The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 26, 1915, Image 7

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nis love mm
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cofirwcfTfir rraos33-Arffii.ctyvr
Later, when the others had left
them to themselves In the music
room, Sabron sat In n big chair by tho
open window nnd Julia Redmond
lilayed to him. Tho dny wns warm.
There was n smell of spring flowers
In tho ulr and tho vases wero tilled
with girdles and sweet peas. Rut
Sabron smullcd only tho violets In
Julia's girdle. Her hands gently wan
dered over the keys, llndlng tho tuno
that Sabron longed to hear. She
played tho air through, nnd It seemed
as though she wero nbout to sing tho
first verse. She could not do so, nor
could she speak.
Sabron rose nnd catno over to
where sho sat.
There was n low chnlr near tho
Piano and he took It, leaning forward,
his hands clasped about his knees.
It hnd been the life-long dream of this
simple-hearted ofllccr that one day ho
would speak out his soul to tho wom
an ho loved. The time hnd come.
She snt before him In her unpreten
tious dress. He was not worldly
enough to know It cost a great price,
nor to nppreclate that sho wore no
Jewels nothing except tho flowers ho
had sent. Her dark hair was clus
tered about her ears and her beauti
ful eyes lost their fire in tenderness.
"When a man has been very cIobb
to death, Mademoiselle, he looks nbout
for tho reason of his resurrection.
When he returns to tho world, ho
looks to see what there is in this Ufo
to make it worth living. I nm young
at the beginning of my enreer. I
may hnvo before me a long llfo In
which, with health nnd friends, I mny
find much happiness. These things
certninly have their worth to n nor
mal man but I cannot make them
real before my eyes juBt yet. As I
look upon tho world to which I have
returned, I see nothing but a woman
nnd her love. If I cannot win her for
my wife, if I cannot have her love "
Ho made an expressive gesture which
more Impressively than words Implied
now completely he laid down every
thing else to her lovo nnd his.
He said, not without a certain dig
nity: "I am quite poor; I have only
my soldier's pay. In Normandy I own
a little property. It is upon a hill
nnd looks over the sen, with npplo
orchards and wheat fields. There Is a
house. These are my landed estates.
My manhood and my lovo are my for
tune. If you cannot return my lovo I
shall not thank Tremont for bringing
me back from Africa."
Tho American girl listened to him
with profound emotion. She discov
ered every second how well sho un
derstood him, and ho had much to
say, because It was tho first timo he
had ever spoken to her of his love.
Sho hnd put out both her hands and,
looking nt him fully, said simply: x
"Why It seems to mo you must
know how I feel how can you help
knowing how I feel?"
After n little he told her of Nor
mandy, and how ho had spent his
childhood and boyhood In tho chateau
overlooking tho wide sea, told her
how he hnd wntched tho ships nnd
used to drenm of the countries be
yond the horizon, nnd how tho apple
blossoms filled tho orchards in tho
spring. He told her how ho longed
to go back, nnd that his wandering
llfo had made it impossible for years.
Julia whispered: "Wo shnll go thero
In the spring, my friend."
Ho was chnrmlng as he sat there
holding her hands closely, his fine
eyes bent upon her. Sabron told hor
things that had been deep In his
heart and mind, waiting for her here
so many months. Finally, everything
merged into his present life, nnd tho
benuty of whnt he said dazed hor llko
nn enchnnted sen. Ho wns a soldi r,
n mnn of action, yet n dreamer. Tho
fact that his hopes wero about to bo
realized made him tremblo, nnd as ho
talked, everything took light from this
victory. Even his houso In Normandy
began to seem a fitting setting for tho
beautiful American.
"It is only a Louis XIII chntenu; It
stands very high, Hiirrounded by or
chards, which in the spring nro whlto
as snow."
"Wo shall go thero In tho spring,"
she whispered.
Sabron stopped speaking, his rev
erio was done, nnd ho wns silent ns
tho Intensity of his lovo for her
eurged over him. He lifted her deli
cate hands to his lips. "It is April
now," ho said, and his voice shook,
"it is spring now, my love."
At Julia's side wub a slight touch.
Sho cried: "Pltchouno!" Ho put his
paws on her knees nnd lookoU up Into
her face.
"Rruuet lias brought him hero," said
Sabron, "and that means tho good
chnp Is attending to his own lovo
making." Julia laid hor hand on Pltchouno'B
bond "He will lovo tho Normandy
beach, Chwlos."
"Ho will lovo tho forests," said
Sabron; "thero nro rabbits thero."
On tho little dog's head tho two
hnnds met nnd clnsped. "Pltchoune
is tho only one In the world who la
not do trop," said Julia gently.
Sabron, lifting her hand again to
his lips, kissed It long, looking Into
her eyes. Retweon that great mys
tery of the nwnkcnlng to bo fulfilled,
they drew near to each other nearer.
Pltchouno sat beforo them, watting.
Ho wagged his tnll nnd wnltcd. No
ono noticed him. Ho gnve a short
bnrk that apparently disturbed no
Pltchouno hnd become do trop,
uu nun uiduicvu ft Jill ay iiifiuiuuiiu i
eyes he gazed on his beloved mnstor f
XJn .. .1lai.nnt ItHll. n.........Unl.
mm now- mistress, men lurncu anu
quietly trotted ucross the room to tho
hearth-rug, sitting thero meditative
ly for a few minutes blinking nt tho
empty grate, whero on tho warm
spring day thero was no fire.
Pltchouno lay down before tho fire
less hearth, his head forward on his
paws, his bcnutlful eyes still discreet
ly turned nwny from the lovers. Ho
drew n long contented breath as dogs
do beforo settling into repose. His
"My Manhood and My Love Are My
thrilling adventures had come to an
end. Reforo fires on tho friendly
hearth of the Louis XIII chateau,
whero hunting dogs wero carved in
tho stono nbovo the chimney, Plt
chouno might contlnuo to dream In
tho daj'B to come. Ho would hunt
rabbits in tho still forests nbovo tho
wheat fields, and Ilvo again in tho
firelight his great adventures on tho
desert, tho long runs across tho snndB
on his Journey back to France.
Now ho closed his eyes. As a faith
ful friend ho rested In tho atmos
phere of happiness about him. Ho
had been tho sole companion of a lone
ly man, now ho had become part of
a family.
Explaining His One Little Lapse.
"Rruddren and slstnlis," in trium
phant tones announced Brother Bogus,
during tho recent revival In Ebenezer
chapel, "since I wns converted and
washed whiter dan snow, two mont'a
ago, I has been widout sin, bless do
Lawd! I's sanctified, and couldn't
commit sin If I wanted to! I "
"Hold on a minute, muh brudder!"
Interrupted good old Parson Ragster.
"Yo' mought uh-beon washed tollable
white, but I's 'bleeged to say dat dar
'pears to bo a spot or two dat wasn't
touched wld do soap o' salvation. How
'bout dat tlmo Cuhnel Whlto filled yo'
pussonallty full o' shot in his hen
houso?" "W'y w'y, sah, lommo tell yo'! Dla
la how 'twuz: Yo' kuowB how absent
minded do Cuhnel alius wns. Well,
sah, dat was ono o' dom times ho was
studyln' 'bout suppln or nuddor, and
dess 'magined I was dar!" Kansas
City Star.
Woman Destroys Bomb.
What might havo been a disastrous
explosion was provented when Mrs.
Paulino Siegol picked a bomb, with a
lighted fuso attached, from the door
stop of tho house of her neighbor,
Mrs. Salvatoro Corso, 1C21 South
Franklin streot, Philadelphia. Mrs
Siegol hurled It into tho Btreot. This
broko tho crudely constructed bomb,
and only a section exploded.
Mrs. Siegol saw two men place a
queer-looking pnekago on tho step, ap
ply a match, and run away. Sho
grasped tho packngo and hurled it in
to tho streot.
It contained six sticks of dynamlto
nnd n Inrgo quantity of gunpowdor.
Tho copper vlros, which had been
wrapped around tho package, broko.
Tho contents of tho powerful bomb
wero scattered in all directions.
Mrs. Corso said her family has no
Fishermen, Lost in Small Boats
Without Food, Free Captured
Now Rcdford, Mnss. Memories of
tnoro than half n century ngo, when
Now Rcdford whnllng ships sailed
tho seven seas, wore revived tho other
day with tho arrival hero of two
open boats containing 12 men of tho
crow of tho whnllng vessel Joo R. Mnn
tn, who had becomo sepnrntcd from
their ship In n fog off Capo Henry.
Their story wnH ono of hardship,
porll nnd excitement. Without food
or water for four days, they spent two
days In fighting largo schools of
I &
Schools of Sharks Were Attracted.
sharks, and woro finally forced to vio
late tho tradition of their calling
novor to loso a captured whale.
According to tho story of tho men,
a whnlo was sighted off tho Virginia
coast early ono morning. Two boats
wore lowered for tho chaso, ono In
chargo of Mate Josoph Rrown, and
tho other commanded by tho second
mate. Each crow put a harpoon into
the quarry, but while thoy wero mak
ing their capture they lost sight of
their ship in tho fog.
The whalo was lashed between tho
two boats and tho men laid a course
toward the const. Great schools of
sharkB wore attracted by tho carcass,
and for two days tho men fought
these scavengers with lances and oars.
Finally they became exhausted, and
tho whalo was cut loose and given
over to tho sharks.
Tho mon woro without food and
water until thoy woro picked up by
tho Norwegian steamer Skard, bound
from Newport Nows for Chrlstianla.
Lator thoy wero transferred to tho
steamer Piedmont, which ran into
Vineyard sound, whero tho whalemen
aga'n took to their own boats and
sailed across Buzzards bay to this
Paroled Convict Asks to Be Sent Back
to Prison at Michigan
City, Ind.
VIncennes, Ind. Charles Rays, fifty
one, walked into tho police station
hero and asked whether ho was want
ed at Michigan City for violating his
parole. Chief of Poltco Adams could
And nothing In tho records from Mich
igan City, but a telegram from War
den Fogarty stated that Days was
wanted and to hold him.
Bays was sentenced from ono to
eight years from Dubois county In
1910 for the theft of a half gallon. of
whisky. He has served three years,
but his term was lengthened when he
failed to report while on parole. Ho
said he became Intoxicated several
months ago, failed to report, and his
conscience has been hurting him ever
since. He was returned to Michigan
City, but local people have becomo In
terested and may appeal to the gov
ernor for a parlou.
McGhle, Motorist, Tells a Thrilling'
Yarn of an Experience In
Evorott, Wash. Tho Btory of a raco
between an automobile and a big cou
gar is rolatod by 8. P. McGhle, who
drovo tho car In tho unusual sport
ing event a few days ago, whilo return
ing from Mount Rainier with a party
consisting of Mr. and MrB. S. J. Prltch
nrd and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Graves.
Soon after leaving tho National
Park Inn they saw the animal coming
up tho road. As ,(hoy approached It
stopped. Tho road at that point runs
along a high ledgo, precipitous on
each side, and tho animal had no other
chanco to cscapo than to run down
tho road.
Mr. McGhlo took up the chaso "step
ping upon" his eight-cylinder car for
probably half a milo. Tho animal saw
that it was about to bo overtaken,
leaped to tho roadside and crouching
closo to tho rocks, snarled as tho ma
chine rushed on.
Forgot He Hid Money In Stove,
Landsdalo, Pa. Adolph Rlattnor, a
gatekeeper on a railroad hero, hid his
savings In tho stovo in his sh'anty and
forgot to removo them before ho built
a fire. Tho bills wero partly burned,
but can be rcdeomed,
sagWHaasVstay1.!-. -Mt5aa-r?- - "
0 Give the Chlldreit
The Goody That's Good For Them
The best way in this world to spend a nickel
for refreshment is to get
wholesome, impurity-proof chewing gum. It's made
clean and kept clean. It's wrapped in waxed
paper and sealed. Its two delicious flavors are
always fresh and full strength.
It is the longest-lasting, most beneficial and
pleasant goody possible to buy. It aids appetite
and digestion, quenches thirst, sweetens mouth
and breath.
Write for free copy of "WRIGLEVS MOTHER GOOSE," a
handsomely illustrated booklet in colors that will amuse
young and old and remind you of this Perfect Gum. '
In it the WRIGLEY SPEARMEN have acted
all the old familiar Mother Goose scenes to the
"tune" of new jingles. Address Wm. Wrigley
Jr. Co., 1312 Kesner Building, Chicago.
Chew it after every meal"
A Matter of Surprise.
"Don't you think women ought to
vote?" nsked Mr. Mockton's wlfo.
"Well, Henrlettn, there's no doubt
in my mind that you ought to vote.
Rut if your opinion of some of tho
othor women is correct, I don't see
why you should want to intrust them
with such a responsibility."
In that new banana which Rurbank
has evolved the skiddy skin Is emit
ted. This may be a gain for tho
banana and the public, but it's a pain
ful loss for tho professional funmaker.
Cleveland Plain Deuler.
With Cutlcura Soap Is Most Comfort
Ing and Beneficial. Trial Free.
Especially If preceded by touches
of Cutlcura Ointment to spots of dan
druff and Itching on tho scalp skin.
Thoso suporcrearay emollients moot
every Bkln want ns well as every
toilet and nursery want In caring for
the skin, scalp, hair and hands.
Sample each frco by mall with Rook.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. XY,
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
Stationary Post.
Victims fof cabinet changes In Eu
rope are coming to favor tho New
York Idea of a "stationary post." Rob
ton Advertiser.
Speech and Silence.
Speak fitly, or bo silent wisely.
Gcorgo Horbort.
Tho jailbird may bo deserving of
sympathy, but seldom merits glorifi
cation. If a young man has raonoy to burn
it Is easy to induco somo girl to
strike a match.
Awo is tho fcoling with which ono
woman regards nnothor womnn who
wears imported gowns.
When a homoly girl has hor plcturo
takon sho acts as if she considered
tho artist respouslblo for her looks.
the Children
Dangerous Situation.
"Awful situation at tho Jail."
"Doar mo! What is It?"
"Thoy havo tho measlos thero, and
all tho prisoners havo brokon out."
Its Kind.
"I seo whoro thoy havo a little Thlra
bio thoator in New York. What kind
of plays havo thoy?"
"Oh, I dare say, thoy aro sow, sow."
Something Just as Good.
"Let's get up a piscatorial excur
sion." "Why not havo Just a good old fish
ing party?"
8ome Jealous.
Patlonco Is sho Jealous of hor hus
band? Patrice Is she? Say, she's Jealous
if ho finds a hair in tho butter that
isn't hers!
It was a Kansas woman, of course,
who traded tho family refrigerator for
n pair of roller skates. A Kansas man
would havo dickered for a differont
kind of skate.
Ry tho tlmo a woman Is old enough
not to caro how Bho looks, sho haB
wasted enough smokolcss powder to
blow up a ship,
Getting into debt Is like dropping
from a balloon. Getting out is llko
climbing a greased polo.
When you meet a self-mado man he
always wants to toll you all about the
A man Is a basso when ho talks to
women. Rut he often Is a tenor when
ho converses with men.
It Is often hard to determine wheth
er a man Is on his way to play chess
or merely Is returning from n funeral.
Home treatment for Gum Diseases. Painless Dentistry; work guaranteed 10'
years; Fillings, Crowns, Bridge. work and Plate, that stay where I put thorn.
Send for Booklet on Unusual Dentistry It', free. Railroad fare for 50 miles '
allowed. Crowns from $2.50 up. 921-22 WoOfaaO Of WllM Bltf,, OlBlhl. NO.
University of Notre Damo
turn owe. iidiiii
Thorough Education. Moral Training. Tweaty
one course, leading- to degree. In Claaaloa.
Modern Lettem.Journall.m, Political Economy.
Commerce, Chemistry, Biology, PbaraMfk
Engineering, Architecture Law.
Preparatory School, Tarlou. coaraea.
For Catalognea address
Nebraska Directory
i ncuivivcnoi i 11
The Unlrerslty of Nebraska Include tfct
follow lug Colleges oud Hchoola :
The Graduate College. The Cotlegej
of Arts and Sciences, The Teachers'
College, The College of Agriculture,
The College of Engineering, Th
College of Law, The College of Med
icinc. The College of Pharmacy, The
School of Commerce, The School of
Fine Arts.Tha School of Agriculture,
The Teachers' College High School,
The UnlTerstty open for the flrnt semeatar
on Wednesday, September IStb. One may n
ter also at the begluulug of the second aemaata
(about February) or the Buminar Beaato
(URually the first full week In June.)
On auy point of Information, addreaa
The University
School of Music
Begins its 22nd yeir Sept. 6(i
All Branches of Music
Dramatic Art
Write now for new catalog to1
Willard Kimball, Pros.
Hlb. ft R Sis.. Lincoln, Nek.
4 .t
. K
FV"tfrfa AfcM SlT