r - i,(- f& 4 I .""JrflWwJy .,, r-Tvrwv -v t.nP rrvvispippp ''" italo HMnileiil Such ty mJarz2 USSCu. WBSSassssstMsm-. iimiini , r-n -g"Tyg.?gi'gSf'i'1f A Newspaper TTiat fiWes The News Ffty-two Weeks Each Year For 11.50. VOLUME 43 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, SEL'TEariltili J, 15. NUMBER :t .in, I i a1 iff rr WE REQUEST THE PLEASURE r d p. a ni v. u. ix . isepui Damaged By Fire Of conferring with you as to youi Account. While adhering to a policy of .safety and con servatism, we make it a point to give to our customers close personal attention and an in telligent recognition of their needs. If the highest character of personal banking service ap peals to you we shall esteem it a favor to be honored with a visit from you. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA CAPITAL KUn.OOO Young Russell Wins From The Dutchman SUITS At 20, 25, 50 Discount The backward season and general conditions make it imperative that we unload. We are going to offer you the greatest opportunity to save money on CLOTHES that we ever did and you cannot afford to miss it. ONLY BLUE SERGES EXCEPTED In This Sale of Both Men's and Boys' Suits SPECIAL PRICES ON OXFORDS AND STRAW HATS THIS SALE IS FOR CASH And Cash Only. No Other Terms at These Prices Think of it! $25 Suits Going at $12.50 JUST Vz PRICE Do Not Delay! Get In First And Get The Cream! Do It Now! On Wednesday noon iillro nliirm was turned In, and InvesiKutlon disclosed the fact Unit tliu C. 13. & Q depot was on tiro. It is supposed tlmt sparks ftotn mi engine caimcd the blaze, which, when discovered, was on the roof nt the freight storage rooms Tho lire department tespondod prompt ly, but owing to a strong south wind tho low water pressure, and the head way which the tiro had gained, they ete tumble to get the blaze under control, before tho building had been almost totally destioyed. Fioin the olllce room west, Including the gentle men's waiting room, tho express and baggage 100m, the freight storage room and tho transfer sheds, the tire made a clean sweep. All ol tho contents of tho building with tho exoopMou of some storage goods, was moved out of range of the lire. A freight car, which was being loaded on the north side of the depot, and which contained tho furni ture of Win. Bear, a jeweler formerly in tho employ of 10 II. Newhouse, was totally destroyed. Agent Hush and his assistants have taken up temporal y ofileo rooms in a box car, and It U presumed that the railroad ofllcialls will at ouce begin to repair the damage caused by the lire. lu 1913 the old building, which thcJ city had long since out-grown, and which, by the way, was an eye soro to the entire community, was worked over audi e-tnodeled into the structure which was so badly damaged as above stated. While this odilice was con siderable of an improTctnent over tho one before it, yet at no time lias tho city ever secured its just dues from the C. H. iV, Q Red Cloud's promi nence as a division point, its ideal lo cation for the receiving and shipment of stock, and the largo volume of busi ness handled hero, entitles the city to better railroad facilities then it has ever enjoyed. The entire community would like to see a new, modern brick striietuto erected now, not on tho ashes of this old building, but nt a point nearer the center of the city. On last Friday evening another wrestling match was pulled olf in the N'owhoiisc building with a latgo num ber ol the city's best in attendance. Harold Coplen and lOarl MeKlmmey put oil the Hist picliminary match and the latur secured tho llist fall. Tom MeCalley of i'riei.d and Vernon Zeiss of this city pulled oil' tho second pro lliiiiiuiiy. They wore both in good condition and the match lasted fort) live minutes without a fall With this mutch Vernon has tetired fiom the mat The main wiestling bout of tho even ing was then put on. Oliver l'owoll was the refciee and announced as they took their places, the wiestlers, llus soil and the Flying Dutchman nud then the tussle begun. Russell won the Hist fftll in fort j four inlnutos and the second one in thirtythree minutes thus winning tho match It was very In teresting and both of tho men were nt their best. Uoy O-itinan olllclated as time keeper. Another match will be pulled oil' here Friday evening, Sept. lUih., at which time Young Hiissell will meot Tummy Doctor, who holds tho champ ionship of Kansas. Nrs. Cora Crans September Jury List - The following la the list of Jurors who who serve on the jury term of District Court which convene In this city on September 1.1th The Jury Is summoned for the 11th. John lteyko Louis F. Kent O. ,1 IIolmgrHln Onno Meents Hoy Stevens John De.Mars T.J. Diamond John l'iol Frank Coon A U. Strong Stanley Hull Rett llneves lleo. Iirommer Fiauk Duffy Henry Uartells Will Sundeineycr James Keaglo II. H. Crowell II. Soinerhahlur Frank Stokes N. U. Slmeihon W. 0 Wurron J. A. Toinllnson W. A. Crary : -M-rmmBiJn. -r4r TfciW j . w u.m v 'V&jS&JBr 1 Whose Clerk Am I? WHY, I'VE BEEN EMPLOYED BY THE BEST JEWELRY STORE IN TOWN--E. H. NEWHOUSE. MY NAME IS "BEAU BRUMMEL" I AM ALWAYS HAPPY AND CHEERFUL. I WILL MEET YOU EACH WEEK IN THE NEWSPAPER. YOU WILL LIKE THE INTERESTING THINGS I WILL TELLJYOU ABOUT MY JEWELRY STORE. WE ARE GOING TO BE GREAT FRIENDS. WE MAKE"QUALITY" RIGHT; THEN THE PRICE RIGHT. E. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optomotrlst Vtt'C. B. & Q. Watch Inspector Miss Amy Arnold of Blue Hill iw visiting Miss Penrl Shorer tills week. Mr. and Mrs. N. It. Hush roturnod homo the ilrst of tho week from Colo rado I have opened up tin olllco for the buying and selllug of real estate, and will make a specialty of Webster county land. List yourfatm with me. Olllce with Webster County Hank. 15 F. Mizmt S. II. Johnson of Cathorton precinct was In town Tuesday. Rov. Dates will return homo ,tho hist of thoweok and will hold services in the Episcopal church the next two Sundays. Miss Hose McOuiio had the misfor tune Sunday evening while stepping out of tho depot door to fall lusiich a man ner as to fracture one of Ijor limbs. PAUL STOREY The Clothier MR. FARMER:- Are the dollars you spend for thresh ing coal giving "value received." "IllinoisEgg Size" produces steam units per dollar than any 'threshing coal on the market. more other THE MALONE-AVERY CO. "TALK WITH US ABOUT COAL" On August 2Sth, Mrs. Cora Crans wife of J. D. (Jrans died at their homo in this city after on illness of sovernl weeks. She was born in Westport, Missouri, November 30th, 1803 uud was nearly 52 years old. Her maiden name was Cora Swain and on October 23ndf 18ll she was united in marriage to J. D. Crans at St. Joseph, Missouri. They made their homo at St. Joseph for two years and in August 1800 moved to this city where they have slnco resided. Soon after moving here, sho united with tho Haptlst church and was elect ed organist, which place sho faithfully filled for several years. The funeral sorvlces were held at the Haptlst church Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Colo ofllciating. Interment took place In the city cometory. Sho leaves to mourn her death a husband, father, one brother and sister and a large number of friends. Weekly Weather Forecast Weather forecast for tho week bo ginning Wednesday, Sept. 1,'15 issued by tho U. S. Weather Hureau, Wash ington. 1). C , for the Upper Missis sippi Valley and Plains States: , Higher temperatures Wednesday will be followed by a moderate fall about Fildnj nnd by seasonable tempcraluic thereafter. The wouther will be gener ally fair. New House For Sale A now four room house with soteen ed porcli S by 10 feet. Will soil at a very reasonable prlco. For further information inquire of The Chief. Tho United Sunday school had a pic nic Wednesday. Early Arrivals FROM THE Centers of Fashion From the Great Displays of Advanced Styles Shown by the Famous LaPorte Mills and From the Big Fashion Centers We Have Bought Our Fall and Winter Display of Dress Fabrics WE chose only the newest and the best. The first shipment of these La Porto Fabrics have arrived and are now on display here. Come in and see these rich Fall and Winter Dress Goods in the beautiful La Porte Weaves It will help you to decide what your Fall and Winter Garments are to be, and if you choose from these new fabrics you will save money and will know you will be in 'style. I3 1 R oscoe P. w eesner &Co. v ; t i A ' ViH $& & .'..B..1 M 7 .1 :: .1 u '. tttftl t 'S IJT Q Al f K -Bil' m S5WiKMSrj nsMMmc:' imsssaaziss i A