I sv J rn h,7 - t WT "V "jM,i"'wFYKISffvP!f1 t AS 1" . 'V tf m 4 A 1 L y' 2 Stalo Hlstotlcal Sickly VOLUME d.'J It Isn't Hard To Save II is only hard lo sfat saving, and that is only because you think it is. Start saving today by depositing whatever money you can spare in this bank where the safety of your money is guaranteed, not only by us but by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the slate of Nebraska. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA CAPITAL tt2.f.OOO . ITIt'r ni fiiip "'fl,' "I t n.. ..i.uii., um . i.. I li Popular ON Suits $5, $10, $15, $16.50 $18, $20 All The New Ones j PAUL STOREY OPEN TO ALL See the lump o Pinnacle Coal in front of our office and register your name and guess now. Guesser coming nearest the exact weight gets one ton of Pinnacle Lump Coal. Second near est one half ton. It Costs Nothing to Guess Contest Closes November 4, 1915 THE MALONE TALK WITH US "" I ' I1 ''''" ' ' (Mlil ' i I1" HI i. .. i !.i. Jii..... ',: .. Prices f Overcoats The Clothier 'vSSSS - AVERY CO. AIOUT COAL" A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50. RED CLOUD, XJfiURASKA. OOTOUIOU 'JH, Jillo. Red Cloud Team Defeats Superior The lU-tl Clmiil High .School foot bull team defeated tin- Superior toain in the local ginuuds ln-t Friday ly n score of 27 to (), bcfoio a large crowd. Superior was not in class with tho locals mid was penalised ninny times for roughplay. Superior's halfback Dortiuin was vanished trom the gnmo by Uoforoe (Jollatly for rough tactics. The local' goal was novor In dauber. The ploying xif Wilson at tackle was a feature, ho spoiling niiitiv plays for SiiptMior, and also hloolcliiK many of their punts. Stellar worked by Kldd, while linker, Overleose and l'opcinade many long gains for the locals. The game stinted with Hod Cloud kicking out of bounds and ball was Superior' on their Stt-ynrd line. Su perior whs thrown back G yards mid lost tho ball on their flrat' down. Hod Cloud opened their play with a for ward pass from Overleoso to Kldd for 15 yards for first touchdown after three minutes of play. Zeiss failed at goal, score ( to 0. Red Cloud 'cored again at opening of becond quarter Superior on Itli down punted It.'i yards ami 0vcrlee.se returned r yard.. The back field took turns, making In yards, and on next dowu mude (S more. Overleose then passed 20 yards to Heed who scored a touchdown. Zeiss kicked goal, score UltoO. Later in tho second quarter a for ward pass, Oveileeso to Halter, added IS yards and then Overlocso on a fako pass went thru tho Held for !lo yards for Hed Cloud's 3rd touchdown. Zeiss kicked goal, score 20 to 0. In the Hnl quarter Hed Cloud added hur 1th scoie Superior kicked 10 yards. Pope returned "0 yards, the bHckhhit the line for 1! yard", Pope adile I M yiuds on an end run, reach ing thelU yard line. After an ex change of punts it with Hod Cloud's ball on the 00 yard line. Hod Cloud made downs and Supeiior was penal hcen 15 yards mid Hertram w.is put out of the game. On next downs back Held gained lC yards, ami on a for ward puss of 2." yards, Overleeso to Halter, they scored tholr last touch down. Zeiss kicked goal, score 27 to' (). Kcd Cloud carried ball within scoring distance sevcrul times but failed at drop kicks Final score 2? to 0. Referee, Uellatley. Umpire. Stone. Timekeeper, Meyers. Quarters, 15 minutes. Weekly Weather Forecast Weuther forecast for the week be ginning Wednesday, Oct. 27, '15 issued by the U. S. Weather Hureau, Wash ington, D. C , for the Upper Missis sippi Valloy and Plains States: There will be rain Wednesday or Thursday in tho Northwest, extending Thursday ulght and Friday into the central Plulns States nnd the Upper Mississippi Valley, probably followed again by fair weather Sunday. Tern poratures will rise early in the week mid should again fall Friday or Satur day, but no unusally low tompcratures aro expected. For Sale The K. Jl. Smith farm, containing 70 G.VIOO acres, 2 houses, one moJoin; good now barn, chicken house, city water, about 10 ucres of alfalfa, bal ance farm land and pasture. Price 810,000. Terms, S3.000 cash, thst mortgago of 55,000 in ten years at 0 per cent semi-annually, 2nd mortgago of 52,000 for five years at 0 per cent semi-annually, with prlvllego of pay lug any or all at tiny timo. Write orsee 15 G. Uohanan, Lincoln, Nebr., Dohannn Uullding, Or W. II, Rosenorans, Agent, Red Cloud Miss Mabel Iialley is visiting rela tives at Cowlcs, Mrs. S. M. Carl came down from Long Island, Kas., today to visit her brother, J. A. MoArthur und family. m WlMh ttwpmwiiM Farmers' Institute ' Will Be Large Affair The program ronnii Itee in barge of tho runnel's Institnto me rapidly bringing their plans to completion. They haw piouiised us something dif ferent this year and they will have something fining on all the lime The following local speakers have been seemed thus fm: Rev. Myers, l I .J. Miiud.iy, Fied Maurer, K, .1. Over iug.lr.Kov lleebe, L. II. Illackledge, ' Pi oL Whitehead and Prof. Wren. The I committee Is not ready to give the1 mines of tin out of town speakers owiuu to the fact that the statu uni versity lias not yet. made up its list,' however wo aro assured of the very best that tho University lias. One of the big features during tho liisilute will be tho parade of the school children. Tills pirade never falls to please and we may bo sure that it will be up to stundaid this year as usual. The poultry and' agricultural ex hibits and tho speaking will be held in the Petuisou building. Tho horses, mules and cattle will bo cared for In the Koontz tie barn; the hogs and sheep in the Star bam.' AH the ladles department will be on exhibition in tlie Xewhou-o building. The poultry, apples and corn exhibits this year will far surpass anything before displayed. Ample room is b ing left 'Jor these departments utld it Is expected that the livaliy will be exceptionally keen. A glance at tho program mid the arraugmeiits being made will show that the Institute this year will be conducted on a far larger and broader lil.iii than ever before Kvcrythlng ficoiis usual mid a gieat trout in store for overvoiio. Methodist Mention llev. Iluuimel o;oiipied tliu pulpit ast Sunday morning The pastor having been called away for a funoial, Special services have begun at Ash Creek eburc . You are uiged to at' tend. Because the trains did not muko connections the pastor had a chance to hear Hilly Sunday. Friends at Wabash invited mo to go with them it: mi auto mobile so wo heard him four times. A great man ami culled of God. There will bo tho usual services dur ing the week which will bo led by sumo of the laymen. Tho pastor will preach on Sunday. Wo will be glad to read the letters of those who desire to present them next Suuday morning. Just as soon as meetings close at Ash Creek wo will baptize other candi dates at the evening services. Don't forgot to como to Sunday school and stay for church, Nov. 7th,, Church Day. The Fanner's Institute will bo hold November 10, 17, 18 and lDtli. Tho Free Ticket- from Red Cloud Merchants to their patrons from out of town tiro not intended for those liv ing within a hair mile of tho city limits and will not be accepted for admission at Tho Tepee, except from those living outside tho above limits. Next Sunday the new lime card for the Hiirllugtou louto will go into offect. The principal ehango In this vicinity will bo the discontinuing f trains No. land 11 between hero mid Oxfoid. It is reported that 7 and 8 will be discontinued between Oxford and Wruy as well as 9 and 10 taken oil' tho main lino. Tho series of live and six reel plays at the Tepee- each Wednesday and Thursday arc equal to the vory best shown anywhere, und are worth an extra price of admission, but it was thought that by running theso pic tures two nights thoycould be shown at rcgulur prices. Tho pictures are well worth your patronage mid the Tepee management hopes to make the plan a success and give you tiie best in pictures at a moderate price, t t SlWli 1PII: Charming yJf Jewels HOWEVER CHARMING A WOMAN MAY BE, SELECTIONS OF OUR ENCHANTING JEWELRY WILL ENHANCE THOSE CHARMS. IN FACT, A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN IS 'EXPECTED TO ADORN HERSELF WITH BEAUTIFUL JEWELS. WE HAVE JEWELS, RARE AND PRECIOUS. COME PRICE THEM. YOU WILL FIND THAT YOU CAN AFFORD TO BUY THEM. WE MAKE "QUALITY" RIGHT; THEN THE PRICE RIGHT. E. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist lire. H. & Q. Watch Inupcctor New Viewpoint On Sleeping - in our nightgowns' Hutu is more than usual bust room; in nightshirts' tlio nrinhdk'H uro largor. Our styles nro distinctive in design, specific in purpose. Our Ladies' Gowns sot new length and width standard and give tho fullncHH of actual size. Brighton Carlsbad Sleeping Wear "Nightie" Book Free Let tin know nnd we will have sent to your nddroHfr. FKEE, The "Nightie" hook. iirhtie" hook. hIiowh tho most advanced ideas and newest styles in sleeping wear for Men, Women and Children. Any number in tho hook that we do not carry in Htock, we will ho glad to order for you. Ill WE WILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OF YOUR COAL QR-DER-S PLATT&FREES PLAN TO ATTEND THE INSTITUTE NUM11RH-M w ear TUIh Th'iH hook weesner & Co. .4 n w 4 VI i II ft . i i -.4 , fJS 1 if, i', V - - - j-twnJanMSis? ''Xi - W tvr:i hvt4mwmitir