..." , RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, 1 K yVi'.v.ViV.v.w.v.v.'.v.v.v. lj HOME NEWS j: $ Bulletin of The Wenk's olng . I S ' i' a , tahttBAil IllllllkJ K D I, Omul U on the sick Itat. $ Huy your gaoils of the loci! stores. it IM. Amack wn in HnsthiL'' Sfttur $ dul ly Will Mourtford wii in Olivine Sat- ry unlay 11 Arch Doit-ii of Cowles s in town IK I'triLiy. ' .1ns. Jlcllride of Cowles mm in the ifi' nil I.Vtilnv CHIMP mtiwwoiirniaurMonitnjdiv, NMKw9rvwfitmtwf j iw hh mww murMffm,-ajaimiWHI Fred Temple of Knna& City wan in Hie rUy Saturday. Pather VMlrornld wrs in Mipe.-ior IMday, aftvrauon. Meredith RutUr returned bom Sat unlay trom Mlnden. Babe Hunt of (Juide Itoelt was in the city .Sutuidaj morning. The Webster County I'nir, Is being hold at Bladon tills week. A good rain fell Saturday which will help tliv wheat that has been sowed Mr, and .Mr. Marry Under have moved into the Street piopurty on Kim street Some of those pretty Voolte CoaK Suits and Skirts have just arrived. Miner liiot. Co. Oliver Powell waln Hebron Friday attending the lied Cloud vs. Hebron foot ball game. Miss Marie Jernbtrrg went to Suther land, Friday, where-she will teaeh school this year. Miss Mabel liuulclub left Thursday evening for Potter, Nebraska, where she will teach school. Karnest Moranville leturned to Uyron, Monday, after spending a few weeks here with relatives. Before having your fall dresses fitted be suro to get one of those line new Corsets at Miner Hros. Co. A good 1! octave Lakeside organ for m1o at a bargain. In llrst class condi tion, llixpiii e of Nate Piatt. Hell Turnure of Portland, Oregon, arrived in the city Friday being called here by the sickness and death of his mother, Mrs. James. The Red Cloud High School foot ball team will go to Hastings, Friday, where they will piny the High School team of that city a game. FOR SALK: 1000 bn. of early spray ed Hummer apples. 'JOc per bushel picked aud windfalls We I) E.Norrin, !A mile nonehwe-it of fied Cloudy Sherwood Albright and wife, who were sailed here to atrend the fnnevnl of Ills father, L. P. Albright, returned to their home at Omaha, Monday. Judge DMngnrr and Court Reporter llaird leturued to their homes at Hastings, Saturday, after holding a two weeks sesnion of dwtrict court here. A number of the fauneis living south of town have been busy lately hauling peaches here, whore they have been able to dispone of them very readily. Mr. and Mrs. liruce Koblnson re turned to their homo at Clo-y Center, Friday, after spending a week here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Robinson, Joe Vavtleka of Crete wus in the city Sunday kiting relatives and friends. He had been to San Fran. Cisco attending the Exposition and was enroute home. Mrs. Stonebrcaker aud daughters, Miss Klla and Mr. H. A. Letson and son arrived home Friday from Colorado Springs and Now Mexico where they had bceu spending the past two months. The funeral scrv'ces for L. P. Al bright were held at the home Ftiday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Myers of the M. i:. church, assisted by Rev. Bobee. The Masom? had charge of the services it the grave. For the first time in years the Grand Kncampinent of the I. O. o. F. will bo held In Onmliii this fall The dates are October 18 to ! and the Fon ' tanelle Hotel headquarters. More than fifteen hundred members of the organisation and the Rebeccas, tlio auxiliary, will gather for the meeting. An excellent program has been ar ranged covering thrVe day. Owing to the scarcity of skilled labor in this community, Chas. Reardslce prevailed upon Otllcer Grant Christy, who, by the way, is arr artist in the line, to go out aud plaster a Ave room dwelling for him on last Thursday. Grant was absent until Saturday even ing, but in the meantime had com missioned J. A. Bradford to perform the many duties whie.li are connected with the mursdinlfthlp. The h. h. club met wltb Mrs. Max Mixer last Thursday afternoon and had a ery enjoyable time. The fol lowing officers were elected for the en cuing term: Mrs, E. L. Grimua, Presi dent; Urn. Bernard McNcny Vice President; Mrs. Frank Peterson, Secre tary and Treasurer. The club will meet next ThuiHday afternoon with Mrs. Frank Perry who will be the hOBtcsn fov the occasion. I'ov Pa'nre: -f Imtvilo win In I' 0 Rye ""h t'"r' Nu f ' ttfui ,wn In ci'y Von Iny. tbi ot. I'upvIh.. Fiank A! "f antpbull wan i the' Vern Ho vd sh.ppo I n earofhnm' city TlttuiUy. Ui St .lot on Sunday. f You can .ilway got the Beat ilrooer Attonfey V M. Walter of UHu Hill les from MIiim Uroj. Co , lu the city Monday. Nolo Plait was In C(twt, Monday' Mr. and Mrs. J K. Chancy returned attendiiuf the funeral of JIr?, Arthur homo from Superior Friday eyotiiug. lu'y. Rort Shermnn has accepted a politico Prat K Cowdan wnt to nirtnnilBlofi with It. W. Coplen oti his dellvory Wednesday mornin. 15je t73fj Woesiier S. Kooiita mnl Delntiy llro-s each shipped 11 cavof hog to K.intAa City Sunday. Aaron Hedge pout Sunday with his sister. Mrs. o, p. Harvey, and family, who live north of inavnle. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wnllorof Cowles spent Sunday la this ity r-lth hfr pmants, J. II llailey ami wife. Clark Stoven and daughter, .Niyss Margaret, ami son, Roy, and wife, weir in Lebanon, Friday cTeniiij,' Mr. and .Mrs. J. L. Houer arid gland dauchtir of Letiova. Katirn. are visit ing liis brother. P. II. Ronurand family this week. New Styles in Coats, Suiti, Skirt, are now being shown at Miner Hros. Co., the Store that sells Wooltex in Red Cloud. Agent N. H. Hush loft Mon lay even ing for Omaha to attend a lofrlgerator schedule meeting which is participated in by all Rurliugton agents W. L. Weesner, Lyman Rssig. D. H. Stunlcard, Will Delaney, Kd (larber mrd Conrad Starko attended the cattle sale at (Stride Rock Monday afternoon. The llrst rehearsal for the young band will be held October lSth, at 8 p. in. Would like to have mote clari nets, saxophones and basses Hand m tster Betz. ' .i,i. 1.' wagon, ' 0 W. lliiinitKl went loOnmhaTues day morning to attend a rtietltnr of the Fitrmois' Nat onul C tigrei. WoolteN Coats- Yes the Rest are arilvlngnow. Come in and see our Use new style. Miner llios. Co. Wyeth Pogel, CltrMiu) Huker nnd UirVell Myers weirt to llloonringtorr todny to play vrikh the Kivswton lutad The Mi-sfls Minne and Margaret Kellett lotrinii'd huui1 Monday even ing from FrUnid where tlmy hud beeu vii.it ing friends. Tiro New Jiieerr Quality 5lrow have jnst arrived. Uverybody knows tkey are the Best. Sold in Rwd Cloud by Miner Bros. Co. Mrs. Mercer and Miss Wullbrandt will entertain the Social Helpers of the M. I'i. olrureh this evening at the home of Miss Wullbrandt. The W. R C. will meet Saturday at I!:!!0 p in. Kvety member 1s requested to be present as there will be special work. The President would llko to have the Post meet with them at four o'clock. I'have opened up an olllee for the buying and selling of real estate, and will make a specialty of Webster county land. List your farm with me Olllee with Webster County Rank. B. F. Mi.r:r:. r e p e Next W'.-ik Monday mul Tuesday (Vt I .in. El I smmn,tssi&s sshsssb ?S-'-HSi( f. p-Mrsroajw"1"1337????! In the Mesh o the Netjg 3 si.r ung Ainpilo.ui pi'cial feature dtitnia 111 three part Tin soil of di mini you will not forget. lhr PKl'ORIAL WP.MKIA will per the ptrvwui Free Entertainment Invitation To All Living Outside of Red Cloud You Are Most Cordially Invited To Come To Red Cloud And Be Our Guests At Our Free Open Air Band Concei ts And At The Tepee Moving Picture Shows Each Saturday Afternoon. ...PROGRAMS... Band Concert, Saturday, October 2 On Plain Street At 1:30 P. N. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 March--"The High School Graduate" "InTha Land of Love With The Song Birds" "One WonderhH Night" Superb Overture "A Fairy Tale" "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling" Trombone Solo Played by Glen Foe) Medley Overture "Along The Bioloto" "Star Spangled Banner" J. E. BETZ, Bandmaster. 1. 2. 3. Tepee Theatre, Saturday, October 2 Starting At 3:00 P. N. Insuring Cutey A two-reel Comedy Drama The Reverend Salamander Unattached Drama The Chadford Diamonds Drama These Arc Positively Free Entertainments For All Out-of-Town Friends And We Want You To Come And Be Our Guests. Be Sure to Bring the Children Get Your Tepee Tickets At Any o the Following Places of Business. They Arc As Free As The Water That Flows: Cowdcn Kaley Co. C. L. Cotthijj M. A. AlbriKht Malone-Avery Co. F. (J. Turnure Son Roy Sattley J. A. Toiiilinsou Ovcring Bros. K. H. Newhotise Powell Bros. S. R. Flpranee C. S. Roniinu V. A. Sherwood J. C. Mitchell Roy Oatraan O. J.Warren Dr. Damerall Dr. O. E. Cross Stevens Kros. Roy Hnosingsr Minor Bros. Co. If. Nenerberj? II. K. OriceDrrrRTo. O. K. Hall A. C. Hosmer W. O. Warren O. C. Teel A B. MoArthur Mrs. li. Phares Hutchison .- Salnden V. L. Koon H. Ludlow H. 0. Letson U. P. Weesner A Co. C. H. Rust Dr. J. C.Caldwell Dr. N. E. Maurer Fern Averlll S. E. Bailey A. ijon Fred Wallin Paul Storey Frank Smith .1. K. Yost .7. W. A old Morhart Bros. Mrs. .1. A, Burden Red Cloud Auto Co Ellis Shoe Store J. O. Caldwell C. W. Kaley Job Poglo W. S. lleezley Geo. Trine Webster Co. Argufc K. W. Koontz W. W. Marshall P. A. Wullbrandt James Peterson Dr, Nicholson Admissioi To Tepee Will Be By Ticket Only Come, Be Our Guests! Wednesday and Thursday Oft find 7 Via Wireless An extn tpueittl the part piny tf nurL.tbly for Its uprotftcnlar and mil Intll" Htlillr. In the stiiUinu elTeott obtained itr the seeires at the steel mill the e plosioir of a Iiiiko eoast defense (.'un, Mie fouuderlui; of a yateh und mi auto iinihilo wreeU a rrrost leirraiUable pin dui'tiorr has been iiiade. Two Nights and Wednesday Afternoon This Is tin Hist of a new splendid seiies of special features to be shown each week. h 1 1 r - -i - i rr,, m Ti - - iTT- mf9 wW ,1,1 ffiy. - ::::ii: !jj the i:nm) is nkai: The rud of tho Rotitur (tliili ,lil bt urrnonoced I hen the time will b (ek for thecal of tlm rarv ne;t wfek. Ve shall njvo uunotmeo on the riulletln Board Bert Idrrdley ami Roy MolVett of River ton were in the city Tuesday. W. T. Mountford has heeured the general aReney for the tJeriuan Arueii eair Life Instiranco Company of Omaha. Tlio company is to bo con gratulated upon hcuiirlufr the services of such a Ii'istliiiK youiiR men. Presumably, while in the act of per forming certain duties over which he held orr jurisdiction, Rev. C. h. Myers on Ucilnesil.ty, suttorod tiro misfortune to ipnte badly burn his hand, when that member came Irr contact with the Kiisoleno stovo. John Tomllnsou, a well known resi dent of this city. Hirtfered a HtroUe of apoplexy last Friday morning and has since been in an unconscious con dition. While ho Is alive at this writing, he is said to be growing very weak, and the end is momentarily ex pected. Rural School Notes District 2G Monday morning September 20th, all pupils weie present ready for a full week's work. We had (mother pupil enroll in our school on Thursday, wbich-wjib Paul Havel. The pupils tire making rapid progress ii all bralirhes. The nw Drlpgh' Live Language Imsoiih which have been procuied for tlm school are doing won derful work In all liftwiev Wo mo also having sonic rery inter esting letsons in Hygiene from the set of new O'Shen fc Kellogg books on Hy giene. We have been pleased to accept two, more visitors this past week which were MU'-es Albie Kudtua urrd Bessie Stiobl. We urge all patrons especially the parents of jurpils to come and see the work wo are doing One pupil, llttlo Willie Havel, age 5, lias had the misfortune of a broken and mushed toe, while playing about the sewing machino and has not been able to attend but one day in the past week. Miss A.Vna Brommi:r, Teachet Mlul is tlu standing "f tlm linostiM-i tlet week thfda'eon wIdIcIi we skab ilae. the unot stamltngs of each Rnostvi'. We nc flits week plielttg on vil a nv Sfi.otf Unoslur Trade Book and on the ahuif each of iheM Tiude Hooks outside of tho Booster Store we slmll give VR.OIM Booster Coupon. Thusu New Booster Trade Rofks may bo mod ,r pnivliascs or for settlement of account. He shall in tho future give 10,000 Booster Coupons to tiny one pcisoii who will play the piano twohours arryafternooii Tho name or the player must be given in advance so that wc may adrertiFe It. New Mackinaws New Sweater Coals New Caps For Fall AH Priced Within Your Reach u he Qoiuden-Kaley Qlothing Qo. The Booster Store with District 70 School opened September fltfi, the following pupils cmolled: Beginners Avis Stouer. i!rid grade Elsie McCoy, Haiold Mc Coy. 'Sid grade Neal Etherton, Eunice Hanson, Lawrence Hudson. 1th grade Clinton Ethorton, Ruth Stouer, Lois Fey, 5th grade Aubrey Fearu Dth grade Lou Anna Clark, Clllford Sibert, Maurice Fey, Kenneth htoner. 7th grade Wanda Fearn, Lloyd Sibert, Harold Stonor. The Palmer writing books and the Driggs' Live Language books have been put irr tho school, other new books have been ordered. ine scnooi nas a viciroia wmuii is one of tho late Improvements for a school. The pupils took an interesting Held trip Thursday afternoon. Miss IIaix Oveiili:i:sk, Teacher A Cash Sale All Work Shoes, Including Boy s Shoes, will be sold at a reduction of 20 per cent from now until October 9th. The Ellis Shoe Store. Farmers' Telephone Meeting The Annual meeting of the Stock holder of The F(armer'6 Independent Telephone Company will mett at, the Court House. Saturday, Oct. Vth, YjlO at 2 o'clock p, m. A full attendance Is desired. O. C. Tie!,, Secretary. t Till uiirji.nn.i'm" llSHTiil HENRY-COOK, M. D. I'KAi.r.i: in DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES'AND TOILET ARTICLES o jMifu'icr i,ImW " w --1' ii ."V." ."" iv munnmmmmmamKmfM eatt -""tsaBaW' e ujS aaaaaa aaaaaaavJT mk- 'bbbbbbbV bbbbbbbbbbbbbbMSSbbbbbbbbb!' You can '.- SP1ND LESS TilME IN THE KITCHBW. if you will buy more PREPARED foods. Then you can give mora time to ENJOYING "your, children and helping them with their lessons.' I Wo have many "goodies" for you to put into their. lunch boxes , and wo can I. ".,"' i sell them to you CHEAPER than V- you can make y9 them yourself Walter W. Marshall the grocer Moles Wanted :ry r if WW, n'i 500 Suckling Mules C XT' hM&Z ouu i ea Flings .3 t-9 is Space For Dates At: p Guide Rock Cowles Blue Hill - Inavale Red Cloud Rosemont 1 Bladen Starke Bros. m i i i u K. aH l "I A . f) 31 r f WF-Jmji T .1 r-7iw?co-w3 -f?i -5tf f iygiffffiF Tr fVuiiy g-Ai !"-r--W