f- RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. CTTTF. F i $ f V mmmmmmm warn mm mmmmmmm RUGS! s I Our Fall stock of Rugs jusl arrived and our lines are now complete both in 1 I . XV T t . ' size and quality. We were fortunate in buying our Rugs early before the ad vance, and our prices will be the same although the mills have advanced prices from 50c to $1 a rug. Avminiclr (mm .4 1 ft nn in Qy 1 IS TnnisirvRnifiSftls. Rorlv Brussels. Velvets. J Wiltons, Wool Fibre and grass in all sizes and at the right prices. ROY SATTLEY Furniture and. Undertaking ( g Red Cloud Nebraska 8 Report of the Condition -optim:- Vebster County Bank RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. (ImrtrrSn Mil. Ini-.irnirnlid In the tnti of Nibrn hi. nl tliii i-IOHi iif litf.li.. t iMiit 1 , I it ui.iiirin t v fiOltH Hid ItlMMltlltlH Owning m-cuml ihuI uikiwii ! Kitrnll irr 111..I I'lxluit ( urn nl Tjii iim" niiil luxf paid Din (nun imlluiinl nail Mali' milks . .. . SUi.lliiiw ( Iim koiui'l Hi llf.ul tXl'llllllUi 'Ml !" ( irn 111 iiml ifKl ... 2.H1UM siivir iiii-kPlH iiml leitti --7 ill loini (11I1 on lintiil sim"-! 21.1" I VKI '"1 i'injTf, J I'll mj 21 i'l (V 'Hi lini i.i win.ttini: i iii'ii ii -1 Tk paid lit S i-plus t ni'l ' ' ' 1 .1 i.i ii ,irn Iih iiiiiiwili 11 il ihiiHk nuljri 1 loiiii' k .. ii.mTSii lliuritml Ucmintid tortl- IlK'ili sol lepolt .- '2VHW. Tnllll lw limits m .. .. "I ""1TI I'ciH.sit'irV Kiiitrntily luiiil ms.7.1 I. .111 J I'llMi'JI si 1 ..in i-ii:isk., !, I mini v nl w h-.lnr. 1 !,-. H I t.iniiMl'. ctmlili r ill tin iii'-i.r-11 mid iitink. ilolteriilu' sweur llt'tl tin abmi sfiii nn nt In 11 riiirwt and true ni nl tin- n purl nnili to the Mate Ifinkltm liniird. !S It. I'l.llH M I.. n 1 nliU r. j 1 1 V111 1 Ilrulir. i 11 I . M11 11, lilrictnr. j suiiMrlliiil mill Hivnrn tu befuie mi- tlili A h da "I iunt I 111.). I , 1 i II? i:n M'li Mi Nl M, 1 Nolan I'liliUe. ' fSBBSS -asssss- o&S&35gSS Buy Your Groceries i Where You Receive Full Value There's a reason why you should buy your groceries from us. The reason will appeal to you because it is short and to the point We Have the Goods and Make the Prices. w7" 'J P. A. WULLBRANDT THE HONE GROCERY 8 Pianos and Musical Merchandise 5 UNDERTAKING LRDY KTTENDKNT Calls Answered Day or Night ED. AMACK ALL THE PHONES McFARLAND BUILDING THECALL OF THE COAST Notice of Special Bond Election SCHOOL BO.MKS Pursuant tin rrroliitlmi iiluptut lij thu It mrd ( I dui-itlou nl tin- 'ilmil I'lstrlil of tlir i in nl Hi il ( liiuil, In V i bstc r i mint) . Nilu.lfikn i Ik Inn Sfhool I Iti It t No. 2 ol until i'iiuiUj at llu-it vtular ihCLtlui; Aumtit !!, IMP Nntltf Mhciihy ulwjn tu tho iiinlllltil otcrs nt iald iehool district Hint n spielnl diction ! ailed to be liflil nil i-iti-ni'iirh, Hii i, In nml fur Willi school ilMrli t tin- poll tun l Itu-i to tin nt tin l'lrciiii n 1 1 rill in Itul l loini and the polls opi u betut m till IlI'lHN of 'lo i Itiek it in. nml 7 u'l'loi-k p. in of k:iM iht) nt which election there Is submitted to the, said voters. -. lio nmy c.iri thilr ballots therenn. tin- follow Imr proiiosltluit: shnll the llunril of IMitt-ntluti of thu s:ilil Sihool IMstilctof tliui'lty of Iti-il (.'loml. In the county of Wc-IMer In tin- Stnti of Nt-ln lis k:i lip niitliorlul to Issuts nml ntuothito t lit; iHimlsiif siiIiImIiooI illHttlft. to he known ns tlii-llliih Si-hnol Itonils of Mtlil district, In Ihu ns;nrri;t(' mini of S Vi.tXiO.W, to lit- Isniuil In ilcniitu nations from S'OO to KMlmrli, pny nblo to lu-nrer, lorliiK minnal Inti-rcst at rj percent per niiiitini, roiirest-ntcil h.v coupons attaclicil totlir bumls, nml to liu Usucil mul iliMi-tt NoTemlur 1, liilii. innUirlnjr tMt-nty ytuirs nftur unlil ilntf. luit pnynlili at thu option of said dUlrlct at nay Interest pay. nistit it.ntc Kflwr tlio .irarn, mid payable at Uie oilier of tht-iitalr lrc.isun.-r of Ni-brHNkn. S.ilil buuiNto lo olid cil on tlm open iimikiM mill wilil to tllb lllv'lltit blcldiT fnr lint li'H tlinii par valur. with iu'rrud Intcrist, nnd iiiii boollertil liiht-pmiilu aiuoiinth or lots, and Hit prooceiU tlu-ruif to bo nseil only lor t ho pur pose of erect Inu. fiirnlshlminnd llnhli. Iiiira llluli School liulldlni; fur s.ild district upon thu block olitrouiul now oceiii Icil by, mul to take the placo of the presint likh hchnol bulUtlim, known an tho '-Wasliliutoli School.'" An'l lmll tlio Ilonril of EiUientlon, or other prnpi-r hitnl imthorlty cauio to he Icvitd'nnmial- j ly upon 'lie tixntiln property In said district n ' lux sulllc ii t In uililltlon toall other tnxtH. to pay he lu'eii-st ii i tulil lunula aa the saniB imiture, I ui il to iiroMilu n tlfiklnit fund for tho pit) went nf the prlncifil hv the final maturity thereof. , Th form of tmllut lo ho u e 1 at enlil election i rhull he us foll'-u : . mull hi u mi inst) ntm-osmoN j Vote for one. Tor Hli;li tho 1 lolls anil tax ( ) Aif.iMHt llihh wch'Miinil anil tax ( ) Ami to ho vo'oJ ami tn irlel by makliiK n cross , in tin' iiiu.il in nine' In t'ii upuru provliUil for 1 tint P'irtoje. Sh mul uniaj irlty of ih"v.ti-n east ntealil o'ee tlnn bo in favor of raid proposition, then tho Hinn! of IMucatlon of mud SihoM District of I Hnl riiim! ( II.. I' U- mil r t In lnnc n il fii-Hoiliite nml I) 'it. i' Jin'' ilmt ii'lUH 1 1 ill' in- I pliteil l So- I ui t.'7 1 1 . v I I S Htu v ft I, i u i mil Mid".! lis Iia I'l j liuftT -I ii (ILhtutllL- tie iutyof tho preiident mil tei-retury of paid Ik n il to oxecut" s.il I bonds, Tho proceedB there- ef hall I o deposited with tho treasurer of Bald I dim i let nn.l kept by him in n separate fund. I knovvn as the IUkIi Srhool Ilonil Pund. and paid I o it only upon wurrnnt ordered by tho l!urd cf i: mention, for said specified purpose. Ilitcd August 10th. 1015. lly order of tho Hoard, Aui?. 13.lw C. J. I'oi-c Secretary. The Pa c lilt Slopo, with its rnnrveloiis tlevolopincnt, solicits you lo journoy throuirh thut Ituul Tho nioltlnj: unows of iti mouu'.iiins are tiinKical resoutoes shitpod to the KOttlus of uloctrlcitl mul hoitlonltuvnl wlzttnls; thosi lulghty forosu. uro tho lust of thotr Uiiul h'ft stnndiiic on this earth; tln-ro ato no httoh orchards, onniKo croves ami Uoriil laiiilsoaiios In tlio world, nor tltii'S history record there ever havo been. The llurllnKton operates live through scrvli'o routes to Callfornin nml two through sorvice routes to l'tipet Sound, with tho PiielUe const btontiHhip or rail connecting: link. You limy combine theso through service coast route for a ''See America" tour that will inolude the broadest scopo of tho West and Northwest. Let tho undersigned tell you of our through servli'o routes nvallabl at the SoO excursion rate to nallfornia, or tho So" .50 rnto for tho Coast circuit tour. t ""' "" Ammi-, pT v fe -4 01 N. B, BUSH, Ticket Agent. Ued Cloud NVl.t L. W. WAKELEY, Gonoral Passenger Agt. KlOl rarnnm Stteet, Dinaha, Nebr iV DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OVER STATE BANK Red Cloud ' ' Nebraska E. S. Gacrber Hoal listuto, Farm Loans and Insunince. Red CloHdi - Nebraska. THE ALARM is ,i Ireailful thli.g Of FIRE for tlio tniiii without insurnnco. Every time he sees the engines racing along his heart comes up in his throat if the fire is anywhere near his place What folly, what mis taken economy THE COST OF is so small that it INSURANCE need hardly be considered. Tho freedom from worry alone is worth It many times over Havo us Insure you to-day, O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. wwwwwwwfw mrmmiMiira E "zjm u W tltrj mA estling Match IN Newheuse I lldlni 35 Di Wiad i laiin 9U wwuu ON CSUGSS Friday, August 21 At 9 P. M YOUNQ RUSSELL 754 Lbs. ? FLYIMG DUTCHMAN! ?60 Lbs. &pELBJjLa j. rA-i -i 7: ci Vtfwf i, AJr' a Wr-nner To Take AI! Of Gate Receipts This match will be for best two out of three falls to a finish. If it takes all night must be two falls to declare winner or money back. Strangle Hold Barred. y y TOM McCALLEY, Of Friend vs. VERNON ZEISS, Of Red Cloud Best Two Out Of Three Falls Admission 50c To All LHDIES FREE BELDING'S BELDING'S BELDING'S BELOING'S Madam, Do Your Silks Give Positive Satisfaction? Or have you been disappointed by your garment being ruined be cause of the silk splitting? Women, buy silk fabrics by judging from appearance and texture. They cannot discern the adultera tions of iron and tin and there fore are subject to the prey of some manufacturers. BELDING'S Guaranteed Dress Silks $1.50 Per Yard 30 Inches Wido I'lieiiutiled fir bennty of Ilnish, variety and charm o' eninr nml lr signs A in st ioiiiili-te line uf .Ml'NSlil', luf tiitat, etu All the latest colors, plain and novelty designs. When you buy BELDING'S GUARANTEED SILK FABRICS You are protected by the guar antee of the largest silk manu facturing company in the world. ButteFiek Patterns Hecognizod a s the leading p.it ti'ins tip wide world over. You should insist on "Belding's." Not the cheapest but the least expensive. "Guaranteed Not To Rip, Split or Tear" Mrs. Barbara Phares BELDING'S BELDING'S BELDING'S BELDING'S Order to Show Cnusc state nl .-Cebrnskii, i in viio I uiinl t'unrt. w ulster I'ounn. i ra t'ouitty Court held at tho Count) ( ourt room in and (or said count) Tiu-silnj . tn!itst ntli.UUo. In the nitutir ot the t slate l Mary I I'nibasco, 1'teuifi'd. ns readliitf and lilliii: tlm petltlun ot Alice i l'niio nnij Ina that tvliiilnMitiilnii oi said i is'nte may bi'ijiantid to rilllord I riipi.as ' duilnbtiatoi. iiitl)l'.Ui:i', that rrid-iy tin !rd dii) ul 1 -M-titL-inbei. . 1 I'llo, lit ten nelm k u in.. In iiHNlgncil fur litarliiKMiiil petition, lun all pirsunsluteri-Kted In s.ild matter may np piar nl a Comity I ourt to bo In Id In nnd for vlld Count) nnd nlmw cauio why prayer ol petltloiuriihould not bu Krnnted; and that notli-onf tho pondeiie) of said petition nnd tliolirarlim thereof bo itlstn lo all persons liitoriNti-il In nnld mutter, by iuiuIIsuIiik a copy of this order In tho lied Cloud C'lilol, a weekly .newspaper printed In said count', for thrrf consectitlvo w teks prior to oald day of hear'ps. I A D. HANNKV, i-,cni) Uuimty JitdHO. i .S9S9-HMS3 mmmmmm e&wmwvesm i m X - 71 IF YOU WANT A PWHWEflT OH a ptro JVIade Right, Lettered Right find Erected flight SEE: Vote 'for the School llouds. OVERlflG BtjOS. & GO. Makorsjof ArtistlcZMonumcnts Red Cloud, Nebraska "f ii:... Sl XlHif ftUMHrielVl & HfVI-veKrif - . t T-. A tmm"mr it, n 1 IfWi