral times without noticing tho over powering stale odor which proclaims them beyond redemption Of courso many people find thnt thoy cannot wear cut flowers oven for one afternoon, becnuse In somo enflos the body heat scorns to wilt thom, but If UiIb can bo avoided It Is qulto pos Biblo to find a bunch nlmnst ns fresh tho second dny as on fho first If they were properly guarded overnight. Keep tho box that they camo in and when you tnko thom oft hold tho stems under running water for a few mln- nutes, taking caro not to wet tho vlo lets themselves Then wrap them up In the oiled pa por and put them back In the covered box outsldo tho window If It Is cool; If not, in tho refrigerator, but In either case keep thom wrapped. This treatment seoms to restore the flowers and hold In tho delicious odor which so soon becomes rank If they aro kopt unwrapped In n close room. Some poople think n pinch of salt In tho water will keep cut flowers fresh longer, and so It does In somo cases In others It seems to chnngo the col ors a llttlo. With roses It Is buccokh ful, but not so much so with violets. A piece of gum camphor Is snld to be an oxcollent preservative In tho water and others advocate a small lump of charcoal, but In any enso tho wntor should be changed dally and the flow ers put In a cool place overnight. Quick Work. Bill "I seo an electrician claims to hnvo Invented apparatus by which 'ho enn mensuro tho ten-millionth part of n second of tlmo." Jill "Well, oven such an npparntu couldn't in ea Hiiro tho length of time a girl takes to mnko up her mind to say yes when a man proposes mar rlago to hor" "Why couldn't It?" "Because she's already mado up hor mind to say yes, you know." No 8moko Without Fire. Thero can no great smoko arise, bt". thero must be some flro. John Lyly MISER DIES LEAVING FORTUNE OF $15,000 Begged Day Before He Died and Had $1,000 in Cash When Found. Toledo, Ore Faco downward In a heap between pieces of his crudt homemade- furniture, the body of Tor gen O. Svendscn, aged seventy-four, t Norwegian miser, wus found In hit lonely houso on Olnlla slough a few days ago by Jundor Olson, a neighbor Dr. R. D. IlurgcsB, county physician and Sheriff Cleor found tho houst locked nnd barred and tho window! nailed with heavy spikes, making II necessary to break in a door. In tho bottom of Svendscn's trunk wero two tobacco sacks containing $1,000 in gold, on his person was n $20 gold pieco and somo small change Jrrr Faced Downward in Ho had ordered $1 worth of cough medicine charged nt a Toledo drug store last Saturday, saying ho had no money with which to pay lor it. Ills estato Includes property worth moro tliuii $1,000, und he has been known to havo lent some money. It Is snld ho ulso has property In Ore gon City und in Sulcm. Ills friends estimate his wealth ut $15,000. Little Is known of Svendscn hero except thnt ho cumo from (Judbruus dalen, Norway; that ho lived for u long tlmo at lloring. Ore. RIDE WITH DOG ONLY GUiDE Three Brothers, All Sightless, Travel Alone and Go Where They Please. Marshall, Ark. Hiding on horse back ,'IG miles from Boyle, Stone coun t& to Marshall, by way of Hlg Flat, James Albert Horlo, who hnB beeu blind since ho wns live years old, ar rived nt Frank Knlnbolt's, near Mar shall, u few dnys ugo. Ho camo all tho way with no ono to guldo him ex cept his faithful dog. He chained his dog to the bit or his horso's bridle. Tho dog started out In tho direction thnt Mr. Korio pointed. When tho dog camo to tho forks of a road he would trot back nnd forth until Mr. Itorle motioned either to tho left or to the right, nnd thon they would proceed on their Journey. Thero nro thren broth ers In this family who nro blind, the other two being Henry nnd John. Thoy go to any placo thoy wish with no per son to accompnny them. Last year Jnmes Albert traveled over lloono, Marlon nnd Searcy counties. For a number of years they havo operated a broom factory near Mcl'herson, Uaxter county. GETS ANGRY BULLFROG HERD Girl Wearing Red Bathing Suit, At tacked in Water, Afterward Using Costume for Decoy. Wlusted, Conn. Frog parties are likely to bcromo popular with bathers at other Inland water resorts whon tho experlonco of a girl clad In a bright red bathing suit necomes gen erally known. The girl in scarlet was bathing In shallow water at Highland lake when she felt something ntrlko her repeat edly. Sho wondered what It could be, but a quick glunco into the lake explained nil sho saw frogs of all sizes chasing and jumping at her scar let suit. Being a great lover of thnt delect ablo dish, frogs' legs, the girl turned her experience to good account. Sho ropnlred to a cottage, sewed about fifty fish hooks In tho bright red bath ing suit, nnd then re-entered tho lake. When she emerged from the water nearly every hook held a bullfrog. "HELLO" GIRL SCARES GANG frtngs Up Bank and Five Men at Work Smashing Safe at Once Take to Their Heels. North Tonawandn. N. Y. Bobbery of tho Stnto National bank of Ransom vlllo, Niagara county, was foiled by tho quick wit of n telephone girl, who "rnng up" tho bank just na tho rob bers, flvo In number, woro nbout to blow open tho Inner door of tho panic vault, Tho robbers had succeeded In blow ing open tho fireproof door of tho safe proper whon frightened away. They escaped In an automobile. ? JBl. " MmM Wm mama "st MSI IMMw a Heap. I i MRS, THOMSON TELLS WOMEN How She Was Helped During Change of Life by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Philadelphia, Pa. "lam justB2yenr of age and during Change of Life I suf fered for six years terribly. I tried sev eral doctors but none seemed to give me any relief. Every month the pains wera intense in both sides, and made mo so weak that I had to go to bed. At last a friend recommen ded Lydin E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound to me and I tried it nt once and found much relief. After that I had no pains at all and could do my housework and shopping tho same as always. For years I havo praised Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetablo Com pound for what it has dono for me, and shall always recommend it as a wo man's friend. You are at liberty to use my letter in any way." Mrs.THOMSON, 649 W. Russell St, Philadelphia, Pa, Change of Life is ono of tho most critical periods of a woman's existence. Women everywhere should remember that there is no other remedy known to carry women bo successfully through this trying period as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If you wnnt spoolnl advice write to JLydlu I'. Plnkliam Med icino Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mums. Your letter will bo opened read and uuswered by a woman and beld In btrict confidence STOPS LAMENESS from a Bone Sp.ivin, Ring Bone, Splint, Curb, Side Done, or similar trouble and gets horse going sound. It am mildly but quickly and good re sults are lasting. Does not blister or remove tho hair and horse ran be worked. Page 17 in pamphlet with each bottle tells lmw. 2.00 a bottle delivered. Horse Book 9 M free. ABSOUBINK, JR., the antiseptic liniment for mankind, reduces Painful Swellings, en larged Glands, VVeni, Bruises, Varicose Veins heala Sores. Allays Pain. Will tell you more if you write, ft and 52 a bottle at letlcn or delltered. UbcrtI till! bottle lor 10 tump. W. F.Y0UNQ, P. D. F.,llOTtmsliSU8prlnanld, Mil. Your Liver Is Clogged Up That's Why You'r Tired-Out of Sorts Hv Mo Appetite. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS will rjutvou rich in a few days. They d their duty.. CureCon- Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick Headache SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature The Dog and the Hare. A Hound having sturtcd a Huro on the hill-side pursued hor for some dis tance; at ono time biting her with his teeth as if he would tako her life, and at another tlmo fawning upon her, M If In play with nnother dog. The Hiiro snld to htm: "I wish you would act Binceroly by mo, and show' your self In your truo colors. If you are trlend, why do you blto mo so harsll If an enemy, why Uo you fawn,-; mo?" Thoy uro no friends whom you; not whether to trust or to distmiWsH From Aesop's Fables. W-51 The Proper Place. "I suw a funny thing toduy. It waa a statue of u great Inventor with a lot of cogwheels scattered about the baso of It." "Well, whore would you have thom put the wheels?" "In his head, of courso." It belongs only to tho guilty to tromblo. II Never Came Back Backache Sufferer! Thousands will tell you what wonderful relief they have had from Doan's Kidney Pills. Not only relief, but lasting cures. If you are Inine in the morning, have headache, nervous troubles, dizzy spells and irregular kidney or bladder action, dnn't wait until gravel, dropsy or Uriplit's dinease gets hold. Use Uoan's Kidney Pills, the best-recommended kidney medicine. A Nebraska Case itfy PWwf Mrs. A. O. Wess berg. 703 W. Fourth St.. North Platte, Neb., snys: "I Buf fered terribly from kidney cllseasa and ono ilortor ralil I lmd u. Iloatlnc kid KM I SIM) ney. The swelling wns very notlce uble and the pains wero utmost un bearable. The kid ney sec rot Ions p a s a o d too fro- v. tjuently and wero unnatural. Instead of tho operation, which was suggested, I usd Doan's Kidney Pills. They cured me and the trouble has never returned." Gtt Don' st Ar Store, 80c n D ex DOAN'S VZ1V roSTER-MILBURN CO, BUFFALO. H. Y. cvf" Ll'!W5OTv' K it .kiiVBi,aK titt Mfmm wittle iJBimmmT IIVER WW PILLS. &kz&fr&z ffWS W. N. U LINCOLN, NO. 44-1915. kv v