The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 02, 1915, Image 3

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mX c5 ". SHM'KHS, Actlntt Director of
Jtio.Sundiiy Hcliool Course of tlio Moody
LHSHON TRXTI KltiKS 18:30-39.
QOI.DI3N TEXT-Jchovah Is far from
the uickcj; but ho honroth tho prayur of
tlio rlKlttooua. Frov. 15:23 11. V.
Following tho lesson of last week
wo havo (cli. 18:MC) tho Interesting
account' of Ahab'H search for Elijah
nntl of tho prophofs meeting with Oba
dlali. Vornoa G and C suggest tho se
verity of tho drought In tho land.
Ahnb'u accusation, "Art thou ho that
trouhloth Israel," Is replied to by Eli
jah's challenge regarding u contest bo
tween hltnsoir, tho representative of
Jehovah, and tho king's prophets roi
resenting Uaal, (vv. 17-25). In accord
mice with tho stipulations tho prophots
of Uaal uccopted tho challengo and
moat miserably failed (vv. 2C-2U). Tho
placo of this dramatic contest was ML
Uarmel (seo map) and tho tlmo prob
ably 11. C. tlOC.
I. Elljah'a Preparation vv. 30-35.
On Cnnnel'H crown now swarms a count
Isj throng
With oiip br-ivo eouI to ntnnd for God
Clultist mllUoim In thu wrong.
Ucurso 1 Taylor.
Elijah gnvo tho 450 prophets of llnal
and tho 400 priests of tho groves tv.
19) every advantage possible that ho
might tho moro clearly unmask their
error and mnko moro signal their do
feat. Their frenzied cries and coif
Injury continued fruitlessly until 3:00
p. m. Then Elijah announces tho de
tails which were to removo ull posslblu
doubt as to whoso champion ho wus or
who Is to answor his petition, (a) Ho
calls tho pooplo together (v. 30) draw
ing Uicm nigh to God and challenging
their undivided attention after tho con
fusion produced by tho priests and
their consternation over their dofeat.
(b) Ho constructs tho altar (vv.
30-31). Any truo and lasting reforma
tion must Login at tho altars of God.
Restore ono in tho heart, tho homo
and church and there will return to
all unity and strength. Note Elijah's
Insistence upon an undivided nation,
as suggestod by tho "twolvo stones."
Whtlo any lasting reformation must
begin In tho individual heart, still it
it la true and gcnulno it will work it
self out in tho nation. "Israel shall bo
thy namo." Tho "princo that prevails
with God," who had wrought for tholr
fathers, who answered Jacob's prayer,
Is now about to answer Elijah. This
altar was not constructed as a monu
ment to doparted ono, nor for tho or
namentation of tho houso of God. It
was in God'a first cathedral and for
his glory alone. On this altar Elijah
placed his sacrifice
Again Israel is to prevail ovor its
enemies, this tlmo thoso within, not
those from without, (e) Ho covorcd
tho nlUir (vv. 33,34) o. g., poured wa
ter upon It to removo all possible ac
cusation of fraud or trickery. Tho
trench "as greut as would contain two
measures of Beed" (v. 32) is equivalent
to six gallons. Three times water was
taken from tho spring, still flowing
at this placo, and poured upon tho
altar, twelvo jars in all again symbol
izing tho twolvo tribes.
II. Elijah's Prayer, vv, 36,37. Tho
great prophet oven could only secure
through prayer his desired blessing
though ito purpose was "that this peo
plo may know that thou Lord art God."
His prnyor was: (a) Addressed to
God; (b) Grouudcd upon oxperlenco,
that of "Abraham, Isaac and Jacob;"
(o) It was for ono purpose, tho honor
of that namo; (d) It was to sanction
his act in calling forth tho drought
upon Israel au a punishment for tho
sins of princes, priests and people;
(o) It was founded upon tho word of
Jehovah, to corroborate nnd to affirm
tho works dono "ut thy word;' (f) It
was for tho conversion of tho pooplo,
that tholr hearts might bo turned back
to Jehovah onco more.
Elijah, tho man of faith, staked his
all upon tho Word of God, ho gnvo
himself up wholly to tho plans and
purposed of God, and relied explicitly
upon tho covenant-keeping God.
III. God's Power, vv. 38-40. Wo nro
conlldont Elijah had never seen tiro
fall and that ho must havo realized
tho awful catastropho Involved If it
did not fall. Yet ho fearlessly makes
nis pica and tho flro foil. It was not
an accidental stroke of lightning. God,
tho creator, worked upon tho laws of
nature, his Borvant, and wrought con
fusion to his enemies. It would bo a
strange God and father who could not
uso his own laws and creation to pro
duce a moral effect.
Tho abundanco of proof was that
not only tho offering, but tho water
and tho very Btones of tho altar wore
consumod. Risking all, nil is won.
What wo noed everywhere is mon
who will follow in Elijah's steps in
ordor that tho flro of God may come
upon ub. Thoro remained no longer
any doubt, God Is God, Bnal is a sham.
So thoy "fell on their faces," yet in
splto of tho victories of God men to
day refuso to render unto him like
obcdlcnco and worship.
Compare in Ibis connection tho flro
of God's holy spirit which camo upon
tho apoBtlcs and bcliovcrs at Pcntocost
and tho resultant convicting powor
convincing tho people of Jorusalem
that tho crucified Christ was tho son
of God.
J New Sports Sweater for Fall 1
No outllt Is qulto complete In thoso
days without a Bweator of some sort.
And thoro is a wide and varied cholco
In sweaters, for thoy ar claiming more
attention than ovor before in tholr
Thoro are finely woven Bwcators of
silk, In gay colors, which ono sees nt
tlio afternoon concort, at tho country
club, on tho beaches nnd tho golf
links, nnd In any othor outdoor meet
ings of fashionables. There nro sweat
ers considerably llko them, niado of
artificial Bilk, usually in moro vivid
colorings than tho all-silk variety.
Then thoro nro tho practical wool
sweaters, similar to that shown In tho
picture, and belonging to the samo
The new modols are carefully de
signed to the ond that thoy may em
body JUBt tho right stylo. In tho ex
ample pictured hore, for instanco, it
will bo noticed that tho slcoves are
woli shaped and finished with a cuff
at .avJBvJBvJBvJBvJBKE&ltw& " SBWv
'..'Bb'Jb'Jb'Jb'JbsT :5 j Br" X.
Three New Models for Fall
ffr f jhAA TIkzL jV. YV&. JaBBBBBaBBtl -a
Of all things, millinery requires
careful choosing, and, nftor it Is
bought, tho hat requires careful plac
ing on thu head, If It Is to fulfill its
dostluy. According to nn old millin
ery maxim that destiny Is to Improvo
tho appearance of the wearer. "You
must look better with your hat than
without it" that Ib tho exacting tost
to which each now mode is to bo sub
jected. Tho throo now models for fall,
which appear here, aro typos that will
repay a llttlo study on tho part of
thoso who consider things before buy
ing thom. Thoy lncludo a small tur
ban, a turban with extension crown
which forms a halo brim, nnd ono of
tho graceful wldo-brlmmcd hats to
which fashion la extending welcom
ing hands.
Quito a number of thoso wide
brimmod hats aro shaped with brims
turning upward at tho back. This has
brought In tho undorbrim trimming
ugaln and It Is not confined to wide
brimmed shapes. Short, curling
ostrich plumes fit Into the trimming
of tho undorbrim In tho most graceful
Tho small turban Ib mado of corded
and button. Tlio patch pockets leavo
a turnover flap, and tlio now order of
things in belts is recognized. Tho col
lar may bo turned up closo about tho
neck If required.
Hocnuso this Is a sweater for real
comfort in cool days It is rather heavy.
Its usefulness begins with fall, and
continues to tho coming of another
summer, for it rolnforcos tho too light
wrap in tho dopths of winter. It Ib
an excellent modol to choose for the
young girl to wear to school during
tho autumn months, and nothing could
La hotter designed or arranged for
sports wear.
Swoaters of wool stand tho rough
handling which they are likoly to got
from young pooplo, and continue to
look nono tho worso for It Now that
thoy are mado in beautiful colors and
with bo much attention to style, the
field of their usefulness Is wonderfully
silk, ond would bo equally offectlvo In
panne volvot. Tho mntcrlal Is covered
with corded tucks and serves for the
covering of tho hat and for Ub trim
mlng. The edges are finished with a
silver tlnsol braid which has tho effect
of nocdlowork. It looks llko closo-sot
overcast stitches, and needlework
decoration Is a feature of tlio now fall
Tho turban with oxtonslon crown Is
mado of black velvet and whlto
chiffon. A bead work ornament trims
tho front and la mado entirely of
whlto beads.
Tho soft and gracoful brim of tho
third hat bespeaks for It, and for
ninny othors of tho samo character,
first placo in tho favor of young
womon. It is mado of velvet In black
or ono of tho dnrk Bhados of fash
ionable colors. Tho trimming Is of
whlto fancy ostrich and looks llko a
hit of flro works, dono In frost 'It
throws Its sprayB In front of tho loft
oyo of tho wearer with nn abandon un
known to ornaments hitherto. Hut It
Is strong In tho knowledge that It Is
loss In tho way of vision than many a
x - '
Wife Never Had Best of Temper,
But Spiritualism Sends
Her Amuck.
Muttered at the Sink Because Water
Didn't Run Fast Enough to
Suit Her, Sayn Exasper
ated Husband.
Detroit. Mich. Twenty-two times In
tho last fifteen years Mrs. Helen Ward
has packed her clothed, the family
pictures and china and quit her Job
as tho wife of John 1 Ward, a middle- !
aged druggist and violin maker.
Twenty-one times John Ward laid
ashlo his pestlo and mortar or a part
ly lltilshed violin, as tho case might
havo been, and sought out his wlfo
to plead until she returned and put
i hack Into their places the china and
family portraits.
A few days ago, In a dingy back
loom of his drug store, with a partly
finished violin across his knees, he
told tho story of how his home, his
business nnd seven years of his life
had been wrecked. "It was seven
years ago," ho said slowly, "that a
woman entered my home with this
spiritualism tomfoolery. I tried to
stop It, but I was too late.
"Mother took It up and wouldn't
drop It
"She never had tho best of a tem
per, but we got along fairly well until
sho was medium-stricken. After that
oh. well! temper Is a weak word
ifter nil
Spirits Bad-Tempered.
"Tho deeper mother got Into spirit
unllHin tho uglier she became. She
never seemed to got an amiable
spirit. It wouldn't hnvo been so bad
if she had. I think It wiib cither
'ninck Hawk' or 'Ited Eagle,' dopart
ed Indians, whoso spirit possessed
mother. I'vo Been her, when bIio had
'em, mutter at tho Bink becnuso tho
water didn't run fust enough to suit
"When I protested sho would fly
Into a rago, pack tho china and fam
ily pictures and quit. Often It took
two weokB to find her. When I did,
sometlmea bIio was Borry and ready
to return. At other times she was
ugly and I had to coax her.
"Onco I thought sho was nearly
cured. A daughter by my first wife
attended a seance. The next day she
She Smashed Vases Valued at $150,
While the Officer Looked On.
was possessed of tho spirit of her
departed mother. Her stepmothor
didn't llko that a llttlo bit ond tho
powers sho summoned from below or
abovo mado tho other spirit retreat
aver tho dlvldo.
Smashed the Vases.
"Two or throo years ago, when tho
tight skirt had Its Inning, mother
mado one. After sho put it on alio
camo downstairs, twisted herself be
fore tho mirror and said, 'How do
you llko It, John?'
'"It's all right, mother,' I answered,
'but put your foot on tho chair.' Sho
did, and then I said, 'You will mako
a display, mother, when you got on a
street car
"That night when I wont upstnlrs
after closing tho store, mothor, hor
clothes, tho pictures and the china
were gono. I found out where sho
was, but sho wouldn't return. Sho had
placed tho china nnd several hand
pnlntcd vases at a friend's, and I got
a writ of replevin to get them back.
"When tho officer went to servo the
writ mother was there. What could
ho do with tho spirit of Black Hawk
backing mother that night?
"In addition to breaking up our
homo It haB takon monoy to keop
mother traveling with tho spirits ol
redskins and doctors who died a hun
dred years ago.
"Mother has had to tip Caesar, Bru
tus and thoso other follows who nro
conductors on the transcolcstlal trains,
or mnybo they're In tho subways; 1'vo
forgotten, though mothor told, mo
onco. I'vo paid tho bills; I need money
now, but no, I don't bellcvo that
mother hM n good time out of iL"
Bible Also Included in Plunder
Taken From Home With
Martial Insects.
Hartford, Conn. If two curious and
unilsunl burglars who ransacked tho
curio room In Herbert ItnndaU'fl hotfte
bring forth fruits meet for repentnnoo
ho thinks they will return nn old lllblo
thoy took, whntovcr disposition thoy
may mnko of two red-robed lleaB thoy
Included In tholr booty. Tho lllblo
wns printed in Grook, nnd was moro
than a century old. Tho fleas woro
considerably youngor and dend.
"Tho fleas were dressed In red uni
forms," said Mr. Itnudnll, "I bought
them from an old lady In Seattle who
Ransacked the Curlo Room.
mndo a living dressing Houb In martial
array. They reposed In llttlo hoxoa
against n background of whlto cotton,
nnd I often observed thom through a
microscope Tholr martial Hplrlt had
long slnco fled, but I hopo thoy corao
to llfo nnd tnko vengennco on tho
When no ono wbb nt homo two mon
were soon to enter Mr. Randall's houso
nt noon and leavo an hour later. Thoy
carefully piled up a quantity of sll
vor, but loft It Intact. Thoy Ukowlso
spurnod a gold nnd poarl necklace
and numerous gold pins. Thoy mado
tholr solectlon almost entirely from
antiquities and curloB, of which Mr.
Randall has a largo collection. The
only modern articlo thoy took was a
now suit of clothes.
Ono of tho valunblo objects
missing Is an antlquo Roman gold
pin, which wns presented to Mr. Ran
dall In Vonlco by nn Italian wom
an of rank. Thoy removed and loft
behind n topnz ntono which was Bet
In tho pin. Many rare Greek colnB, a
cameo pin bought In Scotland, a
unlquo diamond pin nnd an old gold
watch nro among tho missing arti
cles. Mr. Randall places his loss at
Whiting Built It Himself, for Himself
to Wear on His Own Head, So
It's Hla Own Affair.
nangor, Mo. William H. Whiting
of Jonesport, a BoncoaBt vlllago town
In Wasmngton county, doesn't enro It
ho ib caugnt out In tho rain whllo
wearing nis now hat. It Ib mndo of
tin and haB a band of copper. In gen
eral build and dimensions it conforms
to tho 1915 model worn by fnshionnblo
young mon. Mr. Whiting concluded
that strnw wan too flimsy, wool too
hot, and Panama too costly, so ho
went to his own tlnshop and from the
thinnest tin that ho could find built
for himself this novel hat It shines
gladly In tho sullght of tho morning,
reflects tho glory of tho sunset, nnd
echoes musically in tho rain.
Tho only think about It that makes
Whiting any way norvous Is that somo
day It may nttract a bolt of lightning.
People "guy" tho hat, but Whiting
merely observes that it's his own hat.
Wander Seven Miles to Spot Where
Calves Were Killed In
Philadelphia. Employees nt tho
cattlo pons at Paoll freight station
woro puzzled tho othor day when thoy
found two stray cows noar tho pens
when thoy roportod for work. Tho
cows wero lowing and wouldn't be
driven away.
Whon F. II. Dornholsel, a cattlo
dealer of Nowton square, arrived, ho
said that tho cowb woro tho moth
ers of two calves found trampled
doad whon a car containing a herd
consigned to him was unloaded at
Pnoll. Tho calves wore burled Boon
oftor tho unloading and nornhoIsol'B
employees drovo tho herd to his farm.
Tho two mother cows got away from
tho pasture during tho night and
mado tho Bovcn-milo Journey to tholr
"babies" at Paoli In dnrkness.
Inventor Hao "Invisible Submarine.'1
Donvor, Colo. Patrick Kcenan of
this city has applied for a patent on
what ho characterizes as an "Invisi
ble submarine" Keonan's Idea Is to
clotho tho portions of tho craft nbovo
wator with mirrors so that they will
rolled tho color of tho waves.
c! Q
May Find Help in Thi
Letter. I
Swan Creek, Mich. "I cannot speak
too highly of your medicine When
through neglect or
overwork I eot run
down and my nppo-
tito ia poor and I
havo that weak, Ian
rtuld. ulwava tired
feeling, I got a bot
tle of Lydia E. Pink
hnm's Vocotable
Compound, and It
builds me up, gives
Htnrim mn in nnffti
hcnlUi nrcnln. It Is truly n great bless
ing to women, nnd I cannot speak too
highly of It I tnko pleasure In recom
mending It to others." Mrs. ANNtQ
Camgkon, K.F.D., No. 1, Swan Creek,
Another Sufferer II ol! overt;
Hebron, Me. "Hoforo taking your
remedies I wns nil run down, discour
aged nnd hnd femnlo weakness. I toolc
Lydln K. I'lnklinm'ii Vcgotnblo Com
pound nnd used tho Snnntlvo Wash, and
ilnd today that I mn nn entirely now
woman, ready and willing to do my
liousework now, where before taking
your medlcino it wns n dread. I try to
impress Ukii tho minds of nil nlllnu;
women I meet tho benefit Uiey can
derivo from your medicines." Mra.
CllAULra Ilowrj, Kennobnjjo, Malno.
If you wnnt RpocinI advlco
wrlto o Lydlji K. IMnklinm Mcd
lolno Co., (confidential ) Lynn,
Blnss. Your letter wll lo opened,
rend nnd answered Iiyinvnmaa
and held in strict confidence
Don't Persecute
Your Bowels
Cut out cathartics nnd purptlvft. They an
uimat, uaiBii, unnecessary. lOW
Purely vegetable. Act .
Kenny on tho liver,
enminnio imr, and .
membrane of l
bowel. C u r I
Sick lltid.
cht tat lailftillon, mlllicni know.
Genuine must bear Signature
Naturally Indignant.
l.lgo, an old darkey, was aulng hla
wlfo for dlvorco, nnd stated in bia ol
legations that his wlfo had run off
with another negro and that sho re
fused to return nnd live with him.
A pnrty meeting up with Llge re
marked: "Llgo, I understand that you are
suing your wlfo for dlvorco?"
"Ya-ns Blr, boss; I dono gono and
sued hor."
"Well, Lige, upon what grounds zxy
you bringing your suit?"
"Hoss. It's Jlst llko dls: Sho bin
run'd off wld 'nudder nlggor 'bout fo,v
years and I Jlst mado up my mind to
quit her."
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully ovory bottlo o
CASTOillA.asafonndBuro remedy for
imams and cnildren, and eee that It
Dears tho
In Uso For Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Flotchcr'a Castoria
No Insurance.
In a small town a restaurant pro
prietor who la a closo ohoervor of the
table manners of somo of his guests,
has posted tho following sign:
"Not responsible for Injurloa
CauBod by Eating with Knives."
Not Always Flourishing.
"Lovo cannot dlo."
"Maybo not. Hut sometimes it gets
a trlllo bilious." Loulsvlllo Courier
Journal. Its Definition.
"What's this rnll of tho wild thoy
talk so mur-h about?"
"Tho Joy rldora' honk."
Be Warned in Time
Do you havo backacho? Aro
you tired and worn out? Fool
dizzy, nervous and depressed? Aro
tho kldnoy accretions Irregular?
Highly colored; contain sediment?
Likely your kldnoys aro at fault.
Weak kldnoyB glvo warning of dis
tress. Heed tho warning; don't
delay Ubo a tostod kidnoy rem
edy. Nono so well-recommended
as Doan's Kidnoy Pills. None so
universally successful.
A Nebraska Case
Svtry fte
Mrs, J. J. 81m
mrlnB, 219 W. Sev
enth St.. HaBtlnga,
Neb., eaya: "I had
terrible pains In my
back and tho secre
tions from my kid
neys were Irregu
lar In passage. Ono
doctor advised an
operation and my
suffering' boa a m o
Inu osortbable.
Donn's Kidney
Pill nrtnrt Ilka
turf TilU
m Storf
wvk . V flw!!1
I '"g- ' J'
H P a ntrn'r
9w fSm.
lliifr 1
maple. In a few days, they rid me
of the pain and contlnuod uso cured
mo. I havo had llttlo causo to com
plain since."
Gel Doan' at Any Store, 50c a Box
I f
i t
II Oil