The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 21, 1915, Image 5

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Bulletin of The Week's olngs
1113 J"01"' goods of tlio local stores.
Ucotge Holt of Cowles was in town
Attcml the foot ball same Friday
Hobt. P. Hoxsey M. I)., overCotting's
Drug store.
Kied Temple of Kansas City was in
town Saturday.
George Hollister went to Lincoln
Tuesday morning.
I'd. Sanson and fiimllv have moved
to Norton. Kansas.
Mr. and Mr. Prank Cowden and
children spent Sunday in Superior.
I). J. Duekwoith and wife returned
home Tuesday morning from Kansas
N. L. D. Smith and wife re tinned
home Tuesduy morning fiom Kansas
, (icorgc Van Camp was looking after
Ids insurance business in Hebron Sat
in day.
Mr. and .Mis. Knihl of Letts. Iowa,
aro visiting at the Carl Kuehu home
this week.
Mit Steele lett the first of the week
for Oiegon wheie he intends to take
up a homestead.
Win. Prevost and family have moved
Into Ceo. Amnck's tesidence In the
cast part of the city
Tor bale or trade 180 acres. Will
take a sni-Jl farm and cany the bal
ance. C. A. Sehultz
Mrs. lkiwcr of Lincoln K In the city
visiting her daughter'., tho Misses
Hazel and lleatrleo McKeighan.
Tho Young Ladies' Society of the
United church will meet with Miss
Jessie Kellogg Saturday afternoon.
Walter Wan on and T-t Harris went
to Omaha Monday morning to attend
tho meeting of the t'raml Lodge of
Odd Tel lows.
Keillor 11. L. Wright of the Lebanon
Times was over taking in tho loot ball
game Friday afternoon While in the
city ho made this otlice 11 pleasant call.
Mr. and Mrs. Mao Fulton of Inavale
spent Sunday with their daughter,
Mrs. Fiank Dluukcubaker and funiilv
and attended church at No. ;i in the
' afternoon.
Another good farm consisting of .'180
acres for sale or titc. Will uikc a
small farm close to a German settle
ment and town. For other bargains
see me. C. A. Sehullz.
A general meeting of the Farmers'
Union will be held in the M. W. A.
hall in this city, Thnisday, October 28,
at 8 p. in. O. 13. Woods of Lincoln
will deliver an address for the occasion.
Everybody Invited.
On Friday nfturnoon the Ited Cloud
High School foot, ball team will play
the Superior High School team here.
This will be. u good game and you
.shouln ko out and boost foi our boyh
Tickets 11 I'd now on sale at the II K.
(iricedmg stem..
Mr. and Mr-.. I'. K. Williamson of
Denver, Colorado, arrived in tlie city
Sunday mottling and leniained until
Wednesday morning as the guests of
Walter 1! Smith and wife. They were
enrouto to Oak Grove, Missouri, and
other eastern points to visit telatives.
Mrs. Williamson i- Mr. Smith's mother.
Mrs. ChiKtlna Scammon, aued 88
year's, died at Auroia, Illinois, S unlay
evening, She wuh the wile of the late
D F. Scaiuinon who ilied in this city
several years ago. The remains wcio
brought here 'iuesday evening for
biilal. The funuinl services wore held
at the Christian chinch Wednesday
morning, Ilev. Deebo (.lllelating.
You Are Most Cordially Invited
To Come To Red Cloud And
Be Our Guests At Our Free
Open Air Band Concei ts And
At The Tepee Moving Picture
ShowsGet your Tepee Tickets
From Any of the Merchants.
They Are As Free As The
Water That Flows.
Uobt. P. llo.sey M. 1).. overCotting's j
rtig store. '
A. L. tirosiinan
the city Monday.
of Inavale was In
Frank Cowden weut to
uansiis, ueiiucsiiay.
Wall Paper at 20 per cent discount
at Cot ting's Hi ug Store.
A. D Atkins of Lincoln was In the
city this week visiting fi lends.
L. II. Ulaekledge and son, Allan,
went to Omaha Sunday morning.
Hen William irns n passenger to
Oberlin. ICunsus, Monday morning.
Head A. N. WnechterV Poland China
hog sale ad which appears in this issue.
Dan Garber is in Omaha this week
attending the grand lodge of Odd FoL
Mr. nnd Mrs. Andy Unit of Lebnnon
spent Saturday in this city with
If your child needs glasses or has
nose or throat trouble see Dr. Wairick
October 20th.
Clarence Carpenter and wife are the
proud parents of a baby girl which
anived Saturday.
Aaron Hedge went to Hastings Tues
day morning where he will leeolvo
medical treatment.
( A Mercer tho piano tuner will be
here In November. Leave your order
at Kd Amack's store.
The ladies of tho Baptist church will
serve n chicken pie dinner Friday in
the Newhousc building.
Mr. and Mrs Grant Turner are the
proud parents of a baby girl which ar
rived at their home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs J. K. Chancy teturncd
homo Sunday evening from a visit with
telatives at Fremont and Omaha.
Several of our foot ball enthusiasts
will go to Lincoln Satuiday to attend
the Nebraska vs Notre Dame game.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Uurdcii of ltloom
ingtou spent Sunday here with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman F.sslg.
Mrs. 15. W. Llndsey and Mrs. It. F.
Unifies left Monday morning for Cali
fornia where they will spend tho winter.
.Mrs. llarbaia Phnres returned home
Saturday from Omaha and Chicago
where she had been buying goods for
Mr and Mrs. Becker of Pawnee City
who bad been spetidlng 11 few days
with Mrs MoClurc departed Sunday
evening for California.
Mr. ond Mrs. Paul Storey went to
Omaha Sunday evening where ho will
attend the'rand Lodge of Odd Fol
lows which convenes in that city this
The Wotnor (Jospel team held ser
vices at No. .'$ school homo Sunday
afternoon. A laro crowd attended
and would be glut! to have them come
Mr. and .Mrs. J. A. McArthur and
sons, Ted and Carl, went to Long
Island, Kansas, via automobile, Tues
day morniriu to visit his sister. Mis. s.
M. Carl.
Dr. Warrick, the specialist, will meet
eye, ear, noso and throat patients and
thoso nee ling glasses lilted at Dr.
D.'uneroll's ollice, Wednesday, Octobc r
ber 20th
Mrs Fted Wittwer ami dnubie ,
Miss Nannie Wright, arrived lum.
Tuesday evening from Madison, Mis
souri, where they IihiI been viwiti m
Am Miksch nni lainjly ot Sioux
Falls, Sonth Dakota, spent tho first ot
tho week in this city with his brother,
Uufus Miksch and fiimilyi Thuy woie
enrouto to the coast.
Miss Graco Wilson, who is a sister of
Mrs. Chas. Wolfe arrived ttuni Rod
Cloi.d last week and has decided to
teach in this county this year and be
gan bor work hi Dist til In, l Monday
Tho St. 1'ianels, (Kas) lWiild.
Starts at 3:00 P. M.
Monday and Tuesday
Oct 21 and 2(1
The Fallen Standard
Wednesday and Thursday
Oct 27 and '.'S
The Closing Net
In Five Parts
From Henry Rowland' famous
novel, n most successful story, first ap
pearing In serial form in the Saturday
Evening Post a few months ago In
which Chii-Chu the Micnrcr. Ivan and
.left' the Red with Frank Chiinent are
the leading characters.
Two Days and
Wednesday Afternoon
Regular Prices
Seal of the Navy.
Nov 1
A gteat deal of iuteiest was .shown
Wednesday afternoon in a foot ball
game botwien the eighth and ninth
guide. The "inaUins ' of somo irood
men later on was exhibited. The
scoio was P.) to 21 for tho Fioshinon.
S. C. Hills cashier for the C. U. A; Q.
at this place, is enjoying a vacation
this week, and devoting the tlnioiu an
efl'oit to more thoroughly iiciUiitnl
lilmsolf with tho oDHrnllou ot tho
Kills Shoe stoie of which ho is tho
"silent?" partner
According to the Depaittneiit of
Agrlculluial F.nginoeriug, University
Farm, the farmers of Nebraska own
llfty million dollais worth of farm
machinery. A yonrly saving of two
and one-half million dollars could be
made by housing and better care.
Sheriff. O. D. Hedge taken Chas.
I'ltgslcy, a hermit, who for years has
lived in a hut on the bank of the
river, near Inavale, into custody
last Filday, and on Monday, be was
found by the insanity board to bo
Insane. Sheriff Hedge taken him to
Engleside tho first of tho week.
Pictures possessing more than the
usual entertaining qualities hnvo been
shown at the Tenee this week. The
Maid of the Weston Monday nnd Tues
day wbs line. The Spender which wac
shown last evening, and will be again
tonight, is one you can not alYord to
miss, it possessed characters who
were deep enough for tho deepest nnd
shallow enough for the shallowest, and
the sceno showing the burning of tho
largo McCabc factory, was alone worth
the price of admission.
Free wieoinn for blackleg and di
rections for ltd use may be obtained
from the Deptutmentof Animal Path
ology of tho College of Agriculture,
Lincoln, upon application. The vac
cination against blackleg is pat lieu
larly advisable at this time owing to
tho fact that the tall months represent
oik of .he penodh of greatest infect ion
Vaccination when pioperly done is a
a tenable safeguard C'alvts when
tal 1 n from the pastine in the fall
should bi vaccinated. If this is ie
piteii tho ne.t spring and fall, there
su uld be vcty I1UI0 danger fiom this
Not Lord's Dftv will bo icgi htr ei
vines nt tho Baptist ehurcli In the
morning will be a report c.C the State
Diy Convention and th. State Minis
teis Conference.
In the evening will bo "Lilly Sunday-
The Man and His Message."
A welcome to u
Msstin Street
7:30 P.
C. H. Miner Serum Co.
Enlarging Their Plant
The C II Miner Serum plant south
west of this city, Is iiipidlv develop
ing Into a factor of oonsi, lot able bIo
and impoitance. At tins wining a
number of workmen are 1 ugaged In
Die election of an addll ion to the hog
houses, and the construction of a large
reuiftit cellar in which to store the
product of the plant While this en
terpiUe Is otilj about 11 yeat old yet
it contains all the paraphenalla neces
sary to operate it In a handy manner,
and beats ovidenee on oveiy hand of
being under very capable management.
The plant is operated under very strict
government regulations, Government
Inspector Dr. K. 13 Lnllur and his
assistant. Dr. A. ('. Crawford, now
haling their headipiartois in this oily,
wheie they petsonally oversee the
operation of this plant, as well as the
ones at Franklin and Slietton
Tho Chief hopes to be able m the
neai future to give a (hoioiigli write
up l the C II. Miner sornm plant nnd
its operations, which wo are cnnlldctil
will pioie interesting reading, as will
lis actiiviut any iiumbei of our leaders
of what can be accomplished by a
man who possesses tlie oiieigy and
business outerptlso as dees C. II
Mis M.C. lluinniel, mothei of Mis.
S 13 llohliodgo, wont to Red Cloud
Tuesduy to visit a few days.
Name Jones and family moved to
the country Monday.
liny Parker and family spent Sun
day at Will TophatnV
Mr. Hunter and wlto left Saturday
night for Denver whero he will buy
some cattle.'
Mr. Neshilt is visiting at the Smol
der's hotel.
.lake Ruig is building a large cement
.7. Vance has been unite sick but Is
Mrs Ada Koobnel who formerly ro
sided hero is building 11 nice residence
at Powell, Wyoming. Her goods were
shipped to that place last week.
Mrs. Emma (turner and sou, Wilde,
and daughter, Alberta, left Saturday
morning for California whoru they will
make their home for a couple of years.
A number of children have caught
tho chickenpox.
The M 12. District Superintendent
preached both morning and evening at
the M. K. church last Sunday.
Quito a large crowd attended
services last Thursday night at
Christian church. Rev. Iteebo of
Cloud preached.
Mrs. W. M. Points W enjoying a visit
f 1 mil her daughter, Mrs. (Iiiice .lone,
at present.
Mr. mid Mr. (Uou Whitoley and
little daughter of Franklin spent Sun
day hi the WhlteVy home.
G. (I Htli'iic. fln.l iHinily depaited
a few day a.;n lor (i.aud Island and
his'i.t1 ihiiiipliipj , uTjw occupie
tht p. u "iv va'U-i'.
Mtlo 1 n Hiii the pioiidovinei'of a
new oiky so 00 w girls look out.
The Mt 1'ie.vsiuit Ladies Aid sock ty
mcL wall Mrs John Kaidulck last
Tlitiih.lay afieinoon.
Owen Iliinsielter and uifeaud baby
daughter of Moiland, Kansas, are
isiting ids piuonts and other 1 datives
tills week
Miss Deo illuiot and brothers in
teiTained a niiinbor of their yoiiif
fiioudb Friday evening Uefioshments
wcio seived and a veiy enjoyable time
was reported by nil who ieio pi'isent
llarvo Fariiauuuid family and Mis.
W. M. 1'oltits and daughter, Mis. Grace
Jones, autoetl to IlattinHs Wudiie,h!liy,
Mrs. Geo. Ileaton still continues
quite 111.
Mr. and Mis. lJarl Drown were
guestb at the Fay A meson homo .Sun
day. (
The many fi lends of Mr and Mis,
Hrret Wiiiijen who formerly lived in
thin neighborhood but now ieslding nt
Oberlin, Kansas, will be glad to learn
that tliey at 0 the pi ond parents of a
little daughter born on October Mb.
The Mt. I'lef.ssnt church is being ic
painted and plasleiod this week.
For Sale
The K It. Smith farm, containing 70
fiV100 acres, J houses, one modern;
good now barn, chicken house, city
wnter, about 40 acres of iilfalfn. bal
ance farm land and pasture. Prico
SKi.tHMl, Terns, S:i,(M) cm-li, (list
moitgago of 81,000 in ten years at KiVt
per cent Hcinbannually, 'iw mortgage
of $2,0od for five years at 0 per cent
hembanmiHlly, with privilege of pay
ing any or all atany tlmo. Write or see
K G. liohanan, Lincoln, Nebr ,
Uolianan liuilding.
Or W. II. Itosenoraiis,
Agent, Ited Cloud
The Farmer's Institute will be
November 10, 17, 18 and lOtli.
From Monday, Oct. 25th to Monday. Nov. 1st, on
all cash purchases or on money deposited during this
same week, to be traded out afterwards, we shall give
twelve times the regular coupons. Double coupons will
be given on the .settlement of accounts during this
- week. Buy the 25.000 Hooster Trade Hooks this week
Sand use them next week. This will give i'2.000 coupons
for each $5.00 in purchase or deposit and 27,000 in settle
&) ment on accounts.
The exact standing oT
The Hooster Club Campaign closes on Nov. 17th,
Wednesday at noon. 12 o'clock. The exact standing of
all Boosters will be announced on next Monday.
All The New Fall Goods Now In
Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Shoes,
Mackinaws, Sweaters and Everything
Worn By Man Or Boy
The Booster Store
it 11.11
1.1.3 i.:.m,; 'I! !i"""H!!. u 'cawLawiaiiiiiiii wmiiiiiiiiii.w mif
aaaaaaLi a 4iaaaaa
f I ammaat
fim...w.y k r 1.
Walter W
C . fr lx9 A
c vv ciecuter s
Poland China
To be held at Enos Livery Barn Hivcrton, Ncbr.
i Thursday, Nov. 4, 1915 i
45 HEAD---31 Boars, 14 Gilts
These pigs are by such boars as W's Big Orange 08701, Kef's
Model CSS.".", Vulcan by Combination, Long Look by. Nebraska Ideal.
Out of sows by Heferondum, Pan Wonder, Kx Over, Miller's
Chief Price, Choice Goods, Victor's Prospeot and Panorama.
These me, without doubt, the best stulT we have ever put be
forp the public. Arrange your plans to bo with us sale day. If you
miss lil sale it will ho your loss nnd a bit; one Write for "catalog.
Will Also Sell a Few Barred Plymouth Rock
it-r -im
C f VAID A..t
Hooster will be given
You can if you will
buymoro PREPARED foods.
Then you can give moro
time to ENJOYING your
children and helping
them with their lessons.
7.'o have many "jspodies"
for you to put into their
lunch boxes, and wo can
sell them to you CHEAPER ,
than you'cUn make
thorn yourself.
arshalL e grocer
in.j. o K?
4.imuai oaie 01 i t
D:..-i MU.l-
Ulothing ho.
1 l'i
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r r (0 ) tm.