:.:d cict), ""ur'u, c'kilk . r f t? wevt' A,l!alirii!L?T7WtiMw- n3siiwwBfl UD CHIEF braakr. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY atcrcd In the PoRtoniro at Hed Clout). Nek as Hoconri Clnmi Matter A . McAUTHUIl l'tnu.iRiiKii THB ONLY NKMOUIIATIU I'APEll IN WKIIHTKIl COUNTY Regarding Police Protection Considerable dlHMdmfnctlon Is found MtnotiK the buslnChs .men lis regards the police protection now furnished the city ut night. Whether the pres ent policy Is being Adhered to OB tin' fatggoMlon of the Mayor, or not, we cannot s(itc, bul Tho Chief, together yA' with n majority of the business men, in in favor of the marshal being re llovcd of work during the (lav time, mid having him on duty at night. Since UiOMilootiB In this city have been thing of the past, it is a rare occhs alon that calls for the marshal's ser vice durlug the day light hours, and to know he was on the job at night, would relieve many of considerable anxiety. No man, no matter how ellluleut, can work a night shift and a day shift to Kttlier, without one or the other shifts losing, and we trust, that the Mayor may soon see that it is for the best interests of the city to have the marshal placed on a regular schedule of hours, which will cover the night shift exclusively. Lincoln Letter John W. McKtsslcIt, of Ueatrlce, has been appointed deputy Inspector of weights and measures and has entered upon his duties' "Mac" was a member oT the house iu ll13 and was one of the daddies of House Roll .145, over which rose the University removal problem which was solved by the voters last tail. The twelvo trust companies report log to Auditor Wm. 11. Smith for the year ended June 110, 1115, show a pros perous condition of thcirutfairs. They, combined, have caoltal and surplus as follows: Capital 1,C05;413 f,0 Burplus 23l,kw.40 Total. .1 1,b37,&(MK) Collectively these twelve companies hold various trusts In the Mini of ?:.', 10,380 03, and owe $-JI9,U40.rS! on bills payable. On the qther hand these companies have i esources, the prlncl 1al items of which are as follows: Honda 8 !7,ll)l 00 Mortgages 1,730,118.01 BtockH 311,810.21) Collateral Loans 107,070 It "Heal Estate 77,0.'!0 08 Warrants 8S.1MU0 Vbh in banks 2n,M3.'.3 ' tixc6pl for adjustment of the levies against Douglas, Lancaster and llur counties, the statu beard of e tlon and assessment lias com pie work of making the 1015 le grand assessment roll for hows a two per cent lucre Jteesed valuutlou, but the le 13 per otut lower than In 10: nt result that the state taAft will be more than four hutWrtdraou- and dollars tmaller than lkit'jfea.' &t Primarily the people of rtebiifgk ra Interested in having i-ttffcleuY government nn administration? neo who do thing", aui) lotheni'wajk tint in addition to this, they prefer jo have no more money' spent in Rtalf lMiainess than Is neees'sniy'to keep tM kbtTrice at its best , V,-, According, Governor More'ieia.d.V Auditor Smith and Secretary of SiiiM' S'ool, after carefully estimating thbl iireds of the stMteln supplying funds to cover the llMS appropriations to bi used this year, and acting as a quorum of the board of i-quallminn and us Bessiui'iit, found it possible to cut down thf total Mate levy one mill as compared with KM!. And thly cut It down to Ii 8 mills, in tht fact of run-, siderublo oi position, ,' Thuitt ait' dilVetent uiotho.Uol shoe ing a saving in riiuutiig the blato gov'- eminent, hut all will conoedo that every dollar cut clY a ta Irvy is a dol lar'Miroly siimmI. It oannot be spent if it is not taken out r the pooplnS pockets. And this u net of ttu board shows hotter than m.n. -pottjMi; LiST.Wfck. vsaaBHia HuOaS W'W n7A WffllfcAV mtiX es whcio tliiiybtHiid on H.- i"ii.riliyy,hC li.m f Mr and Mi-, a'. htti- uf ellleleney and economy Tho i. y tVdurd.u ou il' whi.e tliv Mi.-ni win rutt-c every ooiiur leiiuy it, -fs t 'Miry- and no miuo That is surul) miioukIi. Exhibit of Institutions Spiicis at the NebraHHii state fair has Tbcoti ri'heivnl by the Ijrjard of control Jor exhihlt'j af the nativities ot tlu vnrloiib state institnlloiib. This leu- turo of the liM.r htato fair U eullroly new. Otlleinlct in chnruu of stute In jijatitntioiih nre plumiiiiK their t.hibits. KANSAS PICKUPS (From Hmltti County) Com looks good In this vicinity. Austin Spurrier of Iliirr Oak made a business trip up here to his farm Saturday. Olenette Payne Is visiting her mint, Kdith Mastennan, this week. Several of the farmers of this locality are putting up the second crop of alf alfa. Mrs. Utile Drown and children spent Wednesday as the guests of Mrs. J. (,'. Peterson. Wm. Dunn took in the sights at flastiiigs, Nebraska, a couple of days last week. Miss. TJielma Lannlgan is spending H few days iu'Sinlth Center with rela tlves this week. Little Mary Upp had the misfortune 6f slcfipimA on a uleco of glas and cut her foot badly. Arthur Martman and family visited with the'A W. Upp family Sunday and attended Sunday School at Oriole. llryan Stantlmore, Pearl Upp, Fay Upp and Ethel Urcwell also Max Isom were visitors at the E. E. Spurrier home Sunday. Tay Upp and Ethel (Jrowell, Urynn Stantlmore and Parl Upp, Max Isom and Melba Spurrier attended the young people's meeting at Highland Sunday evening. Mrs. T. S. Spurrier and Mrs. E. E. Spurrier are taking rare of Mrs Rye Tweedy's children while Mrs, Tweedy Is under the Doctor's care at Excelsior Springs. INAVALE Guy Darker was In Red Cloud Satur day. Clarence Reed purchased Art Myers' nuto this week, Dr. Myers aud son, Harry, went to Hastings Wednesday. Glenn Olmsted and daughter, Luetic, went to Red Cloud Monday. Mr. Hartwell aud daughter, Dorothy, went to Hastings Wednesday. Mrs. Glenn Olmsted has been quite sick witli Itlio mumps but is better now Miles Putman came down from lilue Hill Saturday and spent Sunday in Inavale. A number of Inavale people attend ed the circus at Red Cloud last Wed nesday. Mrs Arneson and Mrs. Ada Walker of Red Cloud visited at M rs. Eli Strong' Tuesday. i ' Mr. Yost and family of Red Cloud were calling at the Uert Leonard home Sunday afternoon. Thelmu Woluott .arrived Saturday night with Mrs. Guy Barker to visit relatives and friends. Miss Dorothy Hattwell came home from Hastings Monday night where she has been visiting for ii week Mrs. Guy llarker and family return ed Saturday night from Hebron whore they have bceu visiting A. E. Wolcott uud family. KAVALE quite sick this Wm. Zippe is visiting at the Frit. Meyer home. Frank Kincaid and family visited iiorth of the river Sunday. Floyd McCull shipped two car loads of hugs to Krtiit Mrs Dloket weut to LI traornir I he Mf. will meet Wit I refk. O O. tfersey' Win, Ui !5il Clyde unlay a f -Sish dreu of 1)1 In till, vlci Owen V ivife of visited hU par' Midi Whlu-ly Suuil Fay Arneson Noble mill family Mil Ititf relatives in Kuiisn V, Koberison ami h ml KuiliJi I.. Humid, ei ii I .WfiftM M, KiiuMhl i V ... "Milt. . MV lUUVHMrs O N liliinknl U&. OHH-HEtf - tm i qualLriKHMKlW iiUtz 8 departed TTajfclay morning KiiiftfifV 31'1' FruielBeraDtl,vvrtii.r w'oni pointAE.ml.C.sVIA-,u.(ler and hush, to The l.iiftliicsjfinr-ii of In iv.de tunieWT aW' "HM- r T1' ' Rblf.-J.i'. .i.i ..v m,.1i, tl..L- mil Kiidtiy ufUruotiii ami Aorlcd tliu road-. iiuli of j.ovn, iiiiilviiii tlu tn :is4itili- fur the po.tjilij miui i.f Hit fin r i :-t t'. irjrudln fautifn! .. S'i'lill i. Ml.' NOUnSfWlllh iriil liireil atf I .JBLV- tlicvKjitnttii; i 1 a i in t vjanm'suf all kin. In, LlKhriifl'ilIfini;llts immo MiTVi'd. Abu ill tit'i " -I' ' t h ii i' 1 1 1 ii : h ciy I ! .s.mt .oi. iih Dyspepsia Tabtets will vcliove your indigestion. Many people in this town havolucd them and wo have yet to hear erf a caso whero they havo failed. Wo know tho for mula. Sold only by us-25o a box. ' H. E. Grlco Drug Co, ffiexoffik Few Facts Concerning Naturalization The nccomponying Information rela tive to naturalization U submitted solely for the benefit of deserving aliens who are eligible for citizenship and reside in Webster county, and it should confer a distinct benefit upon them. The naturalization records In the ofllco of Miss Edith L. McKelghau, Clerk of the District Court at Red Cloud were reviewed on the 9th instant by J. M. Ournett, United States Natur alization Examiner, of St. Louis. The examiner calls attention to the fact that many aliens living in Webster comity who' have filed their declar ations of intention ("first papers") to become citizens of the United States are permitting them to expire through carolcssuess, . Under the Federal naturalization law, any alien who has declared his Intention to become un American citi zen since Sept. 20, 1000, must file ap plication for final papers in the dis trict clerk's olllcc of the county In which ho lives within seven years after the date of his declaration of intention or his rights under the declaration are lost, and he must make a new declar ation of intention, waiting two more years before he Is again eligible for citizenship. The examiner states that there are more than twenty five aliens now ru siding iu Webster county who arc iu possession of worthless declarations of intention, as they failed to apply for final papers before their declar ations became seven yeirs of age. As all declarations filed since Sept 2(1, lrOO, bear upon theli fa:e the legend "Invalid For All Purposes Seven Years AfterThe I).te Hereof," the examiner states that any use by an alien of a paper which has expired Is contrary to the laws of the United States. The Government has a complete record of the names and addresses of all declar ants, including those who hold worth less papers. According to the examiner there nre upwards of thirty aliens living iu Webster county holding declarations of intention which will become worth less within a very short time, unless the holders make application for full citizenship. These persons may,' by applying to Miss Edith L. MeKeighanf Clerk of the District Court at Red Cloud, obtain free of eharge, full in formation concerning the steps they must take to become fully naturalized. The cost of tiling application for final certificate of citizenship is 84.00 The naturalization of foreigners is in charge or the Bureau of Naturaliza tion, Department of Labor. The ex aminer sta es that the chief purpose of the llureuu is to, insure the legal na turalization of aliens of good moral character who have lived, in the United States more than Five years and are desirable as citizens It Is not necessary for a foreigner desiring to becomoa citizen to employ an attorney for this nurposo, ns the services of the bureau of Natural za tlon are at the disposal of the appli cant without cost to him. For con venience in the administration of .he law, the entire United States is divided Into districts, each of whioh is Under the jurisdiction of a chief examiner The state of Nebraska is iu the St. Louis district. Communications re'la to naturalization addressed to the Chief Naturalization Examiner, Cus tom House, St. Louis, Missouri, re el caremi auenuon who are expert in teal Bute irttttfera. Real Estate Transfers compiled by B. W. St,ewart, Bonded Abstracter and torney, IlejJ Cloud, Nebraska. has. A. Martin and wife to Ttha J. Martin, wd, lota, 2, Annex Ioj E bton WsMBitl, Dlk. 1, 1000 B&HMw Hiin Ph Sal L-J- Spence s AfflflVIWaatMi KH'O hiihi) U. Colvln tollntfh It. Hunt- wil. lot-, '.I. It). Ullc. 10, jij&Vancis'h Add Guide Itoek 1500 Ssroline UarfUneoh aud husband feK?W'lliittle E. Met., wd, nt t,wh 2000 UWhiYUM to lillllie llCK. S' HlOVCAtUvs. l-'Ued WUW. MhttKnifcs Itc'oujetl SlS.oSS.iw. .u . MctKodistMention , Disliict i:ow.)ith Leaijnot'onvi'iitloii will bo held in the lN'd (lmd M. K. chnieh T Ufs day tiiul Wednesday. Kverybndy Invlti-d. fhaneellor l'ul mer wld spuitli Tm-sdav evunlng. I'Hnu-th tjuarteily Conferedee will be held Friday evening. Miss Zolla L'.iuib who has hcun vl-lt-kK at the M. 11 .parfonage has return 1 to hor luiine In Gonevu. The toad committee appoiutd by the citizens of lied Cloud Is Messets I'anl .Storey, TranU Cowden and George llutchlsou. Bits of Byplay By Luke McLuke Copyright, 1915, the Cincinnati Enquirer Huhl "Why Is this institution called the Rockefeller fotundutlon'(" nsUcd the oid fogy "Hccniise It Is built' on .John D.'b rocks,'' repjfed the grouch Buying and Selling. V Tou buy experience atiir. And then It makes yoVhoIler , . To find toat you cun't make a a.ilo . At one cent on the dollar. .,' T"5"nx-rt-- ' . ,'k' ""'s Wuffl "Hcllof" said ttft voice over the phone. ''Is this the1 type foundry?', "Yes,' was the 'reply, "this is the type foundry'. "Well," sai'd the voice, "thl Is Bobhs & Dohbs, the publishers. "'Will you send us over about 200,000 capital l's right away?" "What In Sam Hill do yon want with 200,000 capital l's?" "We are setting up Roosevelt's auto biography," replied the voice. 8adl "Oh, woct" said a lady named Cartor. "Old Fato has picked mo for a martyr. As I Dtcpped on this car 1 felt a strange Jar, And 1 know 1 liavo busted my shoestring.' Paw Knows Everything. Willie Paw, what la Utopia? Paw Utopia la a placo where the women are all dumb, my son. Maw Willie, you go out and shovel off tbo sidewalk. Willing to Stand Pat. Wo have the wireless telegraph. The horseless car Is ncro, And yet wo've no desire to quaff A glass of foamless beer. Correct. Gnbe Wbnt does carrying coals to Newcastle mennV Stove diving a smoker In Pittsburgh. Betchal This world would be a One old spot It surely would Improve a tot. If we were all as good as we Advise our fellow men to ba, Names Is Names. Razor Hart runs a sawmill at ley, Ida. Hal- Things to Worry About. A newly born giraffe Is six feet tall. Try Thla on Your Demijohn. Dear Luke: Little Brown Jug of the days of yore. We've grown to love you more and mora, Your rotund body, glazed and bright. Danishes thoughts of gloomy night Bo tittle Brown Jug, whllo your lips 1 press, four answer 1 can only guess. This stolen kiss do not rebuko, But whisper sweetly, softly "Luke McLuke, "Luke McLuKo, "Luko McLuke" Ezra PrlfT, Huntington, Dry Va. Dally Health Hint. Never sing "God Save the King" at a German picnic Our Daily Special. When you are talking you are not learning anything. Luk McLuke 8ays: A can can't see why the bedbug was ever created. But that la Just what a flea thinks about a hairless dog. Some men divide their time between being mean to their wtvos and being nice to other women. Daughter select sheer nainsook with baby ribbon rxmettes and band em- DroMered meaauione woen arte boys a npw pombinutinn. lint mofher ronntu something antwtuutlal ftiut will' ma U good Hcrdb rnga after It. Is worn oat A woman ran take one look at an other woman and teU.wbctner sne is a real blond or a peroxide' jiffalr. But man bas to marry bar before be cod tell the dtffereow. The reason a win she ta frolnc to mate li nasring tt on the mirror of her bed room dresser. The sort of man who would feel cot)' ralnnted tf his clot ties touched yours rth Is the same lad who Is always TflHMyt.that he will meet you In heaven. ''TajjL Von can't teJI aWBkj.about a wo- ninn. Khn will RitainnMHiisMSllrB roast Ing her husband and telraifrot a no account, two cent pup fie w'onfj.il ho gets mad and shims the door inirl goes out. Thini she will sit down and write a Ions letter to her mother and tell her what a grand man her hus hand in. nnd how thoughtful and gen erous he Is, and how h.tniiy they are. When one of the children Is serlousily ' 111 father will tell mother to go to bed and ho will stay up. Then father will nit around nnd rend for n few hoiirn and thin kiumiU oil to bed. And as soon as mother hears father snor lug she will e up and watch tho child nil nicht ind then prepare breaUfiM r though t!iithtnghiid happened. And j father will go downtown and go around . hunting for sympathy by Rtnting that I L ... . ....... O .. ...1 ........ ne uuin r tot ti wuik oi siecp u.i uim bivause he had to stay up and nurse a Biol; child Any real boy onn wear cit three pairs of shoo while he Is wearing ou one ho of shoe not Mi There arc n whole lot of us low browed fat heads who Imagine wo are Just ns good as the man who says ."eyther" and "nythe?." . WE WILL MEET Catalogue House Prices ON YOUR $10. 00 Spend Your Money at Home and Boost Home Enterprise Bring Your Orders To us to fill, and if we do not have every item we can very quickly them. secure The Miner Bros. Co. General Merchants "A Mighty Safe Place To Trade" 'awmniii'iiiisiiLii'iiii'iiiiii,!!!!.!;'.,,;:" .."a.. i'Iiij'::!!;,'!,,:.,,!)1 HENRY COOK, M. D. DKAI.KIl IN drugs, book?, stationery, school supplies;and toilet articles mmvimnMmwMmrmnrmmm:mmni!m 'ZMsWhviW ' K-3 tA Warner 's Host Proof GoFsets For stout figures preserve all the natural, ', beautif nl lines, and fit with a degree of comfort .. .that is surpriaiste, 'v',1&Hm!JL f or illustraiHMjwgHwat we heartily Tik It has a medium busTrnxPTrlllfc skirt inset with rubber gores atHpifc. the back, and has proven very popular with many large women who have tried it. We will take pleasure kany of the other handsome Warner scientifically designed for the dowager or wo man of large proportion. EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED f At AGENT FOR BUTTERICK PATTERNS k w ii- i 'YOUR PRINTING I We .Can Please You As To Material, Style And Workmanship, And Our Prices Are Very Low. and $20.00 Orders ,.' iXK" DtoHiim -! im "O, I'm a dowager and must give up all thought of -having a figure." NOT AT ALL. your appearance at the dowager period is more important than in your younger days, when you had youth to carry it. It is quite easy to hear, "How graceful she is, and a large woman too!" This is accomplished if your corset selec tion is right, nor is it necessary to choose an expensive model." instBHsee the in showing you this or models mmmmmmnmmmmmmm.wmmni CS'v . ' vSMHMl TTXJITTI T 1 1" 4 AWL. v7 l!S-