f J ? s s w WrM ttrt"r&?,? I i " Uo H'slorlojil SocLly " acrparfi. "CJTSTTr t l . M. . --- . - IJjgggSCTlaaggg, JK -- .-' wlg- t 0 i fHHmHVVAWCTnBMV Jtl. JFr& 1wF. 1l-MFJi 0-- ' ''Pi." "" "" " " MfcaTwCff1 Hfcfi T 'yJM'tf Ja24fw B ' fH 'lfjPSfafr&'tkrj"'B A Newspaper That filves The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50. VOLUME 43 E1) CLOUD, NEBRASKA, Al(UTST lil, JJM5. NUMJJEIl !il WE REQUEST THE PLEASURE Of conferring with you as to youi Account. While adhering to a policy of safety and con servatism, we make it a point to give to our customers close personal attention and an in telligent recognition of their needs. If the highest character of personal banking service ap peals to you we shall esteem it a favor to be honored with a visit from you. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA CAPITA Ij 82B.OOO I'M U - SUITS At 20, 25, 50 Discount The backward season and general conditions make it imperative that we unload. We are going to offer you the greatest opportunity to save money on CLOTHES that we ever did and you cannot afford to miss it. ONLY BLUE SERGES EXCEPTED In This Sale of Both Men's and Boys' Suits SPECIAL PRICES ON OXFORDS AND STRAW HATS THIS SALE IS FOR CASH And Cash Only. No Other Terms at These Prices Think of it! $25 Suits Going at $12.50 JUST Vz Do Not Delay! Get In First And Get The Cream! Do It Now! j PAUL STOREY The Clothier ssss'v, -ss issssse MR. FARMER:-- Are the dollars you spend ing coal giving "value received." "Illinois-Egg Size" produces steam units per dollar than any threshing coal on the market. for thresl more other THE ftULONE-AVEHY CO, .TALK WITH US ABOUT COAL" New School Building A Great Necessity Tlioio lire two questions iclatlvo to i lie proposed high bdiuol bonda Hint 11 tittirnlls Miggcit themselves to tlic thoughtful voter. Tlioso two questions nre "Do we need new tmiltll tiji'.'" mul "Can we iiil'ord to build lit tills time'' i i The tlrst question icsoUes Itself into a' .study of present conditions. The' . building 1ms been used for ninny years no why will It not meet our needs now? ' llccuuse our K'hool attendance litis nicie t Iihii doubled in the past ten years The recitation rooms that wete ' originally built to accomodate twenty pupils nre now icipiired to hold thirty to tlfty pupils. This means that theie can be uo blackboard work at all on the pait of the pupil. With thirty to fifty pupils pa:ked luto one loom the air naturally becomes very foul. All the rooms are in this condition so that during the entire school day all the pupils are coutliied lu rooms that can not be vetitilated. Ventilation was not thought ot when this building was erected atul with the present crowded condition this is a serious ntttiir. No teacher can do the best of work without blaukboauls and pure air. No pupil can make the best advancement where the 9iiriouudiugsare detiimeut al to health and activity. Tills district has always maintained a high standard not because some other city is setting the pace but simply because we believe iu giving our children a good educa tion. It matters not what others nre doing. It would seem fioni the above that a iibw building is really n great necessity. Now as to the second question ''Cnti we alToid it 7" Is tin1 district nble to borrow thiity live thousand dollars? The assessed valuation at present is five hundred thousand dollriis, this is one fifth of the actual valuation. The actual valuation is then two million live hundred thousand dollars. The distnet owes twenty live thousand dollars. Now can it ull'iiid to go into d -bt to the ixtiir. of thntjllw thous and dollar".; If a pih.ite ludhidual was pi sieM'd of two thousand live lunula 1 diillnrs and he owed ten doll at s would hf hesitate to but tow ti ur- teen dollais uiuro if he ically needed it? 'I ii it is jut the condition of ihe' dil rut. Hut if the b mil cany the diMnct will have tiwny jeui- to pj, oil its fouiteeu doll.us. , We need tint building! We cm af foi 1 to build it! V.ilc for the Moiuls! Mis-, Piiul Slieier letuini'd home .Siitiud.ij inuiiimg lioin Colomdo Mi i. C. K. Htiong, w.io hat been on the sick list for the oust iwo mouths. letmued to her home at Culboit on, Wednesday moiiiiug. Miss Ciiiico Llo.ul, who hn bet n untieing her home with W. L. Wecsnei iiiid family, for the past twnje.it, ie .turned to lineiiville, Tennessee, Mon . day moinlug. j On l.it Thuisdiiv eu'iilng this city jWasvisitid by a hail storm which did vjry llttlo damage .Some hail stones jn I no inches in eiicuiufeience weie picked up by our citiens. , Woid has been icioived in this city ttoiii i.ditur lliismur who went to IMiui, ( .Michigan several davs ago with lmpis j of it'gniiilng his health and to ibit r'l'.itlves that lie Is feeling good Vis. T. W. Cnwdeii mid Miss ('..lie Tnjlor lutiuuud home the last id the wieli tiom California where they had biu.i isiling t i-hitit o- and alt u.iing the (.posllton ut hun ruiiicisco I. U Comal, who has been captain of the Standard Oil wagon at this place for the past j ear, bus icsigiiud. ilj ffiys the imigli romls were getting h s hide. -liloouilngton Adv.;cate. hnv was funnel ly employed by thc.Mnud aid Oil company in this city. Red CI ud people decid. d by n iniij.ii Hy of (Is that tliev would rather throw tlich' houei.ige into the back yiud, iiilher than bond the town lor several thousand dollars to build n-tv. ert) Tlie ipiestion will be voted on iigatn ii tlie -pring. IVaukllu News. Board of Education Held Short Session lU.n Ct ol 1. Ni mi , Aug. Kith, l'Jl'i. Special Session, Meinbcispiesetit Coon, Cross, Oilh m, Wccsiierat.d l'opo Coon piestlding. Teaclicis Cotntnlttee consisting of Gllhatn, Cioss and I'opo made lepoit rccotutneudiug the employment of Miss lMna Katuiey as toucher of English, salary 5(55 CO tier month, In place of Miss Holmes resigned. Hoard proceeded to vote by ballot and Miss Hanney tecelvitig the vote of all mem bers mid was declared elected. Hids on building cement walk on the west side of Washington School giounds were opened and C b". Evan's bid of f'.i'i being tne lowest,, on motion ho was awarded tho contract. On motion Secretary was Instructed 'o icceiic bids on Maltlaud lump coal for the Washington and Lincoln schools for the ensuing year Hoard adjourned. C. J. Port", Secretary. m j Dye Shcpherdsou of Rlvotton waslu the city Wednesday. 'Alba I'opo arrived home from Hlue Hill Wednesday evening. j Walter Means arrived homo from IJarvurd Wednesday evening. Miss Jessie Kellogg returned home from Lincoln Wednesday evening. (Miss Marybelle llasslngcr Is visiting ljur sister, Mis. C. 10. Hill at llastiugs this week. Several of the young folks enjoyed a dance iu tho Woodman hall Wednes day evening. Two unfurnished rooms for rout one block east of Washington School. Mrs. K.J. Wittwer Dr Uiookmau of liulde Kock was the guest of Dr. It V. Nicholson Wed nesday evening. Tho Misses Ali.!e, Uhiiich, I'enil and Mabel l'ope who hate been visiting tlie Imposition at ban KialU'lsco ie turned home Wednesday lumulng r - iJ tllhltl - M 1 ill (if The Edison Diamond Phonograph is the one Instru ment that fully Satisfies POINTS OF EXCELLENCE Real Musical Tone and Volume Perfect Reproduction Non-lireakable Records Diamond Reproduction Point.. Eliminates All Needle Changing Perfect Running and Most Durable Motor and Mechanism Demonstration Froo or Catalog on Request You Are Always Welcome E. H. NEWHOUSE Jowoler and Optometrist lire. B. & Q. Watch Impactor mi it.j mwvw ' !' ' ' I., ' "i.i"," '!',!' !''",. MiJiiMrn'M Chas. Flood Killed By Train Charles Flood, 42 yearn old, of Ronalle, Neb., wan fatally injured yesterday of ternoon when bis motor car was etiuck by a Burlington train at "Death't croas ing," near Wnithill, Neb. He died' at the WBlthill hospital. Flood was enrouto to his home from a trip to Walthlll. He evidently did not see tho train, which struck the front of the car. He was carried a dis tance of set eral feet oh the piolet of the engine. The pnascnger train was east pound, and reaches Sioux City at C o'clock. It was an hour and a half late last night on account of the acci dint. Flood was struck at thecriHninK where two men were killed by a Hur lington train more than a year ago. On account of the number of dcHtha at the H)0', peremiH around Walthlll have natiiwl it "Deiith't) ciojRing. A wife and two miiviII children survivo Flood State Journal. Weekly Weather Forecast Weather forecast for the week bo ginning Wednesday, Aug. If, 'in Issued by the U. S. Weather Hureaii, Wash ington, T). O , for the Upper Missis sippi Valley and Plains States: ' Local bhowers Wednesday will be followed by fair weather for a day or so and then by bhowers about Thurs day or Friday; probably fair last threo days of week. Moderate temperature Advertised Letter List The following is the list of unclaim ed letters at the post oil Ice in this city, for thu week ending Aug. 12th: K J. DundiiH, Hrlghtloy Dayton, W. T Campbell, I'd Hael, I. W. .lohusou ('J), Mrs John A. Miller, M I, Todd (2). If not called for before Aug. C, tluy will be scut to the dead letter olllcu. II J. Li:los, I'. M. School Days Will Soon Be Here. Outfit The Children Now. Consider the children's necessities for school wearables and come here for them. Every thing for school wear must be selected with an eye to c"1 j the rough-and-tumble, care-rree use that ener getic youth puts to clothing. Here you will find us ready with the most dependable goods and varied assortments of just those things careful mothers are mindful c wt ii ii uc sure to see our tine ol or. we especially commend tne Ginahams. Toiie de Nords and sturdiness as well as the pretty Re(1 Seal Zephyr Ginahams ,o..l r , . c rv neither fade nor shrink. Their styici) ui uui assortment ui vjiuti- ,. ,, , , . , . J , pretty patterns and colorintjs hams to make the most lasting are shown here in a very lame hUneoe nnrl rlvccc fM.tViA li'ilU fnile assortment of fancy plaids. -' A S wlvWu LAI 4 -A V iUuJvu I f I LI ks li VL IV- 1 -f laui checks and stripes a& well as the plain shades all of which is guaranteed fast colors. 27-inches Wide 12K2C Yard H.P.Weesner&Go. Red Gloud, Nebraska Si. s M n , ii t ci j. ii V W ' V-M hQ ft w J '? i "r .va , I', . i I ! i , '; il i 1 i I mil i w. V Br" i I" ft1 :( 1 i P Pi ii m tfM fVL-4 ' JWHTv t-v f r m.jai