--fV- . J-" WfflP'Ww Pir vji.,iiinw3Ki(mwi .'.J W i Mfc.l.if I-f uwi H RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF WtiRSiftSllSHfci! 4Ww- ., r w mmtmjm I i If' f Is I I r i ' f.i QioHD MI5T A TALE Or CML KVINMYLL iF" LUOTATIONS 4K.DPHODE5 J cojoyectr XJ r- i .c mcLumuco. 8YNOP8I8. 8 Confcdorntp Br-rKPnnt Wyntt In 'nt u n tiy (n hln tnittvn county on the Orron llrliir lie tiiceln n inounlnlnour iibiiii-I Ji-m Tnylnr. At 11 limine bi-ymul lint Hprlnss llu.y mt-t-l Major lliirwcmil Wyntt In mil to licit. Ho tict'OMieB HUnplcloin, anil Anil Unit Tnylor him murdered liar wood imil t'HCtipi'il, Wyntt chntiKi's to II. H. uniform, mill to n delui-limi'iit of l-'cit-ml ciivnlry Mciitlfli-H hliiim-ir on l.leu tennnl Itnyiniinil. Tlilnl U. B. cavnlry. Captain l-'ox llndA Hnrwood's tioily. Tim dfltiii'litncnt In nniliiiHlicil, Wyntt i-nrnpnn Jo the tlii'on Itrliir country nnd roc to JlnrwmxI'H lionit-, ulioru ho IWhIm Nori'fti JlnrwiHiil. lln Introiltici-n lilinm-lf nn I.ltii tonnnl Itnyiniinil I'nrimn Nlt-hola conn's Ip (lie Iioiiho iiml tcllft Nnri'f-n of lirr fn ther n ili'iith, Wyntt furrm I 'arson Nlch olji to I'onri'Ri Hint ho Iihh Iiccm w'tit In ailvnnrit of Ansu Cownn, who propoHM to tnnrry Non-en nt once, nml no unlet tltlo lo the Imiil in oiNiiiitn liutwi-cn the Cow- nn nml Norci'ti' deud fnlliur. Anno Cow n npil hln Knnjr nirlvo nnd Hint tlio (irnuhiT IioiiiiiI In n clincil. Wyalt nml 'orri'ii tmvu contx-nlcd HiuiiihcIvlb In thu ttla CHAPTER X Continued. I wob obliged (o loosen It by tlio In- ortlon of my kntfo btado, yet tho clamii yielded with but llttlo noise, and I poured eagerly down the open ing. There was a Intnp burning In tho lower ball, tho reflection Biilllclontly bright to reveal tho general Hltuatlon. No men woro visible, nor did I hear any voices In conversation. Ono thing was certain tho tipper hall waB coni' plotely deserted, for I could ecu along 1U entire length. I lifted my head, and Claaccd back to where tho girl re snalnod silent, and tnotlonlcsa. My eyes, long nccustoniod to tho darknesB. could distinguish her outlines, ovon tko dim contour of her faco. 8bo sat upright on tho rough flooring, appar ently regarding mo Intently. "Do you find tho way left clear?" "Bo far as the upper hall Is con mod yoB. Thoro la a light burn lag below, although I can perceive no otemont. They may bo In tho dining rooB, but I do not bellevo they will search up here again." "No?" The slight rising Infloctlon attrag mo. What did hor action meant Why ahould she bo suddenly RBBumo that tone with mo? Tho soouer I knew the better. "I bog your pardon, Miss Harwood," 1 sajd quietly, "but I fall to understand (Why you should speak to me In this anner. You have shown confidence, .trust. In my former eftorta to serve you, and I am Just us eager now to be of service." 1 "You mean you wish mo to have complete confidence in you?" "Cortalnly. I can do nothing other wlso." 1 There was an Instant of allenco. In which her breathing was plainly audi bio. Ilcneath tho shadow of an uplift ed hand I felt that her eyes were upon ay faco. "Very well, then," sho Bald finally, her volco nioro expressive of Interest. "It Is Burely no moro than natural that 1 should desire to know whom I have tho honor of -talking with." "Hut do you not know?" "No," firmly and decisively. "You hoard what those men said yet you mo on protending to mo. You are tho officer they referred to, are you not?" J "Yes; I cscapod when Fox's com and was attacked." "You woro an officer in Captain Fox'a troop?" "No; I Joined him by accident at Hot Springs." "Under what namo?" Tho uttor uselessnesB of attempting te Ho was apparent. Her questions were too direct, too straightforward, for any further evasion. Tho slightest quibbling now would cost mo her frlondshlp forever. If I hcsltuted, It was ucarccly noticeable "Under tho name," 1 replied quietly, "of Charles II. Raymond, lieutenant Third U. 8. cavalry, on recruiting service." "Ohl" tho exclamation burst forth In urprlBO at my frank avowal. "Then you did Hot make that up merely to do- celvo mo7 ou Had been passing un der that namo with others, You had taken It for a distinct purpose u a Military purposo?" "1 took It," I said slowly, and delib erately, my oyes looking steadily at hor, "because 1 knew such a Federal officer had boen detailed to sorvlco in this neighborhood. If I have taken my Die in my hands to serve tho cause or the South. It was In obedience to tho ordors of my superiors." "WhoBO orders?" "General Jacksou directly; although Robert 12. Leo was present, and gave final Instructions." Her bands concealed hor faco, and I could Judge nothing as to Its expres sion; whether, or not, my words had aay weight with her, Sho sat motion- leaa, bent slightly forward. At last she aid slowly: "1 I know enough of of army life to bo awaro that men aro not ordered to such baurdous work they are asked to volunteer. Only a brave man would assume such a risk; only a aaan who believed In himself, and his cause. I I like you better because you have told mo. I bcllovo you are honcat with tnu now. 1 did not know what to do, or what to say before, 1 know you were not Raymond, and that ffenu wore acting a lie but could not guess your purpose. What made It harder to understand," her voice hesi mIF T r FAKKlsMl tating slightly, "aroso because thoro was something about you so oddly fa miliar; I I felt that I ought to recog n 1 7.0 your face; that somewhoro wo had met before havo wo?" "Yes, Miss Noreen; I am Tom Wyntt." "Why! Why, of course!" tho swift expression wns otio of Intense relief. "How stupid of mo! Oh, I am so glad that I know." To my surprise sho held out both hntidii Impulsively. "Your being n spy doesn't make any differ ence now that I know who you really are. It In no wonder I did not recog nize you why you woro only a boy " "Not when you rodo by my mother and mo on tho pike." "A yenr ago? 1 remember; yet I hardly caught a glimpse of you through the dust. You wcro Jiiflt n bo when you wore horo last. Why you had long curls." "And thought Noreen Harwood tho most beautiful little girl I bad ever seen." "Why you you aro In oven greater danger than I." "Oh, no; from nil I have scon und heard the Cowans must bo In sympa thy with tho South, or they never would havo nindo the attnek on Fox's party, or held Lieutenant Raymond prisoner. I had considered going di rect to Anso, revealing my Identity, and demanding protection." Her hands grasped my sleeve. "No, not that I You do not uudor stand, Tom Wyatt. Theso men care nothing for tho Issues of tho war. They merely use them to cover up their own There Was the Sound of Chairs Being Pushed Hastily Back. lawless deeds, nnd to assist In work ing out schemes of revenge. They are neither Federal, nor Confederate; they are robbers, murderers, and thieves. Is Anso Cowan Micro tonight for any purpose but his own? You rcallzo what that purposo Is." "1 havo heard enough to make me certain," I answered. "He would force you into marriage to thuB gain control of this property. Tho killing of Major Harwood wns part of the plan." "You know then of my father's death? You know that report to be true? Why, you said you were with Captain Fox at Hot Springs! Is It so?" "Yes, MIsb Noreen, It Is truo. I saw your tuther'B body, and that or his servant Tom. I came across tho moun tains with tho man who killed thorn both. I supposed him to bo a scout. Ho called hlmsolf Jem Taylor, and when they tlrst mot your fathor ad dressed hint by that namo. Thoy met by appointment nt a house a mllo south of Hot Springs. Your fnthor Bald noth ing to you of such a man?" "No; I saw htm but for a moment ns ho paBscd through Lowlsburg on his way east. Ho waa to meet a Bcout boyond the mountains, but no name wns mentioned. What did tho man Taylor look like?" "1 described blm to Captain Fox, und ono of his men, n sergeant, In stantly pronounced tho follow to bo old Ned Cownn." "Ned Cownn I Why, that could uot be! My fathor would never havo an appointment nlono with him. Thoy havo been deadly enomles for years." "That may bo true, Miss Noreou. I can only tell you what llttlo I kuow. Your father might havo been deceived; drawn Into a trap. Ho was there ap parently by uppolntmcnt to confer with a man known to him ns Taylor. Who Taylor really was I cannot say hut ho was an enemy, uot a friend, of Major Harwood. I do not Insist that tho fellow was Ned Cowan, but I am suro ho belonged to thu gang. Wo trailed him nearly to New River, and hnd gone Into camp nmld the moun tains when the Cowans attacked us. In my Judgment thu killing of your fa ther, and tho raid ou this house to night, form part of tho same plan." I do not think sho was crying, al though bor face was burled In ber hands. I turned my eyes away, down liHI fflTswsHSflswH"" .4 w II through tho scuttle hole, but nothing moved along tho hall below. The house seemed absolutely desorted, but thu lamp continued to burn, and yet, evou us I felt tho strangeness of such In tense bIIciico, a door slammed some whero In the distance, and a gruff voice spoke. 1 ' CHAPTER XI. ' Waiting the Next Move. "Anso Kelly, are either of you thoro?" Thoro was tho sound of chairs being pushed hastily back from a table, and rapid HtcpB on tho floor. "Yos; what's wrong? Have you found 8omothlng7" "Suro; 1)111 an' I saw them; they wcro a tryln' tcr git the boas; but afore either of ub could tiro, they sorter slipped 'long back o' ther fenco, an' got away. It's darker'n hell out thar, un' Dill scd fer mo ter cum In yero an' toll yor that If you 'en Kelly wud cut across the road, an' sorter head tho cusses off we'd bag tho two easy." "Whar'a tho rest of thor boyB?" "Ridln' tho LovIsburg plko nccordln' ter orders, I reckon. LcaBtwIso wo ain't seen 'em since yor tol' us ter watch ther stublo. 1)111 an' 1 can't round them up alone." "All right, Have. Whero tiro they now?" "In thor orchard, a creepln' 'long tho fenco. Hill's followtn' 'em up, nn' all you got ter do Is run 'long tho road an' git ter tho corner ahead o' 'em They can't go no other way." 1 caught a glimpse of the two bb they crossed the lower hnll hurriedly. The lump flickered In the draft of the opened door, and ono fellow sworo roughly, ns ho stumbled over some ob stacle. Then the door closed, nnd tho llamo atcudlcd. In tho bIIciico wo could henr again the beating of rain on the roof over head. "Who do you suppose they could havo seen?" sho asked. "Shadows likely enough. Let them hunt We kuow now tho house 1b de serted, and can find more comfortable quarters perhaps even slip away bo foro anyone returns. You will go with mo?" ''Of course; I am not afraid of Tom Wyntt." Wo passed the ladder down slowly, and carefully, until tho lower end rest ed socurely on the floor below. If Nichols had recovered from the effect of tho severe blow, be had made no sound, and I had almost forgotten bis presence. I drew back, and permitted tho lady to descend first, holding the upper supports firmly until ber feet touched tho floor. It was a struggle for mo to force my larger bulk through the uarrow opening, but I succeeded finally, and stood beside ber. In the brighter light 1 could perceive more clearly the expression of the girl's faco, realized the friendliness of ber eyes. My frank confession bad won mo her confidence; no matter where her sympathy might bo In this war struggle my allegiance to the cause of tho South was no serious barrier be tween us; even tho fact that I was masquerading there in a stolen uni form and under an assumed name, had not greatly changed her trust in an old playmato. My heart beat faster to this knowledge, yet, lu some way, although I rejoiced, tho recognition brought with it a strango embarrassment. "It sounds as though the storm was harder than ever," sho said "Whero shall wo go?" "My cholco would be to hide In one of theso rooms, for the present, at least. We could scarcely hope to get tho horse out of tho stablo unseen, and, even It we did. wo would be like ly to rldo Into some of the gang." "Hut they will return to the bouse." "Ueforo they leave yes; but It Is hardly probable they will Benrch up horo again. ,Anso will be In Ill-humor enough when bo decides we have real ly escaped, but will never imagine that our biding place Is In the house. They will give up by daylight, and then the way will be clear." "And whore will you go?" "Why," In surprise: "I could not leave you alone until I placed you In tho enro of friends." "At Lowlsburg. you mean?" "If Hint Is whero you wish to go." Her eyes met mine frankly, but with an expression lu their depths I failed to fathom. "Not wearing that uniform," Bhe said qutetly, "or under tho nuino or Lieutenant Raymond. Do not mlsuu derstnnd. Thero Is friendship between us personal friendship, tho memory of tho pnst, a knowledge of tho Inti macy between your father and mlno. More, I am grateful to you for tho servlco you havo been to me this night; nor db I hold It against you thut you risk your llfo In tho cuuse for which you fight. Uut I am Union, 'loin Wyntt, and I cannot help you In your work, nor protoct you. When day light comes I am going to say good-hy and forget thnt I have even scon you." "Hut," I protested, "why could we not part, if we must, at LewlBburg, after I know you aro safo?" "Thoro are Federal troops at Lewis burg. They know mo, and their com pander Is aware of my acquaintance with the otllccr wnoso name you nave assumed." "Yet, In a measure, at least, you trust mo? I want you to consider me a personal friend." "Why 1 do," hor eyes opening widely. "It Is for your own protection I refuse your escort to Lowlsburg. 1 nm a traitor to my ling not to tako you thoro, and surrender you a prisoner. If it I did not care 1 would. Hark! That was u shot!" "Yes, and another; they souud to the west of the house." "In the orchard, beyond the stable. Can there really be someone biding thoro?" "Thev are certainly firing at some thing thero speaks another rifle farther south. Those fellows will be back presently, and we must be out of their way. What room Is that beyond the chimney?" "It was used by the housekeeper. Do you know where Parson Nichols was loft?" "In the room at the hend of too stalrn; why yes, your room. Could they havo killed the man?" I pushed open the door, which stood slightly ajnr, and looked In. Nichols had partially lifted himself by cling ing to the bed, and bis eyes met mine. The marks of tho savage blow with which Cowan had floored him, wcro plainly evident, and tho man appeared weak and dazed. Yot ho Instantly rec ognized me, mid crouched buck In ter ror. 1 stopped Into the room, and gripped his collar. "Stand on your feet, man I Oh, yes, you can; you're a little groggy yet, no doubt, but with strength enough for thnt. Come; I'll hold you. Now, out Mafcffi3ir55HP aaHH9B9aWMBT& wsMBfaHHHpaflDslK-M. MmM BeqfcBBaPvTBHalftSaflS v8 NXKHSHBBBpBJBJBpBgl I Flung Him Down on the Bed. Into the hall. Miss Harwood. may i trouble you to open that door yes, the housekeeper's room; we'll bide ourselves in there. By Jove, that sounds like a regular volley!" I pushed the man forward, and flung him down on the bed, still retaining my grip on his collar. "Not a move, or a sound, Nichols! Attempt to betray us, and your life is not worth tho snap of a finger. Miss Harwood close the door, and lock It" Tho same Instant a vivid flash of red lit up the whole Interior, the light glar ing In through the unshaded windows, and reflecting from the walls. Nichols started up with a llttlo cry of terror, but I forced him back. "It is not the house," I :,aid sternly. "They must have fired the stable. Keep down out of sight. Miss Noreen, creep across to that nearest window and take a glanco out bo careful that no ono Bees you. I'll keep guard over our preucher friend." TO BE CONTINUED.! TAKE PRIDE IN NORSE ORIGIN Natives of Orkney Islands Refuse to Admit That They Are of Scot- tlsh Blood. Miss Elinor Root, who has boon vis iting tho llttlo-known Orkney islands, tells us that the natives are very proud of tholr Ncrso origin, Indignant ly ropudtatlng tho idee, that their for bears were Scottish. "Pooplo do not speak here with nearly so broad an accent as the peo ple In Scotland," Miss Root remarked to her hostess, "nnd I notlco the names do not sound Scotch Cutt. Twatt, Flott, Cursltor, nnd bo on. How Is thut?" My hostess stiffened visibly. "Thoy nro iot Scotch. We aro not Scotch. Wo did not como from Scot land. Havo yo novcr heard of the Norsemen from beyond tho sens? Wo aro tho descendants o' them. Wo are not of Scotch blood. Yo do not call tho Irish English- vo'ro not to call us Scotch!" "I beg your pardon," 1 returned hum bly, nnd to chnngo the subject, plunged Into tho theme of nfforesta tlon. Tho venture -as an unfortunnto ono, ns trees rofuno to grow in the Islands. "Trees spoil tho scenery," dcclnred my hostess. "Wo wouH not have them If wo could. If yo go to the southland, yo cannot seo anything of tho scenery for tho trees. Wo like to seo scenery Llpplncott's Magazine. Battle Famous In History. Tho capture of Warsaw nntednted by n lny another historic anniversary In Gorman history, the battle of Woerth. August 0, 1870, Horo tho French under Marshal Mc.Mahon. fresh from tholr defeat by tho Prus sians at Wclssenburg, ten miles away, woro ngnln overwhelmed by tho vic torious Gormans. Tho fiercest light lug occurred In tho vlllago of FtobcIi weller, which had to be stormed, tho struggle lu tho streets being of the most desperate. charnctor as may be Judged by the fact that the Prunslan loss was 10.000 and tho French 8,000 with 9,000 prlsonors. Just Picks the Kind-Hearted. "Georgo. you'ro always happy and smiling. Ib overybody good to you?" "No, I wouldn't Jes' say dat, boss. Dero's some pow'ful mean folks In dls worl. but when 1 discover 'em I Jes' nacherally don' 'aociate wit 'em,"-Detroit Free Pross. INILTMTIONAL sdmhool Lesson ny E. O. SELLERS, Acting Director of tho Hundny School Course, thu Moody Dlblo Institute, Chicago.) LESSON FOR OCTOBER 24 ELISHA'S HEAVENLY DEFENDERS. LESSON TEXT-II Kings C:S-23. OOLDEN TEXT Thu Hticol of Jphovnh encompeth round nhout thotn thnt fear aim, and dehvereth thcm.-Vs. 3t:7. A map Is usoful In teaching thin lesson. Tho events occurred during tho revolution which resulted In tho extermination of Jezebel nnd hor brood. Dothan, n small walled town, was about ten miles north nnd slight ly east of Samnrin, tho capital of Israel, and In history is connected with Joseph (Gen 37). DamascUBwna tho capital of Syria. I. Danger, vv. 8-13. Jchornm, king of Israel, cleaved to tho sins of Jero boam nnd of Alinb, his fnther. In Judnh, Jchoram, (ho son of Jchosltn plint, married Atlinllah, tho daughter of Ahalt nnd Jezebel. General Jehu, famous for his driving, was soon to becomo king of Iarnol. Tho king of Assyrln, being otherwise engaged, al lowed Syria, tho constant enemy of Israel, to make n fresh attack unhln dored (v. 8). Ellslm, tho patriot, tlio "man of God," proves to ho Israel's real safety. Ellslm has not left us great revelations Hko Isaiah and (Other prophets, but ho know from day to day Uod's will, nnd ho has power with him so that ho could warn his people of Impending danger. He had what the king and tho people both lacked, n vision of God. Ho saw tha needs and dangers, but also tho re sources nt his command. Thus ho de livered Isreal many tlmoB (v. 10). Wo, too, nro thus frequently delivered, let us pralso God. Tho undorylng reason for Israel's danger was its neglect of the word of God, and the samo can bo said ns explaining the defeat of tho Syrians. Truo patriotism combines vision and warning. The king of Syria, like countless other despots, know not friend from foe, but evident ly he had one retainer who told him the truth (v. 12). Somo have sug gested that this was Naaman; per haps It was a captive Israelite. In either caso It suggests God's knowl edge of us. (See Pb 139:1-10.) II. Defense, vv. 14-18. It was not a mere guerrilla detachment sent to Do than to capture Eltsha boforo making tho main attack upon Samaria, but a well-officered army. Ellsha meant more to them than did the king of Israel. The servant of Ellsha hnd risen early and saw only tho hills surrounding Dothan, upon which was "a host with horses and chariots round about tho city" (v. 15), and in consternation ho exclaims: "Alas, my master, how shall we do?" Again wo aro Impressed with tho vision of Ellsha nnd tho lack of It on tho serv ant's part. Ellsha saw what tho serv ant could not see; walking by faith ho was not affrighted (John 11.1, Phil. 4: C, 7; Isa. 12:2; Ps. Cfi:3). In re sponse to Ellshn's prayer tho servant's eyes woro opened, yet ho was not one whit moro snfo than boforo (v. 17). It Is n striking contrast horo with tho Ellsha of chapter 2:10. It Is a nug gostfon of tho Christian anointed by tho Holy Spirit and thnt of tho saved sinner boforo that experience. Our eyes need to bo opened to seo that "thoy that bo'wlth us are moro than they that bo with them" (v. 10). III. Deliverance, vv. 19-23. In tho first section wo uro taught tho danger of a lack of vision. In tho second sec tion tho cmphnsls is upon tho noed of a vision, whereas in this there is presented tho uso of a vision. To crystallize vision Into oxperlenco Is a difficult task for us nil. Ellsha prayed Jehovah, for whom he was acting, to smlto the Syrians with blindness. This was not for vengeance, but (a) to teach tho Syrians who tho truo God Is (b), to lead Jchoram, the king, to go to Jehovah for help, and (c) to do llvor tho people from tho raids of tho Syrians. This word "blindness" (v. 18) convoys tho Idea of dazzling, visual bawildcrmont, hallucination and not of total loss of sight, thus making it easy for Eltsha to lead thorn ns ho willed (v. 10). Mentally bewildered ns a result of their physical ailment thoy failed to recognlzo tho prophet. Ha did not deceive them, for they at Inst "found him" when ho led thorn Into Samaria nnd onco moro they could boo. Within tho walls of Samaria Ellsha's prayer Is again nnswerod, tholr sight restored (v. 20) and thoy find themselves nt tho mercy of Is raol'B king. Tho older and wiser man Ellsha, forbids tho younger, tho king, to uso his ndvontago (vv. 21 22), hut rather to hoap coals of flro upon their heads by setting boforo them food (Rom. 12: 20. 21); within hlB power, such acts could not bo attributed to fear. Thero nro hero proscnted throe prin cipal lessons. (1) Tho foolishness of seeking to circumvent God or of thwarting his purposes. (2) Tho protecting caro God is con stantly exercising over thoso who put their trust in him, and In his bound less resources. (3) Tho lesson of making tho right uso of prayer nnd tho answers which wo rocelvo, and to bo magnanimous to our enomles. God honored Ellsha's prayer because Ellsha acted according to God's Word (I John 3:22; Prov. 28:9). Uncle Sam Opens Fort Berthold (North Dakota) Reservation Lands! Rttftttr it Mlsti, Oettbtr IMi to HA Setd mn tor Fort fcrthoM Cirwltr 110,000 acres of desirable homestead land situated in a well-settled ancj prosper ous agricultural section of North Dakota, arc to be dis posed of to settlers. Plan to register at Minot, gateway to the Fort Berthold coun try; go therr via the Great Northern; choice of thrco fast trains. .Ifiii the coupon below and secure free circular containing complete information about tin Fort UertliolJ Reservation Open ing, Bffiffinr fcUl k. c. i.r.r.nY Gen. Immigration Atfent Urtat Northern Kaltnar St.I'aul.Mlnn. NOHM'W ' miLT"" nfftiHt'iii MMHIHIIIIIIIHlmlMtlHIMIIIIHIMIIHIIlMIHtlllHIHMIIMlHI 1 C. I.rrnv, (icncral ImmlKratlon Accnt, (irrat Nortlirrn Hailway. St. l'aul, Minn. Send I-'ort llcrtliokl circular. Name... .....-....... AJdrcM.. POOR SUBSTITUTE FOR KISS New York Comic Journal Evidently Thinks Little of the New "Pat-Pat" Idea. On the baBls of a Huntington, VV. Va.. dispatch, describing Dr. E. VV. Orover's recommendation of tho "pat pat" ob a substitute for the unhygienic kiss, Puck submits a fow modifica tions of current literature to suit, as follows: Ho planted a passionate pat-pat up on her upturned cheek . . . Gwendolyn stood demuroly under tho mlstletoo, and in another Instant Clarence had deftly pat-patted her. "How dare you pat-pat mo, sir!" she cried. . . . "It is useless for you to struggle, my proud beauty," ho hissed. Seizing her roughly, Dalton pushed tho glorious head back, back, BACK, and leered into the frightened eyes. "I am going to pat-pat you; do you hear, girl? To pat-pat you!" he cried. "And now. gentlemen," said Ter ence, our guido, "would any o' yes lolke to pat-pat tho Ularney Stone?" What Kept Him Busy. "I suppose you nro well posted oy tho subject of sun spots, aren't you?" suggested tho lady. "Well, really, I cun't say that 1 am. It takes so much of my tlmo looking after the spots ou my only suit ol clothes." Technical. "I hnvo JuBt received word," sold tho clerk to tho tolophono company, "that a man has been caught holding $1,000 embezzled from us. What reply shall I send?" "Tell him to hang up tho receiver." said tho president. Coming and Going. "Do you hnve any troublo getting servantB out whero you live?" "Not a bit. Wo'vo had eight in he last three months." HARD ON CHILDREN When Teacher Has Coffee Habit. "Host is best, and best will ever live." When a person feels this way about Postum thoy are glad to give testimony for tho benefit of others. A school teacher down In MIbb. says: "I had beon a coffeo drinker Blnco my childhood, and tho last fow yours it had Injured mo seriously. "Ono cup of coffeo takon nt break fast would cause mo to become so norvous that I could scarcely go through with the day's duties, and this nervousness wus often uccompanled by dcop depression of spirits und heart palpitation. "I am a teacher by nrofcsslon, and when under tho Influence of colteo had to struggle against crossness when In tho school room, "When talking this over with my physician, ho suggested that 1 try Postum, so 1 purchased a package and mado it carefully according to direc tions; found It excellent of flavour, and nourishing. "In a short Mmo I noticed very grati fying effects. My nervousness disap peared, I was not Irritated by my pu pils, llfo seemed full of sunshine, and my heart troubled mo no longer. "I nttrlbuto my change In health and spirits to Postum alono." Namo given, Jy Postum Co., Battle Creek. Mich. Postum comes In two forms: Postum Cereal tho original form- must bo well boiled- hc and 25c pack ages. Instant Postum a soluble powder dissolves quickly In a cup of hot wa ter, nnd, with cream and Bugar, makis a delicious bovorage Instantly. 3,c and COo tins. Doth kinds aro equally delicious and cost about tho samo per cup. "Thero's a Reason" for Postum. sold by Grocers. J v .VJI (