H-k.1 RJSD OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF FolkWeTouck BvPd53lia Tto Julia ChandterMoixx WHOSE WIFE? i The Man and Tho Woman woro In in a public plnco. Thoy looked Into each other's eycB and wcro conscious of a dlfltlnct Benso of recognition, al though thoy know perfectly woll that noTor boforo hnd thoy touchod in passing. Tho Man folt impolled to take her at onco into hln armo and hold hor thoro for all tlmo. Thus thoy stood apart looking into each other's eyes. Then the crowd surged and thoy wero lost to each other. For many months thereafter Tbto Man sought The Woman everywhere, and when at last ho found hor sho was watching two children at play, and tho smllo In hor oyes was tho ort of smllo that has its well-spring only in a mother's adoring heart. Tho Alan watched hor unseen and under stood. A week lator found him in a distant city, whero, aftor a few years ho died. Tho Woman never know what be came of Tho Man. Sho novor saw him again after tho day thoy had looked into each other's oyes and passed on. Somotlmos sho thought of him, but moro often sho did not, for her days woro filled with dutlos to The Husband, and tho children sho brought him. Year by year sho lived at his sldo, mindful of his crcaturo 'comforts; sympathetic In tho hours of his porploxltlos; proud of his aohlovcmonts; Interested in tho homo The Man Made No Answer, Taking the Woman's Hand In His Own. ho mado him; devoted to tho chil dren God had given hor, and In all she was not unhappy, although novor onco in her companionship with Tho Husband did sho lift tho veil which hung bctwoon him and hor soul that ho might soo into tho sourco of her bolng. Tho Husband had boon gono to tho Land Dchlnd tho Veil for mora than two yoars boforo tho woman thought of marrying again. Ho had boon good to hor, and ho had left hor comfort ably situated in tho matter of this world's goods, but she was unutterably lonely. Their children had becomo old enough to bo consumed by their Individual interests and Tho Woman was desolate. Thn Second Husband was also a good man, much on tho typo of tho Urst, and Tho Woman found horsolf very fond of hlra when, for tho sako of companionship, sho had becomo his wife. In tho interim of her widowhood sho had not, howovor, forgotten Tho JMan. The thought of him alwaya brought her a peculiar sonso of poaco, but somehow sho ceased to hopo that he would in any way cross tho path of her life again. So sho took up the threads which tho First Husband's 'death had broken, and wovo thom Into her now life with tho Second Hus iband, but as it had been before, sho igaja nothing of hor soul in tho weav ing. 7fce bond between thom was pleasant enough, but it wus of the earth, earthly. It often set Tho Woman to think Inr, espoclally when tho twilight hours brought their lengthening shad ows, and a certain senso of crav ing for one who could walk straight into tho secret chambers of her soul and feel nt homo thoro. And somo tlmos, In retrospective momonts, The Woman wondorod whoso wifo she would bo In tho Great Doyond, whero upon sho turned to tho Nazarcno's as suranco of tho Sadduccca that "In tho Anastasls thoy aro as tho Angels of God In Hcavon. Thoy neither marry nor aro given In marriage," and in her heart sho was glad, for somehow neither of hor matrimonial venturos had created within her any keen deslro for their eternal perpetu ation, nlthough tho world called hor a. fortunato woman in tho niatctr of her mates. Ono day Tho Woman fell 111. Tho doctor assured tho Second Husband that sho would not live, and Th Woman, hearing, was thrilled with a sudden sense of hnpplncss. Sho looked on tho kind, troubled faco of tho Second Husband and know au sho looked that sho was fond of him. Sho had alao boon fond of tho First Husband. Thoy woro both good men nnd.truo and no woman could have companioned them in their re spective homes without acquiring a slnccro nffoctlon for either, but Just tho samo Tho Woman was rather glad, In a fcoblo Bort of way, that tuarrlago was all dono with. Sho lay in hor bed very ill and very tlrod, and had a clear vision of tho Sndduccos asking tho Mnstor whoso wlfo tho woman who had sovon husbands would bo In tho Anastasls, and sho was in- wardly smiling rathor contentedly over tho reply tho Savior had mado whon sho heard tho doctor nt hor bed side say to tho Second Husband that tho sands of hor llfo wcro running low. Suddenly sho hucamo conscious of a prcsonco In hor room othor than her doctor and hor family, and when sho lifted hor oyes It was to look, as In a far gone yeBtorycnr, into tho oyes of Tho Man, and now, as then, sho folt hor being suffused with radlanco. Tho Man stood apart. Ho hold out his arms to her. Tho Woman, rising In her spiritual body, wont unswerv ingly to his sldo, and tho doctor turned to tho Second Husband and told him that sho had died, and Tho Woman hearing, romomborod tho words of tho Master spoken so many centuries ngo to tho Sadduccca, nnd fear followed tho happiness which had lighted her oyes. "Ho had roferonco to marriage in its oarthly sonso," Tho Man answered hor thought. "No purely physical tlo Is porpotuat. Only tho spiritual is otornlty. Death disrupts every union that is not of tho spirit us well as of tho body. You have always been my mato. You always will bo." "And tho two men I have compan ioned for a tlmo?" questioned Tho Woman, anxious for their happiness. "Somowhero In tho wonderful Unl vorso of Spirit thoro la tho altar ego tho complemontal soul for every one," tho man mado uiiBwor, taking Tho Woman's hand In his own. And togothor thoy turned thetr faces toward Eternity. What would ba tho result If we all followed the advice we glvo to others! kbJMr- T."- I LURE OF ORIENT RUINS HER LIFE Pathetic End of Young American Girl's Dream of Love. SQUALOR MARKS END Daughter of Wealthy Massachusetts Parents, She Succumbs to Wllea of Chink Then Began 15 Years of Torment. Now York. Only a glasBy-eyod Chlncno idol looked on this wook whon Kitty Powers, cast-off wlfo of Fong I'ong, former president of tho Hrp Sing Tong, of Now York city, and said to havo been tho daughter of wealthy Massachusetts parents, breathed hor Inst after a vain offort to got opium with which to stifle tho thundering In her brain. Catherine Powers died In a two-by-four cubby hole In a rotting shanty In tho Chlncso district of tho metrop olis. Too proud to beg, too sick to go out of hor room, with detectives constantly watching tho houso, Kitty died alono nnd forgotten. Chinatown had Ilttlo uso for Kitty, and had of fered $5,000 for Fong Pong, now sup posed to bo in Chicago. Vain efforts wero mado to locato him to toll him of tho illncsB of tho wlfo who forsook her homo, rolatlves and American ism for him 15 years ngo. The Dream That Faded. Kitty Powers camo from Roxbury, Mass., 15 years ago. Sho was smug gled into Chinatown and remained thcro in seclusion for four years. Ac cording to tho police sho novor loft tho houso. Hor parents, wealthy and respoctcd, mado ovcry offort to lo cato hor. At tho ond of tho four years, when hor body and soul had boon sufficiently tortured by tho do lights of opium and othor drugs, she decided to becomo tho legal wlfo of Fong Pong. Several dotcctlvcs wore always near Kitty. Tho district nttornoy'a ofilco protected hor, for sho know China town. But it did not know that Kitty had no monoy, that it was only what Kitty Died Alone and Forgotten. a fow whlto wives of Chinamen gave hor that enabled hor to keep hor soul In hor body. BEAR BESTS BULL IN FIGHT Fight Occurs In Pasture, and Noise of It Wakens Farmer's Family In Minnesota. Floodwood, Minn. O. H. GJora, a farmer In Flno Lakes township, about sovon miles south of Floodwood, roporta that a hoar attacked his two-year-old bull recently and lacerated tho nuininl so badly that It had to bo killed. Tho light between tho bear nnd tho bull occurred in tho pas ture near Mr. GJorn'a Iioubo nml awnk oned his family, but by tho tlmo thoy reached tho Bceno of battlo tho bear oscapod Into tho woods. Tho samo day a. she-bear was killed by John Footo, nn Indian, who lives on tho west shoro of Pralrlo Inko. Tho old bear was accompanied by a cub, which Mr. Footo captured, but had to lot him go, as ho got too frisky. COW MOTHER OF TRIPLETS Three Calves Born In Iowa Aro Healthy Triplets Rare Among Cattle. Webster City, la. Ono of tho great est rarities In "cow fnmlllos" Is owned by Stanley Conklln at his farm south west of this city. Tho "family" con sists of a cow and triplet calves. Twins aro a frequent occurrenco nmong cat tlo, but triplets aro so raro as to at tract attention. Tho trlplots aro healthy and normal. Black 8nake Got His Kittens. Amity, Qa. When tho Itov. W. A. Fltzgorald saw a plump blacksnako sliding away from an outliouso, whero flvo kittens made their homo, ho was suspicious and lookod Into tho build- ' Ing. Sure enough, tho kittens had dis ' i appeared. . Books and Bangs. John Kondrlck Hanks, author of "A Houseboat on tho Styx," and "Coffee and Kopartco," who Is spending tho summer nt his camp in Mulno, said In an Intervlow last week: "Peoplo should own and read books Just as they should seek friendships, and try to understand their friends. A book that ono has cotno to know, and to lovo, Is ono of tho truest of friends, in my library In Maine aro not many books, but nono tho less Lincoln walks thcro with mo; Emerson is my friend; Halznc and Dumas aro permanent dwellers at my sldo; I frolic with Mark Twain thoro; 1 travol with O. Henry, nnd I play boyish tricks with Aldrlch and Penrod; I fenco with Mon taigne, and tho great spirits of "Tho Spectator." NO DOUBT THAT RESINOL , DOES STOP ITCHING It is a fact that tho moment reslnol ointment touches itching skins, tho Itching stops and healing begins. With tho aid of reslnol soap, it almost al ways clears away all traco of eczema, Bummor rashos, pimples, or similar tor monting, unsightly eruption quickly, leaving tho skin clear and healthy. And tho best of it is you need never hesitate to uso reslnol soap and resl nol ointment. Reslnol Is a doctor's prescription which for twenty years has been used by careful physicians for many kinds of skin affections. They know that its soothing, healing action Is brought about by medication so bland and gcntlo as to bo suited to tho most dcllcato or irritated skin. Reslnol ointment and reslnol soap are sold by all druggists. Adv. The Bonnie Conductor Lassie. Edinburgh, Scotland, has two dozon womon street car conductors who aro a thorough success in tho now lino of work. Othor tramways aro already rocruitlng girls and training thom to bo conductors. It is said that girls working In tho English cartridge fac tories aro so tired with patriotism that somo of thom work thirty hours In a stretch without any rest. Miss Ellzaboth Lister has been appointed a statlonmastcr in South Wales, tho first woman to act in that capacity. In tho north of Englnnd nnd in Scotland and Wales tho men workers aro being supplanted in tho fields by womon, who can bo seen following tho bar row or digging and hoeing. Another Little Bedtime Story. "Good gracious!" crlod Peter Rab bit, "what Is tho cauBo of that uproar going on up in tho air? Thoro! That was tho S. O. S. call! Somobody must bo In trouble, and " "Oh, that is old Doc Stork," replied Sammy Jay. "Ho is carrying twins to tho wildcat's houso, and tho dear Ilt tlo strangors do not wish to go." Kansas City Star. Transportation In Calcutta. To compote with Calcutta's present stieet railway system a company has boen formed which will placo 100 mo tor buses and 400 cars for freight In service within a year. Somo horses aro better mud runners than others. It is so with human be ings. If thoro Is anything moro misleading than tho averago guaranty, wo would gladly glvo up a nickel to soo a mov ing plcturo ot it. u Post Toasties Bully Good Breakfast, Lunch or Supper Ready to eat direct from package with cream and sugar sometimes add fruit A genuine treat that meets favor with guests and home (oiks. aaaWBwaalRaUrafirKslsaf Certain-teed Roofing This tooling ii trie highest quality possible to mike and it is guaranteed 5, 10 or 15 vests, for 1 , 2 ot 3 ply respectively. When oace laid Ctrlatn-teed snust remain intact st least (or the period ol the gust antee and the guarantee is a definite in surance against all roofing troubles. for safe by dialtrt tvtrywhtf at rtmienabU prtett General Roof ing Manufacturing Company Wortd'i largest manufacturer of Roojlno and IJuUiMujraptrt NswYorkCltr Chleago Philadelphia St. Louts Boston Cleveland PUS-fcurffc Detroit San Francisco Cincinnati Minneapolis Kansas City SeattU Atlanta Houston London Hamburg Sidtwy laWMdWMJJSJOKUl WILL AEROPLANES STOP WAR Orvllle Wright Is Moved to Say He Likes to Think So, Anyhow. Did you ever stop to think that thoro Is a very definite reason why tho present war In Kuropo has dragged nlong for a year with neither sldo gaining much ndvantago over tho other? Tho reason, as I llguro It out, Is aeroplanes, Orvlllo Wright writes in Collier's. In conscquenco of tho scouting wqrk done by tho flying ma chines, each sldo knows exactly what tho opposition forces aro doing. Thero is little chanco for ono army to tako another by surprise. Napoleon won wars by massing his troops at un expected places. The acroplano has mado that Impossible. It has equal ized information. Each side has such complcto knowledge of tho other's movements that both sides are obliged to crawl into trenches and fight by means of slow, tedious routine rather than by quick, spccjtacular dashes. My impression is that boforo the present war started the army experts expected it to bo a matter of a few weeks or, at most, a few months. Today it looks as if it might run into years beforo ono sldo can dictate terms. Now, a nation that may be willing to undertake a war lasting a few months may well hesttato about engaging in ono that will occupy years. Tho daily cost of a great war Is of courso stupendous. When this cost runs on for years tho total is likely to bo so great that tho side which wins nevertheless loses. Wnr will become prohibitively expensive. And the scouting work in Hying machines will bo tho predominating factor, as It seeniB to me, in bringing this about. I llko to think so, anyhow. It has been discovered that our sys tem of education makes children wiser than their parents, nut tho children aro no wiser than their parents wero at their ago. It doesn't look as if tho fool killer will over bo ablo to tako a vacation. A "friendly interest" Is often but an other narao for impudent curiosity. Sold 'soaasofmKjxsjgjxjujEJXMJie. What kind of roofing shall I buy?' Tha Cnraliay$t You caa buy a cheap uafuar&nteetl roofing and save a few dollar in in Hat cost or you can pay this slight difference and get a roofing guaranteed by the world' largest manufacturer of roofing and building papers. The Final cost is what count and you'll find it cheaper to the long rua to bay Shingles (Slat Sarfacti) These shinglci are surfaced with genuine red or green crushed slate, making a most artistic and durable roof covering. Guaranteed 1 0 years. The Invitation. "Hello, Mabel!" "Oh, hollo, Georgo!" "How aro you, Mabel?" "JuBt flno! How'ro you, Georgo?" "Samo. Say, Mabel, lot'B go through tho park this afternoon. What say?" "Well ali-ah ahem I I ah I'm kind of woll, I'm kind of tired, George." "Then you won't go?" "I'm so sorry, but, Georgo, you un derstand Just how it ls( don't you, George, dear?" "Yes, I guess so. I supposo I'll have to rldo with someono olso, then." "Illdo?" "Yes; my now eight-cylinder road ster camo this morning." "Oh, George! Did it really? Isn't thnt Just splendid? Say ah Georgo, I guess I'm not as tired as I thought I was." "Well, I wouldn't tako any chances if I woro you, Mabel. It doesn't pay. I'll tako someono elso." "Hut renlly, dear, I'm not tired a bit. Honestly." "It's Bwect of you to say that, but I don't want to tnko advantago of your kindness. Good-by, Mabel." Mabel slammed tho receiver vicious ly on tho hook. "Darn it!" Bho mut tered. "Why didn't ho say so In tho iirst placo?" Michigan Gargoyle. One Led to Another. "I tried to get you over tho tele phone half a dozon timos yesterday morning, but tho lino was busy every tlmo." "Yes. My wifo called up a neigh bor to ask hor a question, and botore thoy got through each had asked the othor not less than ono hundred questions." Circumstantial Evidence. "How did you know that man was a sporting follow?" "Hoeausu when I trod on his corna ho let out a regular football yoll." Probable. "Pa, who started tho saying that a man's wife Is his better half?" "Somo man's wlfo, I reckon." Even aftor a man swears off ho Is apt to keep right on swearing. 1! by Grocers Everywhere! V si a I .' .1 TtHuMVtKr