HUto Historical Siicltly 'A LM. U" I J U3 V m Vf tk - "" .--TTOt5gEttaa J57-rep.r,w,. 4 NewsMKr That aires The News fiftytwo Weeks Each Year Fr 11.50. VOLUME 43 BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. SEL'TEMHElt 9, 1!M5. NUMBER UT msm The Many Conveniences Which we offer to our customers are not ex ceeded by any other Bank. How much more convenient to Write Out a Check When you pay a bill than to carry about a big roll or a bag full of money. We will be pleased to talk to you if you think of opening a bank account. Interest Paid On Time Deposits 4ala m ftWivPPr .iLw!bM WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA CAPITA!.. SI5.000 it' 6 E W SUITS $10 to $25 Sw HATS "Snappy Styles" CAPS "New Shapes" SHOES "Up To Now" MACKINAWS "Great" SWEATERS "Latest Weaves" Satisfaction Or Your Money Back w.X tf v y- ; Finn AT 0. 11. A Q. DKI'OT t.AKT WEDNESDAY irilnd ?3rd tin Gth (HI. 7th 8lli 51 .12 42 40 42 no 32 jM- 42 57 54 53 41 Principal I PAUL STOREY The Clothier MR. FARMER:- Are the dollars you spend for thresh ing coal giving "value received." "IllinoisEgg Size" produces more steam units per dollar than any other threshing coal on the market. f HE W ALONE-A VERY CO, TALK WITH IS ABOUT COAL" School Opens With Large Attendance School begun. Monday with an en rollment in the grades of MO and In the high school of 20.". Tho following is tlio list of teachers their positions uud tho number of pupils classified: Grade Teacher Enrollment Kindergarten Edna Weekly 1st Louls'o Schumacher Alice Coonibs Anna Gilliam Veula Henderson Katuryne Uurko Irene McQuir3 Minnie Chiiatlan Jessie Kellogg . Nina Simmonds Music High School th 10th 11th 12th Miss Rutli Johnston, Mathematics. Miss Stella Duckor Mathematics Miss Josephine Kiehards Commer cial. Miss Cecile Thornton Economics. , Mr .1. J. Wren Agriculture ami Manual Training ' Mr. W. P. Medlar Science and Hist ory. Miss Edna Runney English. Miss Vernon Storey Latin and (Jer man We are pleased to welcome tho touch ers who taught in our schools the past and previous years. They have proven their ability and we are glad to have them with us again. The new teach ers also are welcome to our city. Prof. Whitehead who undertakes the super iuteudency is a man of wide experience and has a state wide reputation for ofllciency. The fact that he stayed even years in one place and built up a splendid system of schools speaks volumes in itself. He is a pleasant gentleman to meet and is a school man In every sense of the word. Mr. J. J. Wren of Parnam has charge of the agricultural department. lie is graduated from our state4 university and comes with tiie highest recom mendations. Mr. W. P. Medlar, who has charge of science and history is a Doanu college man and is well equip ped for these departments. Miss Edna Rannoy is a Coiner product and will have charge of the English department. This university is considered especially strong in this branch and wo ato con fident that Miss Ranney will givo ex cellent satisfaction. Miss Weekly is from Valley, Nebraska and will have charge of the sub. primary department in the Lincoln school. She Is well prepared for this work having special ized in kindergarten and piimary methods. Miss "Nina Simmonds of York is likewise agruduatc of tho state university and will have charge of the music in our schools Sho has taken .special tvaluliiK in teaching this branch uud this district is fortunate in secur ing her services. To these new tench ors one and all wo extend heartiest welcome. School Bonds Carry By Large Majority A new High School building lh now an assured fact. Tho special bond election, which was held here yester day, resulted in the bonds carrying by the neat majority of 82 votos. While there are about 1'JoO qualified voters In School District No. 3, yet Hhero wire only :ili2 votes polled a37 for the bonds and 155 against them. The need of a new Iligh School Build Ing has been apparent to the entire community for some tinio past, and no small amount of money has been ex pended from time to time, in an effort to make the old building meet the re quirements incident to a rapidly In creasing school attendance, unci now that this grief is a thing of the past, and Red Cloud is to have a new, mod em High School building, each and every citizen, who h-i? the best inter ests of the schools at heart, has just cause to rejoice. - New House For Sale A new four room house with screen ed porch S by 10 feet. Will sell at n very reasonable price. For further information inquire of The Chief. a? iam'ir i w s ww v II i TllBBK 'ff M m ""!. y ,d i Cbnfe Pl A t 'Afr seetwhathisf Ix. . 't . . . autumn otters m OurjJjewelry Store IN OUR STORE THIS AUTUMN OFFERS A WONDERFUL SELECTION OF ENCHANTING JEWELS-SET AND UNSET JEWELRY AND JEWELRY STORE THINGS. COME, PEEP AT OUR CASES GLEAMING WITH LUXURIOUS RADIANCE. LET US SHOW YOU A RING, A BRACELET, A PIN, A WATCH, A CHAIN-WHICH TO BEHOLD WILL BE TO DESIRE. THE "WILL" IS THE PARENT TO THE DEED. WISH FOR A THING IF YOU WANT IT-AND, AND "ASK" FOR IT. WE MAKE "QUALITY" RIGHT; THEN THE PRICE RIGHT. M ., E. H, NjWHOUSjB Jeweler ana optometrist i LITC. B. & Q. Watch Inspector 34 Miss Kathryne llurko of Walnut, Iowa, arrived In the city Friday even ing to take up her duties as teacher in the Llucolu school. II. A. Shute of Mitchell, South Dakota, who was culled here by tho (loath of Mrs. J. I). Crans roturnod home Monday morulng. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Garbcr and Miss Josie Igou loft this morning via tho Ford car for Hutchison, Kansas, when, they will spend a few days. Mrs. II. A. Shute or Mitchell, South, Dakota, who was called here by tlio death of her step mother, Mrs. J. D. Crans, roturnod home this morning. Father Flt.gerald was in Superior Wednesday. The special meetings will be resum ed again in a gospel teut in tho first ward. Early Arrivals FROM THE Centers of Fashion From the Great Displays of Advanced Styles Shown by the Famous LaPorte Mills and From the Big Fashion Centers We Have Bought Our Fall and Winter Display ol Dress Fabrics WE chose only the newest and the best. The first shipment of these LaPorte Fabrics have arrived and are now on display here. Come in and see these rich Fall and Winter Dress Goods in the beautiful La Porte Weaves It will help you to decide what your Fall and Winter Garments are to be, and if you choose from these new fabrics you will save money .and will know you will be in style. in R oscoe P. w eesner &c o, 3d. ,' fi i f ' 1 I 'II ' w ; m m n i mm ; ''.! K ''I 4A 1 i, ')V I f .sWrtdj&KMi Hi SZSi2iSm MKrKaf rs,t -w-y-yit:..t.i,'fjr y-MifrW4MfWMirWiW tdM,& mt"J'"M.-mm mmm frfe-m.-. - Kk .3V'y,.. fJtJt1 ?FVg!3&& '?&'fi?rv :K- Hr-n . .&).