,-v I . ' i ,! A 3'tto Uij'oiluil Suclity Er i j'" 1 (igMli- ," ' " . f" f Stv3KUBHul0lfl'ruV irBiB I T -X i FSsHssW """J'""""" ""m BtMt. . BCj. i"L i- r"f SSSSSSSSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBlUjr Zi 4&fl jjr.r?aBTBBBBBBBBBBBW VOLUME 43 It Isn't Hard To Save It is only hard to Start saving, and that is only because you think it is. Start saving today by depositing whatever money you can spare in this bank where the safety of your money is guaranteed, not only by us but by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the slate of Nebraska. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA CAPITAIi 25,000 " MM.'' 1 UOMVHATS.rf E W 153 Satisfaction Or PAUL STOREY OPEN TO ALL See the lump of Pinnacle Coal in front of our office and register your name and guess now. Guesser coming nearest the exact weight gets one ton of Pinnacle Lump Coal. Second near est one half ton. It Costs Nothing to Guess Contest Closes November 4, 1915 IHE MALONE-AVERY CO. "TALK WITH US ABOUT COAL" wmf.w rj jii'j " M3w,i$ $ 91U to SUITS "Snappy Styles" CAPS "New Shapes" SHOES "Up To Now" NACKINAWS "Great" SWEATERS "Latest Weaves" Your Monoy Back The Clothier 4 Newspaper That fllvts The News RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OCTOHEIt 7, 1JH5. Another Old Pioneer Called By Death On Monday morning, J. A. Tomlln son, ono of tho old pioneers of this COUIlty, who MlHVrort u t.trnln nt apoplexy some tun davs nrnvlniiM. died at his homo in this city. He was born in Niagara county, New Vork, in 1S., and was . years of age. Mr. Tomlinson came to tills county in 1871. On his trip to the county from Lincoln ho took ns a passenger, Or. Williams, who was in Lincoln after tho papers necessary to tho orgauiza tiou of the county. Tho Doctor was one of those who could not saroly be trusted away from homo, and tho papers, were in fact lost, at least, so fnr us tho doctor knew Their nro- horvation anil safe delivery at ltmi Cloud was due to Mr. Tomlinson. John was but llttlo more than a blc bor when he arrived, but he immediately took the lead of the young men in the sports and amusements of pioneer nines He was the swlfest thrower, the heaviest batter, the champion boxer, the best first baseman and the strong, cut of all the younger pioneers. He jjas better acquainted irith the men yrho preceded the homesteaders, the old (trappers, hunters and scouts, than any other man in the county. ,, & k? se'tfed as one of the primitive rpad commissioner of tthe" county. He adted as ehainman under UcCaUum in locating the school, section sndrkur reying out the public road. . . He organized the first, fire .depart mebt of the city, and conducted the first nnd only state flroman's tourna ment held in Red Cloud, and he made it a grand success. The visiting firemen, in fact, presented him with handsome gold watch, in recognition of bis services and efficiency. He took hold of the electric light system of the city when it was in a state of confusion and labored ener getically to restore it to something like order. During the latter years he has dealt in electrical supplies and worked independently in the installation and repairof electric lines. Mr. Tomlinson, was a man of enur. getlccharacter,and energetic Unguage. He spoke the truth, as he understood it, without mincing matters, and with entire regardlessness as to who might be offended. Wherever plain speech, and decisive, energetic conduct were required, he was the man for the place. He had just completed his service on the jury at the last term of court when he was stricken. He never really regained consciousness. This makes the second luror who has fallen a victim since tho erection oi the new court house. Hut tbore is no probability that his services unnn the jury had anything to do with his raiai attack. There arc sorao of us Who Will mlSS John, as if ho hnd hn.nn a big brother. A wife and daughter are left to mourn his death. The funeral services wore held at the Christian church this afternoon, Rev. Hummel assisted by Rev. Itecbo olilclating. Strickland-Steward Mr. Casslus O. Strickland and Miss Agnes P. Steward were duly joined in marriage on Tuesday, Ootober nth., in this city, Ilev. A. Sohanl ofllclating. Tho brido Is a trraduato of thn i?n,i Cloud High School, graduating with honors of hor olnsg in PJ1I. Sim l ti,,. oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. Steward of Line township. Tho groom Is 11 prosperous vnnnv farmer of Walnut townshin. Tdo liappy young couple have gone to house keeping on a farm southwosinf Inavalo. Tho Chief along with their many friends wisli tliom much joy und happiness. New House For Sale A tiow fmir rnnm liniicin iutf tn.r., ed porch 8 by 10 foot. Will sell at a very reasonable price. For further information Inquire of The Chief. !Mf S Fifty - two Weeks Each Year For $1.50. Board of Education Hold Short Meeting Ri:l) Ci.orn, Nkii., Odt. Hoard tret in regular session at Dr Cross's olllce, Goo. Coon presiding. Holl Call. Present: Uoon, Cross, Weesner, Gilliam and Pope. Minutes of previous meeting road and approved. The following bills were read and warrants ordered drawn for same: Lyons .t Coriiuhan $ 0 08 Hammond & Stephens Co II 00 The MauMillan Co , ? ail Charles K. Morrill Co 0 r.() Ilnll &. McCreary Ill 18 The (iregg Publishing Co., in 70 Central HelentllleCo 4a Malono Avery Co., 1.1 85 Mrs. Ilarba.-n Pharos I o Commorcial Advertiser 27 05 Griee Drug Co 1 1 80 1'. O, Ilarwood i r, Miner Sherwood t 00 Ueo. Hutchison a 00 Sam Kizer 3 00 Henry Doidorlch 2 00 Walter Warren a Oo Jbe Carr j 00 Rod Cloud Chief 4 r.O Nebr. School Supply Co 4 58 .Pope 7 60 e liroB., ..... 142 07 1. O. Mlllwr tin fihrf A. Cfrt... tn A ? Canvassing board reports (hat tliey have recounted the builntu nf ih '8cho'ol Bond Election' and find that tiierp were 537 for and 155 agdinst, On motion tho-Board accepted tho re port. v - Board adjourned; " C. J. Poi-e, Secretary. 1 1 1 City Council Holds Regular Monthly Meeting "The City Council met on Tuesday evening with all members present as follows: Mayor Damcrell, and Council men, Perry, Koontz, Saladen and Cald well. Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved. H. Deidrich, secretary of the Vol. Fire Departmont, appeared before the council and made request for certain priveiegea regarding management of new fire ball. Referred to mavor and clerk for settlement. Bids were open for construction of the walk on east side annex lot 13. owned by C. J. Piatt. The hid nr Malone-Avery Co $24 Bid of M. L. Finkenbinder 125. Moved by Saladen and seconded by Perry that contract be let to Malone-Avery Co for $2S. Csr ried. Petition for side walk on south side of Annex lot 9 owned by E. A. Baal: ordered in. Carried. Moved by Koontz and seconded by Perry that claim of L. H. Blackledge be allowed for $163 90. Carried. Moved and seconded that special meeting of council he had Nov. 2, 1915 at k7:30 to assetis benefits derived or damages sustained on account of C. J. Piatt walk claims. Carried. The following claims were allowed: Guy Zeigler $ 140 00 W. A Patten 80 00 Harry Huffer 75 00 S. R. Florence 1:1 94 O.C. Tecl r,i Grant Christy C5 00 M. McConkey 90 00 Frank Clauson fir. no Geo. II. Overing J2 00 Whituker&Bucklea . .. 13 05 Molonc-Avery Co 1095 44 " '' 100 00 A. C. IIoBmcr 2 00 Farmer's Telephone Co 180 20 Grice Drug Co o 05 K. C. Machine Worka 11 50 Crane Co 37 81 Henry It. Worthington 9 CO MutualOJICo 0993 Mid West Electric Co 33 03 L. H. Blackledge 1G3 90 Pope Bros c G5 Fred Eddy 7 00 SaTOfistJlj - - . &. . 1. 5 01 am vrj ' ' lkalV LaHaallllllllllV YOU WILL DELIGHT V.QUR.'LADY BEAUTIFUL" WHEN YOU PRESENT HER WITH SOME? klEPIlFfV 4otiw p pop urri in ct TARI P '7 ' ' " iw-ui '""''- !l.tHl? rfj fWE NOW HAVE Wife A.i,TNtt. 'jjMmRk COME IN AND LOOK;' ,WE MAKE "QUALITY" RIGHT. . E. H. sraEWHOUSE Jawmlmr mitri Ml n tf .v m 0 . i v. o. u. waicn uiavmetarr tv m Striking New Shades in Dress Goods m D LUES, Greens, Browns and Plums will be the favorite colors this Fall and Winter for both street and evening wear?u Dull shades will be the rule. The lighter shades will 'bo Sky Blue, Lavender and Glazed Pink. Novelty )(Plaids and Stripes Iwill be popular. Our showing of ' LaPorte Fabrics rt Include Them All fl We Are Showing a Nice Assortment of the Newest Styles in Ladies' Skirts. ... R. P. WEES : September Weather Report ' m 1 Temperature: Mean 015 dog; maxi mum 01 deg. 011 7th; minimum .'H dcg. on ai&t. I'roclpltiitlon: Total SSainelies. Number of dnyti-clear 10, partly cloudy 11, cloudy 8, Dates of froht light ylst. Dates of Thuuderstorius 18th, '20th. l'revuiling wind direction southeast 14 days, lialnfall blnee January 1st, 37.51 Itichea. Cuas. S. Ludlow. Observer. Dr. Damerell went to Burr Oak, Ivansas, this morning on business. I a NUMBER -U i'"!: . - " 'Exquisite 'Articles for the; el Tables EXQUISITE 4,TOILEI. TOOiA? THEN THE PRICE RIGHT. ' aaMM.M "' n, -. 1 v . !' w Est McCaJl Patterns H. & CO. M Weekly Weather Forecast Weather forecast for tho week be ginning Wednesday, Oct. 0, 'in issued by tho U. S. Weather Bureau, Wash ington, I). C , for thu Upper Missis sippi Valloy and Plains States: Showers and higher temperatures Wednesday or Thursday will bu follow- ed by generally fair weather during; tho romainder of the week, with seas onable tompcrature. Tlie W. It. C. will meet Saturday afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock to make plans for tho convention and every member is requested to bo prosent. '-K I i 1 51 1. ! m M I ft, i HM w