W. .W A" ?-- "".! I RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF r f i It M i fct i gflMBK3M& F j OOHMHHilB1 I The Men's Bible Class of the United Church Will Hold a Memorial Service in Honor of L. P. Albright, Sunday Evening At 7:30 P. M. Evening Subject At 3 P. M.) "Has Man the Right to Worship God According to the Dictates of His Own Conscience?" This Subject Was of Special Interest! to Mr. Albright nnd Had Been Suggested by Him For a Special Address Specinl Music -:- Don't Forget 7:30 P. M. Fred Maurer, Class President Ncbrnokn Gets Publicity Corn and Wheat Bulletin I N' WuM.H an 1 Omaha are Kelt'ii.' n wi ii. Li-fill urn unit of iiinlii'it), lit) iMti'ii of tlic (rev-l ti (lie e.vpnslt mi Figures eonipiii.l In Hihi I'Vaii'MM'-o 'show that more llittti (sixty er ivnl of till' I ,l.M' II.M'W'tlt ll (CHVfl i- Jfi.'l 'J , tlitotiifli Xt'ii itiKn. uiil Omitliii, either j Owlnjr to tlm frem a' jfttutcof Lh iohi-'h coii. cu . of II, c tt irii"i'ii h il 1 nek.vanl ii iai-y. l.-l lHIt tfidW The United Church J. L. 0C06, PftSfor ! io-south c :.tirt iinf- j-Z Zl ,,,:tj asmmmti mtm$D (c 7IRE FIRE FIRE Sago l'mndation Reports that in i,hk country titer. yitNKU EVKRY WKKK IN THE VffAR. on Iheaverage .;,fec Thontres Ten Schools Three Public flails ?o Colleges Tvo Hospitals and Twenty Six Hotcta ; Thousands ot Homes rat eh lire each we.tdi $ WILL YOUKS IlK NEXT? jj "Si America's Grca.es Fire Insurance Company "The Home f N,.V ..rk" carry your ri.sk I Geo. ML VanCamp, Agent 0or Store's tMliliii Store) THEPH YOj. CLAIMS ARE WELCOME . kmi J:?:t till! fTI'O'Atil f nrr-: opi fttunix: Ind. 2.lnw1f7,'t 3 i(MSSSHSSnBSI) Q3 ffiSiSira&33 Pianos and Musical Merchandise UNDERTAKING LKDY RTTENDKNTl Gas Answerer Day or Vii ii7.rv 'it,. - I ED. A MACK Sg ALL THE PHONE i - WeFVCflNWrV. , ifltf lit rr - .. , v. . 'm 3(smmmm SSG5S (mm&t&sitm.L v p , w. ri .t!Ly.. , Z. .W?Xr'' r . " a.', -i . U... .... ,,. i -i ' . . . nils: eV.t :. . '..' 1 ?-tf & nil tliu outKdiiiK journey or uli tlu- rt- tiini trip. Miiiiy of the tntnKs, c-(i-liilly I huso fioin tliu ofintvrii UMi.ti, 1 in.iUc tlii'li' li-ln tliroiicrlj Xlmi-lk i In . , ...,.,..., ,,v jj.jru. ii vim tiirt tiny tuiif, lurking in nmiltlii f itr I Wiy Ijnt iir, m!vm,i for muciI: i.iotf jfirciiim,'. ' lut'oni inivn o, nin-.v.'-iily, It j, I 1 nil iiivllMllnll lo HlOl III .M' III .i-i 1(11 mill UumliH hlmoH evtiry uhvuIIit In the fuuo In ,'jitn i'rimulico. In every villiJiWimt ttfflcc, timl nil Ht'Ui'i- Imvi Ij ui' k'uliUiiteii, 1Kb invititiiuli 1 on every counter, huge hlottcri covoriiiK t lie uoiinturt. In iidilltlon, tickets lire plnectl in envBlojum whii-li carry the hiimu iiivitiitiun. Nothing hut wohIh of eniniiiuiKluiioii me liounl for Nebrailtu un uvvy Mile The trip thruti(;lt tho Htnto leaves a vary ileslrulile improfislon on the ' i. v. -Hi' v 'I'lii'.v huvo Ifirnml lli.it '' ' ihj.,,1 i t ti SMireHl tiuicnltn ol Htnlu ill tbt liniun h ml with tin him ilroJs of inllwi of land croiiniiii; unilur the pt'DJtirlion, Rii ohiwc l1l)l! hits li"Oit ciVfii ivhlrb will i-i.r.., ' for- !! tMJ - - . - . Kardin Farm Receipts j Tin- total rovt'i,ls for 1!)U on fnriins typical of n largo part of eitbteril Xe ' l.ruska Ht emjfiHl f.iKill per fiiriu. Of tliis total, Jtfi I o.uiii from the natural yonrlj iucreiie In live Mock, feed and Clops held for sitlo at the eloso ol the year 'J'he incroase in Hio value of youmj stock const 1 In ten about hall' of the annual reet'ipl.s fiom this source. The (net that the ciihIi receipts are otten siiiuli diieoitraLi most uf those uho do not llK'tire closely on their luri.i l.n-.'iie.ss. One farmer decided he s not inakliiK anytliliiK so lie s-'M '.ft. I'lie ivturus hhowed that he "as ttinj ahead faster than he ex pitted, liuforo hu had time to move totoivu In- was buck to fanning. This ts an i vp- nslve way ut taking an in vent "iy. Total reeuipts am easily tie-'ir-iii.e.l when fanners keep un an i. . .. ii.vioilory and a lec.tml of farm sii". In uonnecLhiii wit Ii td.. I.'.,i-m .1 -- -.. ' M iii.i. enif.it Survey Work, tho Hxten- ..o.i s, t moo will have iuveutoii blanks ami I. ii in .eeord books available lor ilistril.iiLmn in limu to cover next cns buhine-s. These, blajiks are hem;,' prupared in harmony with the ideas of Nebraska fanners who have met with tho Kteatest sueeessin keep til,' praetlcal farm records. "Hogging Down" Corn Unless Nebraska has an unusually ftYWpfcto fall tilts year, there wjji i,t, tii.r.u.a... ..r.l .. .. .i mu nr.; . .ii . ui me ni'ii. mere s latter or ii.J-ir Hie crop by lei lni,' fiT.st, t.iiC '.cclli. . of wl.hi, l.i.i- 1 1, i x ptfctl at. UH.4;""V Jl ls tl,t'r,'l,,i, IrnportRiit, thai e'x'.ify effort possil. e ho.ui'ut to sec pi l'iiihI Hiu.,1 (,... mot H . ---..- .... ,., .,, ( years civ,p. Uh.-i.. au.t. hs' yi-nr'e. , corn is l..'t li st... .1 1 be ;mik- over and over. R!. ..I ..... ' ! ".- mi .s.i-uir s 'hu tnnn i.ie cirl.v cars ' bffi .'.j the I'fol of Uie)op Is tna'nreil ' Suggestions On Seed V-vCorn Selection ! , lleeatise of uniisiiil condlticiis this joir, many farmeiM v.ill tlud I desn-' able to practice parly Held seleeMon (7, seeil corn. Seed corn miiy be safely selected in , thestitrdonirh HHr.', if properly cured. ' The vilalltv of eon: si-leitol etirinr I 'i' ti" l !!u-l .. 1. I.,,. . . , lt'ijf liitliwd iced cum u.it l-..u, dryiit),' rapidly nt thuwuliost possiido ii omutH. If luft HU2 lu a i.iiu foi hh much a few lioun mold m likely to itmt In Jij'ti),' iiniiiatiiio fin ii, ii jv ;,,, pfrtunt to kcop the ears fmni ..lt.se contact. While dn tug, ralu-proof buil lins which provido u freo elrciilatin f air Mid a t-iiii eratitre &Yv,o Ireer'nt; arc hlKhly dfMi'khlL1. Wellprcserved seed corn a jcni t.'.l is Very SHtlsfjii'lOfV. Ueparl iiienl ..f Hxperiuu-Mttil Agronomy, Ci.lh p. of Ajfrlciiltiite I LAffn K i nn. S7 fc 4m Will Do Wonders To Your Chairs 5t&mMEeBm shbsosssi njmmmsm IS YOUR FURNITURE all U A marred and scarred, losing f) neat, new appearance? You (jj can make, it store-new again, 'Q and do it yourself at little cost. ll i 1 -- id me win nnisn a cnair, ailc a dining-room table, UOc the floor of a good sized room. etc. You can do the work yourself with Pitcairu Sole -Proof Colored Varnishes Th give a brilliant, lasting newness, which makes Tfiil4jrj, lok belter and wear longer ready to use as it comes from the can. No mixing. Comes in 14 colors, including transparent, all natural wood shades and other colors. Graining outfit enables you to imi tate expensive woods. I'.tcaini Sole-I'ioor Colored Vhinishe may be tist.d ou ll.jo.-s. woodwork, furniture, radiators, brlc-n-brao, plclnro frames, linoleum mid home articles of evory deicriptlon. Call .-.t the sttiu and let ua sh v.v wij lit. c.ihj little money, you can make your homo mi . n t fn w ll.lt ROY SATTLEY Red Cloud Furniture and Undortuking Nebraska Cool days are here ai.'I il. children alvviiv i .p days, ':HT' U Hid '.! iiiany localities when .the it txitht, cvmes. Stiuli corn is ULi, ,pit' tH'U-a m? tery illlli- v;9uftfit. uonrjiiv tjWse facts i2f'i.w j . I lh. j i.. . .. ntit.iiiii inii'.i.iiini y we- '' ' .'' HrlcnUure i-nllnli should ' . oJ! corn Hy i only can in,' corn nit more f bushel of ' iny sout Ksperl- . I'ed (NoJIcr: of Probate. f. I. Miin.lay. Attorney for I'rUtl.uier. ' In llin .unity i i, un ot Udiitrr I iiini Ni'liraxkii. biiali-uf NciiriiNkn. t , Uvlisitr i otuitj . i To all perMius liitcreste.1 lu tin ,stnu- ot' lolin llacl, lict-east'it: I TAKK MITICI-;, tlial a petition hat liecn I tiled pri Ins that tlieltistt-niiietit III. .t In Hits eourt mi llieiMh day of AilKtlst. ItJl ,, par...rt- I ln a. lie the last will ainl testament i.i Mia ilei'i nseil, may be proved and aliowvd mil ' recorded as the lnl will and ti slain, nt ! ' I.'lui llavil, dri'enscdjtlint said limtrtiu. m I In- uilnilttfil lo prnlitile. mid the niiniiiiintr.-i-1 ion ! raid i -latii be rantp.l in John s. Hail. Kxieuior nniiuil tlieri-iii. It Is In ri, by ordered Iy tlio can. ihti! all perw.iislniereited In kuIiI entitle upp, -ir :il IhiM'iiiintyroiirt t.il... held In and fur .said loumyon ihe UDul.iy of iic-lol.tr. I '.no. at ten u-eloek A. M.. toslimv cause. If any there bu why Die prater of llieietmiinirsliniiM not bemaiitut. and that imtli-u of the pemlciiev olH.ild jiutltl.iti atl.l the hearing IIiit.,. bo alven to nil pi rsnus intereucd In wild mailer hy piihllsliltm a i-oiiy ot tills oril.ir in the II. ,1 'liiuil l hlef, a Icttiil weekly newspaper prlnl- en in aiii etnuity. tor three eonsui-iiiUe weeks prior to Mild day of heariui;. Wltni-Ksiiiy hand and the seal of &:ild i urn i iiiin i nil nay oi tsepu-niher. A. It. .. i . i. . . S)so5a2ag msmsiBm 'mm8fflm& rF 3(H ESE35IS3 HCEEHSH: SJJ A .11(1 Fan lareain mi.'.. (SK.M.I A. II. ItAN.VKt . I'onnty .Indite, notice oi Prolintc. 'V- ' me in t- ny line . bekjrev&t btef. I i ri. : can save you iters. In infant a 'have them from BOc to $$ t&M&y rb ed 0 ! In Misses5 and LadiFrom 50- in ttCJ-O'o. $ Do You Need Any Cotton For Comforts So, I Have a Good Line From the Smdl To the Full Comfort Size at 85c. ' : . 0c lu The ru'inty court ot W.-Hsi.r cm u ' .Nebraska. i state o( Nebraska, i Webster t ouuly, ( 'Sl . To all persons Interesled hi the estate ol i w l li.ua l oas. Pet-eased: I'AKK Nurici:. that a pitlti.in ins been Hied praylne, that the Instrument Hied lu this eourt on the tilth day ol pril yi.,, pnrportlOK lob.. thel.iHt ttlli nnd imaineit . it mild deeeaiitl. nitiv lie pr i..d an I ill. mid and record. t us the last tilll mil ii-i:uiint of William Irtnnl. .Iftc-MM.l. ih.it ,. m.'tu nient bu iiilmltli 1 in piobni" nil ih :1il- iiiluliii ration of wM ttaie is- ..I'tnui to ('qrottiiDlrtnua.-. KNuetitil). nniiii-'. rlu rein. Itlshcrthy oidereil by tlie .,nit. thnt n't i-rtwns tiitereuil it) sntl estni.i iiip-iir ri nei"otmty tturt to Imtittrt In nnd tui "aid ,-unty on tliotSth ttoy rf lu-tolivr, tyir,, nt ' u o'clock o. tu., tOKhott emine.lf n there ' . iliv Ibfi pr-.ver -if bo pirUlomv shiiul t tftvit.-t.-t ml tl i. iiotlvof iht pole' it- tt wttU p. Htion 'tiid the ajiartntj Hereof ' Htvriiw !t per'on" l,Mnre.tJ,ln utltl ,u i 'si b.v .Mh.i'niiiv fjp.t ot tiits erdi i in I.LiUdtSlu tt'iiif a n ; ., ..;.ly nettij. '. 'r pihM.-d fAi.-cd " . "v, J . i-.iVitf riu. i .iliv. ie)g prttn-.ti.iul ! en. ..' 'l i-ir'mt. ll,t Mitlfinnd and ti -'-.! i i s'.Ht . tnrl ,h ijtlll.,t fit riti til. Lit I Mr. V Jl 1 iWv ' ; . a. n. u.M.Nii.y i '! J . l.'oiuvt). J u-1 tie, ' '' .,'iiitriet i 'iri .,r Wfci.str i omitv You Arc Looking For A Good Farm Iiomu As I am desirous of moving to the coast, wish to sell my farm 1:1 mile west of Inavale. This is one of the best 80 acre, farms in the Republican valley. 20 acres first bottom. fiO acres second bottomland, all in a high slate of cultivation. Improvements consist, of a good U-room two story house, a good MxM wash houbc. good barn with hay mow. room for 10 head of horses. 2 good buggy sheds, corn crib, hen house, a good cement supply tank piped to carry water to barn, wash house and house. A good orchard with all kinds of fruit trees. Terms To Suit Purchaser ff Catkins, S 1 naval fe navale, Nebraska rSEStg ir:HMEl (HE sir sB$scsh mmzW&js; A WMIIWil Buy Your Groceries ,,'S , It) I'., 'II. IV. J,Vt;u lf-t, , t , j-.r5ntJK.- 'iww t.hH M lift h ft KtU-'. T'jm. - tiiflf yiil iiJ t'AplPil w,Wt, dfclBimtwt wtlt take notice that the I . 81, ( I P A m i tt t "OT1 j-w( -., -M Wis ere Y"ti Receive ftili Value There V& rft-ison why you should buy yum roefcriej fn-m MH. 'i.o. ;;. ,..t Wtll .'tPIu.M to uu becuu.e il is slii t aud to 4 he point We Have the Goods and Make the Prices. WULI.BR andt rTHE HOME GROCERY i&3sSsSA, smsm&- 'L3fa&ms& m m m If) 1 t Jund ftllAwbtt. U;-l'4jf CA IfiwiUer at dis UIql thre, iMntSturiy itad5unay wMi luM-ist.r, Mrp. Orti. lUrrr and i family. .1 ti H (V li .. i dt, Ol Wwlisler . -nanio'iinknotti, ilr. doyUco, pvrKnoiii r. ... tf-mi l . . and (iMtgnw, and all p. mats itlMSIt..)- 11 tlietrtttuool im-above itiiiin it 'avX " t. Tlefomliintii. te'JaJjovo named mid itcizuaU-d de- aU,nuu mo unxiioirn luirs. .let lues , - , innci afWBlMMXl wilt liiko notice that the Lx - --- -- 'wtx !HlHvelUBiIpl4lnlltrhaillltedlll the aboe y Trs rfr i ,, , MT, A '.iW court hi MiUtlon auatust s.ttd de- IM " w yt i-t.iv i . Unfit MJiarfng. Coupons Olvon With Each l Qo Purchase Purchases of SI .00 or More Delivered Free , -'-r' - For Sale i tu i; h. Sotitii . viu0aerm, S .. 0- JH3 n rs. Barbara Ptwes ssesss b vjtyvi .'.THY US FOR flflTISTIG JOB PRIUTIUC.1. ande' i. Ifooj ,t ba.ru, H!w' ,u t.t.ust, lty wafer, Hwut,4U Mr i at alClf. Unl-.iiu-p fivi-oi lam! and pautiae. Prl.e "!'imi Term, ri.'JOo cah, first iioirtiTut'i nf Sfi.uoo in let, year at j' per cent t,-nil-nuuAii, atid mort.-HtfH nf W.Oiio for live years a I j) pm oeut heml-annunlly, with privila ( pay. Uitf any or nil ntuiiy tlim Write or we K G. llolinnsn, Linoola, Ngbr., Uoliannn IJnUtUitB, Or W. II. Honencrnui, ' AKnt, Httd Olnurt let tlunt. tti otjuat nti'l prayer of which are t. utMn tUju4t!aent- and deem d said cojrt ca0lMnA0iiattsfylnij of record the . ttniu mortsftKc u' tt r of it. r. Jto.u, v e,ittfdly Jiovtd t. " ciu-intid wile, dated I', ivitnn- L lt0. M ( ,'i ..liddd nu nnuo rwl 'bi..ic a of ittrttvtfc records oi wi'.-n I v.uuti, K-r.i;v untl (iutitiin uj..l .. t '.itnitur iq ifiv iM'tittTur r-tiiitir to tin- Utuif , ,'. ,l'-crll.l r, ti ..tit.., ntvii jtoi i nn,t -. ! - -I1 .r&iirVtllAifft o! t-tuit V.b.ci '..ei.. , 'Si' Ni brj4j(t', ,a ..(,' UU-..H lb., v-uJ, dt. iUuts ! fi an l-ufi iioron abvt. taml and dsunativi i a- -tioii attd perpetually enjlbttiit rh. in uite ! : 1 1. 1 taoratiy or them. trcimeritt, up. cinttti I in; r RoMi-timf uty inie or luti ri.n in ntJ 1 r. n.Um, 4v:nw lu plalntltt ! vlrlu. l t;iif morpKMoo: othrwlo, and for gent-mi ciintuUderetitif. 'mrnrnjnlrcd to mwer utj jultiion nowonilleltt theotflceot the CUrk of until court, nt .lied Cloud lu natd rfoumy. on or lioltirei thi8th day of Kuvomhor tfi)& Uated yJptUtibr!"0, 11)16. v Un. Knot. I'lamtttr, . Hv Ihll.liliiakleilitu, Attorney. PPPT hJ oh a pro 8 !r;d8 jRictht Le'-teced Hlgrt find Erected Right OYEflWG BHOS. & GO. Mnharajtt ArtlfVlc. Monument ri Red Cloud, Nebraska S3S3m mmmmm 3wmm&gm S ," 'i"," " .'""-tty" mi'.'tT '" ' " rr!.Tti'yy:lirvj?igy't m ?? x.yw . wwWipyiBlliiiaafttW)! JWWfcvstwiyjjj, V $ J V .jjjjAlL'' Mi .HHHLl IBM !9 k mi?! 71 i . i 4b .jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjH ''V Ijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj! wm