jW-k.Wl A A Y&w.ifi.& 1 41 - ri-Si4 (MtttW4,,J .3 Vfc ,"'"Tfterw',7r .' -,. -fjs. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud, Ncbrnshn. PUBLISHED BVEKV THUKSDAY Entered In tlio 1'oMollWe nt lltdi Icitul, Nob. an Hicoiul claim Mntitr A 11. McAItTII UH Pl'lll.ffillKII TUE ONLY DKMOl'ltATIC 1'AI'Klt IN WnilSTKIl COUNTY liollglou in lied Cloud seems to be gcttliiK popular. When people aro turned away from tlie church doors because the building Ih already full, indicates Hint there is lit least Inter est manifested in rcliuious subjects. 'J lio subject of religion litis etigtossed nianklnil ever since nmn began to keep records nnd It will eontlnuo to be a subject of interest so long os It touches life. If one ehuich enn be Jllled why not nil y Water melons tire ii bit behind time tills year, but the quantity mid ijuality nro fnr ubove normal. Wo know bo cnuso the good hearted Itev, Huniniol unpolled us with some of these delica cies mid xvo can tnsto them yet. We do not know whether it is the soil, or the way the hoc Is held, or the loving euro tho vines receive, but thero is some thing that gives those melons of Dro. Iltitmncl's n decided extra special iluvor. Thanks, thanks. lend our nld to tiny proposition that will iiiTotnplKli (he deslicd result. In place of asking donations outright, would It not be n better plan to solicit subset Iptlorm for stock? Tills would keep the building under the control of th()4o who fuiiiish the sinews of War, and hence have a tendency to keep It going. The Fnrincrs' Institute will soon bo in session again and wo will again bo taxed for room. Wo trust ihht this mutter will not be left to drag along and llnnlly go the way of most projects. "A good spirited ,'nnd vigorous campaign would make this auditorium an actuality. Whenever un entire board of direct ors arc returned year after yonr to bavc charge of the ah" airs of a corpora tion it shows that conditions nro A Number One. The fiction talton at the annual meeting of tho Indepen dent Telephone Company in returning nil their olllcers for another year Bpcaks in louder praise than we feel capable of uttering. The achieve ments of tho pnstynar ucreomlnently satisfactory and tho stockholders, by their votes said, "Do It again." Jlusincss Is on the boom. The regular monthly dinner on Tuesday was post poned because the business men could Hot spare the time away from their stores. Which reminds us that rather, than see this get together movement abruptly stop, it might be better to discontinue tho post prandial iestivl ties for a time at least. This would inBnre the dinner hour of not extend ing over an hour, and would thus en able each and all to eat with some, comfort. i "With tho passing of the pioneer in advanced years comes that thought that this community is no longer a frontier settlement, but has proven its Tight to be considered a permanent ad ditlon to the sottloment of tho state. Wo nro nearly a half eentuty old nnd we can begin to settle oui.selves down to the comforting feeling that we nu individually and collcetuoly bote to stay. Thu Chief, like tho early pin neer, has had a somewhat cheokeied career, but It still has It's hat in the ling, and look at last with eotnplaiiey lit the duiable aspect ol all. outw.ml imii rounding'.. Ilesldents of the I'latt addition are hoping that they will soon be relieved of their vexatious condition. It seems that there Is Aomo misunderstanding as to wdio owns tho streets. Parties buying lots thero a few years ago and creeling homes thinking that thoy had tin iisstitcd outlet to the south and east now find the roads boarded up, n condition they have been In for some time, which means no thorough fare. In order to get out, the residents of the south part nro compelled to go up past die school house and around roblnhood's barn. We do not know tho merits of this conttoversy, but tho residents of that part of tho city should not be used as the goat. We trust that the interested parties C. J. I'latt and the City Council will arrive at'a speedy nnd amical settlement and thus piovldeu much needed relief. . We hasten to join the ll'orts i f the Argus to sonue at. iiudltoilum for this -city. That wo need such a building lb common knowledge and we cheerfully County Treasurer Issues n, Distress Warrants i County Treasurer C. I), llobinson this, week issued a large number of dis tress wart ants and placed them in the bauds of Sheriff O I). Hedge for col lection. A distress warrant requites the sheriff to seio any personal prop erty belonging to n person in arrears for pcisoiml taxes and sell the same to pay such taxes. Such warrants are ooihg issued against nil persons found to be to any extent In arrears and thus fnr it has been found unnecessary to take any property. It is found that negligence is the cause for most people being behind and It is also found that practically ail know that they must pay or their property will be taken. If people are disposed to be reaspnable tfarah measures are not resorted to and those who cannot pay at once, all that they o.wc are nllnwod to arrange f of payments. Good faith Is all that U'ltosistcd upon. The law makes' the feasurer personally responsible for mUlporhonal taxes charged agalusthlm and It also makes the sheriff pet -tonally responsible for all distress warrants placed In his hands. Weekly Weather Forecast Weather forecast for the week bo ginning Wednesday, Oct. Ill, MS issued by tho U. S. Weather llutcau, Wash ington, 1). C , for tho Upper Missis sippi Valley ntjd Plains States: Fair ueathei Wednesday will be fol lowed by tain Thutsday or Kiiday and again by genet ally fair weather dur ing tho temalnder of tho week. It will be wanner Wednesday in tho Plains State1-, and probably somewhat cnolur about Fildny oer the noitheiu distriet.s. Residence Property For Sale I will ell my lesldouee ptoperiy in lied Cloud cheap It consists ol , l hits with a good r loom house and a b.itn '2.i1. Write to A. Keukel. li.igo, Colotado, or inqiilie of C. V Wullln Rural School Jlotes The Playground and Meet cation As sociation of Amei lea lms adopted the following as standards which every girl ought to bo nblo to attoln: first test- Potato nice, II-' yards, seconds Basket ball tin owing, 2 goals, ti trials llahtneing, 12 feet, 2 trials. Second test Potato race, 1 10 yards, ld seconds. Basket ball throwing, 3 goals, C trials Balancing with bean bag on head, 21 feot, 2 trials, There aro no height, weight or ago limits to this test. Thete shall be but one trial in each eu'tit, except the bal ancing, In which two trials arc allow ed. It Is necessary to qualify in all three events In elthor class in order to vln n badge. No girl is permitted to rcceivo more than ono badge In any one year. The third test has not yet been determined. District 30 Pupils enrolled for September were as follows: 8th grade Josephine I'rhbie, Henry Hulscbuscli. 7th grade Mild ted Watrcu. Ctlt grado Iloword Frlsble, Kred Lindstrom, lllanche Cobbs, Edith Cobbs. I Hi grade: IMnn Cobbs 2nd grado Leah Honton, Esther Lludstrom. 1st grntle Donald Cobbs, Ertnn Toachworth. Pupils receiving perfect attendance certificates for the month were the fol lowing: Mildred Warren, Blanche Cobbs, Edith Cobbs, Kdnn Cobbs, Esther Lludstrom, Donald Cobbs. During tho month Mace's Primary History, the Snnbonnot Babies' Prim er, the Body in Health, and reference books for uso in studying Civics, woro purchased for the school. Uraci: M. Coombs, Teacher. KANSAS PICKUPS (from .Smith County) Tho thrashing machines are busy in this neighborhood. Mrs. 3. C. Peterson visited with Mrs. P. M. Brown Tuesday of this week. F. M. Brown nnd John Barnes made a business trip to Burr Oak, Monday. Miss Lavinun Payne visited over Saturday nnd Sunday at B. F. Payne's. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Peterson nnd family visited at E. E. Spurrier's Sun day. Tho Oriole Sunday school Is still In progress, with a good attendance each Sunday. Milo Chase, Oriole's new merchant, has moved his family to thu M. E. Payne house. ' Misses Theltnn Lannlgan nnd Mclba Spurrier spent Saturday and Sunday with homo folks, returning to their schools Monday morning. The Oriole school gave n program and pie social last Friday evening. Thoie was n 1 afire attendance, nnd the pies sold well, amounting to over 18. Kev. W. E. ti rimes bus been leturn ed to tho Womer charge for the com miug conference year. This will make him four y eats on this chaigc, ho is well liked and preaches the Gospel in "the good old fashioned way." Preach ing at Oriole next Sunday aftet noon ut II o'clock and at Pawnee tho following Sunday at 11 a. m. All ato invited to come to these set vices, INAVALE WE HAVE PURCHASED THE Beezley Feed Store And Cream Station WHICH WILL HEREAFTER BE KNOWN AS Amack & Barnes9 Cash Feed Store v We Solicit Your Patronage And Will Give You a SQUARE DEAL Come In And Get Acquaimtcd I. T. AMACK GUY BARNES ,i The Miner Bros. 0. The Store That Sells Wooltex Red Cloud, Nebraska JT pays to buy new styles while they are new THERE is so much more pleasure in wearing a new coat or suit while it is brand new in style. Then, too, you have so much longer wear from a coat or suit bought early in the season. To wait until late in the season to select your fall coat or suit is only to deny yourself the pleasure of being stylishly dressed when the styles are fresh and the most attractive. You'll pay no more for a Wooltex Coat or Suit now than six or eight weeks later. You get all the additional pleasure and service without additional cost. I I " 1 0tWflHT,teW You can safely select your new fall coat or suit now. The extensive variety of models, materials and colors provides a truly wonderful assortment from which to choose. And with all this variety there is correct, authoritative style in every gar mentstyle that will appeal to the woman of refined taste. Wooltex garments are for wo men who want to be stylishly dress ed at moderate cost. Give yourself the pleasure of seeing new Wooltex Coats and Suits Come in, we will be glad to show them to you. The Miner Bros. Co, i General Merchants MC "A Mighty Safe Place To Trade" mel, mother of Mi h. S. E. Holdredge, autoed here Sunday to visit the day nt Centtal. Mis M. C. Hummel will make a short visit lieie with telatives and friends before going south to s'jend tho winter with relatives Art Myers has moved on the (iaiiicr fat tn. Mr (iieehhtim moved on the Ait Mjeis farm Monday. Mis. litit tier's sale was well attended and everything sold well. Tho btidge gang is winking on the eteek bildge east of town. A good many people ftotu lied Cloud attended tho Gainer sale Tuesday Roy Copley and wife ate tho proud patents of a baby bu bout Oetobt't (1th. Morris Croat was called to lied Cloud Sunday by tho llliies and death of hi father, Mr I) I., (lto.it. The M V) Sundaj sehonlbu.ud votoil to have Sunday school commence at K):;!0 limit now on instead of at 10a. in. Mr. and Mr Mao 1'nlton attended tho funeral of Mr. Fulton's bt other, Mr. U. B. Fulton at Ked Cloud Mon day. Hoy Palmer returned Tuesday mottl ing tiotu Alu on, Colorado, where, he had been visiting his mother and other telatives. Will Topliam and wife aio tho proud parents of a ten pound baby girl born Sunday. Mother and daughter are doing line. Mrs. Arneson of Red Cloud is visit lug with her daughters, Mrs. 1IU Points and Mrs. John Sutton, who livo south of I mi vale. Rev, Henry and wife old friends of Mr. and Mis. Liuuly visited over Sun day hero. Rev. Henry preached twice Sunday also Monday and Tuesday nights at tho Christian ohm eh. He was mi Intetestlng speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Hnttmau and son and wife and giandsou of Lobanon, Kan sas, accompanied by Mrs. M. C, Hum- For Sale The K. 15. Smith faun, containing "ll RVIOO aetes, -' houses, one modem; good new barn, chicken house, eity water, about 10 aeies of alfalfa, bal ance I'll in laud and past me. Pi Ice 510,000 Tonus. S.l.niJO cash, Hist moirg.ige of S'j out) in t n .eais at 0 t per cent semi nninially, .'ltd mortgage of $2,000 fot the jeats ut (! per cent setul-.innually, with prhileg of pay ing any or all atany time. Wtiteorsee U C! llohanan, Lincoln, Nebr , Holianau HuildiDK Or V. II. lloseiiet aits, Agent, Red Cloud New House For Sale A new four room house with screen ed poich S by Hi feet. Will sell at a very teasotublo price For further Information iiKjuiie of The Chief. TRY AUCTIONEER... COL. R. C. PETERS SEE HIM NOW FOR SALE DATES He Understands Livestock Values and Has Enjoyed Great Success as an Auction eer That Gets The Money. rilOKK Oil WIRE DATES TO COL. R. C. PETERS Guide Rock, -: Nebraska COL. PETER'S SALE DATES A. O. Short, September &. M. Snider, September 20. 3. 11. IliiuMltoti c Son. October 3.1. Frank Rear, October 0. THE NERVE SYSTEM 1 Study This Cut Well Notice the spinal column, the "Lino Shaft of Man" its Dr. Palmer bo aptly titatea. There is an opening length-wise through the spinal column ciilud the Neural Canal which incloses Ihu spinal cord. Also notice the epinal nerves which emanate from between tho rt irerono eugmentH of the spine an I pats out to tne different organs and tisuis. Tnese nerve-i nrp for (he purpose of ciiryinor Mental Impulses from the brain (Man's Dynamo) to the diircrcnt portions of the body. When one of the Ii' tie bones of the spine (vuitMurn) become tubluxited, c.iusmg pressure on some of tlieo nerves it interferes with the trans mission of Mental impulses and Inco ordination between Mental and Physi cal (Did-CBBe) is the result. Chiropractic Adjustments will correct tho subluxation and health will be the result. R. E. Camp, D. C. Red Cloud, Neb. Graduate P. S. 0. Both Phones.. Action of Single Spoonful Surprises Many Ked Cloud peoplo who botiRht the simple mlxttito of buckthorn bark, glycerine, eto , known as Adler-l-ka, aro surprised at l.sSTANT effect of a SI NtJLD SPOONFUL. This remedy Is so complete a bowel eleanser that it is used successfully In appendicitis. Adler-ika acts on BOTH upper nnd lower bowel and ONE SPOONTUL re lieves nlmost ANY CASK of constipa tion, sour or iras-.y stomach. OND MINUTD after you take it the kucs rumble and pass out. C. 'L Cotting, druggist. Wall Paper at 20 per cent discount at Cottlng's Dmg Store. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST 1 'J OVER STATE BANK .- y. Red Cloud ' a Nebraska C II. Miner Dr. S. S. I)eanlor(, M. I). C. Maimer Veterinary In Oliargo C. H. Miner Serum Co. -I'HOIU'CUIS- Artti Hog Cholera Serum Red Cloud, Nebraska Wire or Phone at Our Expense II. S, Veterinary license No. 45 V V i. X!P e