The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 26, 1915, Image 5

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Bulletin of Tho Week's otns
I'MifiME Cmcr AtvMtTisi.i:a.
Dow Kulcj whs ii pu&sengci' tu Den
vol Saturday,
F. W. Conduit ami sou were in Su
perior Momlny.
A chiuttuuqun is beltiL' hold at Untile
Hock tliis wcL'lc.
Walter Meins ami family moved to
Iiavartl Tuesday.
Miss Greta Turnure was a passenger
to Uuldc Hock Tuesday.
51000 private money to loan on a
laiUl. IlUlt'lIIhOS & Svladg.v.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wurl and son of
llyron were in the city Tuesday.
llluc Hill is entertaining the people
in that vicinity with a carnival this
Hay P.igo of Friend was in the city
Friday evening attending the wrest
ling match.
Halpli Woods was in the city this
week visiting ids parents, Mr. aud
Mrs. Clms. Woods.
Paul Xewhouse is visiting with
Chas. Wolfe and family at Bird City,
Kansas, this week.
The Boy Scouts and their leader,
Hev. Myers, nro enjoying uu outing' on
the river this week.
Mrs. Hoy Stevens returned home
from Lebanon, Kansas, Sunday whvie
sho had becu visiting ft lends.
Blue Hill has secured tho county
agency for the Ford cars. None of tho
dealers here cared to handle them any
Attorney F. V. Maurer and wife re
turned home Sunday from San Fran
cisco where they attended the Exposi
tion. Tom Long nnd Chailoy Hatch of
Llucoln were in the city Filday even
ing attending the Uusscll vs. Daily
wrestling match.
Miss Hattie Christian returned homo
this week from Hockport and Tarklo,
Missouri, where she had been visiting
relatives and fiietids.
Mr. aud Mrs. Milliard aud sou aud
Mrs. Ballard's father, Hev. Hancock
of Blue Hill spent Saturday and Sun
day at the home of John Coon.
Cash Scrivner lias been awarded the
contract to build tho now school house
in district No. 'J7. The old building
was washed uway by the tlood in June.
Minor Sherwood returned home
Tuesday morning from his trip via
automobile to Colorado and New
Mexico. He icports having had a
bplcudid time.
Chief Montour nnd Charley Powell
arc Iu Blue Hill today Tho Chief and
somo wrestler with the carnival com
pany that is holding forth there this
week, will have a match tonight.
WANTED Men who desire to earn
over 812!.0U per mouth write us today
Jor position as salesmnn; every oppor
tunity for advancement.
Cleveland, Ohio.
Another big wrestling match has
been secured to be pulled oil' heie on
Friday evening, September 3rd. Haiti
Delp, tho terrible Turk, from WlchltH,
Kansas, who has thrown all of Kansas'
best wrestlers, will at this time meet
Youug Hussell of Friend. A side bet
of $100 has been seut to Powell Bros.
Tuesday evening Sheriff Starkey and
deputy were called to Orleans to bring
Jamee Donavan a Toledo, Ohio, man
that the ofilicals were holding, charg
ed with stealing two pair of trousers
from the store of John Stromberg.
Upon being brought before Judge
-Webber he pleaded guilty to petit
laree'ncy and was fined 310 and costs.
On th'e nonpayment of same he wus
commiitcd to the jail at 'Red Cloud.
Alma Record.
Professor Medlar and wife were
passengers for Red Cloud, Tuesday,
where Mr. Medlar will have charge of
tho science department In the schools
and the athletics during the coming
year. Red Cloud is to be congratulat
ed on the accession of th's most es
timable couple and to the youth of
that city wo qan commend Mr. Medlar
as being a "bully" fellow when it Is
time to bo a "bully" fellow but just as
hard a worker in the intelectual Held
as he is on tho athlectlc field. Clay
Center Sun.
Dr. Daruerall received a telegram
Monday evening announcing the death
of Mrs. Daisy Knight at Long Beach,
California. Mrs. Knight was a daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs George Garner who
formerly lived at Inavale. Several
years ago she was united in marriage
to U. G. Kuight and one son, Clare,
was born to this union, who together
with her parents and three brothers
are left to mourn her demise. Burial
will take place in California. Mr.
Knight was unlll recently editor of
the Exeter Sun, but sold out lu order
to bo at the bedside of his wife. The
Chief along with the many friends of
the Knight and Garner families extend
sympathy to them during their hour
of sorrow, -
It. F. Cooper of Guide Hock was In ,
town Saturday.
Kti"ell Myers lotutntd homo ftutn
Lincoln Fiidny.
bherlllO. I), Hedgo was in Blue Hilt
Satuulay on biiNltiess.
.1 II. llalley and son. Grunt, were in
Guide Hoik Thursday.
.las Mcllride of Cowles In tho
i'1'y on business Monday.
Be one of tho loadeis of tho town, tf
you can; but, anyway, keep up.
Marion Mercer returnrd home Sun
day mottling from Lebanon, Kansas.
The the bell was installed in the new
steel tower on the llicmcn's hall tlii
s I
Mrs. iu. Kellier of lilailen spen
Sunday witli Henry Dlodoiich and
The Hoard of IMucattou h:n some i
choice lumber for sale. Inqulio of I
Henry Gilliam.
Tho Misses Rose and Irene McUutre
left Thursday for Lincoln mid Omaha
to spend a few days. I
James Morauvllle of Amhotst was in
the city Thursday visiting his father
Dr J. W. Morunvlllc.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Starr visited
relatives and attended tlieanuiveisat y
utLebation last week."
Lavaughn and Wallace Morauvllle
of Auihetst aio visiting tclutives and
friends in the city this week.
Jack Waller and Jus. McBride weio
down from Cowles Friday evening at
tending the wrestling match.
Miss Gertrude L. Coon was visiting
the Teachers' Institute at Bloomington
a few days the llrst of tho week.
Mis. C. K. Cross and children left
Thursday morning for San Jose,
California, to visit her sister, Mrs. Wu
Ed. Taylor and sister, Miss Bessie,
accompanied by their nephew, Robert
.Mitchell, left Monday for Missouti to
visit relatives.
The Misses Blanche Boner and Paul
ine Kunney went to Beaver City, Fri
day morning to visit the hitter's sister,
Miss Hrina llanuoy.
Tho Red Mist by Randall Panisli Is
the tills of the next seiial story to ap
pear in tliis paper iieginnuig next
week. Watch for it."
Mts. George Newhouso of The Dalle,
Oregon, arrived in the city tho llrst of
the week to visit Mrs. Baibara and E.
II. Newliousc aud family.
FOR SALE: 1000 bu. of early spray
ed summer applet, 3uc per bushel
picked aud windfalls 'JOj. D. E.Norrls,
7j2 miles southwest of Red Cloud.
The executive board of tho Farm
ers' Institute will hold a meeting Sat
urday afternoon at 'i o'clock at the
StUe Bank G. W. Hummel, Ptesldent.
Mrs. Bernard McNeny and daughter,
field, returned homo this week from
California whero they hnd been visit
ing her sistets and attending the e.v
p sition at San Francisco.
Frank Starr, Frank MUer and J. M.
Burgess taken their race horses to
Norton, Kansas, tlte last of the week
to enter them in tho races at the fair
which is being held there thVs week.
All parties wishing to make exhibits
at the State Fair please bring your
exhibits to the depot on September 1st
aud not later than Thursday morning,
September 2nd, at 10 o'clock G. W.
I have opened up au ohice for the
buying and selling of real estate, aud
will make a specialty of Webster
county land. List your farm with mo.
Oijloe with Webstw County Bank.
B. F. MiZKit,
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Fencher visited
with her brother, S. C, Ellis and family
this -week. They hud been to Denver
ami were accompanied home by Miss
Helen Ellis. They departed this morn
ing for their home at Des Moines, Iowa.
On last Saturday evening about 7:30
as L. M. Crabill' accompanied by D'r.
Creightdn, was driving In the 'west
part of town, his baggy was struck
by some parties unknown who were
driving an automobile. Both gentle
men escaped injury by jumping, but
the team and buggy was considerably
Patronize the men who advertise.
One successful way of keeping Ne
braska money iu Nebraska and in de
feating the big mail order houses ib
for the merchants to advertise. As
the mail order house sends out cata
logs to inform their patrons so should
the home merchant tell the readers of
newspapers what he has to sell. Mr.
Morchant, it is up to you to show the
people that you carry just as good if
not better lines than does the mail
order house. The Omaha Ncbraskan.
On Monday morning, south of the
old Fourth Avenue hotel, a wrestling
match, which had not been previously
advertised, wus pulled off by the Gil
bert aud Turner boys, the later win
ning the match. We are informed
that Coroner A mack filled the otilce of
timekeeper with fairness to all parties
present, and was ably assisted by
Master Fred Slaby, who acted In the
capacity of teferee. dial Gellatly was
the only spectator presont. This
wrestling fever has certainly secured
the strangle hold on a majority of .the
men of the city, m fact it Is like the
weeds all over town.
1 JZi ST i Hi
Monday Tuesday
August 30 and 31
Tho regular special feature
program at regular prices
will be given.
Wednesday, Sept. 1
BY JACK LONDON-In six leuls.
A film adaptation of Jack London s
own stoiy iu the Satuulay livening
Afternoon and Evening
Prices Evening IS and 10
Afternoon 10 and S
One Day Only
Grant Bailoy loturtied to Oaiaha
Wednesday morning.
Paul Storey was transacting business
In Guide Rock Wednesday.
Drop into the Vniiety Store and see
the various school supplies. adv.
Dr. C. E. Cross spent Sunday in
Franklin with relatives and friends
Attorney B. W. Stewart was trans
acting business in Hastings Moudaj.
School days aro nigh. Supply your
wants In all things necessary for school
wot k Variety Store. adv.
Mr and Mts. H, W. Coplen returned
homo Wednesday evening from Lin
coln whet-'! shu underwent. in opeiatloti
aud is much improved in health.
We notice a largo number of our
citicus this week taking home from
the poit olllce their fall nnd winter
reading, iu the shape of a new volume
from the mail order houses
At u special meeting of the Masonic
lodge, Wednesday evening, the entered
apprentice degree was conferred on O.
D. Hedge Harvey Riekerson and
Aaron Heige were given the fellow
craft degree.
Some Fine Pictures
Shown At The Tepee
, m
In addition to the special feature
pictures which Manager Warren lias
been showing on Monday and I uesday
evenings for some time past, he this
week on Wednesday afternoon and
evening, exhibited that -five reel
comedy drama, entitled, Brewster's
Millions. On next Monday and Tues
day evenings, special feature nights,
the usual special feature program will
be given. Do opt miss it.
On Wednesday, September 1st, both
afternoon and evening, he has secured
John Barleycorn, by Jack London,
taken from the story in the Saturday
Evening Post. This is a six reel at
traction, and no doubt will be very
interesting. Mauager Warren is ever
alert iu securing the best for his pa
trons, and this new plan of exhibiting
on Wednesday, botli afternoon and
evening, a special feature of extra
length, besides the regular special
feature pictures of three rtel length,
on Monday und Tuesday evenings, will
afford all an opportunity of witness
ing the best to be found in the motion
cloture world.
Degree of Honor Picnic
All members of the Degree of Honor
and their families are Invited to attend
a picnic at the .Toe Topham farm, east
of this city on Wednesday, September
1st. Come and bring the children and
well illled baMcetu, and we will try to
have something which will be of in
terest to all.
There Is No Question
but that indigestion and the distressed
feeling which always goes with it caa
bo promptly relieved by taking a s
wSSSmmSm Tablet
before and after each meal. 25c a box.
H. E. Grice Drug Co.
?. t , :
il'mm siuiilt i mint. )
We notice Muv Isoin is sporting u
new buggy.
Miss Millie Kiudlor ot.Rsbou Is hero
Msiiing Miss Vorna Isoin.
Bryan Stoutlniorc visited Sunday
with home folks near Lebanon.
Miss Celesta Sciivner of liud Cloud
is visiting relatives in this vicinity.
Claud Dunn and family of Yuma,
Coloi ado ate here isltlng relatives.
Miss IYiu-1 t'pp visited tho latter
part of last week with telativcs lu
Misses Melbn Spin tier, Dulclo and
Claiioo Payne spent the latter part of
the week as guests of friends In Leba
non. Mis. A. W. Pppiind sister Mis. Laura
Mollis have gone to Muscatine, Iowa,
to tnal.c nu extended visit with rela
The weather is vety cool for this
time of the year, but we tuu hoping
Jack Frost will not visit us for n few
weeks yet.
Roy I'pp and family of Yuma, Colo
uulo arc heie visiting i datives mid
friends. They teport good crops iu
that part of tho country.
Mis. 11. F. Points is on tho 'sick list
this week.
Miss lieitlui Whltolcy went to Nelson
last week to visit i dative.
Mi 8. Joo Fogol of Bed Cloud is
visiting rclutvcs iu this vicinity.
Claud Conley and family were guests
at the W. B. Conley homo Sunday.
Mts. Biuch of Pawnee Is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Theo. Hawkins und
Mvciett Galbraith, wife and son of
Guind Island visited Ills sister, Mrs
G. G. Htliei ton and family last week
Mts..John Mitchell was called to
Franklin Saturday on account of the
illness of their daughter, Mis, Florence
Lola and Letha Huuslckcr departed
Wednesday morning for a few days
visit with their brother, Owen, ut
Morelaud, Kansas.
A protractod meeting will begin at
Mt. Pleasant chinch this week. They
have a large tent aud ample toom for
all who wish to attend.
A number of young pcopio wetc on
tet tallied at tho Hlmer Robertson
home Saturday eveninir, und a very
pleasant time wus tcported.
Work has began on tho bridges
around Iuavulo
Mrs. Ruth Gurney and sister Martha,
weut to Red Cloud Thursday.
Mrs. Ada Arnold left Saturday with
her daughter, Martha, for Columbus.
Joe Topham Jr. of Red Cloud brought
Mr. Leonard up a load of ice Satuiday.
Mrs.Graco Topham of Red Cloud
visited her mother, Mrs. Leonard last
Mrs. Charley Strong has returned to
her home iuCulbcrtson much improved
in health.
Mr. Morrow autoed to Riverton Sun
day and hlsslster, Esther,accompanied
him home.
Mr. Dunn of Bloomington bought
the Koelmel stock of goods and taken
possession Monday.
Blanche Barker came .home Sdnday
from Frank Strlcklln's where she had
been the past three weeks.
A man traveling through the coun
try with a large bear gave an exhibi
tion to quite a crowd on tho street
Sunday night.
Quarterly Conference met Saturday
afternoon at the M. E. church to trans
act business The district superin
tendent was present.
Mr. Hunter and wife and Mr. Mor
row and wife autoed to Red Cloud on
Saturday evening, but on account of
the heavy rain Mr. Hunter had to leave
his car across the creek east of town
Lucky Dog
A Dutchman, addressing his dog,
said: "You vas only a dog, but I viBb
I vas you. Ven you go mit your bed
in you shust turn round dree times and
aly down; ven I go mit de bod in I liav
to lock up de blnce, and wind up de
clock and put de cat out, and ondrebb
mybelf, and my frou vakes up and
scolds, den de baby vakes up and cries
and 1 baf to valk him mit de Iioubo
round, den maybe, ven I get inybelt to
bed, it Is time to get up again. Ven
you get up, you shubtstrotch yourself,
dig your neck a leddle and you vas up.
I haf to light de fire, put on de kettle,
serap bomo mit my wife already, and
get myself breakfast. Yon play around
all day and half blenty of fun. I haf
to work all day aud haf blenty of
drouble. Ven you die you vas dead;
ven I.die I haf to go to hell yet".-.Kx
I j-TVtTSiVi '- "ffl Ml
1 il i T n1-trTlE:T-7fc-i I II II ill
Adelene Manloy was the
and wears the gold watch.
Children get in your letters in the Letter Contest
before Saturday night, September 4th, and get the Pair
of Shoos and fifty coupons which we shall give you.
Write a good letter, may hi) you can win the first
premium, which is a pair of boys or girls shoes. See the
rules on the Poster at our store.
Attend Our Special Shirt Sale
This Week
Splendid Bargains in Men's and Boy's Suits
Special Low Prices On Straw And
Felt Hats
A Bargain Feast For Bargain Seekers
he Qooiden-Raley Qlothinc) (Jo.
The Booster Store
f Fresh Vegetables and Fruits f
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Best Prices Paid For Butter and Eggs
Walter W. Marshall
Red Cloud,
1 Ii" "I'WI,
Hiii Mi
What is Your Ability
The Time
Better Insure Your Time in a Safe Company
1oo, 000,000 Assets
Spells the Strength o!
The Travelers of Hartford
Geo.. M. VanCamp, Agent
Kit ' Storty'a
PMNE8I M. 241 aH
ii Ml 128
Where There Is A Will
There Is A Wa
t4 Royal jrft?Jtir
I WILL Say Heljo to SorneQgrEvcry Qay
I WILL Smile at My Ndibor At Every Opportunity
I WELL Praise People, VKenever I Can
I WILL Forgive and Dive My Enemies
I WILL Choke All My Complaints
I WILL Forget All My Trouble and Heartaches
I WILL See All the Good Possible in Everybody
I WILL Not Become Morally Lazy
I WILL Be Honest and Charitable With All Men
I WILL Boost' For a Unfted Church and City
The United Church
J. L. Beebe, Pastor " south t court h0Um
Booster last month
who will play the
Wll'l' H'l' "THill
Worth to You Without
to Apply it?
Utthli Sure)
1 1
n j ' '
' rt
f Kill
Mwi -.mi wwm Mttrwx - "h
Ht i i Mnrtrwwi W4HWW"""1- "
, MMfrfirvimm' ItW
EFirifw fSjgaajji
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