The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 21, 1915, Image 4

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    r--jttsB!.- 'rur.i4r2:j('nir,
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Fiftjw-JWiC. " TtW" jv.vw r-t. .
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JH5L2fflLHIE,,l BioH school notes
Entered In the PoMoIlIu- nl HfiW limit. Nils
an Hccoml (.'Irus Mntlir
Hv Ui ssi.t.b Mti.iisJ
Tin- new music for (ho Cliorus litis ur
i 1 1 veil mid work lum tilii'iicly bujrim on
Visitors nt the HiihtliiRS exposition
ftnlntc that thi! nuilcultutnl exhibits
tlicio illil not ncnrly come tip to the
Rlntirinnl of the Hod Cloud FiinncrV.
In c;hn pel Mondny the 1 1 ifIi School
wiiri lionoiotl hy n spi-ueh fioni V .1.
Muiitlny ii iiroiiilm-iit luwvcr of tills
city. lie hpokc of The Value of Time
mid MtikitiK the IJi'st of Ojipoi tmiltli'S".
The talk wnfc v'iy InU'risthtu nut! one
that, all who wished could derivo some
good fioni
Are you luoltln; for a bl puno FiI-
ilnvv Tlu.tii Ik inlitLf In In nr.n 1iin.
i?7.. itt..t.. Wltifii tt.ntli.Hk lnirn fnrr:tl i ... ". . .......
Jimuuiiu .j. ..i ...,..., .,-... iii... 11...1 r- ..,l .,,,.,1,1 iv il.. 1 1 1 i
u . ... . -.... ... ...... ..... .... .......
cdly nld that wo had the Lett In the
htnti' and the ovldeili'c jimt befoie us
will loar out tllelr Mirti'iiiciils. The
nKilnilturitl nioilncU this year otiIil
best MKiilnst a fnst bunch from Super
lor. The glum- will bo called nt .'J:.'I0
Hint we of tho IIl(,'li School would like
to see a lecoid btfnl.ur crowd. Von
'aIII tint lift fllsimtuiliitiwl 'I'lin tlt'ld'ts
to be Wbkit and better than ever and . ,ii(j ou WU, (t ,,ri(1(,s lrIK l(Je
MPpicillutnUtf iittciitliuiw. J i:vpryooU r.joipi, over tin. vie
! c i ' toiy of last Fildny's Imttlo. In spito
Mr. .loo Ciow who bus chuto of tl.o' . ,, ,. , , ,,.,, ,nm(. ,.,,,,
haul and o tint lliiish. hebanonV
strotifr point soeuied Id be forward
pussliiK and heliif,' able not only to
lumcs and mules at the blj: I'm mm 's
.liibtltnto mid livo stock show ik-slus
to say that owners of (,'ood atdmaU
hhould begin now to fjc-t their stock In
to show condition. If these nniintiU
liave bun numlng loose they should
be taiieii up alonccaudmado acquaint
ed with tho ciiny comb and brush so
that by the time tho institute arrives
they will belli condition for jutting.
CIiiin, Coleman hi ought tin co ears of
white com and one car of julluw coin
Into this ofilce this week which ueru
raised In the chalk hill country tlilit)
Tulles south of town. These ear? of
corn are iwcellcnt and are as good us
nnyone could wish for. This shows
that tinder tho pioper iMim.igctneiil
coin and produco can bo raised In this
country any where. Mr Coleman feels
Justly proud of bin lolatlves mid they
arc to bo oonyi ululated on their sio-
pass but to not away with it Hed
Cloud starred on end runs. Those
who know ffnve most of the ciedlt to
Kidil, Zeiss, Overleee and Hyan. Two
new men made a iooil showliiK in that
they helped to miike lliobcoro l!l to 17
Lincoln Letter
State Auditor Smith has leeeived
S'.'OOu liom Hooue county as part pay
ment ou what II owes for tho Insane
Fund Tax levied pi lor to 1001. Oilyiu
ully lloouo County owed $."772. The
Tho businessmen of Cowled and Ked
Cloud have Joined in IIxIiik this roads
-liotween tho two ulaees and travel is
established ouco more. When we all
Hct together things begin to hum. The
entire county should join bunds In
every undertaking Unit will bencllt
lie whole county or any part of It.
'Unusual conditions confronted us this
year anil unusual muthods must b
employed to counteract them but If
this will bring us closer together so
that we will woik in harmony and
good fellowship lot us have .sonic mote
unusual conditions.
lVoplo thruout tho Fifth Congress
ional (list i lot will all miss tho ubei
presence of Fx-Congrebsinan II. P.
Sutherland of Nelson who parsed away
this week in u hospital In Kansas City. ho was fatnilimly kuowu
was n hale fellow well met, a friend of
nil, a splendid companion ami a
htuuui'h Detmiuitit. His council will
be iuUhciI. iipfuinisilo under all elf
riiniHtuueru h' aidid in buildinj,' up
!iii-i'iliy In ttmo of stress and
id unwaid, ever onward n'omed
Jt. )iK motto and his cueutiti,; senti-
..iii. I'tlppcd tho lives of nuyv tuid
iii i ii'iii stronger.
Thi Fm n-er's Institute will be hold
uj this tly N'ovember 1(5, 17, ia mid
!3Pth -four Llt days- ench one titled full
nrsoruotb f. doing nil the time. The
iroKrain)" i ,11 be u lilt ilitrcrent thlb
yoHrmul ..ley will lio good. Several
Iik .it Hpciil.ers lutvo been secured in
uddltioti to the statu help so that, there
will bo uu lack of cuteitainmeut mid
instruction. The soliciting commtttco
was nrumid this week and met with
generous rosponae. Theie will bo
lilenty of ininey to pay all premiums
in full just the Mane as In former
years. I'resent indications point to
the biggest and best Institute jet hold,
Coiuo onrly and stay all the time
Methodist Mention
Uevival meetings will begin at Ash
Creek next Sunday evening, Hov. O.
V. lliitunu'l preaching. Everybody
Tho Quern liters will nuet with
Miss F.llabuth Oveiiiimi Thursday
evening for n social time. Come and
bring a guest.
Tuesday evonlng, Uiblo tudy clas.
Don't fall to be there.
Mid-week prayer service erery Wed
nesday livening,
Nextquartcily tupotlng in January.
Two now niiines wcio added to the
men's bible class lust Sunday. Whoto
do you go?
Tho pastor preached to the children
last Sunday.
Mine persons were received into full
membership last Sunday morning.
sum of WOO was paid some time ago,
leaving a bahiuco of S2(illi, which will
bo taken up as tnpldly as the county
can get to il.
Victor Seymour, deputy clerk of tho
Supremo Court for the past eleven
years, resigned his position, tho re
signation taking effect Saturday, Octo
bcr lUth. Phillip II. (leen. formerly
ot tho law linn of Heige, (licen V
Cheen, of Lincoln, has been appointed
to llll the vacancy. Mr. Seymo lr will
go to Omaha, where hoe. peels to man
nge It. Ij. Kennedy's senatorial cam
paign next year.
Food Commissioner C. E. Ilurmmi.
on advice of Governor Morehead, has
dually decided to retain sulllclent or
the funds of tho deptirtment to pay
running expenses, tinning the balance
over to the treasurer and tiling his io
porfwlth the Auditor each mouth.
From now ou ho will have eleven men
in tho Held unil the general woik ot
tho olllco mid Held will swing along in
the accustomed way
State Auditor Smith will 1-mio Ids
third quarterly statement of statu dis
bursements In a day or two These
quarteilv statemi nts are u n-uv de
parture in the AuiMtor's olllce, and Is
.,.(,,! I in conformity with a law whie'i Audi
tor Smith furmulutoil unit hint present
ed to the last legislature. It is in
keeping with his up-toduto business
methods of conducting the olllce since
ho took chatge lust .limitary. It gives
tho public tin opji 1 1 unity at all times
to know just how. where and foi what
put-pones the tax payer' money is be
lug spent.
Tiio State lloaul of Etpiailatioe,
through Its ti'i'ict'iiy, O E. Iiernecker,
is atrini;ing for a seiies of meetings
to be held Ihuiighout the state at
which HsVssntont mutters me to be
considered. Tho state has bee n divid
ed into eifht distiict-, and the county
assessors In the various districts will
meet at one of the lollowing points
Lincoln, Fieinont, Norfolk, Urand Is
laud, Hustings, McCook, N'ottlt I'lutte
or Alliance. Tito meetings will lie
held tho latter putt f the present
month, oi In NoM-intor Tfle teal
estate of tho state will be assessed
again in 11M0, mid its asseisiitciit will
be the pilucipal hubji-et to boconslder
I'd. Sucvetmy llciiicckee husptepared
blanks upon which the uM'fsom of tho
various counties will be ivquosud to
report the stiles value of faun lands
during given pel ioil, mid these re
polls will be used lu adjusting um"-s-ments
ne.t ,ear. It Is tho contention
of the various itiilionds upoiMling lu
Nebraska that Hum hinds are. assessed
too low in propoitlon to other proper
ty, rind they have ulietidy compiled a
list of laiid sates lu count its Ihtough
which they operate. Without thoeoin
pllatloit now under way by Mr. Her
neoker the board would have to accept
for consideration the tigures offered by
the railroads, but It piefers to have its
own llgures compiled by tho petsous
oloHed for that purpose. Tho Hoard
of Equairutlon is composed of Hover,
nor Morehead, Secrotaiy of State Pool,
State Auditor Smith, State Tteasurer
Hall and Land Commissioner Deck
mttnii. Semetary of State Pool has Institut
ed suit in the district court ut Lincoln,
ustiiust tho Chicago, Hock Island A.
Pact Ho Hallway for occupation tax and
penalties for years UUI-lO; this suit
being biought by Attorney tloneral
Heed This corporation should have
paid $2300 per year but has only paid
i")lO per year. The suit is biought lor
$l'.i.")0 for the tux of 111 t with it, l. per
3Ht penally, together with T percent
interest from September 1, 1014 nd
for a like sum, tax and penalty for 1015.
flural School flotes
fiarflr.ltl llltli School
School began in District, (?.", Septem
ber i:ith., with an enrollment of tweti
tyllvo pupils. The following is tlie
names of the pupils and the grades
they are enrolled lit:
lutli grade Sttinser Amuck, Muriel
Fisher, Orvln Harris.
0th grti'le Samuel Thompson (Jus
sie DcWItt, Pearl Whit?, Lyle Harris
sth grti.le Aletithua Campbell
7th grade Olfc King. Leonard
llarnes, Charles JIcElhaiieV.
Oth grade Ethel Fislier.
fith grittlo Mary llarnes, Edgar
Ainack, Edna Cumtnings, Cecil White.
I th grade Villa Campbell.
3rd grade Helen Wiggins, Lv-le
Whlte,Vcrn Ciiinmlngs.
tiricl grade Italph Clitistian, Vera
Dolllo Uartics, Esther White.
1st grade Mabel Parsons.
The following have been neither
absent nor tardy dining tho first
month: Stumer Amnck. ivlgur Ainack,
Pearl White, Edna Cuminlng", Lylo
llarrli", Villa Campbell, Samuel Tiiomp
son, Vern Cumtnings, (lusslc DcWItt,
Ilolon Wiggins, Alettthea Campbell,
Vera Mudd. Leonard Jlarnes, Dolllo
UariifS, Ethel Fisher, Esther White,
Mary llarnes, Italph Christian. Mabel
The district has remodeled tho old
school building into an lip-to date
Uurul High S"hool,ntid have equipped
it. with adjustable single seats, mid
tweiitjono stptare yards of blackboard.
A teachei's t.ew desk and chair have
been ectititl for the' assembly loom.
A bench mid a sot of tools for Manual
Tialniog have been put in.
Domestic Science have boon provid
ed for hy installing a thieu biirne. oil
stove mill a kitchen cabinet with proper
eaulninent. Twontyone new shades
hWc been imiehii'-ed for tho windows
..i . . . .
v o also have a sanitary water jar.
Tho otgan end the woodwoik in the
assembly room us well as the teacher's
desk mid tin- w.iodwork in tho class
room have bei n varnished and present
a neat, appeal unce.
A complete set of Dilgg"n Live Lang
uage Lessons, also tho Palmer System
of Wiitlng a ro used in this school.
Our school went ou tin incursion to
the river last Thursday. Ou the way
thoro the pupils worn to look tor the
dlireient kinds of hints anil trees, ulso
gather cocoons anil specimens of
plants and soils. Ouco thoio, the ad
vanced clashes took mi interest, in the
dllfcrtnt stiutas of soil along the liver
banks, while the younger pupils gath
ered shells mid made mountains mid
hills Willi tho sand.
All patrons and parties interested
are cordially Invited to visit tho school-
til v Duxn.Mt,
Red Gloud Team
Defeats Lebanon
(Continued from 1st page)
dowiH, loosing ball in ne.vtdown. Hed
Cloud ou second down made gain, mid
on two pusses which were incomplete
thltd (punter ended.
Fourth (punter with pass-.elss to
Hyan for twenty yards. Another
pss was captured by Lebanon, who
uiade the gain and with a pass for
fifteen ynids and another gain on
downs scoied a touchdown on a for
ward pass Kicked goal score 10 to
111. Lebanon kicked oil' forty yards
Ked Cloud returned fifteen yards, and
two series of downs made their twenty
yards. Lebanon was ponallyed ilfteeti
ymds for roughing, Kynn went around
end for twenty yards for touchdown.
Zeiss kicked goal. Final score 17 to
1.1. Ked Cloud here kicked forty yards
to Lebanon, who returned fifteen
jnrds, and were forced to kick on the
fourth down. Ked Cloud was held for
downs and Lebanon on first down was
thrown back for n nine yard loss.
Liame ended witli ball In Lebanon's
possession in center of field. Tho fol
lowing is the lineup:
Ked Cloud
whotiso, Kldd L
laden L
:e I j
tchier C
iiss K
ilson H
inline U
crlecc Q
,'au L I
ipo K I
les. Vetty F
Itefoiee (iclliitly; Utnpiio Newall.
Head lineman and Timekeeper Pol-
Touchdowns Pope, ltyun, Drown L",
Drop kick '. )lss (.loals Zeiss 2,
Itrowu 1.
Much Adler-i-ka Used
In Red Cloud
Hod Cloud Lebanon
Newhotiso, Kldd L E .Ames
Suluden LT W. Woods
Fye HI O Woods
Pitchier C Adams
Zvmss K li Upp
Wilson HT Williams
Tiinnue UE Shlmerhorn
Overlecc Q U Cherry
Kyau L II li McCull
Popo K It IJ Wright.
Ailes. Vetty FB Hi own
H Is reported by C L. Cutting that
much Adlur-i-kii is sold in Ked Cloud
People havo found out that ONE
SPOONFUL of this simple buckthorn
bark and glyceriuo mixtuio relieves
tilmost ANY CASIO of constipation,
sour or gassy stomach. It is so power
ful that it Is used successfully in ap
pendicitis. ONE MINUTE after you
take it the gasses rumble and puss
out. It is perfectly safe to use and
'cannot gripe.
LVII.m:, I fri, ......
An.n C. Laun, )
Weekly Weather Forecast
Weather forecast for tho week be
ginning Wednesday, Oct. 20, "1." issued
by the U. S. Weather Iturcau, Wash
ington. 1). C , for the Upper Missis
sippi Valley mid Plains Mutes:
With the t-xctptiili of locul lams
Wednesday or Wednesday night m the
upper Mississippi and lower Missouri
vulle,R, the weather will be generally
lmr timing the week, although unset
lied weather is again probable over
the extreme Noithwet toward the end
of tho week. Il will bo homewhat
cooler Wednesday in tho Northwest,
and on Tlitiisdtiy in the upper Missis
sippi Valley.
Residence Properly For Sale
I will -til my lesidenee property in
lied Cloud ilicnp It Ollsist.s ol I)
iits with ii onil t; tihiui house and it
baui i'2'i. Wiiteto Kenkel, Kago,
Coloiadii, oi inquire of C F. Wullln.
Exhibitors Notice
I'arties intending to bnucmt'i'les of
litoduce, stoclt or liundiw-iuU slionld
get their exhibits n-n ly now. You
can make iiiueh betti-r M-li-otl,,tis it you
take your limn tl'.uu if you wait until
the last day beliiie the institute. The
intriner'n Institute t tits vi'.ti will lu- a
good one s el reiuly i.ow and c uno
prep'ired 'nemj-.v nil' the ;
fi W. Ilritui I., Piesldeiit
Harvest Iiomc Supper
Tho Ladits llpisciipal tiiiihl w.l!
serve their annual llatvea. Itouio Sup
por at. the homo of Mr- D.nnertU,
Thursiluv, Oct -sth from .' us in.
Price -."e. Allnre invited
Cholera Costs Nebraska
Farmers $5,000,000
It is estimated that the Mitiuul loss
from hog oholora in Nobrasku for the
last two years has been at least 5-5,000.-UOo,
according to a recent bulletin of
the College of Agriculture.
A Food and Nerve Tonic
is frequently required by old age. Wo
nlwaya recommend j
9Uwj-00. Olive Oil,
yeXOUJO Emulsion
contanng UyptphoifSUit
U sa ideal combination for this purpotei
H. E. Grlc Drug Co.
New House For Sale
A new four room house with screen
i;d poich H by Id tet Will sell at it
very reasonable pi ice. For further
information inqulie of The Chief.
ski: him mow for
salk dates
H! Understands ' t '.'stuck
Values ami IJas Enjoyed
Great Sticfens as an Auctiou
oei Gets The Money.
piiom; ok wikb datbs io
Guide Rock, Nebraska
TOIT perfedl fit-do you know what
it means in underwear-especially
union suits?
We believe . that Munsingwear
union suits will give you a new idea of
underwear fit.
The way they cover the form without gaping at
the seat the manner in which they give and take with
every twist of the body and every contraction of the
muscles without binding at the crotch lias been a
surprise and delight to millions.
Munsingwear fit is one of the distinct features
that explain the annual sales of over 9,000,000 Munsing
wear garments and the ever increasing demand from
millions of satisfied users.
And the beauty of the Munsingwear fit is that it
doesn't wash out.
The comfort of Munsingwear fit is further in
creased by .of tness of the elastic Munsingwear yarns,
the smooth seams, the perfect crotch and perfectly
balanced gore in the seat.
Tito prices' of Munsingwear garments arc very
moderate much less, perhaps, than you imagine for
such fine quality. The range of fabrics, styles and
weights is very wide. They are made for men, women
and children.
There is a correct-fitting Munsingwear garment
for you ie any style, weight or fabric desired. Ask us
to show you.
General Merchants
"A Nighty Safe Place To Trade"
l When you ask for Munsingwear
We know you know good underwear
roi. pcter'3 r;Ai.E datus
J, II lliit.'llton .V Son.Uctubei
Sooner or Later You Will Have To
Repair Thai Corn Crib
3 0
a c
31 c
II. Miner
M lumber
Iir. S. S. lK-unloif. I D. i
Vuerlnars lu ( hnruo
C. H. Miner Serum Co.
I'ltuni i nis-
Anti Kog Cholera Serum
Eutl Cloud, Nt.nni.shn
VVItc or PhonR at Cur Extu-nsr
U.S. Yf.lrrlnnv ,,r"S'5 No. 45
Dr. R. V. Nicholson
15TOiTirK Ovku Auutinirr's Stoiie
-Nr. ii tl h M
wdsw Uri !lii
UK ttlJ3.y WUfrLEi WW
, Chiropractor
cpeiulcnt "2V2
Bell Red 101
i will sell at public auction in
Re,cl Cloud, my . property located one
block north of Royal hotel and consisting
of one 6 -room house, barn 20x24 with
hay mow, 41 lots, cement walks, trees in
yard, easl: front, $1 ,200 insurance.
TERMS OF SALE Five years time at 7 per cent
on -S500. S100 cash on day of sale. Balance 90 days
from date of sale.
Rao ... Colorado
Red Cloud
E. S. Gacrber
Ileal Kstnto, Farm Lonnu
and Insurnnue.
Red Cloud, - Nebraska.
i a
y u