'TMflfcCIHB UuamHB rfc.v "vy i pt ' ebb i y rvyrjiff ""Whs.. twig l mjBifctiJu )IIBBHiHkiiMiHmilnlMBBtfMiH .vsftmiiiWill WA T ' RED CLOUD. NlJjBAlIA, CHIEF ------ - -3-7T5-' -r 5T ------ T . - -T- 11U T 1 -i - W f 17 '1 V IT Y I- !a isft 1 VWVJWWJVWMWMW I w.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.va HOMENEWS Bulletin of The Week's oinge Ituy your goods of the local stores. The County Commissioners were iu session Tuesday. How about thut underwear nt cost at M. A. Albright's? Earl Dickereon was up from Guide Rock Saturday night. Miss Clara Austin, of Geneva, ia visiting bar sletar, !re. Harry Or a tew nud family tbU week. U. A. Letsm, manaifer of The Hitter liros. store, waot to McDonald, Kau nas, tjfeis morning on l)sinee. Mr. and Mr. J, K. Chancy neat to Fremont Sunday morning to vlgtt relatives. They intend to be away about three weeks. Miss Rose McGulre, who has been confined to her home for the past six weeks with a fractured limb, returned to her duties as cashier ia the Miner Uros. store. Last Friday the Hih School foot ball team went to Hastings and met the High School team of that city on the gridiron. Hastings won the gamo by a score of 30 to 0. Chief Montour and Charley Powell attended the Daily vs. Wassum wrest ling match at Bladen, Thursday even, ing. Charley rcfereed the match which was won by Daily. Attorney L. H. Blacklcdgc and son, Allan, went to Omaha Sunday morn ing where Allan will take a physical examination for the purpose of deter mining if he is physical elgible to take the final test preparatory to en tering the U. S. Xavnl Academy at Annapolis. Fred Hedge went to Imperial, Fri day evening. Don't mis the closing out Dry Goods sale at Albrights, ' A I. Uecrs and family have moved Clms. Wolfe's residence iu the first ward. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Saladen have moved into the Lone ton residence on Kim street. Harry1 Letson was nttcmling to busi ness matters in Republican City, Weduesday. C. 0. Powell of Nullglt, Nebraska, spent the last of the week u this city with his sons, Oliver and Charley. A large number of foot ball entlnt lasfc attended the Red ClomMlabi lngs High School foot ball game nt Rusting Friday. This week I. T. Anack and Guy Barnes proh.Rsed the feed storo and erean elation of W. 8. Btezley and have taken possession ef the same. FOR SALE GALLOWAT BULLS 1 3-yoar and 1 spring calf, both pure bred; 4 high grade all in first class shape. F. M. Baiilow. Miss Mary Christian who is teaching school at Funk, Nebraska, spent Sat urday and Sunday in this city with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Christ ian. Dr. Warrick, the specialist, will meet eye, ear, nose and throat patients and those needing glasses fitted at Dr. Damerell's office, Wednesday, October ber 20th. Lyle Most, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Most, had the misfortune Monday evening, while playing with the alfalfa cutter, to sever the ends of the first two lingers of his left hand. I have opened up an ofilce for the buying and selling of real estate, and will make a specialty of Webster county land. List your farm with me Office with Webster County Hank. B. F. Mizkh. J5he TEPEE Monday and Tuesday Oct. II and 13 Where the Trail Led In Two Heels A number one. western Btorv. P ATI IB WBBKLY with its world views and news will open the pro Kraal. A good comedy will eloe it. Wednesday and Thursday Oct. U and 14 Simon the Jester AN KXTHA KVECIAL In Five I'tirU The second play In the Tcnee'n line of extra special pictures adapted from Win, J. Locke's famous novel and featuring Iiene Warfield, Alwln Fell and Edwin Arden. The production is excellent, the photography fine, and the story a de lightful blending of all tho elements which go to make an entertaining human story. AN EXTRA SPECIAL At REGULAR PRICES Two Mtghtm and Wmdnmmday Atfrnomn Hural School (totes District 26 Tho week juwt past has boon an in teresting ntio from start to Mulsh, Tho pupils had a very interesting Held trip Tuesday afternoon. Thev brought homo a line collection of plants nud leaves of trees, from which e luivo had several interesting na ture lessons and talks since. Thoy also had n list of birds about, which they have found out many now things. We found n large bank with many dllferent rocks ami soils and wo also discovered salt mixed with tho rock. We returned tired but well re paid, This being tho last week of the month the following aro the pupils who have perfect, attendance record: Halph, Herbert, Hetucy nud Hilda Hromnirr. Dtlma and Lard RlggUu aad Ned Pllley. The pupils have started a school paper which ie to be United montfcry, an having the foUavfcig contributors: editor, artist, joke editor, toclety edi tor, conundrum editor and athlotlc editor. Anna IInommsr, Teacher. CKSH SKLE WORK SHOES OCTOBER 1t TO 9th 20 a Discount On All Men's and Boy's Work Shoes ELLIS SHOE STORE fm Entertainment I n ,iiffff!iiii .ttufiyf iiL, '. :... Il - , n I f Invitation To All Living Outside of Red Cloud You Are Most Cordially Invited To Come To Red Cloud And Be Our Guests At Our Free Open Air Band Concci Is And At The Tepee Moving Picture Shows Each Saturday Afternoon. Get your Tepee Tickets From Any of the Merchants. They Are As Free As The Water That Flows. Mr. and Mrs. licrt Sherman were (ri Hastings Tuesday. O. C. Lamb of Guide Rock was in the city Wednesday We need Cash. You nced Goods. Cost prices or less at Albright's. Wm. Reeves and George Fairfield of Guide Itock were In town Wednes day. Attorney b J. Munday went to Lin coln and Kansas City Weduesday on business. If your child needs glasses or has nose or throat trouble sec Dr. Warrick October 20th. Mrs. II. C. Gullatly returned home Monday evening from Lincoln where she had been visiting her parents. Mr. Dellvalc of Chicago representing the Associated Ad Clubs and the Sys tem magazine was in the city Tuesday evening and give a talk in the interests of the retail merchants to a few of the business men who were assembled at the club room. The plan, which was submitted by Mr. Dellvale is to put on a business men's short course in this city, the same lasting one week at an expense of about $150. -A petition will be circulated among the business men in the near future to ascertain if this necessary amount can be raised. Prom what we have heard regarding the sentiment of a majority of tho business men along the line, The Chief is of the opinion that if there is a sur plus of SIGo iu tho city it can be used to a bettor advantage by taking a "Short Course" in road building. ...PROGRAMS... Band Concert, Saturday, October 9 On Main Street At 1:30 P. M. 8 S 8 8 s 8 8 8 1. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. 7. "Gippsland March" "Oriental Overture" "Eventide" March"The Eagle and the Lion" "You Planted A Rose" Saxophone Solo "Dance of the Skeletons" "Sprinkle Me With Kisses" J. E. BETZ, Bandmaster. Tepee Theatre, Saturday, October 9 Starting At 3:00 P. M. Kids And Corsets Comedy In The Grasp of the Law Drama His Beloved Violin Two Reel Drama 1. 2. 3. District IS School opened Sept. 6th., with the following enrollment: 8th grado Fern Cox, Fred Norrls, Harold Doyle, Harry Ralph, Vashtl Law. Gth grade Alice Ralph, Pearl Sala den, Ruby Saladen. 5th grade Bert Norrls, Frances Doyle, Forrest Law, Nellie Deau, Wil mer Cox. 4th grade Clair Ralph, Gladys Rerg field, Gertrude Ralph, Henry Uurd. 3rd grade Eva Starke, George Doyle, Grace Norrls, Merna Malick. 2nd grade llernice Frey, Esther Frey, Leta Malick. Iieglnners-Fay Ralph, Mabel Starke. Friday, October 1st, closed our first month and we were given the day to attend the county fair. Wednesday, September ssihi, mo en tire school took a field trip. Wo went over to Law's and watched them make older and it was very interesting. The following pupils have neltuer been absent or tardy during the month: Fern Cox, Harry Ralph, Alice Ralph, Pearl Saladen, Ruby Saladen, Nellie Dean, Wilmcr Cox, Clair Ralph, Gladys Hergtlold, GcrtrudeRalph, Eva Starke, George Doyle, Groeo Norrls, Fay Ralph and Mabel Sturko. Miss Hazi:l McKkioiian, Teacher. t times Oft. in. 8 3-5 SCO. (J times 0 It. C iu. 8 sec. 11 seo. Joe SteckerFrank DeLue Last night in the Newhouse building another wiestllng match, engineered exclusively by Chief Montour, was pulled oft'. Two preliminaries weie first put on. Itrown of Bellalre, Kas., and Curl lb of Missouri being the first ones, the foi mer winning the first full in 17 minutes. Curtis got hurt iu the a 'cond fall Tho Tin nor and Fountain boys put on tho second ono and the former lad won tho first two falls. Tho main event of tho evening was thou put on by .loo Stecker of Dodge, Nebraska and Frank LaDue of Boston. Stecker won the first fall infif untitles and fhe second one lit lyt tiiinutos and thus won the match. Tom Long of Lincoln refeteed. Owiui: to the high price charged for admission there was not a very large crowd present. The following stundaidR, established by tho Playground and Recreation Association of America, have been adopted for tho schools of Webster Qpunty. The completion of each test entitles tho boy to n badge. These tests itre for boys. Tho Association is planning a series of tests for girls which will be published later. l irst xost Pull up Standing llroad lump tiO Yard Dash Second Test Pull up ( Standing Broad Jump ' bo Yard Dash , Or 100 Yard Dash Third Test Pull up 0 times Running High Jump 4 ft. 4 in, 220 Yards Run 28 seo. Boys of twelve years of age should be able to cittalify for the badge of the first test. Uoys of thirteen years or over should bo able to pass tho second test High school boys' should meet the third test. The aim of thu tests Is to encniitage every child to take toimi e.verulses thut will build up Ills body each day, and they aro prompted by tho belief fhat: 1. Every boy ought to be physically cuioiunt. 2. Eery boy ought to try lo reach n minimum physical standard. :i. The hoy who makes himself physically etllcient is preparing him self for citizenship later. SOUTH 1NAVALE Come, Be Our Guests! Mis. Ileati.u has been quite sick for seveial dujH. W. M. Points and wife wont to Hast ings Monday. R. L. Hunsleker had u valuable hot.se cut in a wiio fence tho first of tho week. Carroll Noble and wife spent Sunday at the 1j E. Blankeubaker homo. A fine ten pound boy was born to Alv.v Stoner and wife Iaet Fridav night. The school house nt No. :t was newly papered and painted the first of t to week, consequently there was no s:hool Monday. F. L. Stokes Is building a new cement cave this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tuneson of Red Cloud were transacting business In tills vicinity Tilth-day. Wcs Wouier and wife and daughter Kettu, nlso Emmett Womer, uife and baby were guests at tho G. N. Blank enbaker homo Sunday. Walter Noble and 6ons, Elinor and Ciirtoll, Fay Arneson and Clyde Zlon departed by auto Tuesday morning for n week's visit with relatives iu Colo rado. Miss Ida Sutton is assisting with the liouso work at Alva Stoner's at pre-sent. INAVALE Mr. A. F. Iiurtwoll returned Satin day night from his eastern visit. Mr. Dunn and family have moved Into their now home recently purchas ed Iroui .Mr. (iaveka. Beit Faruhaiii is hero vUiting his patents and other relatives Alva Stoner and wife living south of town are it-joioing over a batty boj born the hilt r part of last week. (Julie a number of our puonlu at tended the County Fair at llladen last week. Mrs. Robt. Humoral! spent Sunday with Mrs. Emma (iaruer and family. Mrs. Emiita Garner and son, Wilde, autoi'd to Red Cloud Tuwaday, Mis. R. If, Hill spent Sunday with her patents, Mr. and Mis, Dlcsloy, ami other relatives. Mrs. Alf. Coiilson spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .M. Faruham. Mr. Nesbltt is hero visiting Ms brother-in-law, Tadd Saunders and family. Ho is on his way to Galveston, Texas, to visit his diufghter, Mrs. Bert Hoi dredge and family. Joe. Reod and family have moved back on their farm. They have been living In .Mrs. Emma Smith's house while shb was away visiting with liof sons ami slaughter this summer. Mrs, C. E. Joyce horved a dinner Tuesday to Iter nephews' and iteiecs iu honor of her daughter's fifth biithday Piano At A Bargain Customers at Red Cloud, Blue Hill and Nelson are unable to complete payments on their pianos and wo will turn the same ovei to responsible parties for either cash or S' per month. Address, Schmoller & .Mueller Piano Company, Lincoln, Nebr. Land Bargains I-orsaleor trade I SU acres. Will tuku a small farm and curry the balance. Another good farm consisting of !iS0 acres for sale or trade. Will lake a small farm close to a Gorman settle ment and town. For other bargains TUB IND HAS COMK The eapital prize will be awarded to the brut Itoo.lt or having the klffcest tending In the Booster Club on Wednesday, -November 17th. 'Pke Booster Ballot box will be eloseel at noon, 12 o'aloek of that da. i Tfho will get 1 It is Your. .Wliote? It U for yoM to de cide by your work and number of Boonter Coupons. Kencuiber also' ,tharrtne second, third, fourth and fifth Boosters will be handsomojjr rewarded. The exact standing1 .oilt'tauh Booster will bcr snth. ' ," J be Ootobcr o! ,)i announced on New KuDi&nheimer a au i'j' a arid Cloth Craft I i.4 -i Models In Ftti Suits and Overcoats NOW SHOWING i'ofl-r JiO i $10ffifo $25.00 LVI ulli fiHfih-T he QoittdenKaley Qlothing Qo. ( f) The jBdoster Store fl irraini liijiiifflilifi -w HENRY COOK, M. D. i y nil'. IllCAI.KIt IN ill. x DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES.'AND TOILET ARTICLES V,.' tl I ' . .. t .n. Uililil MVIIIIIIIIUWailllM!!!1! i.!!!i'!ll U'llUlllil'J'JDIllllSUiUtllll'lllllll (!l 3V 91 , SPEND LESS TIME IN THE KITCHEN. You can if you will buy more PREPARED foods. t Then you can give more time to ENJOYING your childron and helping them with their lessons. Wo have many "goodies", for you to put into their lunch boxes, and we can sell them to you CHEAPER than you can p. thorn yourself. make Walter W. Marshall the grocer a m Males Wanted Ml I 'I 'I . ' , ' i bin!1 ! i III iliu 500 Suckling Mules 50Q Yearlings Starke Bros. Will Be At: Red Cloud at Tie Barn Oct. 8, 9 Cowles Oct. 11, 12, 13 Guide Rock at Burr's Barn Oct. 14, 15, 16 Inavale Oct. 18, 19, 20 Rosemont 21, 22, 23 Bladen Oct. 28, 26, 27 Blue Hill Oct. 28, 29, 30 ... 'ii rn 1"! (13 P- M sec me. u, a. acuun.. ii. u t i.t-.ji. rvf-rm?T'rJllaayTWtWf lasrfeesKS - Hjt-UJ jli.t V. --. , .w . ' ..-wif.lr tt- i ui'.i.i..i.., ,l.i,,.l..M, ,,,..