-. -'??' , RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF INILTMIONAL SUNMSOIOOI Lesson (By H. O. Bni.LKna. Actlnjr Plrrctor ol Humlnv Srlioiil Courno, Tin- Moody llllilj Inntltulo of CIiIcqko.) LESSON FOR AUGUST 8 THE KINGDOM TORN ASUNDER. FolKWeToucK IiPassiig 'dp Julia ChandlGrMoixx 4? ;vwclvre newspaper ayiDicwre-' (J Qhildren Cry For ,Kt Conteati 15 Fluid Drachmi 1 f ATT47STmTa1 ft' w X 7 & U) iM-c THE HEART OF A BOY The Hoy lay through tho long night with wide-open eyes savo when somo member of his family passed through his small room, whereupon ho closed them In pretense of sleep, but when tho gray dawn sifted silently through his unshaded window ho could no longer endure the stillness ho had kept. Slipping swiftly Into his clothes, ho crept through tho kitchen door, etolo through the enshrouding fog of the soft spring morning to tho front of tho house and stood gazing silently across tho village road to tho house on tho other side which the mist veiled from his sight. Ho wondered vaguely if tho white roses still hung their drooping heads agalnBt tho panel of tho front door or If they had been taken In with tho rest which kept watch besldo Llttlo Girl as sho lay among tho whlto satin folds of her lovely casket, her lips smiling bravely In answer to an Angel's call. They had told Tho Iloy tho day be fore that ho might go In and his moth. er had taken his hand In hers to glvo him courage, when ho gently disen gaged It and sped away to the woods, following tho trail nlong which ho had held back tho flapping branches for vmmmmmBMaUBBMMm l ; A n VMA kAA M A M-MIIW ifV '..-iJ r . . i Al lLlttle Glrjivcr since ho could remem- Iber, irad THe hour had been twlfcYit r.WUlUe lA-heMhcf returned. He had madn stun What nA ttritf was near LlUln Girl when. ho .sjlhi&l -Into. tho'l'fbb'm wMcV bMH lay smiling and )eft tho arbutus ho jbad ftrrnjehr clnnyoil In nor Rtlff little Sflniers. In hls-hunt for tho trailln lOuahof scented color ; le- sBorao oi ino onguisn hearf,.Jbbad seemed.to Ulmj oftpnj'fh'a iLittlo Girl was a't hlsrsido,' pftlitTni" lout fh'tf hillside's vh'crdHrio ToVcHesV HowerdHild boheatliHhki plho .htfeclesi When ho tucked thplovcj of Jis fragrant blossoms unaer tuo Btirr lime fangefu "I'lm HUy'b L'H'B lingered Wl tllo )iulet Iac6 With its lenuur lips snuliug tend seelnJnA, ,ffltlAKK VfllPi on Tiptoe, kissed tho onco rosebud mouth ftnd Hell again into tho woods they both had loved nnd traversed. J And now it w(as morntngj' tho day if tho ftmoralV Tho'li'oUso airosB 'tho road waa-Bhroudod-infogrand-vagucly Tho Boy wondered If tho arbutus lived ret in tho llttlo daasl-toand, and if Lit- , Jo Girl still was smlllngT ' Ah, hut; sho wofild nqtijunllo when they put' her under tho ground! And v$ho arbutus' would die without air. All .eight ho 'had pondered tho matter In Ills mind, rand dully ho had told him- ielf over and over again that they nust not put Llttlo Girl beneath tho ground where it waa cold and dark 'and lonely. Hut oven as bo said theso 'things to hlmsdirho Ttnev In his a'ch- Jng heart ,tbat it would) be d9no, an,d jnow as no" stood in the soft spring' Jog, his toarlOBs ypa straining aprsB 'the street, panic seized bis young heart tho sort of, janlTthntjfBiborrr pf the utter futlflfy of human purposo in opposition to tho wyUof God. oppusuiuu iu mo wuui uuu. MlBrablV TUo. yo fcrbpt back Mo ohoueJdnd fftifc t wAdow atchtcri 10 naA'ay bliwv 1 i 1 1 jtbol khe As the morning passed and tho fog go-como out of and taito down the whlto roses that drooped f Mf m. nfc uig ruui. u kid niii era ftreircr against the front door. Instinctively ho know tho time had come. Hearing his mother's call, tho heart of The Iloy contracted strangely. His pain Btricken eyes swept the room In which ho seemed nlone. With pulsing heart ho left his place at the window. Climb ing tho narrow steps which led to tho attic he threw himself on n pile of old carpetB and when Llttlo Girl was be ing homo away from tho house acrosB tho road no ono missed Tho Hoy save, perhaps, IiIb mother, who If she gave the matter a thought, con cluded he had gone ahead. For an hour ho lay on the carpets, his heart numb with suffering; his eyes wldo and tearless; his mind tor tured with tho sceno in tho cemetery ho could not bring himself to witness. Later ho heard his family stirring in tho kitchen below, and onco or twice ho heard his nnmo called, but ho made no answer. All day ho lay won dering If yet tho arbutus was dying in Little Girl's hand, and if tho smllo of tho Angel had left her lips, and when ho could bear tho companion ship of his thoughts no longer he sat up on tho pllo of rugn and his eyes wandered to tho corner of the old at tic whero ho and Llttlo Girl had played at love and housekeeping the Bov Stood. Contleaa. M rtte IVffv.l JJ 1 V.H 1 . ' . . - . : t:-.' --.- KOBil&EMfafilS&kt An acbtikenicbairathBr baltoied dall.' Tho lp IJpy stumbJed.'to his eet, KlaBped 'Wrfke-be'llevoMcnn(J Tj'r -Ma' play tli houra. with T.(in r:iri in m, stron'b',' ynnng hrrng,' anil .whan tlia py.entog hadows felllhey found him still ait- ItMfcIoll)4to of rugs swavlnc back anaiorfli tolne'rhythm of his sobs. '1k'itffcl-1 -ihjiofti l .i-c.f 7.J tbD.nJsKt.'.Nheniho had been In . bed rtiaMyh1r,i. Bdy awUened ' ttl oJbrtBtJr'cKIahlWAt first ho' Avnt).qohso,ijft3only th&thq zfyn was ' a 'clrcumatanco wiucii unuaiiy flld "hKra withi pecuilar senso of peaco) .' Then, uj?0.?!1! rcmcrauorcd-!' Springing tnTrofTJed ho ran to his window. "Tho'dawn of tnothor ndw day was nearan'd Itjiail but Jhist be gun to rain'. Hastily Tho'lio'y sllppid lnl6"lirscTolFeBafunjuIetIy stole fr m fl,o V.r.1,c 1 fts'yiPttrk,' burnisJitbut hei rt knoW no,;foar b, Jiatcss ho rm through tho villago Btrcet, and injto tho winding road 'oond, coming un pdntlngly before th6 gate ' whfth opeijed Into tho llttlo cflractery whloh J nqs over against mo tauo on a sloping hillside. Softly Tho Boy let himself In. In stinctively ho knew tho now-maV)e mound, all covered with flowers, where Lltllo Girl lay) jind swiftly Jho topk off his warm coat and with cxqulsft,o tendernepreful.t ovetho earth' homo of Llttlo Girl. Not Batlsfled, ho ral80d!'lho fimtirolla'ho Ibnd brought for his own nrotctlnn nnd lnft it thus Ven3tlu),bea'UUrUrrittlo faco framed in us nnio or golden curls and wearing us oravo smuo or youtn. $ I f fa tW foit of th MMll fpho Dy fetlpod cbAlfsi, nnd as ho. loot id bafile Vifton bfeJhfcr his biVo.hcirl IwelUd Its bravo smUo of youth. with the prldo of protection; a smllo crept IntoliLufWhjfijUio was qulto trtnfirnmrr'nlrWrWM drenched to tho skin, LESSON TKXT-I KIiiks 12:M6. OOLDICN TKXT-1'rldu Koctli t.rfor ilcstnictlon, mid a IimiKhty Bplrlt bofiirc a fall. 1'iov. 16:18. Solomon's kingdom though outward ly magnificent contained within It those gorms of oppression, formal re ligious observances and the lux ex arhplo of an Indulgent monarch which speedily led to Its disruption after Ills death. Forty years Solomon reigned, but tho latter end of his life was none too peaceful. "Ho loved many strntigo women" and "his henrt was not per fect with tho Lord his God" (11:1, 4). Kezon was his "adversary" (ll:2r) and Jeroboam whom ho at first sought to conciliate (11:20-28) wns finally drlvon from the land (v. 40). Chapter eleven contains tho prophecy of which this lesson Is tho fulfillment. "And Kohoboam, his son, reigned In his Btend" (11:43). I. Tho Convention at Shechem, vv. 1-5. This place has an important his tory beginning in tho days of Abraham and Jacob. It was a city of tho Lcvltec nnd tho placo whero Joshua gave IiIb final charge (Josh, 24:1, 25). Abtme lech destroyed It though It was soon rebuilt. Hero Israel gathered to con firm Solomon's son upon tho throne. Jerusalem nnd Judea readily accepted lielioboam ns king, but tho ten tribes hesitated and, according to ono trans lation thoro was a yenr's delay during which time Jeroboam was Bent for nnd certain reforms wero formulated (v 2). Their charges wero entirely selfish nnd mado no rcferenco to tho rights of Jehovah nor offered any protest against tho increasing idolatry. Be fore alleglanco wns sworn Jeroboam ns spokesman presented theso reforms (v. 4) nnd Hehobonm wisely asked for tlmo to consider tho request (v. 5). II. Good Counsel Neglected, vv. 6-12. Rehobonm camo of bad stock (ch. 14:21), yet his first step was a wlso one. His nnmo means "Enlarger of tho people," but ho Badly belled tho same. Too long had ho lived In tho atmosphere of luxury and enervation. Tho northern tribes suffered greatly through taxation and shared none of tho prosperity of Jerusalem. Solomon's "yoke," like that of every earthly mon arch, had been heavy (Matt, 11:29, 30). Tho counsel of tho old men was good (v. 7), It was kingly, manly. Jesus tells us that tho greatest must be tho servant of all and nets us tho examplo himself (Matt. 20:28). Iteho boam next consulted tTioso of his own circle who "wero grown up with him," men of liko position and passions, youths as inexperienced as himself who had no sympathy but were wild, (-"cbttceifed. 'oveYhoiirlne. selfish, rtnhn. f 1BbaWnske'ai'"nTlV!co,u(V. 0) of tho old 'Vheu."but nsfffc'rf'ro'r"WuiiRel" (v. 01 nl ' tho ybungrncW,1 butMn neither caso is 'Hftro nfryuggcStion "that 'Oft was '-eonyult6d Warnus? i :trt ' MeSe' Vffiine mm c'olinBblcd.U'Mnstlng nntf liuWeii- affid:fc6uVsorWlridi1br6ucht1'rtelbboam fW'WlfcW- OphWBsrdn-'tfJw'KyB "Fcsults 'H? ebelI16Wfici1hat (hTJse fp fern "OF eirfflby bthors'shdUId' pWder weM.,!t'iirrolJ8iVm,clidTco' of cAuns'e1or 'and nls'fG'dnsemient burs'ewdf ncflon, .- taBllboteliW focrtiitontAb1 t'llov. d.t,riii r. il. 1. o inooi o l .5 -UjV3 j n "rfJ-'Bad "'une,l WWflfinerf.'VT. 12-14. JeroboammseUuehl 4dreer CnlfrfnWR WHKllhvlW'tnnf' nV mnrn JlHim9 iH dtica', eVc'3MKe-d"an1d"!fqs- hoidfd ihy-"Droud: iokwArwML ("wfeft"1 b6th"roW'cra:rryiHg- ohtTthb word-' naWWi orSchdvhu fv.'irt'W' iSl ey q' Tllln Annn .. l.nn.na.AH IaaM" . ,,-,-. -, -, hia iulit "t)f?to'liy lf A'ct 2 : 23lf6't'?ontent to uucd iiui, uucvt;if icsau, uvjo iiuli uunciuii iconL-u inn Mi 'derfaYinVUls" acceiitattco'b'rho :Bai"s mmiA&l ineViiby 'a'ggi'avatlng his uoa ten. 11:9-11. 31. 33). A true -prophet foretold"vhat would happen, tho "causo Wfla"frdm"iho Lord that ho might i perform lili6ay!ng" (v. 1C, cf. Jll:81; 32)i od is iconstantly nd'lit- 'orally.'fulfllling prophecy. Thdso which have been so fully and 'bo minutely ful fllledtn'ro'a watrant thatMn 'due tlmo sail twill likewise "como to pasa." Re hoboam Is a 'lesson to.theyoung' men of today, " Rohoboam la-also a lbson for pres ent day fathers. - .Finally! Rehoboam is a lesson to all who nro not In authority. To closo our cars to tho cry ot tho needy; to forget onr obligations to God and to men i(Matt:2G),'Jind to fail to seo God'a pur- '.poBca.iproplIoclcs and plansrlnevitably courtB'dlBastor J ' 'idi r - i. (if'trho coming klngot kings whoio ful flllment'of prophecy did' come, and will ioomo again, linn a yokei for' hia subjects "Vinlilch lb 6rtsy." llW-llliper .(v.xlfl) and liAnds Wdrfeiuiicd'ln' loving ministries vniidf rlie iinly ch'n'stlHt'iiient .(v.li) hc'6flrl'pomItA is that which proves us to bo ''sons,? ;ttot slaves (Hob. 12: Gil). 'tvir'coilfisel ho,'s'pokd-"rotfAhly" (v. tWiku&ath& vferijo BuMts'tiWftiH' "tho old men'B courtel"5wnB,knnft'n, in ' wotfn8"6r Wa'dden"and '"bv WW sol f 'WdlV Niircontfi.t rt8 VeluWileho Bbar6aVenVAWedburd6n,8 iWU) . M Wgm 'ff MofflRP'? .Vousft.be causo Solomon had turnedawny frpm. uu uiiiL uiun.ua iuuu. iiuuKii wmuti ALCOl lOl.-.a I'Jlll.CENTi AVcKVlnl)lel'tv!virallonlurA!i Sinulalintilt'eFixxlndKculrt (inttlhc StoiaaMand IKmcIs of YwpwWs UiticsHoaClwfefftih ncss imi KcAt.tkintauvi iwinxr Opitun,Morpliinc norMUwrai Wot NAitcTic. jto&tfourkSAicu morca S4, Af- t ffnwiid'lor RiiKiTTnJHI luon.ouroioinacn.uuimmtn,, nnnns,' icvnnum.i una Loss of Sleeps, nclmllrSlgilnlurrof m xiWAimcoMBtfm JBW VORIt. Eitct Copy of Wrapper Too True. Hill U hns been estimated that tho heat received In a year by tho earth from the sun is sulllclent to melt a layer of ice 100 feet In thickness cov evlng tho globo. Jill And yet we have to go hacking at it on tho sidewalk with an old hatchet, Just tho Bamo." HAIR OR NO HAIR? Certainly Up to You and cura. Trial Free, It It Cutl- Hot Shampoos with Cuticura Soap, followed by light dressings of Cuti cura Ointment rubbed into tho scalp kin tend to clear tho scalp of dan. draff, lootho Itching and Irritation and promote healthy hair-growing condi tion!. Nothing better, cleaner, purer. Sample each free by maU with Dook. Addreii postcard, Cuticura, Dept. XY, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Unfortunately tho fellow who Is al ways willing to lend n hand generally has an empty one. Every Joko takes a courso In vaudeville. post-graduato 3 reds stifrgDia-. f Oraonu wuw Tbiw rdi for itt rijo t me. " AaXlUftPrffl(ffrrT Romidef Ttftro. Bttli tokm ! Prwi r rroow,. ,,,, Wilic (r Admli.l Utj Hindi wooii. DMIRAL UAY r RDSS CO.. Hoi 10. Kl5C.I.Mo. t- 'OWN YOUR OWN FARM SSSUIiWSfc PATENTS wmio e. C;r, l'attat lwrr,W wihlhtou. Dil1..Af1vlfanrf Imnkl frML RMw tcuonsbli. JtlcbMt nltnnoe. BtttMrrlcw " " ' ' "' ' Nebraska Direciory THEPAXTON TEt Nckreiki la EUROPEAN PLAN ,Rom from 11.00 up alnglc, 75 cat,vp.dauVl. CAFE PKICCS KCASOMAlftaVK' ' MNCOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE J LB.C.BUILDINO. LINCOLN, NEBRASkA ' An AoormdHod SoffqM ' -1.1 : 1 '..llrl. FILMS DEVELOPED 'w fctT mentiln Mit0 1 JMM 3M -V?YVtf T.cneofthBbeiteanlpVeifVBlAW'A'eparviftciJ 'R$rcVM rJUflpVNature. in in rouniry uoa mo nuni you eisa ui lor .VltlVUiSt (fllUI.UK VI CUldlftlUK Will W UAUU ipu 17 aiprti who will gtt tbe bo it poulbltflianMot you. AtrtAlptder will conrlac you of tbe luporlot (Utilty of bttrwotk.' ' n ' v LINCOLN raOTOm?rU.Y.CO. (Haituitn Kodak Co.) 1217 O ST., Dtp). K. LUcola, Mtbr'aafea .H.UHfua Krlnl. ..i...U .111 ... Uw.AtmJt ha. 40o SAVED Thousands of Nebraska automobile oW'neri have taken advautaRe of the low rates and; liberal policies offered by thistHOME COMPANY. We sjwo our policy holders 40. Wo want reliable agents t-orepreseni ns. Write todav for samnle DofiCv'anu rites. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CO.. 1550 St, UilJi. Nek, MNITEISTMES TIRES NO BLUER TIRES HADE AT ANY PRICE 3? F -i.ji-j - W.N. U, LINCOUN, NO.f ?-s1Q15. fV 1 VII ' ll0 il21' hi BI lUgl itimn f!sfs W VAil MM ' ' MM. . m !V 1 f Pi.' tW 1 I "k'vl pq roa knorr,tht one of tb moat YroQtable Uaej ICoom and UuwIIiil; Alley In cnrubliiaUon Tfltb, T.iinnh Itunm np Ilur lrP fihOtiT Wfl httTC lirtTO 1 . JW nUm u. A.ia 4im tlia ., """.?;' Ire to locate, iBiiirirlurci. Wo ellon aw, Thelninswlck - Balbe - (TV? "oy''y' I iv!vSSRHHHHHDBBIICRHBIQSSflH9BSMSEB What is CASTORIA ftntorlo Is linrmtcsR tnbatitnte for Castor Oil, Patch Rorlc, Props and BoothluK Syrups. It Is plensunt. It contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor oilier Narcotlo ubstanco. Its aRO Is Its gnnrantco. It destroys Worms nnd allays Fcvcrlnlmcss. For mora than thirty years 16 lias been In constant uso lor tho rellol ol Constipation, i Flatuloncy, "Wind Collo, U Teething Troubles and ' Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bovrcls, dslmllates tho Food, glvinff healthy and natural Sleep. She Children's ranacca Tho Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the 2L&0&j&m In Use For Oveif 30 Years Th Kind You Hav Always Bought TH OINTAUN OOMUNV, NW VOUK OITV. NOT A MATTER OF FIGURES Number of Churches or Synagogues Seem to Be of Relatively Little Moment. "Is It progress to ro to church or not to go to church?" asks Dr. Krnosl C. Richardson of Princeton university. Thereupon ho answers tho question In this wlso: "What Is almost tho laBt word that enn be spoken on universal progress at tho present stago of af fairs was onco spoken by that most gracious and polished author of tho most scholarly 'Life of Our Lord,' Dr. Samuel J. Androws, npropos of this very matter. "An enthusiastic npostlo of Chris tian endeavor in a quiet library read ing room was holding forth in noisy conversation on tho wonderful prog ress of tho church In theso later times. '"Why, Just think of it,' ho cried, 'thoro are twelve hundred churches (It it was twelvo hundred) In tho city of Philadelphia nlono today; twelve hun dred churches, just think of it!' "Doctor Andrews looked up from his book at tho strenuous dcclulmor nnd romurked quietly, 'And thero wero eight hundred synagogues (if it was eight hundred) in Jerusalem at tho tlmo when Jesus Christ was cruel .fled.'" " , ' Rocky Roads of China ' Wo ull know the lc!trlp'tlbn,'or-t'llp, snakes In Ireland: ."Thoro are non('i nnd much tho Bamo 'might 1 bo tsaid Hbout tho roada in Chlna.nnTliMra aro so-called roads, ccr(n!lytipaN-.v.'hch' tno peopio move abqutjuuL, j,u,a,ve seldom met ono that, was any better J than the Burtounding country.' and verv. vnrv often on tUin'Hoarnov V 'met roads whore it was 6&Bennd-'iox- Hiry to move off them-'m'fb'tue'nelrjli-. .UUII1IK VIUWUU'UUIU " ihu'icwiuu- IUI a'.rpa,d thero in tho North setnia 'to jbo: "Takp a pleco of tlio fiouii try (that Js really too bad to pjcjw;,,pr tq tuse iiur uujr iiKiiuuuuijii, yiijjvvnf 7r over, that a mo'unialn orront In fact has gtven ip da ''too much for ' the water, upset a 'iffohb wall oor"it, a 'etono wall with good largo stories' id ltJ( lake purr fhnvnnini' toffi'WWUM 'ovonly, and you liavoyour road. Wide World WaPuh f,niio": ih 11 'Tho result Is tho same. When a" rii&h'B pdor 'ho -Ifan't 'appreciate the Blmplo life becautra ho'lias tb llVd 'IV, and when 'he's 'rich he1' can't npprofcl- ato thotsimplo life bocauso'hlB doctor Rcommonds it" . ' ) ii i " ' . ' , , Not,,ln the Money. . , "Docs your husband, play cards for money?" "No, replied 'young Mrs.' Torklna', thoughtfully; v,l 'don't think Charlpy play's for 'money.' Dut all tho peopio WHb play with' him do." " Professor's Break: Professor (to atudont) What aro you laughing at? Not at mo? Studcnt.-p-Oh, no, Blr. Professor Then what else Is there In tho r(oom to laugh at?, Womcn'aro'actlng as Btro'ct cleaners Irr Cardiff, Wales. Vj . a GlrlsaiV) employed 'bb messengers tho nrltlsh war office. '' 4 iruu umx, poverty luinrovoa n .iddIicii oikzier tottc.de .vcrea.tr. "Then, f.ow about riches?" , ' Kind ttdgtrcmMtoWJKi .tm. o..w i i. irW.'A -ri- Varicoae1 Veinn' UWef rni $ lindW a bottle at In Business Opportunities rofltablo luta of trolld 1m a Dllllnrd a ClRar more, (julcK lint or oa locauanv. bins'. WrllM tttnrtrtfkt ntsilllKr wnJM Mill (lfl' -"T "V. rtT.l.TrAir"."."! in-,. lur catmuK vi Jiuuutu iauitai uuniiu tw" ejr raytnenta. i i ' i CinydtrC.,Depl.XYZ,623WbisbAve.,ChlcBgr Signature of Well Named. They wero talking about a promis ing young man who had failed to make good as a traveling salesman. Tho first man said to tho other, ninn: "It was qucor about tho boy. H seemed to bo a regular whirlwind. I 11b first trip wiib a rattling success, but nil ho brought back from his second trip was a bunch of foollsk excuses." "What was it you called him whirlwind?" "Ye." ' "I seo. All 'whirl' nt tho beginning, and all 'wind' nt tho finish." CIot land Plain Dealer. The Way Out "SometimcH 1 think," remarked the timid young man in tho parlor scene, "that If I er had money I would or get married." "Well," suggested tho dear girl wh wan occupying tho other end of th sofa, "why don't you try and--r borrow somo?" ' At n wedding men luujagdwamca weep probably be,cjuisj) they aro not tho victims. , , . , Yrkiiv- f'K j V ,'tV if Is Clogged Up Hhu Thafa Why 'Yu'ri TiiJedOile"fSrf . 777nv No Apjxlite CARTER'S LITTLl Liven riLLa wnifauHbii'rrhl to aevcxlaya . Thej.d their utv1 rCureConj Biliousness. indiceSJtloh and 'Siclc'HeacJ IMAEL PILL, SMALL'DOSE, SMALt f MCX -i it uenufntf'Mtiattntiiri SibtiNhtvi )V 1'.T i1 . JfVJt Jt I "if fA'l I I 4&Be229Bfa&a. fan .ihatm tvoar. i i:J mill or viuu reduced' wit W alio any UQAch or Swellintr. No putter, no hair- KdneJ and ttitii kc"t it'HttJrk.'' Cob. centrated-tromy aiftvt'tlfopjJrequineaiat i Varicose' Veini' dealers of,-fleHred, 99 f;v1deRce'r',ree. f:ffup'T'f';3Wf!ffl.yy!Pn''lW'ff'. A Soluble' AnU?eptlc Pofer to be dissolved in water as needed ,,, For Douche t In the local treatment of woman's Uk. such as louconhoea and Inflammation, how donehes of Paxtlne 'are very emcaclooav Ifo, woman who has erer used meUicate4 soucnes win xaii vo apprcaiaio iua cioaa i hoaltbT condition Paxtlne produces and I douches will fall to appreciate the clean hoaltby condition Paxtlne produces and prompt relief from soreness and discomfort -which follows its use.Thls la because Paxils possesses superior cleansing-, dislaieot- lug and beallnc properties. ig na beating properties. ror ten years tae Jyaia ti. or ten years the Lydla IS. i rinkham Medicine Co. has rec ommended Paxtlne In their private correspondence with wo men, which proves its sunerU 0iUr.3f) Women, who have been n J It la wnrlh Ita ...w.wu ,,...- .. -" w eljlit'Jn gold 'n At drufct-lsts; Wi I ' The Pakton tofleVtX'.;4Bo'Bton; lB2i)s'i DAI5YJ7LY atirwatr, F"f WP 1 i4a kuu kills aU : YSal, claan. aaiaUI. coanaiaal-l chtap. Laata alll aaaaon. otui, oaatfplll r tie! llnlar rtrijwlil no ipll .Hht.it BBBB''' 'sv iv'mvAxnttSk ;BM VITTLC n .BBBaiBBS' ura iHr itT.T? F-JW jgjT 3r?f SWOLLIeN GLANOt aJui.a.horati-jWfaecMJt , ,j ! KTve. ThJck .Wind m?Jli kditfov. can be ?"iJ.T 'A 1' 'M i' J. Hl- I UJMn.tJ I vsHsW-l 1 - a ""- .'. rffc'V ' " &7Z uv ao,, mm ff asaraitai lit Ui'il AlldealerearSMai iiir pais (or IIJa KAX0U) SOMSXS, IH St Kalk ATI., BrooUjra, St. t. A ; -li ? A svriaM'.ma;t T"rTTvTffMBW