The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 23, 1915, Image 1
stato HlHoilcul Society .lfc. ! mttth - & fcffy criHb i u rtM-V V l!5ry rS W U j v ."! w - i.,-rJ-.-7g?!Wg.r: -aji - ut I figl fl I c m -SS&- m i'iJil A Newspaper That (lives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50. VOLUME 10 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. SKL'TEMHHlt Vi3, UHo. NUMBER H9 It Isn't Hard To Save It is only hard to start saving, and that is only because you think it is. Start saving today by depositing whatever money you can spare in this bank where the safety of your money is guaranteed, not only by us but by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the slate of Nebraska. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA CAPITAL W2.-J.OOO N E If SUITS $10 to $25 HATS 'Snappy Styles CAPS "New Shapes" 3 "Up To Now" MACKINAWS "Great" SWEATERS "Latest Weaves" Satisfaction Or Your Money Back I PAUL STOREY L. P. Albright Dies In Omaha Monday On lit Monthly evening sit a husplH tut in Umtiliu, L. I' Aluiiglit, who vii9 taken thoro nbout two weeks ago for medical tieattnont, died utter 11 sick ness of several months tliinitiot). Mr. L. P Albright was bom March 17, ISM in Milllln County, Ponnsyl v.inln, mid was tit yours old. He ciiuio to this 'county in 187s, iind inimediHtoly bee.imo one of the lend ing factors in the public life of the eoinmunity. Ho was one of tlio organ izers of the second bank in the city, nnd was olio of the tmildets of the St ii to HunU building, in which for a number of years he acted as cashier, lie was republican In politics, and was active in matter's peitnlning to the government of the city, county and state. He served severarjeHrs as statu bank examiner, pot foiniiug the duties of that olllee with veal and ctlloienoy. He was especially active in the religious life of the county, and was enthusias tic In Sunday school work. He was for several successive terms Piesidont of tln State Sunday School Association, and the ability with which lie presided over that body was attested by his re peated elections. He was a nibmbor of the A. O. U. V of the Masonic fra ternity, and of the M. K Church, but during the last few years his principal support was given to the Congregation al people. Probably more than any other man in the city he visited the houses of mourning In this county, and consoled the stricken and bereaved. How much lie will be missed in the future cannot well be estimated. How much his presence has soothed in the past may not be easily measured. He will be long remembered by grateful thous ands, who will recall the many acts and words, of kindness which ho freely gave while living, and whose me'mory will ho an enduring memorial of his service aud character. In the year 1880 he was united in mariiage to Miss Eugenia Sherwood and to this union were born two child ren, Sherwood Albright of Omaha and Miss lotto of this city who together with two brothers ami the sisters sur vive him. The t cumins wero brought to this city Wednesday evening and funeral services will ho held at. tho homo Fri tiny afternoon at 'J.HO Webster County Made A Good Showing The following is a list of our citizens and the at tides wliii'h they won pre miums on at the Statu Tail (i.W. Hummel. White cap corn llh; large yellow coin, Sntl, small jelltnv corn 2nd. ently corn, !lrd; white dent coin, '.'lid; white cupped dent corn, Ilrd; white Flint coin, 1st; maiiglo boots, Slid; summer scpiash, 2nd. Tiank 1 1 tiller: Largo white dent corn, 1st; late sweet corn, 3ud; mangle beets, .Ird. Oeorge Lindsey: Large calico corn, 2nd. Harold Coon: Red pop eorn. 3rd; table beots, Ilrd. Chas. Loverchook: Castor bean, 1st; musk melon, 2nd; Koclcy Ford canto lone, 3rd. Mr. Hruner: Khubarb, 1st. Lawrence l'ieico: Yellow dent corn on stalk, 4th. Audi Crabill: White corn on stalk, 3rd. Mrs. Mcintosh: Squash, 3rd. Hyan Illrkncr: Mangle beets, 1st; yellow onions, .Ird. O. M. Cockrall; Hod onions Sntl; small yellow corn tth. i. jj. u. smitli: Hart leu roars Large Crowds Enjoy Free Entertainment Saturday vlslttns evidently appro elated the com tosy of the city business men In thiowlug open the Tepee for their entertainment Two bundled and sivty nlno persons accepted tho Invitation and "hit the Topeo hall" on Satimhiy afternoon The band also played some stirring tnusle on the street which w.isgicatly enjoyed. Tho men want it distinctly undoi stood that these enteitalnnients nro fiee as water and tlie nunc tickets that are used tho more pleased everyone will bo. Uamliiiastor Hot, has announced that hohas prepared 11 very attractive piograui for the tree baud conceit on this Saturday afternoon, and the fret) motion plctuies which will bo exhibit ed at the I'epeo, will bo as gootl as money can liu v. ltilug the children and come to Red Cloud on Saturday to do your trading. Uesldos tho fice en tertainment, which the business men arc ottering jou. you will find that their prices, quantity and quality con sidered, are as low ns tho lowest. The Clothier The Mill Of Justice ' Grinds Slowly Away The following are the cases which liavo been disposed of, so far, at tills term of district court: Aiuboy Milling & Elevator Compnuy ts Ii. C. Harris, continued for torm. Occidental Building it Loan Associa tion vs Etherton, sale continued, deed ordered. Chas. V.. Ogllvie vs L. A. Glebe, con tinued. Francis A. Vance vs L. A. Olcbe, con tinued. .T. A. Denton, Executor vs Commer cial Hank of Dluc Hill, jury discharged after 117 hours deliberation, on account of inability to ngreo. Henry Vondorfecht vs Leo C. Smith, verdict for defendant for 80 Peterson vs Jensen, sale confirmed. Saunders Itros. vs S C. Shuck, judg ment for plaintlns for S'.tlH.oO. Matido 13. Paul s A 1). Orubon, ver dict for deiendant. Mcta Ehionboig s August Inter, ot. al., Kilo confirmed, deed oideiod. Ueeves A Co. vs John Haiter, ot. al , Bile oonliiuied.tlecd ordeted Puitu.MH Cllllr AlVI llTI'l lib 1 W4 m 1 ft BO Ddrit Strain your Eyes you may Ruin them Come lo Us for Comfortable NewjGlasses IF YOUR EYES ARE "BOTHERING" YOU DO NOT LONGER DELAY IN COMING TO US. YOU MAY IMPAIR YOUR EYESIGHT AND BESIDES IT MAY LEAD TO NERVOUS DISORDERS OR SOME SERIOUS TROUBLE. WE DO NOT MEAN TO SCARE ANYONE, BUT YOUR EYES ARE YOUR BEST FRIENDS-USE THEM WELL, FOR YOU NEED THEM OFTEN AND A LONG TIME. WE WILL GLADLY EXAMINE YOUR EYES AND IF YOU NEED GLASSES WE WILL FURNISH THE KIND YOU NEED TO CORRECT YOUR PARTICULAR TROUBLES AND SAVE YOUR EYE-SIGHT. WE MAKE "QUALITY" RIGHT; THEN THE PRICE RIGHT. E. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist t?"C. B. & Q. Watch Inspector Earl Webor was in Hastings Satur day on business John Gilbert and Max Mior attend ed the county fair ut Franklin last week. Paul Pianois, tho popular salesman ior Swift a Co , i id ui nod Sunday fioin st .loo whute he had boon spending u fow days. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Ellis spoilt Sun day in McCook with friends. Cail Joruburg lotuinod home Sun day from a shot t visit with rclullvos niitl f i Sends. Mr and Mis, J K Cliatioy are visit-' lug their chlldititi at Superior this week ami attending the NuokollH County Pair at Nelson. MR. FARMER:-- Are the dollars you spend for thresh ing coal giving "value received." "I!linois--Egg Size" produces more steam units per dollar than any other threshing coal on the market. THE M ALONE-AYERY CO. "TALK WITH US ABOUT CAL" W. K. White: 1st. Lyman Ksslg: 1st Cole'h Quince apples, Plums, 1st. Miss Spanogle Entertains . On last Friday evening Miss Hollo Spauoglo cntet taiued a number of guosts at her homo at a patty in honor ofDoisey Baird of Hastings. The gamo ol "Sommorsot" was tho princi pal attraction of the evening's entei taimiiont An auction was also hold, nnd a fow musical numbois weto rendored. Shoibeit, cako and collec was servod during tho ovenlng, nnd ut u late hour tho guests tlepaited for their homes nil icportlnguhnt thoy had spout a very enjoyable evening B. W. Stewart Gives In Mi and Mis S. L Chaplin of 107 South Twenty-fifth street nnnounco tho engagement of thuir daughter, Claudia Hirdio to llranson Washburn Stewart of Rod Cloud, Nebr. Tho marriage will take place- curly in October. State Journal. Laying aside good etiquette but wo just can't wait hence wo rise to con gratulate you, Dranson. The Chief Is It-Do You Get It? III LET YOUR Fflhli GOUT .liliWfli'i''lhii1iiiiMW'liiiiWIHll!S SUIT OF SKfiHT WF:'m ;: Express Your Personality Mr 1 WL I P I W vlgS !rj ,.- . U! 1W OUR LINE of Winter Coats is now complete and we in vite your inspection. You will have an unusual oppor tunity to see a splendid display of the newest styles and materials of the season. You will also be interested in our showing of beautiful Dress Fabrics for Fall and Winter. All the newesl weaves and colors. All Out of Town Customers Will Do Given F'reo Tickets To The Topco Thcatro Saturday Afternoon. v Ask For Them. R oscoe P.W eesner &Co. ' 0 .VS A, 4 M ! M IB (Ml Lt m I LU M KB r i'fllil i cm s $1 rf 4 .' n a "S M ., , ..ii..l.ilMiiii..iii.i.ii. wmmim im'....i.i. "i iTfvririr-ffl1" ""- ....m-. I llllllllMi BJ '"' "' """"-- M -:: -:-" . fc.4. 2SS2?TSaESS3EIE!KaWCKS IB3g?3g5?S9$ -a'xv nm)H.M.i.gjgl