Tfe 1, Ui , rM . RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. CHIEF .)' ?- f 4 A CAR LOAD FINE YELLOW ' FREE STONE -.PEACHES WILL ARRIVE HERE About August 1st lploso A Bushel LEAVE YOUR ORDER , WITH US NOW V iner Bros. Go Gen 3Pal Merchants "A Mighty Safe Place To Trade" ' HOME NEWS i Bulletin of The Week's olngs Paii:hi.e Ciiii:i Aivi.RTM:iih For Siile A f?ood ;ife Mulone. Avery. Dr. Abhor was in RUerton Monthly nftcruoon. Earl Dickerson whs up fiotn Guide Rock Sunday. (Jet h new Hand Hug now from Miner Bros. Co. Mel Sherman returned home from ltluc Hill Fiidiiy evening. f All the new Summer Dress Goods are being shown nt Miners. Churley flibtof the week from Blue HI1U 'Alba Pope went to Blue Hill Mon '(lay to work in the harvest fields. V-'Pretty Collars in large variety have just been received at Miner Bros. Co. Col. R. U. Peters and Chas. Wagoner of Guide Rock wore in town Tuesday A large number of farmers felt com pelled to work in the harvest Uelds on Sunday. Miss Josephine Mizer returned home the first of the week from Galeshurg, Illinois. The Chautauqua begins next Thurs day. Have you seemed your season ticket yef.' Rev. Cole preached the sermon at the union ehureh services which weie ,lield in thi) Washington school paik Sunday evening. 1 have opened up an olliue for tl e buyinij and selling of real estate, and will make u specialty of Wei ster county land. List your fat in with mo Otlii'e with Webster County Hank. B F. On Tuesday evening a wrestling match was pulled oil in the Peteisun building A large oiowd was present nd gieatly enjoyed themselves Vet nun 7.el and Kay Heatou put on the pteliiniiruy wiestle, which was follow ed by Will HoUufof Ciete and Mt'fiino llrnd.i, who i- working for Stilt Ko Hro, pulling oil the heavy weight wrestling mutch The later seemed ...... . ..... .... ft.' A no?; litf ofhamfncks just re- jjlie Exposition on'lcsdftjj. "', ptvedeethein'plFtftfi's. '; J, Uvi you segn thde pretty nev Ailto UUlinai Minuted home the Cnps at Miners' They are Beauties the tli st fall after .some twenty live Tevas BilU, fifty funny clowns aio in minutes and tlm former won the lad terspersed thioiigh tho program and two fulls in a very shot t time Oliver 'really put on sotuo stunts that ate Powell, of tho Powell Bios. Suioko side splitters. Ono of tho many feat House, uiistlo icferee, and tilled the ures long remembered with tho show, position in a creditable maimer. The is tl o European war number and tho affair was witnessed by a number of busting of tuu aeroplano. If this does thocllyS best, and many were lieuid tint umbo the meanest man in this toromatk that they would like to bo community laugh, theie isnota laugh nblo to onjoy this class of entertain- in him Red Cloud, Wednesday, ment more liequontly. I August lib. FOR THE BEST OF CIGARS AND SMOKING TOBACCO POWELL BROS. SMOKE- HOUSE' Attend the bund conceit tonight. Hammocks at all prices at Togol'-. Will Arnold was up from .Sopot lor Sunday Auto Veils in all colors tit Miner Hi os Co Vnnkee Robluosn's oil ens will he ugust Ith. George VanCamp was in Republican City Monday on business. Dr. mid .Mt.s. A. P. Boles spent the llistof the week in Franklin. Reduced prices on trunks, suit cases and traveling bags at Fogel's. Lee Detour and Henry Clabiiugh of ttuide Rock wero in the city Tuesday en business. Harry Buckles went to St. NFruncis, Kausas, Wednesday morning to look after his father's farm. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kaley returned home from Culifurnla points, including and-you sure oug'.it to have one Mrs. Harry Cramer and son retiMTa ed home Saturday from tleneva where she had been visiting her pareuts " ..Mrs. Will Hunt returned home Sat urday eveuing from Ulysses, Nebr., where she had been visiting her mother. Mrs. Earner returned home the first of the week from Montana, where she had been visiting her children for several months Mr. and Mis Geo. Holllster and daughter, Miss Marie, arrived homo Monday from their trip to Seattle and the northwest. Fred Wallin is having the framo b Hiding on his lots on Webster stroet moved to his residence in tho east part of town this week. llobt. Avery and wife and F. G Turniiro and wife returned home Wed nesday from San Francisco whoio they hud been taking in tho sights of the Exposition. On another page of this paper will be found the otlleial Chautauqua pio giain. Keep It for futuio reference I).) not foiget that season tickets can be seouied fioin any of our business men. Adults. S'2; chil.lien, 51.00 ' In addition to the big circus acts with the Yankee Robinson Shows, the trained wild animal acts of tho Cail llollenbiick's Sliow and the thrilling f.nt-j nt tin. I'nulmr.. lllirl im irti-lt. nt ....... . .... ,, . .,..,. . , w. i 15he TIT3 "W TT3 "SHi JLs 1 JLd Jo1 1 he i i Trw in t, ' lQiaK 9 Monday Tuesday July 26 and 27 A special feature in three parts which iias proven very popular wherever shown. Full of amusement and lively in terest fiom start to finish. The program will include a coined v drama entitled. "TIIK JARRS VISIT ARCADIA." which is almost disrupted by the adent of the family. Regular Prices Clms. Ileniek is in St. Frauds, Kiis , this week. Mrs C 10 Strong is cpiito ill at the lioiin1 ol M s A i acton. Attiiney B. W. Stewart was in Alma Satuiday night on business ' Miss Cora Weesner leturneii home from Lincoln Saturlay evening. Harvey Ilickeison taken his Hist B'ei In Masonry Fiiday evening. Dowoy Colo of Colo Camp, Mlssnuii, is lu the city visiting his sister, Mis. Roy Stevens 1M Chaney was up from Superior Fiiday visiting his parents, Mr. and' Mrs J. K. Chaney. Miss Genevieve Robinson ol Guide Roth was visiting friends itwttie city the first ot the week Joe Vuvrlcka of Crete arrived Satur day to visit his father, M. Vavrlcka, who lives north of town Doyt Avery returned home, Wednes day evening ftom Superior where he had been visiting relatives. The stores are all closed toduy nn'd, eeryone is working on the river road It seems very much like Sunday. -Coino in and see ouiy-EimuyLou Tennis shoos also Sandals for all sies of pd6p!o.-The Ellis Shoe-Slurb. Mrs. Ira Holmet. ami .two daughteis of Fairbury are visiting at the home of I 11. Holmes and wife this wvek. The Misses Minnie and Jessie Lem inert who had been visiting ut the lio'iio of I, 11. Holmes, returned to Bloomington Sunday. Miss Hello Hamilton, who had been visiting her brother, W. (J. Hamilton and family returned to her homo at Guide Rock Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs Frank Sutton of Omaha are the proud parents of a baby boy which arrived .Monday. Grnnilpu Ilort Duckor is wearing h smilo that won't como oil" this week. WANTED Men who desliotoeain over 8 I'll per mouth write us today for position as salesman; every oppor tunity for advancement. Ckntuai. l'RTKOI.M'M Co,. Cleveland, Ohio Miss I'Miiii Thomas of Dos Moines, Iowa, will have charge of the child ren'fi w rk diiecting their play and story telling during the foiotioou and tifternooti of Cliautauipia days. This will bi u now featuto on tlio Chau tauqua progiMin and will relieve par ents fiom looking after tlieii childien dm lug Cliaiiuiuiiua week. A Swede hugttli work for one of our fin mors this week says The Slamfoid Star The second morning ho was rouf-d fiom his slumber nt thiee o'clock by the stentoilun voice of the fur tier, who shouted: "(Jot up, we've gi t to shntk the oats". Ole lolled oxer and asked "Vat kind oats you Imf vihl oats or tamo with ' 'Tamo oats, 3 ou tool." loired tho furmor. "If they buna tamo out.," replied the Swode, "Aye Utile Ayn can snoak up on them In daylight " And Olo went to sleep tigaiu "An Innocent Sinnot" a throo ret 1 photo diiiiu.i with Kathorino LuSalle, a leading Broadway favorite, in the principle part was put on at Tho Tepee Monday and Tuesday evenings These pictuies like the ones heietofore ex h b'ted on speolul feature nights show ed the same evidence of euro in their selection ajid gieatly pleased the large crowds who witnessed them While T 10 T0E0eoc)ilbit8 i snjo lor glad.' of plctfires th.tti aie oillnarfly sliowli In a town t'lil'. sbrt, at ufl t!i-, thohv M'hieli M dinger ' hmmii hi loe-U fur the p'''iA' CM5n;i ,. aie the erea'-i 1 1 .ill, arid Mil Rii. rjHsiiuK n viro eat if you fnW-tosoe ttipm. Tho atti-aotioii fo.' Monilay iind Tilday evenings Is entitled, "The Black K'ng." tl f.t M ras?1 JXM&g The Men Making Chautauqua Possible The fii.iiur li ti.e i Hi lilduas and liusitu sm (inns luiveb, their libel ill siibsi'iipMoiis tor Spiisou TlckiH mule the ItHfi ('hiutiiuipui possible. Theie men hHvegiuiliinleed tho .sale of filio ticket- ntul would greatly iippri elate it if you wool 1 cill upon thetii fit yotlt "cnsim ticket. Anyone nlioMih bribed for ticket nt the cIokc of last jeur'ti Chnuvauiiii i, in irqarftl -.1 to steuro their llek-t from one of tho following u unod firm: IVoplen Bniik; Stute Bntikj Miner Bins t'.ij WhiluknT .t lltliUWs, CoAileii". M Albrih': t .nujt'A Mil ihel. I'ltul St.irej; II Neiiorlii'ig; II K On.,- Dtujr Co Ko co. We"ni;M V Liii-ii. A. alone i j : I)i Stockman; ii it a Hansen; lr Jltos; I'oweli i.ios; Wtil Koon; ,i,. FOfc-ol; W S -iivVj. IJ O 1)10 lei leli: riiltt .V lives d I) Worn?, Chaiitiiuipi I Miinai(er; V Mitifthulls I'uriniie ,v ttmi. Argun, .Motliail llitis; IJoy saltlej. I A Wull t'lulidt; Sievins Uio; 11 ti llasslngei : Ki Caldwoll; I'M Mun.liy; K S Gar I'i'i: OC 'feel; A .Miijiiardi li .) mien; Mis llarielt; .1 A Burden; l Iniilev Uusl; h P. Itulej; .1 () C.ilil wi li, It Ualuiaii; W A Hunt; A R 'iliiilon; II Ludlow; Kid (luiid Auto l'.'. Kt i'il Wall I W (iill.eit; Mrs ,S i Hills. Mrs B.ubiir.i I'liities, llenr) Newlintisi; H Cuok; A li McAi thut ; K .1 Overliig, K W Knont:( has Cialilll; Hi Niclinlsnii; Hi Cioss: Di t'lelghtou; L)i .Mitchell; .1 H V.isl; I'lank Smith SOUTH 'hN A VALE Hiii vesting ol siuiill grain is now in pingiess. Mrs. Winy Mitchell visited Mis Daniel Xoi i is Tuesday. Hew and Mis Blunt weie visitingon BulValo Creek. Tuesday. 1'ieil Myeis and wife visited at the Clms Hunker homo Sunday. Mr A .Jensen has been laid up for a tcvdu,s with iheitmiitisiu Tho Mt. IMeasaut Aid Soeljty mot witli Mrs. Dlckeisou last week. Mis (I A. Adams is spending tho week with her mother, Mis. McNutt. Little Wayne Challln of Franklin is v siting at tho Dlckorsoti homo this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Kiimiuskv and daughter spent Sunday with Mis. M. Kamitisky C.W.Noble and family, Mis. H. F. Points and child re u and Mr. Rose Points spent Sunday with Fay Arnesou We tire glad to leport.tlmt Loyd Krtinlnslcy wiio has been voty sick tfie past two weeks is again ablo to le ulmut. , 1NAVALE Mr and Mis. Ciurles Hunter went to Lincoln, SuiuIh.v. ' Mrs. Xelle Hunter left Friday for her home in the sand hills Mrs. Xannie McCall caino home Fii day night from Kausas City. Mrs. lone Burgess came home Thurs day from her visit at David City. T. Jones and wife have returned home from their visit at McCuok. Mr. Ruby and family spent Sunday in tho country with Oren Harvey and family. Chas. Waldo and wife and daughter, Not ma, ate dinner Sunday at thu Dan N'iiitIs home Little Margaret Waldo is spending a few days in tho countty with Eustace BiMii and wife. Mif. Rutli Giirney and children left Tliuisdiiy for a visit with her hislor at Columbus, Nebraska. Mis Hiuiii't Smith left Saturday morning for h'unsuh City to make a visit with her son, Hurl, and family. Mis. Clay Oichaid and sons fiom New Mexico at lived Tuesday evening lor a visit with hor father, W. Cloud. liny Bat ker and family and Joo Top ham mid wife spent Sunday in the coiinlry with Will Tophaui and family Iho M. K. Ladies Aid met Wednes day ut Mis. Womletli's Mrs. Wonder ly's division seivod lunch to about thittylivc. The business men of Inavalo went out Tuesday afternoon and cut the weeds around town. We hope they im proved tho looks of tho town Will Cm pouter came homo Thursday fiom Powell, Wyoming, where he lias boon walking for tho past thieu months. A number of our neighbors huvo moved to that place. Mrs, Oeoige Hasting has returned homo fiom Cohuado whine sho Iihs b-iti Visiting her daughter, Mrs Ollie Kilgoio and lanilly. Mr. and Mrs Kllgoro mo tho proud parents of a biby girl, their other two children ke lug boys. DR. DEARDORF VCTERIMA&Y CJlSQOrJ Oiadimte Chk'M" Vetei'iniiry College fiL.i' t bo 1411 aitxs r. AT ISAILHYVSTII). IJAIUN RcU Cloud -;- Nebraska ;l y !S: 2'ri1, ' TiSf- SPBB&H1 Men Mitild Cinw w is fli" lieii Bon'e I'isl tnoillh and wears tlm g-ild wntch Who w'li win Hi utn-'? t' w.lll bo glrmi In thf liidM.hinl tint i,iviiC vo i rtiif, nr writ U tin' a relative nf a wlntnv, win eisjs tho Uinsl votes In Hi HiiijVer club Billot B fintn the v mt i.r M uidiy, July luth tl thi nnti'itof M iiidny, AuRiisl Htb. Fur each list of iirtlcics thl wo c'll hutided in In peiou we lull give llfty llu inter CVnip ins froe, even tlioinfli Iho list contains no more thuii three ii'itnes of arllcliH, mid to this ono making the must I'Dinplel list ln.oori coupons utid a l'2-ploco iJltiiior Sl Smo the fiilh'i cp1 iiiulioii given on tho pistor at our stoio. Tho list will be do 'hied by a locnl committee. M iisle nel Saturdny by Anne .lei uberg. One hundred Boost 'r Coupons will he given to every person ovi i 12 veais of ago who adds up sl numb(rs to I'mml !!.". or inoio on ji sheet of paper and ptosonts It nt the Boonler Stoic. I'se your brain and your pencil Ib'lp your Booster fi lends by bunding in a solution All solutions must be in not later than Satuiday night August 7th i jhe Qooiden-Kaley Qlotbing Qo. s The Booster Store li-S9 tt V '! I' HAVE A COMPLETE LU i Fresh Vegetables and Fruits EVERY Fancy and Staole Groceries i(WAMf. .r kiKnl m04m BM uesi 1 likes 1 tuu mv Walter W, Marshall I . T?nH rimiH. Nnhraaka . Red Cloud, jiwilui'illiLilili'J,'!!!:! What is Your Ability The Time Better Insure Your Time in a Safe Company 1oo,ooo,ooo Assets Spells the Strength of The Travelers of Hartford Ceo. ML VanCamp, Agent (Over Store's Mothlnft Store) THE OFFICE WHERE YOUR CLAIMS ARE WELCOME PHONES: Ind. 241 anil 173 Hi II I2U Where There Is A Will There Is Ten Royal Resolutions Say Hullo to Some One Every Oay Smile at My Neighbor At Every Opportunity Praise People Whenever I Can Forgive and Love My Enemies Choke All My Complaints Forget All My Trouble and Heartaches Sec All the Good Possible in Everybody Not Become Morally Lazy Be Honest and Charitable With AH Men Boost For a Unftcd Church and City I WILL I WILL I WILL I WILL I WILL TWILL I WILL I WILL I WILL I WILL The United Church J. Ll. Bb, PaStor i n South ol Court House I'li&i&zmmi c; .'. THY OS FOR ARTISTIC JOB PRIjJTIi(5 .5 Z- Jtis-s3 '31 ij p " ' 1 LINE 0F 1 WEEK i.v . .q 1 a iui uuiici aiiu lxk Maw BCaM Mnfl mmm , Worth to You Without to Apply it? A Way - ' . - - ll ill ry i m hi I ' i 3 $i "tTK VfrrtiiWiwlMj'W.tP 4.tiUfrf PWl