1 "l"1 . .. i, YtlHWfWawWBamkamm&Maa 4 x J i y 8 s w' - I ' 4 Jim W State U'oUch' s il-ty t -aWMaa. r iwwt Mf m . .'iiih;m ii i n, I, 'Ctr'tftTTlfIIM riTTTfUTlJfc'm'j T.r' r 17 rjT " b Bl H " m aaa RaL i H Uaaaaaaa b h L Q H B Jt aja j( V t xnr -, , . . - j.wj B w fcr"-s. B JH R B tj' i H 3M TO t K ii - ES k J0 ft 4 " "" vVPJ" ! 1 1 ' B -T Bb BBBft flBCrrBk BH Isz PbI PBl i " BBBBBH mjmj -x.?? " i -' ' f--' 4 NcHspapcr That Gives The News Flfty-lno Weeks Each Year For $1.50. VOLUME if j RJED CLOUD, XEJJRASKA, (HTOlSIJIi 1 I, llllo. raraKaBvn&mrawatMmiuuniiTi (r lo It Isn't Hard To Save It is only hard lo st&rt saving, and that is only because you think it is. Start saving today by depositing whatever money you can spare in this bank where the safety of your money is guaranteed, not only by us but by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the slate of Nebraska. Guy Zeigler Wed liss Cora Weesner WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA CAl'ITAI, KU.-J.OOO i i -i r O 01 N E w SUITS $10 to $25 HATS "Snappy Styles" CAPS "New Shapes" SHOES "Up To Now" MACKINAWS On Tut'Mluy ovonitic. it ii.U0 o'clock, at the homo of thobiidc's put cut. Mr. itnd s. V. ii. Wocsnor, occurred thu nun riiio of tlicir ilaiiulitcr, Cuni A. to Mr. (3iiy oilier Miss lionu ltiicklcsj plnycil the wedding inaicli Itcv. Cole, pastor of tho Ituptlst cluucli was the otlluiiithitf clorKyinuii who tloil tho nuptial knot Aftei coiik'iat illations an uIcK'itnt wedding' supper was served. Only tho ltntneiliatu rolntives of tho contracting parties were present. Tlic biide 1h one of our most chiirin. lug ami accomplished young ladies, is a graduate of tho Ilcd Cloud High School, is u lady of many graces of mind and person and in every way is worthy of tho man to whom she lins given her hand. The gioom is ore of our most popular young men, and an electrician of con siderable ability Ho came to this city about four yours ago and accepted the position of tight and water com missioner, which position lie jet u'- tains, and at which he has made good. He is a young man of o.einplurly habit1-, attends strictly to business, and it can bo duly said of him also, t lint ho is In every way worthy tho ghl of lils choice. The young couple' loft the sumo evening for h short honeymoon trip, and ou their return to this city will go to hou'oheeping in tho Mrs. Will Scrivnor resldotico iu the ilrst ward. Tho Chiiif joins with tho entire com munity in wishing this young couple u long, prospoious and happy life. (( ? Great SWEATERS "Latest Weaves" Satisfaction Or Your Money Back PAUL STOREY The Clothier n v See the lump oE Pinnacle Coal in front o our oEEice and register your name and guesc now. Guesser coming nearest the exact weight gets one ton of Pinnacle Lump Coal. Second near est one half ton. It Costs Nothing to Guess Contest Closes November 4, 1915 THE MALONE-AVEBY CO. 'TALK WITH US ABOUT C9AL' Thompson-Boner On Tue-diiy evening at (i o'clock Mr. Win. G. Thompson and Miss (iiaco II. Holier wore united In mairiago at the liomo of the brides patents, Mt, and Mis Mouioe Uoner, who rc-ido north cast of this oit. Only tho members of the two families and relathes weic present The bride whs prettily attired in white wool goods trimmed with white satin nuil tho groom woie a biiit of dark brown Many pietty and useful pi cents weio iu evidence. After tho ceiomony, which was per formed by ltov. C. L. Myers pastor of the Methodist church of Ited Cloud, the guests were seated at n table heavily laden with good things to eat to which all did justice. An infare and dinner was given by the groom's parents Wednesday. The bride and groom will make tlicir home ou h farm near Cowles. Stockholders Hold Meeting The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Farmer's Independent Telephone Company was held iu this city Saturday afternoon, a large num ber being present. Tho following diroctors, whose tonus hnd expired wero re-elected: O. C. Tool, George Deardsleo and O. 13. Hamey. Tho meeting then adjourned and the Hoard of Directors mot and re-elected tho following otlieors: President, O. K. Itanioy; Secretary, O C. Tool; Tieas liter and Manager, Clink Ktovens; Wire Chief, J. A. Ilradiord. Three Are Called By The Grim Reaper R. B. Fulton . Ii Kniton passed peaceful!) away at !us hi me In this city ou .sat in day Morning, t) 'tuber Pth, alter only a few du,s illno-s Hobi'it llai ton I'ultou was hoin iu Moieer county, IVnn . April IN, lS.lii. lie moved to 'Jackson county, lowu, in lS.lfi, and iu Ih'it! was united in mar riage to Miss Adelaide U. Iltr.n. In ls(jl Mr I'ultou enlisted iu Company IJ , l'ii st Iowa Cavalry, and seived his country faithfully four yoais (lining tho Civil war At the cliT-oof the war ho i etui tied to his native state and settled at Oil Citv, whore he lived for sometime. In 1ST',' lie came to Web ster county, Xebiaska, and settled on a homestead Later lie moved to Kci! Cloud, where he has sinco resided. Four children weio born in the Ful ton hotiiu. One liov who died iu in fancy sm i a daughter who died in HS',. Two sons, Victor Ii and Willis 1 Fill ton -still survive their father. Ills wife died iu llHO. Grandpa Fulton was a romiitkablo man. Just before the war he made an important iuve tiou, which, while lie wis at war. was taken up by a corpor ation, natcntcil and used for the bene- lit ot the corpoiations, without Mr. Fulton's consent Ho also had seveial iinpoi taut inventions under conjunc tion at the tlineol his death lie was a thoioiigli student of geology and hail worueu out me outlines 01 a ic.i noiw. He. lead Dana eight times. Iu his younger days ho was an active Mason, and took great interest in the Knight iqmpiar wont. r or years no nun been cleric of the Ueu Cloud Cemetery Association For more than forty nmg tin li-iil 1iiu.ii 11 fiilllifnl mntllhnr ofttio llnptist chinch, and loiuuliied inteiested in leligiou until tho close of his earthly life. He leaves two sons, tin ec brothers and other relatives besides a host of friends to mom n his loss His duath is a loss to the community, the chinch, (.-nlli.lil Pnst. Mm citv and lelutivcH and tile country, but our loss is his eternal gain. riven mo nine ioiks will miss (iHindpn Pulton for all loved and honored him Funeial seixlees weio held at tho home of Purl Hull in this city, Monday October llth. at 11 o'clock a. m. Kev Cole, pastor of the llnptist chinch, pre.u'lied a very nine anil uppropiiaio sermon, ltev. Hates and Myois u I Cored pia)eriind.I. l Ucobx gave a life sketch of tho deceased. A very pretty and touching scene was tho members of tho Sunday School marching past the casket, on which each laid a white flower. Interment was mudo in the Ited Cloud cemetery. D. L. Groat I). L. Gioat who had been sick for several woeks died at his homo iu this city Sunday night. Mr. Groat, whs one of the old pioneers of this county, having come hero in the tall of 1871 and took up a homestead in Inavalo precinct which ho fanned for about twenty yearb. Mr. Groat was born iu New York in July, 1840, und was 75 years old at the time of bis death. When the Civil War broke out In 1801 he enlisted in Co. A, 15th Illinois Infantry and served his country with honor throughout that struggle He leaves a wife und several children, to mourn his death. Funeral service wero hold Wednes day afternoon at 'I o'clock at tho Christian church, Kev. Hummel, as sisted by Rev. lieobe ollloiating. liiuial took place in the city cemetery. Card oT Thanks Wo desire to thank the kind neigh I bors. irlends, tho (1. A. II , W. K. C , and all who so kindly gavo their lu Ip and sympathy dining tho sickness, death and burial of our husband and father. Also for the beautiful lloial offerings. May God's blessing bo with them all. Mr?. I). U Groat. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Groat, Mr. and Mrs, AlbcrtGroat. Mr, and Mrs. Morris Groat. Mrs, Minn Iiriinor. Mrs. Dora Koon, -"- Mrs, Will Hunt and son returned home Sunday morning from Hlverton where they had been visiting relatives, Mrs. Anna Polnicky Mrs, Anna Polnicky, aged ill years, died at. her homo iu tills city Saturduy after an Illness of several weeks dura tion. Hlio was born iu Bohemia on Juno 1'-', 185.'., and came to this c unty ou May .'!(), lHO, when she was united Iu marriage to Joseph roinicky. i Thcv settled on u homestead in' Hut in township ou which they Usui, until Mr. Polnlcky's deith a few years' ago after which she lo.ued the faiiusj and lias sinco loslded in this city. She was a kind mother ami her nU'octloii for f i lends and kindred was tender ami abiding. Four daughtois. Mis Joseph Havel, Mis .Jesso Dodrlck, Mrs. Tod Hun Is and Miss Mildred, ono sou, Pmil, u father, two biothois and two sistors are left to mourn her demise. Tho funeial set vices woie held at the homo Monday afternoon, ltov. Hummel as sisted by Uevs. Mjors and Ueobo otll Notice All of those indebted to mo will Hnd their accounts lit the old stand, Amuck it Ilarnes. Plense call nnd settle. W. S, Bkkzlkv. NUMHER-li IMHWMIWNMtlMMr -V ' ' , . ,-tSl LJ .CiMin'ran. .lr3r; t JlB9&3&)!E&S r'agjSSr :rt-v' v VJ ? ' ' .WJS, Glasses make a Welcome Present lei us Extftnine )iir Eyes for Glasses WE WILL NOT ONLY EXAMINE YOUR EYES, BUT RIGHT IN OUR STORE FIT YOU OUT WITH THE GLASSES YOU OUGHT TO HAVE. WE LIVE IN THIS COMMUNITY; WE KNOW OUR BUSINESS; WE WILL NOT CHARGE YOU A HIGH PRICED IF THERE IS NOTHING THE MATTER WITH YOUR EYES WE WILL TELL YOU SO. WE CHARGE NOTHING FOR EXAMINATION. COME IN. WE MAKE "QUALITY" RIGHT-jHEN THE PRICE RIGHT. E. H. NEWHOUSE Jcwclor and Optometrist llfC. B. & Q. Watch Inspector UNDERWEAR NIGHTGOWNS HOSIERY WE carry the Sanitas Underwear the perfedt fitting underwear. In all styles and weghts. Ladies Men's and children's, all at popular prices. IN Nightwear we carry the Brighton line, the famous Carlsbat Fresh Air Sleeping System. Ladies', Men's and Children's. Prices 50c and up) IN our line of Armor Plate Hosiery we carry the desirable patterns for fall and winter wear. Guaranteed the highesl quality hose. P WFFSNrU & CO WE WILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OF YOUR COAL ORDERS PLATT & FREES Attend The Foot Ball Game 'iV ? ? 'X II :! VI ? t1 :Si if V'H h 'A f I 1 ! m Pi MS cH IP r in m it 7J M HJ K I IJ !n.iV4 "ig2j2j2g i mmiUsmivn .ajrwnwiwiw''iuaaiww-''iwit'liiJMWCii!Vg tWitm witwwiitiwMawiiii nmn pfimfi h . imyi ""'4 111 tw t&mtmiw)tmm,wir&t,fm 3EWmtllamWaammmmWP i .Jam