j. ' 3 tl'-J' r f RED CLOUD, NEBRAiKA. OHIEF WISDOM IN STUDYING NATURE 1NAVALE I4 (Ml vflMHMBS9A FOR THE BEST OF ! ' 7 V Hi . 1; iv vi it VY w fcl t.tm m VI tit i v . li iM IcJH 17 r 1 nw . r RUGS! Our Fall stock of Rugs just arrived and our lines are now complete both in size and quality. We were fortunate in buying our Rugs early before the ad vance, and our prices will be the same although the mills have advanced prices from 50c to $1 a rug. Axminister from $18 up in 9x12; Tapistry Brussels, Body Brussels, Velvets, Wiltons, Wool Fibre and grass in all sizes and at the right prices. (S ROY SATTLEY Furniture and Undertaking Red Cloud Nebraska Buy Your Groceries Where You Receive Full Value There's a reason why you should buy your groceries - from "us. The reason will appeal to you because it is ' short and to the point We Have the Goods and Make ' the Prices. P. A. WULLBRANDT THE HOME GROCERY , Pianos and Musical Merchandise ? UNDERTAKING 'LHDY HTTENDRNTl Calls Answered Day or Night ED. AMACK ALL THE PHONES McFARLAND BUILDING Good Old Mother Invariably Willing to Give Assistance to Indus trious Mankind. It la supposed tho molaturo In tho earth must litivo nn Influence upon the atmosphere, find especially upon tho moisture in our nlr, and thcro must, ho some power or hidden force that draws moro moisture to tho surface when there la an approaching condi tion which is apt to produce precipita tion. In soma mountainous sections tho, midden Incrcaso In streams of water la more notlccahle, nnd miners who are k arching tor gold and other valu able minerals frequently discover rich di posits by watchltiR streams that lime become dry, until a sudden Kiish t water hi Inns to the surface' somo particles of the valuable metal they .are looking for, Indicating rich de posits. Naturo quite frequently asssts In dustrloui mankind in finding th'6; things sought after, and unless natures ,Ih carefully studied we arc apt to over look somo very Important leads along tho paths wo nre traversing In search of the better things of tills wonderful old world. Philadelphia National American. NEAR DEATH IN UTAH DESERT Attorney Wandered for Five Days ' Without Water and With Very Little Sustenance. ' Famishing, crawling on his hands and knees like an animal, and close (to madness, Samuel H. Maker, a prominent Denver attorney, real es tate and mining broker, arrived at Thompson, Utah, recently after hav ing been lost five days In tho Utah desert, says tho Denver Post. Ho had been without food or water and his only sustenance came from a '.small can of milk which ho had put in his pocket when he started out. i Maker and M. J. Gill of Denver had gone to Salt Valley, 22 miles south east of Thompson, to Inspect somo radium properties. Uaker, provided only with a light lunch, hired a horse and cart and set out alone across the desert. Saturday night he reached a shcop camp nnd turned the horsu out to grass. The animal returned to Thompson. Sunday morning Hnkor, falling to find his horse, started out on foot In search of the animal. He reached his uranium claims, but, continuing hit. search for tho animal, became hope lessly lost. Mountain And Coast Tours For those looking; up shorter vacation tours, the ISurliiigtou offers tin atti active list, such us; (1) To Denver, Colorado Springs, Kstes l'aik, the very 'oenter ol Colo 'ruilo'n summer life. (5) The Glacier l'ark trip, wonderfully scenic and very cheap. Send for priutod matter. (3) The Yellowstone l'urk tour, either via Cody or Gardiner. Ally kind of a toui you want beyond. (t) The beautiful ltluck Hills, with their fou-sts, auto drives und Hot Springs, S. D , with its delightful plunge liuths. Tills region is very near to you. (!)) The Hlg Horn Mountains, with Hhorldau and Uanchestor, gateways to a score of ranch resorts. Ask for Hlg Horn booklet. National Power Farming Demonstration, Fremont August 9th to 14th This Intel est lug exhibit of truotois is of untold interest to fanners Doni. onstiatlou in a Held of u thousand acres. lO.Ootl in attendance. Heie you will sec Improved farm tnaohltieiy that will revolutionize funning. N. B, BUSH, Ticket Agent, lied Cloud, N'ebi. L. W. WAKELET, General Passenger Agt. 1001 Faiiuun Stieet, Uniahu, Nebr. The Woman and the Emergency. Not now and then, but over and over again, women prove that In emer gencies they can rise to tho occa sion. Under Btress- of conditions that are likely to paralyze men's minds, women quickly act instantly, and ef fectually nchlovo results that slower wltted men would never have thought of attempting. This was illustrated anew In tho exploit of Mrs Edison In rescuing the inventor's papers and records. To her alone, among all tho throng lend ing w lting hands, did It occur that the contents of tho wizard's laboratory wero frr more valuable than tho $7,QD0i0 niftiihrooturUiB plant thut. ;hls notos of LnvanUons lu procoss of. perfootion wore prlcakss. So. MiIIV t!i (limit HtreatMted? tho wife, unknown to her husband, led tho nalv. so brigade that carried to safetj t'trsurcs that could not have been replaced WIMf ITTWIWWII M M Holding the Rabbits for a Ransom. A porter at tho Hotel llaltlmoro went out rabbit hunting last week. Ho was short of change and borrower! from tho otlmr porters to buy his am munition. Ho promised each one a rabbit or two. Tho nest day hn put the bundle of rabbits, about n dozen, in the checkronm. Thru ho went to tho other porters nnd told them tho rabbits wero there nnd they could di vide them betwoen themselves. "Wo's come nftah the rabbits what .Ilmmlo left hero," tho porter spokes man said to the checkroom man. "Ho told us wo could divide them here." "There's no rabbits goes out of here until that hunting porter pays mo the dollar and a half ho borrowed from mo about a month ago," so said the checkroom man. Tho rabbits aro still In tho check room. Kansas City Star. The Lost Million. In n recent address on "The Lost Million" Hon. M. Heck tells of the dif ficulties that beset Washington In en deavoring to securo gunpowder for the Revolutionary army. "When he as sumed control nt Cambridge," says Mr. Reck, "Washington had kogr of sand labeled 'Powder' in order to do ludo his soldiers Into tho npparent se curity that thoy had plenty of am munition." Franklin even advised tho uso of bows and arrows to repel tho British. To get ammunition Amorl ran agents appealed to Franco, and "the lost million" van nn unpnld debt duo to Hentininrchnls for money lo.med by him for procuring muni tions of war. Mrs. Gates' sister and; children are here vislltug. Gladys Gainer is spending u few days in lied Cloud. Mis. Clyde Wick wile's sister is visit ing lu Alma this wi'olc. The M. H. liadle-, Aid will meet with Mis. Blunt Wednesday. Mis. Klsie Hays left TliuiMluy night fur Oi leans to visit udatlves. Illaiich Mather went up to Frank .Stiicklnnd's to sttiy a few weeks. Mrs Claietue I'-urgcss mid ou me spending u few dajs in lied Cloud. Vis (iiiuiot and family took Mi", nil Stioug tt. lied Clutid l'uiMinv (.veil ing. Mr. mid Mis. M. Fulton lot timed Saturday from their visit acioss the liver. ' Mrs. .1 Uet'd'n sifter and son eatne down ftom Franklin Tuesday to visit relatires. Mr. and Mrs Churley Iietiker spent Sunday with their dmighter, Mrs. Fred Myer Jas Saunders nnd wife were down from Cjwles Monday attending the Chautauqua. Mr. and Mrs. Kobt. Mitchell spent Sunday with the-ir daughter, .Mrs. Clarence Heed. Tho rural mail carriers on routes two and tluee are having a rest on ac count of high water. Itobt. Overton of ttlverton has taken Mr. Hush's place as the Crete Cream ery Co's , agent here. Sundny night Mr. Gates' pool hall was broken Into and considerable tobacco and cigars weie taken. Mrs. Tichnor Hint chlldien frrm Falls City aro here on account of the Illness of her father, A. C. Hale. Mr. Geer, the Hell Telephone Line Man, made a Hying trip to Innvale Central ollleo Tuesday to repair the line. The "old hello girl" chaperoned the Joyce and Guy Barker's families at a picnic on tho creek north of Inavale Tuesday eveiilng. Saturday afternoon a number of people fiom south of thu liver eatne to town and while doing their fading the river raised so that they weie com pelled to stay over Sunday In and around Inavale. CIGARS AND SMOKING TOBACCO POWELL BROS. SMOKE HOUSE IF YOU WANT air Red Cloud People Praise Simple Mixture Many in Hed Cloud praise the simple mixture of buckthorn bark glycerine, ftc, known as Adler 1 ka Tills remedy Is the most THOUOUGH bowel cleanser ever sold being even used moeessfiilly in appendicitis ONE SPOONFUL relieves almost ANY CA-E of constipation, sour or gassy stomach. ONE MINt'Tri after you take it the gasses rumble nnd pass out. Adler-i ka eanuot gripe and the INSTANT actlor Is siirpiisiug. C. L. Cottiug Li the Court tj.JJtnrt of Webster County Nebraska. m vi r.or.Ni.im.s.K . i W tbstei t ount, i l. the matter of the t state of i:ilali'th Cochrane, lUoeiwil. l'llKI)ITOUSo(s:iltiestato will take milieu that the lime limited for presentation atut lllliitfot I'latiiisnKnlnst Ihesamu Is I'ubruary llth, TIKI, atut for the payment of tlelittt la Inly Kith, I'Jlii, that 1 will sit at tliu ruuntj court room lu Milil county on the l&tli tin) of I'chrimry mill, at 10 o'clock a. in., to rt cilve, CMimluc, luar, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly tlUd. Dated thlsl'Jth day of -July A. I., 1UI5. (Seal.) A. I). HAN.N'KY, County Judije. ' NOTICE Seiili.il bills will be rccclMd by the lied Cloud Hoard of Kducatlou, at the otllcu of the Secretary, for the bulhtliuol a cement walk on the west Kldc of the W'uKhliiKtou .School li rounds. Said walk tube lour foot wide and 4- iu lies thick, to be trowellid twli-eand Hand llnlHhed,aud to bo built In the proportion of one p.yt of cement to lle partHol muiil and travel. The Hoard reserves the rlht to re ject any or all bids. All bids must be lu by uuust 10th. lted Cloud Hoard of IMucallou by CI. I'Ul'i:, SM.cn tiirj. Flap DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OVER STATE BANK E. S. Goo-ber Real Estate, Farm Loans aud Insurance, India's Indloo Industry. Indigo is a minor Industry of In dia that Is benefiting In a marked do greo by the conditions brought about by tho war, the geuulno dye being In great demand, Its prlco having already risen threo hundred per cent. En deavors will no doubt bo made to In crcaso the nrea under cultivation next season as far as In possible but much land formorly appropriated to Indljo has been relinquished, and contract) THE ALARM is a dreadful thing OF" FIRE fur the man without insuiniice. ISvoiy time he sees tho engines racing along his heait e'omes up In his throat if the fire Is anywhere near his place What folly, what mis taken economy THE COST OF is so small that it INSURANCE need hardly be considered. The freedom from worry alone Is worth it many times over Have us insiiro you to-day. O C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. PfHHWEflT OR A HWER JYIade flight, Lettered Right And Erected Right SEE: OVERftG BROS. & GO. Makers of Artistic Monuments Red Cloud, Nebraska Ql FOR THE BEST IN THE PRINTING ART QUALITY The Quality of printed mat ter depends largely on the style and originality displayed in the composition. Mechanical finish and good workmanship are only obtainable through the use of proper equipment. If you de sire Quality printing CONSULT US THE RED CLOUD CHIEF RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA SEPTEMBER 0 fteLlqyd Thorn True TOFraomiOT INCDLNffi .DanwOjbdfldd JLhcLJL omoN AUT0I1OBILE PACES FRIDAY AND C" SATURDAY oL-Tf SEPT. (te. trw vn ' I I S liODSE DACES imp -. 0 llimLUttSYE0K.t llfBs DR. DEARDORF VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate Chicago Veteilnary College HVELVK YII.WIS KXl'KniK.NCE AT HAI LEY'S TIC BARN Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED 'i"M p i i V'i'ir'li"1" I ?TEliBER f6,7, 4D9 A 4 i WJ Red Cloud Nebraska Red Cloud, - Nebraska. for Its cultivation canceled. Red Cloud Nebraska E2T0.TICC Ovtu Auimoiir's SlonE ' : i.Jui"Jt&JJ. y-y-sj-w. -Miw-j-'--;iwgia3iarwa! JWft - urffwfcJJMW .- - M.iv' rf 4tft . M -W flES8i43 irn'L. i. win' I - TWHWI' '"la