The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 05, 1915, Image 5

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    Wsw -
Bulletin of The Week's olngs
I !
S 1 0(1(1 w Vfi fit liintinii - Inn tt
f.ii tn. IlcrciustiN & Sal.vde.n.
A P. My of McCook whs in the city
the llrst of the week on buslne&s.
Riy Saunurs of Kati-u City vfctteil
fi'ieml.ihere Che Inst of the week.'
J V. llogeuiief and vj,fe loft atur.
tliin for Oberlin, Kaunas, to visit rela
tives. Tlio Hoard of Education hiu some
choice lumber for bale, Inquire of
Himrv Glllniui.
Kied I'linres wa up from Supeiior
Thursday vlsitlm; his mother, Mrs
Barbara l'liares.
.Mr. aud Mrs. Clms. Woods returned
the last of the week from Kansas
where they had been vlsltinp relatives.
MUs Mary Christian returned home
from l'oru the first of the week where
she had been attending Normal school
Vincent ,Iohnou of Uaytown, Mis
sourl, spent the last of tho week in
this city with his mother, Mrs, John
ston. Dr. Doles returned home Tuesday
morning from Franklin whore ho IihiI
been spending u few days with rela
tives Mrs Esther Gearrow left Sunday
for her home in St. Joe after a visit
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, (leo.
Mildred and Golilie Chancy came up
from Superior tho llrst of tho week to
vNit their Kraudparcuts, J. K. Clianej
nud wife.
Miss Millie Slaby of McCook came
down the first of the week for a visit
with relatives, the Al. Slnby and Tony
Clark families.
Miss Pearl McKiunoii of Chlppewn
Falls, Wisconsin, is a guest at the Geo.
Coon homo this week. The young
lady is a cousin of Mrs. Coon.
Dr. Warrick, the specialist, will meet
eye, ear, nose and throat patients and
those neediuir classes fitted at Dr.
Damerell's oflice, Wednesday, Aug 11
I hare opened up an oflice for the
buying and selling of real estate, and
will make a specialty of Webster
county land. List your fatm with me
Office with Webster County Hank.
B P.vMizkii. j ',.-(
Among the many; slreet aud gutter
improvements recently' made by order
of the city council is a new cement
bridge on the east side of Eighth
Avenue and Webster street. The
work it being done by the Mnlone
Avery Company, under the personal
supervision of Mike Finkenbinder,
whose ability at mixing cement is a
well know factor.
The following is the weather report
for the month of July as fur lished by
Clms S. Ludlow, voluntary observer:
mean temperature TO; maximum tem
perature Or. on the 15th; minimum
temperature 17 on the fith; total preci
pitation T..87; number of days clear In;
partly cloudy, 8; cloudy 8; thunder
storms 8; prevailing wind southwest;
17 rainy days; rainfall since January
1, 31.33 Inches
Frank Perry, who is now lttboriug iu
the capacity of deputy food iuspectorj
during these prosperous Democratic
times, came home tho first of the week
to visit his family and incldentlally
attend the meeting of the city council
which whs held on Tuesday evening.
Frank shows evidence of the fact that
llto out iu the open agrees with him
better thau the close coutluemeut in
cident to keeping store, and while he
says ho has not yet discovered a hotel
where they serve real chautloleer
gravy, like he can obtain at home, yet
he likes his new line of work real well
A Quiet Poker Game
Causes Two Fights
We have been informed that the
quietness of a quint game of poker,
participated in by some of our leading
uulens, and hold not many doors oil'
Wehhter street, was suddenly broken
on Saturday evening by two tlstlc en
gagements between four of the players.
Not being present, wo can not state
tho exact amount which was in the
pots iu dispute, nor whether or not
th bouts were pulled oil' under Mm (sua
of Quoensbury rules, but wo do know
t'mt the gentlemen taking part in the
lights wero about evenly matched as to
physical size and .tiength tho mid
d'o ur.d heavy woight classes being rep
lpieiiud, and that as a result of
this said qilotucs3 beihg broken, you
in iy, perhaps, huvo notice 1 some who evidence of having been present
ut its In taking The Chiif 13 not
looking for a chance to find fault nor
dictate, and we are proud to say that
the Muyoi has did eceditigly well In
keepin,; the lid on, but when such as
thin not only becomes town talk, but
tukes place right iu the heart of tho
city, wo canuot refrain from wonder
ing to what extent tho lid has slipped.
Cliff Pope went to Lincoln Wednes
day morning.
Alba Pope was down fiom Hluo Hill
Monday night.
Fred Gund was down from Ulue
Hill Monday night
Sheriff Walker of ltlooinlngton was
in town Monday on business.
Several of our citizens took In the
.Irons at Hastings Wedneday.
"Uabe" Hunt ws up from (iiiide
Hock Wedne'ilav attending theclico..
Attorney Hale and his sister were
down from Franklin, Wednesday, vi
inr friends
TLe Joseph T'.ivlclck family have
rented the A. I. Ely houe in the
Piatt addition.
Charley Foster was down from Or
leans the llrst of the week visiting Al
lifers and wife.
Next Tuesday Is the day when the
t-ivpijersate to vote on the Sewer
Bond proposition.
Mrs Cora Nlson and children of
Hartley are visiting her patents, (ieo,
Clauson ahd family.
Miss Hannah Jorgensou of Inavale
Is spending the week in this city the
guest of Mrs 1.0 Walker.
The Republican river was out of Its
banks the first of the week owing to
the heavy rains west of hero
Miss Vernon Storey returned homo
Saturday from Lincoln where she had
been attending summer school at the
state university.
(tleti Italpli, who i holding down a
position In the News-Chronicle ollleo
al Keiiklemati, artived in the city
Wednesday to visit his parents.
A Uouianco of the Navy, at tho
Tepee next Monday and Tuesday is
one of the most beautiful photo plays
ever shown. See disciiption iu another
column. Hegnlar prices.
Miss Mabelle Smith ami Elsie
Weaver loft Saturday morning for
Fort Morgan, Colorado, to attend
Institute. They will teach this next
term of school near Hckley, Colo.
The Chief Is In receipt of a letter
from John Wesley Itoehr, former agri
cultural Instructor in the high school
here, and now holding a slmlllar posi
tion at Hastings. Besides enclosing
the "necessary," for which we have
credited his subscription to a future
date, the esteemed Professor says that
while he likes his work at that place,
yet he finds himself often thinking of
the good people of Red Cloud, and at
times experiences a yearning to be
here again.
On Wednesday "Yankee Robinson's
Circutf,'.', arrived iiitliiti.clty about 7 a
in from Norton, -Kansas. jOning to
the bad roads iu the first ward, the.
circus was late in getting their tents
pitched on Koontz's field. The parade
took place at 1 o'clock, and was wit
nessed by a large crowd. While the
circus is not a large affair, yet the
horseb, wagons, etc , bore evideuce of
being well cared for, nnd the aggrega
tion iu general appeared to be above
the average class The eirens, itself,
was pronounced by a majority of thoe
who attended as being very good. A
largo crowd was disappointed iu tho
evening owing to the peiformatice
being called off. The management
stated that tho horses Tintl help In
general had been worn out with their
morning's etloit iu getting their wa-
irons nud piiranhcriiilln from the cars
to the circus gtouuds, aud that rather
tlmn to give the evening performance
and. experience the ditlluulty of
hauling their equipment back to tho
cars after nigut, over such roads as
those found In the south ward, they
would rather lose tlio money.
Cowles Boy Sold To
New York Yankees
The following takon from the Sun
day State Journal concerning "Daz.y"
Vance, whose home is at Cowles, and
who has tiny number of friends iu this
city, will bo read with interest:
"Jack Holland last night announced
the sulo of the release of Pitcher
"l)azj" Vance to the Now fork
Americans Several days ago the
news came out of St. Joseph that
V.ince'ij release had been sold to the
Wlilte So.. Holland did not care to
correct the report for tho reason that
Vun'cu had not signi d .ui Atiicrietn
league c utraet. Tim. necessary papeis
were in Lincoln awaiting Holland h
arrival anl Vance attached his signa
ture last night. The contract Is for
the reinuimler ol the picont Ameii
can league siMaOii, following the '.ur
ir lu.vtinn of tin West tii lfagu- oum-
pr.ign ou labor rlnv
, season of UMti Tn
nnd oUo for the
s hi v.ini e' second
year in th Wt-i.t tn li-ig.u-. He waa
marketed tt ' Pit'iHui$r I'-ratcs last
fall and then -uutba-U fn the O'Nell
loop without a fair trjunt Vmice has
the liest smokeb.l ol all the hurlers
in the O'N'eil loop, and Holland is con
fldtnl th-it "Dazzy" will win a steady
job oh the pitching staff of the
Yankees. The deal for his sale was
completed by George Davis, u New
York snout, who saw Vance pUoli a
losing game against Lincoln two weeks
ago, but was favorably impressed bv
the pitcher's stylo aud speed that he
recommended a purohose."
1 jjfgoggfurmrfT f y?WHP unOTitiwwittjajiyafeiigay
of tlie
Monday Tuesday
August 9 and 10
A Special Three Reel
A line story of gallantry and puti lot
ism set iu superb suirouudings
A virile, beautiful and patriotic photo
No in my or navy st-iry ever had
truer or mure beautiful nud correct
Charming scenes are shown of the
Naval Academy at AtinpolU, of New
port with its training school and war
college, of the navy iu action, the
Bluejackets at exercise and man
euvers. ,
All three scones lit snugly Info the
story which never lags lu interest,
but abounds iu exulting incidents, and
is rich in its appeals to patriotism.
Chas. Brubaker was in Hastings
Ben Gibson was down from Frank
lin Friday visiting friends.
Don Saunders of Kansas City was in
the city Thursday on business.
Wastkii to Uknt Five or six room
modern house. Box 285 Red Cloud.
Andy Hart was over from Lebanon
the first of the week visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwlght Jones were up
from Guido Hock Sunday attending
the Chautauqua,
Walter Porte.uler aud Joe Springer
were up from Guuto Bock the first of
the week visiting friends.
Messrs. Edgar. Cowden and dial
Gellatly and their wives returned
home Saturday from Beaver City.
Miss Mable Buckles returned liome
the last of the week from Kearney
where she had been uttendiug Normal
The Misses Irene McGulre and Lela
Woods returned home the last of the
week from Kearney where ihey hail
been attending Normal school.
All members of the Fraternal id
Association are requested to be pres
ent at the regular meeting August
l'Jth. Business of importance Is to he
C. S Warren aud family of Beatrice
spent Thursday iu tlits city as the
guests of Ed. Gurber and wife. They
were on their way, via the auto ionic.
to Colorado Springs.
Bed Cloud claims the'lionbV of in
stigating good rouds day. We'll give
that town credit for being the best
bunch of advertisers in the valley
Republican City Ranger.
.. . iWIM.
L. L. Layton tho barber at Kivertou
died Wednesday morniug from an. at
tack of heart failure at that place. He
owned the Horal barber shon lmrif for
i i . 11 i ..'. V. -
h iew iiuiiiios msi urn hiiu win oe re
membered by many of our oitUens. '
I'utroni.lng catalogue houses' 'so
freely has resulted In making cos
mopolitan citizens out of some of our
people A man now gets up to the
alarm of a Connecticut clock, buttons
his Chicago suspenders to Detroit
overaUs, washes his face with Cincin
nati soap lu a Pennsylvania wash pah,
sits down to a Grand Kupids tahlH and
eats Chicago meats and Sioux City
flour cooked with Omaha hud on a St.
. .. tin
liOius siove, purs n .ew t oru oriuiiiu
on a .Missouri mule, plows corn raised
ti'-iui Iowa seed, tin a farm covered by,
nil f)l)!'j mortgiu'e with an Illinois
plow When bedtime comes lm reads
n chapter from a Bible printed in tins
tun. says a prayer written in Jmu
s.ileu and in ;i wis umlur a blanket
only ii bo kept awake by a NebiaHka
IiikIIuil' rhi) oiilv home nroduolon the
nhuv K
"A Safe Place To Trade"
We plcl ed ..ut tw.. gin I ads recent
i j that n-aliireii tlint ptnese. It is a
might good phrase l' featuie piu
v.rlcd it WtliMiiinh Otherwise-- But
uo nr iMt prei-nmiii thcio is an
'Gtlunws. '
One nf those -ui- wn a quarter nagi
foi l)nnniiu''s in the (Jnl, Neb , Qui?.
It anm niie.-if moida attractive redue
tlons In pnees, nnd Hie line, ' ,Snf
Place t" Tmile niiglii to give tuliled
weight to thus! reductions.
file nthtr ltd was a full pat,'" for
The Miner Bro, Co. in the lied Cloud.
Neb . Chief That was different tjpc
of ad just us good, however, mid nitii
the same line "A Sale PIhch to Tutde'
featuied eoii moie strongly.
It means a lot to a customer to be
sure that your store Is a safe place to
trade, ami It menus a lot to you to
have all your advertising bear out
that boast Omaha Tiade Exhibit.
Mr. and Mis. Chester Sheeley nre
the happy put cuts of a baby girl which
arrived at their home this week.
Mis. A. V.. Holes teturned home the
Hist of the week from Franklin where
she had been visiting her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Kobe! I Moore and
children of McCook me vl9itlug her
parents. Mr and Mrs, Tuny Clink, this
Boy Stevens, the popular photo
grapher, is impiovlng Ills heretofore
Imnilsome countenance by the addition
of a mustache
FOB SALB -1000 bu. of eat ly spray
ed summer apples, ,'1'ic per bushel
picked and windfalls 'JO' -I) BXorils,
"' . miles southwest of lied Cloud.
Board of Education
Met On Monday
Hi i Ciot'ti Nr.iiu Aug. , UMfi
I lluaid mot iu regular session All
I members present.
Minutes of previous meeting lead
and approxed.
The following bills were allowed and
warrants ordered drawn for same:
Tiess llarwood ft Ho
Frank Suielser 1 "0
Committee on Grounds and Itulldiiig
made icfiurt ami Mr. (iilhaiu was in
stiueted to dispose of the old lumber
fiom Court House by advertising lu
city papers and sell same at one sale
it possible.
In the matter of collecting disputed
bill of ?.:..ilO Irom the County Superin
tendent for the rent of High School
Building for Institute purpose 11)11;
Secretary was instructed to present
bill to County Commissioner ami col
lect full amount due.
The following resolution was Intro
duced by Mr. toon, who moved Its
WllKliEAs it appears tliat the assessed
valuation of the taxable property In
the School District of Bed Cloud City
ill the County of Webstir, for the year
11)15, is the sum of $11)0.(570 03 and
that a new High School building is
badly needed by said School district,
therefore be it
Bksoued that there be submitted to
the qualified voters of said school dis
trict at an election to be called and
held therein, between the usual hours
ut the Fireman's Hall in city of Bed
Cloud on September 8, 1915, the pro
position to issue the bonds of tnid dis
trict In the sum of Thirtjllve Thous
and Dollars in denominations of from
$100 to J500 each, bearing five (.1) per
cent annual interest, pajublo at the
olllce of the State Tioistner of Nebnis
kn, to be dated and Issued November
1st, HMD, nnd to matuie lu twenty
jouih from said date, but with the op
tion to said school dlstiic' to pay and
discharge the same at any interest
payment date after five jeais.
That the said bonds, wl en auflioi
i.eil and Issued shall uu ullVieil In tlu
op.'ii market ami sold to the highest
biiidci for 110,1 lets than par value,
with uivriiHil Interest, and may be
oil-red 'n hcpnrutc amounts oi Jots;
aud the proceeds thereof shall be de
posited with the tieastliei of said
School Distort, to be paid out only
upon due order and varraiituuthorled
by tho Board of Kducution for the sole
purpose of erecting, furnishing and
finishing a High School Building for,
said school distHcl upon the block of
gioiuid now occupied by, and to title?
the plucb of, the present high school
building, known us the "Washington
. '"Also the proposition to vote a tux
annually upon all the taxable property
of said school district sufficient to pay
the Interest accruing on said bouds,
and a sinking fund for the payment of
the same at maturity. .; vr
.iJHldrtuoHou, wits secouded by Gil-
rmn and voted for by nil the members.
Thereupon the president declared
thy 'resolutions adopted Ulid the Sec-
lotary. was directed to give the proper
notices o( such election.
C. J. Poim:, Secretary
Chautauqua Program ,
" , The Best One Ever
' Continued from llrst page)
'with their hovel chime, enttrcuined
tliu audience witli many el.ctious.
Mjnt of their selection 'U "llie" even
woro of tt snored uhiirncli r.
The (iainb.e Coneerl.J.'umpuiiy met 0f un 'pull,
c 'tupauy rendered nothing but classi
cal music, but they wen masters and
consequently they pleased. '1 tiry
showed Dial all will liKu tile lilgli C-I.t'js
umslo If it is propel Ij interpreted Tun
lecture by Dr. Medbury ou ,,i,fi,t
MUMons of Voiing l'eopte " wh-, glv-.n
I'liSl ecUul hearing He gave -wiiie
St'titling ilifoi illation a to the v a
lions of many of our young Ain in ie
On the whole this lectin c win. in nil'
for the ctt, and contained litUt. c..i
was ot Interest to it farming cm
tin Ki,d, music. 1 1 entertainers III
teJ nicely in the picgnun '1 eey s-tng
and plavej popular airs tlmi fheen'lre
progrim (iOush'iTcil v is v. .y pluis ig
They fiepined lie w ny fcip hol "i
tiling- and they r.'i-r, m u 'h Hppreeiat
en Kilmiiiid Viuiet- Cooke m& a gust
pleasilie for the cliihitcu The a'. .lit
ren are entitled to u fc'inat deal ou 'hi
piogutni and this wan a real children's
day At the same time Mr. Cooke
was pleiising tiiH olii.d.'i ii he wiin de
lighting the older f.i's Wo heard
several of our best thinkers say that
they would not have missed this nutn
her' for tho pi Ice of the tlckot
Children: Do You Know Why Your Mother Trades At
The Booster Club Store
Ask her. and write us a letter The b iy or girl under tweho
years of age who write us a lettei on why his or her mother docs
or ought to trade nt the Booster Club SNihj and presents It to us,
we shall give 10) coupons flee, whljh m iy lie voted for any Boostor,
and the one who writes the best letter will be given u pair of shoos.
The letters will be judged by a local committee of disinterested
This letter contest closes on Saturday, September Ith.
The premium will be awarded the following week.
The letters will lie put on display iu our store for everybody to
We Want Every Boy And Girl Within Ten Miles To
Write Us A Letter
Thousands of coupois maybe secured by the special offers this
week, See the posters at our store.
What Booster will win the watch Monday, August tilth.
Music next Saturday by Mabel Collins.
Attend Our Boaster Benefit Sale August 4th
To August 21st. Special Prices On Suits,
Hats And Shoes To Help Our Boosters.
Jhe Qomden-Kaley Qlothing Qo.
The Booster Store
rMBM CsA llttlll!nil!irai!1i!!l!l!!inil'"l!l)ini!n fsAHir!?1
i uavp a rnMPirrr i.imp nr - l!i
f Fresh Vegetables and Fruits
Fancy and Staple Groceries
i i ,
Best Prices Paid For Butter and Effort
Walter W.
Red Cloud,
What is Your Ability
The Time
Better Insure Your Time in a Safe Company
1oo,ooo,ooo Assets
Spells the Strength ol . , ' -
The Travelers of Hartford
Geo. M. VanCamp, Agent
(Over Stero's Clothlnft Store)
PHONLSi IihI. 241 and 173 Bell 128
Where There Is A Will
There Is A Way
Ten Royal Resolutions
I WILL Say Hello to Some One Every Day
I WILL Smile al My Neighbor Al Every Opportunity
I WILL Praise People Whenever I Can
I WILL Forgive and Love My Enemies
I WILL Choke All My Complaints
I WILL Forget All My Trouble and Heartaches
. WILL Sec All the Good Possible in Everybody
WILL Not Bccomt Morally Lay
WILL Be Honest and Charitable Wilh All Men
WILL Boost Foi a Unfted Church and City
The United Church
J. Ll. IBceb-S, PaStor IsiUoor South ol Court House
Marshall I
Nebraska JL
Worth to You Without
to Apply it?
m HBIMg 1
ju w .... .11
v ini
HZ3-) ffigfBWWI
:! .
; i;