mVrSMr WMW WW mtrrpm ftf'V RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF rmmmm . 15c Will Do Wonders To Your Chairs IS YOUR FURNITURE all mnrrod and scarred, losing licit, new appearance? You can mak it store-new again, and do it yourself at little cost. 10c will finish a chair, !tt)c a dining-room table, 90c the lloor of a good sized room, etc. You can do the work yourself with Pitcairn Sole-Proof Colored Varnishes They give a brilliant, lasting newness, which makes things look better and wear longer ready to use as it comes from the can. No mixing. Comes in 14 colors, including transparent, all natural wood shades and other colors. Graining outfit enabl'es you to imi tate expensive woods. l'ltcalrn Sole-Proof Culoteil Varnishes amy be ued on lloors, woodwork, furnlturo, rndlators, bric-a-brac, plcturo f rami's, linoleum nt)(i homo article of every desorlptlou. Call at the store and let us show you how oasy, and for what little money, you can make your home now twain. ROY SATTLEY Furniture and Undertaking Red Cloud Nebraska I its i Buy Your (-groceries Where You Receive Full Value There's a reason tfhy you should buy your groceries from us. The reason will appeal to you because it is short and to the po'mt We Have the Goods 'and Make the Prices. - - P. A.WUL1!$RANDT int nunc UKUttKY i int nunc uwuttKY 5- - ! 2 Pianos and Musical Merchandise 3 UNDERTAKING 'LRDY KTTENDKNT Calls Answered Day or Night I ED. AMACK J ALL THE PHONE . McfAKLAND BUILDING I i wass cca v City Council Holds Regular Meeting Red Clou-), Sept. 7. H15 Tiih Citv Council met 0 1 TuemlHy evening with Major Damriill hint Couiicilnien I'etry, Kooniz, Cildwull Hnd Saladen all pn 91 nt. Thf following buxiiiCKrt whs tranamMtd. Minuti-H of the iii-t-tliiKfl of AugiHI 3rd mid 11 h, wero ren'l. Tiih report of S It F nriinro ivad 'tint approved, Pot ili-iti of G.-o F l'i'pe, -t hI foi side wulk, wua ieid and oh nit; waa or ricred in. Petition of I C. Pope, eta', read for Bide walk, hut no action token. H port of Grant Chriaty nerving no tice on lot ownpra for side walk?, read nd (inierid p aft'd on li 11. Uudrich, mcriiui, u id J O Hut ler, chief of vo uniecr fire department, were present to'close up the new build ing proposition aud arrange for finan cial settlement. Moved by Perry ana seconded by Caldwell that tho miyor and clerk be instructed to approve the claim of C. J Piatt for $270, when the fire department make certain correc tiona in deed and contract. Curried. Floyd Turnure, on behalf of the Hed Cloud band, asks for an appropriation of $50.00 for support of band. Allowed. Moved by Kooniz, seconded by Perry, that city clerk bo instructed to adver tise for bids for a side walk opposite intersection First Avenue on west side of Walnut Street, owned by C. J. Piatt. Carried. Moved by Perry and seconded by Kootz that tho clerk be instructed to advertiao for bids for side walk on south aide lot 21, blk 22, Smith and Mooro addition owned by A. W. Holmgrain. Yeas, Perry, Koontz and Saladen. No, Caldwell. Carried. Following is the canvas vote of the sewer bond election. 1st Ward 2nd Ward For Bonds 33 69 102 Against Honda G9 HI 170 Total vote 92 ISO 272 'Loit by GS The following bills were allowed: Guy Zjlgler $ 140 Q0 W. A. Patten 80 00 Harry HuiTer 75 00 E H. Weber 45 15 S. It. Florence, exp account .... 192 83 O. C. Teel, exp account 77 50 Grant Christy 63 (0 M. McConkey 90 00 C. F. McKeighao 99 75 Frank Cldwson 64 50 FredEddy..., 58 35 H.J.Maurer 4 40 A. B. McArthur 7 00 James Peterson 49 15 R. S. Mitchell 18 50 Turnurc&Son , 5184 Joe Cair , 4 00 Judges and Cleiki 20 00 W. D. Eds n.., 5 00 Sunderland Sup. Co 4 76 MerCoalCo 78 07 Cim Elec. Sup Co 8 13 J. M. Wiaecarver 157 50 J. O. Caldwell 10 25 City Treasurer's Statement Sept. 7, 1015. Mayor and City Council, City Red Cloud, Neb: Gentlemen: I submit statement cover lug receipts utid disbursements of my otllee for the period from Aug, Hid IMS, to Sept. 7, llir. Occupation Fund Amount on hand Aug. 3, '15 S 5lG OS Receipts 48 50 Disbursements 591 ns 278 50 Unhinee S 310 08 Vter Fund Amount on bund Aug. 3, Mfi. 9 051 78 Receipts 3Oo Will You Visit The Exposition This Autumn Or Winter? Thousands nre going to California tosoe that marvelous exposition be fore tho gate are closod December 31st. Many will make an autumn tour at JWUrte" cheap rates, returning before winter, while many will leavo before cold weather for the winter iu Southern California, going via Sau Francisco. The Anal return limit of Exposition tickets Is December til, 1015; those speuding the winter In California should travel either on one way tickets, or there is available the drat class nine-months excursion ticket. The lturlington operates dally through sleepers to San Francisco and r,oa, Angeles via the popular route through Denver, Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake City. Consult mo if you expect to go this autumn. Let mo makoyour through reservations early. Whether you go llrst to Los Angeles or to San Francisco, you liavo Ilurlingtou thiough sleepor fcorvice. lturlington through service-California routes comprise a "Sec America" tour that Includes the scenic, tho highly developod regions, the attractive cities of halt a contlucut. Disbursements, lltilauco f 57 78 050 27 151 Water Levy Fund Ualance on band Aug. 3, '15,.. 12 4C No receipts or disbursements Balance 12 4(1 Registered Warrants outst'dlng 1309.7'-' General Fund Amount on hand Aug. 3, '15.. $ 552 88 Disbursements 123 lo mmm urn Hi N. B, BUSH, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Nebr. L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agt. lnOl Fai nam Street, Omaha, Nebr. fr oSrssmSSisxsTissmi DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OYER STATE BANK Red Cloud ' ' Nebraska E. S, Gscrber Balance 129 78 Electric Light Fund Amount on hand Aug. 3, '15.. S 725 10 Receipts tiliO 'i 13S5 37 Disbursements 8S 33 BELUING'S GELDING'S BELDING'ar BELDING'S Madam, Do Your Silks Give Positive Satisfaction? Or have you been disappointed by your garment being ruined be cause of the silk splitting? Women, buy silk fabrics by judging from appearance and texture. They cannot discern the adultera tions oi iron ana tm and there fore are subject to the prey of some manufacturers. BELDING'S Guaranteed Dress Silks $1.50 Per Yard 38 Inches Wide Unequalod for beauty of finish, variety and charm of color and de signs. A most complete line of Messalines, Taf fatas, etc. All the latest colors, plain and uovelty designs. When you buy BELDING'S GUARANTEED SILK FABRICS You are protected by the guar antee of the largest silk manu facturing company in the world. Batteriek Patterns j j Recognized a s tho leading pat terns the wide world over. You should insist on "Belding's." Not the cheapest but the least expensive. "Guaranteed Not To Rip, Split or Tear" Mrs. Barbara Phares GELDINGS BELDING'S BELDING'S BELDING'S Water Fund 1 fil ' "J Water Levy Fund 12 4! General 12:) 7S1-, Klectrlo Light Fund : 700 (51 j Firemen's Fund U 00 in'' i" I i ii II . V :i!lll!l!'fl!llliMIHlIf!"J Total 8lVl 97 Registered Warrants outst'd"g S100D.72 S. R. Florakck, City Treasurer. Board of Education Holds Short Session i Skit. 0, ioi:. Hoard met in regular session in High School buildiug. (loo. Coon pro siding. Roll call. Present: Coon, Cross, Weesuer, Gllhatn and Pope. Minutes lead.acd'approved ' Board proceeded to appoint election board. Miner Sherwood and (1. W. Hutchison were, nppolnted clorlts; Sam Klze'r,, Henry (Dlde:ich and Walter Warren Judges. Contract for coal .ns let to J. O Cahhvell the lowest Milder at 87 fill per ton for Septt-mber delivery. The following bills were read aud warrants ordered drawn for same: Scott, Forcaman & Co., S 10 40 Milwaukee Dustless Brush Co.,. 2a 00 C. F. Evans 107 43 Weesuer &. Co , 3 75 George Hadell M 20 Rod Cloud Chief 1135 C J. Pope l 4(1 Mrs. Worden 1 Tress Harwood l Red Cloud Auto Co., Raud McNally & Co 7 Sliver, Uurdett & Co., C Superintendent made monthly port. Upon motion made by Weesner and seconded by Cross, that all tools sup plied to the Manual Traiutng depart ment, also all other supplies to teach ers, should hereafter be invoiced and charged to the Superintendent and he to hold all teachers responsible for shoi tnge or loss Board adjourned. C. J. Porn, Secretin y. 50 50 99 92 re- Real Rstatc, Farm Loans aud Insurance. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. Balance 6 700 51 Rlectrlo Light Levy Fund Balance onhnnd Aug. It, '15... uuiie No Recelpts'No Disbursements none Reglsteicd warrants outstanding StllO Judgment Fund Amount on hand Aug. !1, '15... none No Receipts No Disbursements Uulancc none Fii emeu's Fund Amouuton hand Aug. !1, '10... 8 11(10 No Receipts or Disbursements Citizens Hold Mass Meeting At a public meeting held in tho court house and presided over, by Mayor Damerell Monday evening, a com mittce consisting of Mayor Rob ert Damerell, Fred Turnure, C. J. Piatt, Wm. Weesner and Paul Storey was appointed to viait the railway officials to see what could be done towards getting the depot up town. The present location of the depot ia an eye-eore to Red Cloud, and Bhould be placed as far north as Diviaion street. Wc hope the committe will be able to convince the railway company of the necessity of putting the depot up town and in a more conspicioua place than the present site affords, Red Cloud is entitled to a Let er depot and better things from the B. and M. folks. Give ub a building in keeping with the town. Cum-Ad. The above is also The Chief s sentiments Q FOR THE BEST IN THE PRINTING ART QUALITY The Quality of printed mat ter depends largely on the style and originality' displayed in the composition. Mechanical finish and good workmanship are only obtainable through the use of proper equipment. If you de sire Quality printing CONSULT US THE RED CLOUD CHIEF RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA P St iijiii; "MiiHiir 'Wiinui! an;, iimi nuw i :. .iiiiin.iiii. .. . u.itLtiiuTi'ii'iiiLinini'iJii.f: nim;. ji:iir:imiM miu iiniiiiiiiimiiiiusiiiii'iuiiiiiiiiiiniiis 9S fl IF YOU WANT A: jjj PfllHWEflT OH A PTO Iflade flight, Lettered flight find Erected flight ea Ralauco 11 (X) Recapitulation Occupation Fund 9 MO 03 SEE: OVEftlflG BROS. & GO. MakcrsZof ArtistlcZMonumcnts Red Cloud, Nebraska Athcrtlscd Letter List The fullowing is the list of unclaim ed letteisat the post olllce iu this city, for the wecU ending September nth. Otto Carlson Tom .M.msdeld Ralph Nobln Rdgar Smock Catherine Whito Ralph Walters Jacob Zeiler If not called for before September S3 they will be sent to the dead letter olllce 11. U. Li;ts0.v, P. M. In the County Court of Webster County Nebraska. M'AI'KIH'NKIUCAHKA, i u Wutotui County, ( I.n tliu mnttir of the tbUilo ul Murj J I'robaseo, tUcensid. I'UUMTOUSof N.ilileitiUo will take notlco tbiit tho time llmltM (or ircsciitiitluu nml lllllit: ol cliilms UKnliiHt tliu suiuu Is April 1st. 1910, nml (or tliu imymeiit ol ilcbu Is September Hnl, IU10, thru I will hit nt tho rouiUycuurt room In sulil enmity on tho 3rd ilny or April llUr), nt IU o'clock n. m., to re ceive, examine, lunr, nllow, or mljust all olnlms and objections duly tiled. Dated this 3rd day ol .September A. D., l'jir. (Seal.) A. I. HAN.i:v, County Juduc. DR. DEARDORF VETERINARY SURGEON (liaduato Chicago Veteilnary College IWELVK M.AliS I.M'hMCSCE ATIIAILKV'STIK DARN Red Cloud -;- Nebraska R. E. CAMP, D. C, Chiropractor ( Independent !M2 I 1 s Phones Read the ads iu thU Issue. ( Dell Red 101 vqvm,MJwtttfWiw UVtwi)wjpfrtyyfcgji.T?g'iyj rt&mmt s A.JW!aww