The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 15, 1915, Image 3

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    BM.MMiljMf iKf , T
mmmmmmmm'.llKmmmmmmmmmmmmmlmmK!Bmwir v7ff" "".jifr! imrn
jt-"f jt v
Mrs. Baker So Weak Could
Not Do Htr WorkFound
Relief In Novel Way.
Adrian, Mich. ' 1 Buffered terribly
ttith female weakness nnd backachoond
got no weak that I
could hardly do my
work. When I
washed my dishes I
had to sit down and
when I would sweep
If the floor I would get
bo weak that I would
have to get a drink
every few minutes,
and beforo I did my
dusting 1 would have
to Ho down. I got
bo poorly that my folks thought I was
going into consumption. One day I
found a piece of paper blowing around
the yard and I picked it up and read it
It said ' Saved from the Grave, ' and
told what Lydid E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound has dono for women. I
showed it to my husband and he said,
Why don't you try it 7 ' So I did, and
after I had taken two bottles I felt
better and I said to my husband, 'I don't
need any more and ho said 'You had
better take it alittlo longer anyway.'
So I took it for three months and got
well and strong." Mrs. Alonzo E.
Bakek, 9 Tccumseh St, Adrian, Mich.
Not "Well Enough to "Work.
In these words is hidden the tragedy
of many a woman, housekeeper or wage
corner who supports herself and is often
helping to Bupport a family, on meagre
wages. Whether in house, office, fac
tory, shop, store or kitchen, woman
should remember that there is one tried
and true remedy for tho ills to which all
women nro prone, and that is Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It
promotes that vigor which makes work
easy. The Lydia E. Pinkhom Medicine
Co., Lynn, Mass.
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine times in ten when the liver Is
right the stomach and bowels are right
pel a lazy liver to
ao its duty.
Cures Con
stipation, In-
and Distress After Eating.
Genuine must bear Signature
UUlUf fV
tolltt preparation of merit.
ItlM to trad Int. dandruff.
FarRMtArin Color and
Baauty to Cray or Fadad Hair.
Mc. and I 00 at DrareUta.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 29-1915.
Natural Procedure.
When telling tho story of tho Pil
grim Fathers to tho children of a pri
mary grndo In a large city tho leader
tried to impress upon them tho fact
that the country was barren at that
time. Lator they wcro told of tho
planting, tho harvest, tho great feast,
and the thankful attltudo ot tboso
early settlors. Finally sho asked:
"What did the Pilgrims do after the
great feast?"
After a moment's sllenco a littlo
girl said, "They went by tho moving
Not In It.
Oldboy I supposo your many ad
mirers are getting jealous of mo?
Miss Llvelolgh Oh, no! On account
of your age they all think you are call
ing on mother. Judge.
When farmers laugh at 'a town man
It generally Is because of his inability
to bitch up a horse.
When a young man or a clock gets
too fast n setback Is necessary.
It's a Picnic Getting
.. wi ,. :. r iw ..,!.. v.'-'i"
;MjHitf ;;:
i:im -
mmmmmmmmw pjivcrv
wr Jmvc
If you choott
Spanish Olivea Pickles' Sweet Relish Ham Loaf Veal Loaf
Chicken Loaf Fruit Preserves Jellies Apple Butter
Luncheon Meats m
7m m mYT MWr
m Immr
Libby, M?Neill & Libby
-YFr rTTi v JA:1 CI ?& J
sHkl iBA ' 1 ti HI H MM
B m k B i . I mmmmmu,
Province of Alberta Shows In
crease of Over 20 Millions.
Figures Just compiled by tho public
ity branch of tho provincial depart
ment show that last year, notwith
standing that quite a third of tho pro
vlnco wbb affected by tho drought to
a very serious extent, tho total valuo
of agricultural products actually pro
duced In tho province showed an In
creaso of over twenty million dollars
over that of the previous year. Al
though southern Alberta had a bad
year agriculturally, tho provlnco as a
wholo experienced a period of great
prosperity, duo principally to mixed
farming, which Is becoming more gen
eral with each succeeding year.
Tho value of mixed farming, In fact,
was never bettor illustrated thnn last
year as tho valuo of tho animals
slaughtered and sold alono equaled
tho valuo of tho spring wheat crop
without taking into consideration the
value of tho butter, milk, cheese, poul
try, vegetables, and other by-product!
of tho farm.
OatB was tho banner grain crop
1,147,382 ncres being seeded, nnd pro
duclng 34,397,117 bushels, or 30 15 to
the 'acre. Sold at an nveragc of 50c
per bushel, those yielded n revenue of
$17,198,658. Comparatively littlo win
ter wheat was nroduced. tho yield be
ing a littlo short of one million bush
els, but tho spring wheat crop
amounted to I5.102.0S3 bushels, tho
yield per ncro being 1G.2G. At nn aver
age of $1.35 per bushel, the valuo of
the spring wheat crop waB therefore
$20,387,812. Tho total production of
barley wbb 7.847.C40 bushels, which, at
55c por bushel, yielded n revenue of
Other productions were ns follows:
Flax, 207,115 bushels, $310,672.00; rye,
261,843 bushels, $196,392.00; speltz, 42,
707 bushelB, $32,030.00; hay, 200,000
tons, $2,500,000; potatoes, four million
bushels, $3,000,000; turnips, threo mil
lion bushels, $750,000; carrotB, 3GO.O0O
bushels. $180,000;' mangolds, 640,000
bushels, $320,000; animals slaughtered
and Bold, $20,000,000; butter and
cheese, $1,500,000; milk, $3,000,000:
wool clip, 1,300,000 pounds, $100,000;
fish, $195,000; gamo nnd furs, $600.
000; horticultural products, $150,000;
poultry and products, $2,650,000.
The total of tho agricultural prod
ucts Is given as $78,516,891, bb com
pared with $58,098,084 in 1913.
Tho statistics also show that tho
valuo of tho live stock In tho provlnco
at the end of tho year was $110,044,
630, this being nn increase of $7,762,
845 over the previous year. There
were 609,126 horses, 750,789 swlno.
501,188 sheep, 192,905 dairy cows, 165,
035 other cows, 190,923 beef cattle and
533,020 other cattle. Advertisement.
"Who's going to umpire the ball
"Let's get Wiggins."
"Why, ho'd make a good umpire.
Ho hasn't any popularity to lose."
Batho your faco for several minutes
with resinol soap and hot water, then
apply a littlo resinol ointment very
gently. Let this stay on ten minutes,
nnd wash off with resinol soap and
moro hot water, finishing with a dash
of cold water to closo tho poreB. Do
this once or twice a day, and you will
bo astonished to find how quickly tho
healing resinol medication soothes
and cleanses the pores, removes pim
ples and blackheads, and leaves tho
complexion clenr and velvety.
Resinol ointment and resinol soap
atop Itching Instantly and speedily heal
skin humors, sores, burns, wounds and
sunburn. Sold by all druggists. Adv.
Safety First.
"Why did you risk your life to save
that man from drowning?"
"Ho owes me $193."
Ready for a Picnic
. Pork and Beans
Ready to Serve
Food Products
Imltt on Lllbv'i at
four grout'
STRICTLY Ho. I aic Per Lb.
Ask for Doilvorod Prfcom
Wrilo for Catalog
(By H. O. SHLLnns. Acting Director of
Hunilay School Course, The Moody Mills
Institute of Chicago.)
I.R8SON TP.XT-I King 3-4-1S.
(lOl.DKN Ti:XT-Tlu four of Jrhovnti
Ih tlio ln-glnnlng of wltnlnm. l'rov. 9:1(
It, V.
Last wcok wo had the story of a
young man whoso childhood was un
restrained nnd ungoverncd, whe
proved to bo n sad failure, unahlo tc
govern tho kingdom ho so much do
sired. Todny, by contrast, wo study
tho Hfo of n younger lirother, who,
undor better influences, chose tho wny
that leads to true success. Emphnslzo
therefore tho fact that this Sunday Is
"Decision Day."
I. Solomon's Part (vv. 3-9) (1)
Preparation (v. 3). Solomon was look
ing out of tho open gateway of Hfo.
Still the text suggests that thero was
preparation for his hearing of God's
wonderful promise. "Ask what I shall
give thee." (a) Ho "loved tho Lord"
(v. 3). It was a wonderful kingdom
David had bequeathed to his son,
enough to entlco nny young man, yet
It was In the "statutes of David" nnd
In tho worship of .Jehovah that Solo
mon had his chlof delight, (b) Ho
"went to Ciibeon" (v. 4) becnuso thero
at tho tnbernaclo (tho tomplo waa
not yet built) Jehovah particularly
manifested himself to tho peoplo (I
Chron. 21:29; Ex. 29:12, 13 It. V.).
(2) Presentation (v. 1). Ho offered
"burnt offerings," n thousand, when
legally ono would have- BUlllccd. Tho
tabornnclo waa a typo of Christ (John
1:14 It. V. nnd John 14:6) and onch
of tho ono thousand sacrifices nlso
pointed forwnrd to tho Christ. Tho
Christian has n better ground whero
oo to npproach God (Hcb. 10:1-22)
than that of countless sacrifices ol
rams and bulls.
(3) Revelation (v. 5). God appeared
to Solomon in a dream, wo have a
bettor rovelatlon In Jesus and tho In
spired Word, still it was a real ap
pearance to him no subsequent events
prove. (Gen. 28:12, 13; Matt. 1:20;
Acts 18:9, 10). Scientists themselves
confess that they know comparatively
littlo nbout dreams. That God can
and does even In modern times glvo
us revelations of truth by such means
Is witnessed by tho book by tho late
Dr. A. J. Gordon, "How Christ Came
to Church." That dream transformed
a pastor.
(4) Position (vv. 6, 7). In reply to
God's wonderful permission to Solo
mon, tho setting before htm of bin
Infinite resources, Solomon first of
nil acknowledged his debt to David,
his father. God's kindness, his faith
fulness and "bounty" (marg.) to
David had been according to tho man
ner of his wnlklng in "uprightness ot
heart"; nnd to crown thut kindness,
he, Solomon, is "tho son to sit on his
throne" This acknowledgment In
volved a definite obligation or
servlco for which Solomon felt
his unworthlnoss.
(5) Petition (vv 8. 9). Seeing the
greatness of tho responsibility now
resting (v. 8) upon him Solomon's
ploa Ib for wisdom. Already ho had
shown that he had in him tho root of
truo wisdom (Prov. 1:7 nnd Golden
Text). Solomon seemed to reallzohls
responsibility, first to God nnd then
to tho people, for ho said, "Who Is
nblo to Judge this Thy grent people"
R. V. This is tho truo and right rela
tion of duty, public or private, God
first, the peoplo afterward. Solomon
asked for a "hearing heart" (seo It.
V. marg.). Such a request wns of
moro value than great riches (Prov.
3:13-18) and was In line with his fa
ther David's petition (I Chron. 22:12;
29:19); another suggestion bb to how
fathers should pray for their sons.
II. God's Part, vv. 10-15. (1) Hli
Pleasure (vv. 10, 11). Solomon had
not asked for self, for pleasure nor
for earthly power and henco God's do
light. God delights in an intelligent
prayer (Prov. 15:8). It Is n greater
thing to mako a speech that pleases
God than ono to plcaso man. Verso
eleven tolls of somo of tho things Sol
omon might havo asked for, nnd
which doubtless many of us would
have asked under tho samo circum
stances. (2) His Performance (v. 12). Hut
Solomon mndo a moro wise choice,
henco God's plcasuro to do not only
all he had asked, according to his
human words, but moro nlso (Eph.
3:20). Ills namo has become a
proverb, synonymous with tho great
est wisdom (v. 28, Ch. 4:29-31; 5:12,
etc.). Seeking whnt seemed to bo tho
minor thing God gavo him tho best
(Matt. 6:33; Rom. 8:32; Ch. 10:23-29)
and "that which thou hast not uskod."
(3) His Promise (v. 14). As though
to heap up his goodness, as a sort of
a reward of merit, God offered Solo
mon "long life" on ono condition only,
viz., obedience, Such a promise Is
ours and tho world has yet to reallzo
tho wisdom of God's ordinances for
tho good of our physical well being
(Dout. 5:10; 25:15; Prov. 3:1; 11:15
23; I Tim. 4:8). All of God's prom
Ibcs arc conditioned upon our obedi
ence. It Is sad to think that with all
of his wisdom Solomon failed to learn
tho wisdom of obodlcnco (I Kings
11:42) and died a comparatively
young man.
If lovo fs Mind, how can It discover
a locksmith to laugh at?
voim own nittxxiisT it. t, mix von
Try Mnrlnp Hjo llrint-.1r fl HrJ, WriU, WhIitt
Htm iuuI (Itanululml Kjrllilm No inriln
lull Kt romfort W'ntr fur Mix of th Hrc
t null I'rrn MurlKo ; Itemed; Co Lhlco
And many n man whom tho world
rails great lHn't even In tho near
great class from his wife's point of
Berlin Society.
"What nro you wearing that long
face for, professor?"
"Itenson enough, doctor. I've just
been to call on my old friend Privy
Councilor Sdiulze nnd what should
I do but lenve my bread ticket Instcnd
of my visiting card."
His Preference.
A gentleman In delivering ono of a
series of addresses excused himself
ono evening for being unnblo to speak
on several points, tho mice, he snld,
having destroyed part of his notes
ljiter, whllo visiting In the neighbor
hood, lie asked ono mini:
"Worn you at nny of my lectures,
Iloonoy Indeed 1 was, yer honor;
nil of them.
Lecturer Which ono did you llko
Iloonoy Tho ono tho mlco was at,
yer honor!
Aa to Your Hair and Skin, Cutlcura
Will Help You. Trial Free.
Tho Soap to clennso nnd purify, tho
Ointment to soothe and henl. Thcso
fragiant Hupor-crcnmy emollients pro
servo tho natural purity nnd beauty
of tho skin under conditions which,
if neglected, tend to produce n stato
of irritation and dlsllguromcnt.
Freo snmplo each by mall with Hook.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. XV,
Iloston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
Wrong Document.
Tho "Tommy" on leavo from tho
front had been given n freo railway
pass to tako hi in homo to seo his
peoplo, and utilized part of his brief
holiday to got married. On tho re
turn Journey, when tho ticket Inspector
asked to seo hla pass, ho produced by
accident his marrlago certificate
Tho Inspector handed tho pnpor
back with a glimmer ot n smilo.
"This Is a ticket for n very long
nnd wonrlBomo Journoy, young man,"
ho said, "but not on this lino."
Modernizing the Roundup.
Each year seems to glvo tho auto
mobile a new hold on life. Tho war
brought It to tho forefront In a now
field. The soldlor of tho prcHont day
seldom makes long forced marches
llko Sherman's march to the sea. Ho
travels by motor car. As a result, tho
nutomobllo casualty list Is tremen
dous; tho averngo Hfo of a car in the
battle line is estimated nt thirty days.
But It is not only tho war zono that
has lost part of Us plcturcsqucncsB
through tho uso of tho automobile.
Tho latter has begun to rob tho an.
nual cattlo roundup of somo of its
thrills by replacing tho horse. This
year has seen tho ubiquitous car with
a cowboy at its wheel on our western
prairies discouraging tho cattlo from
attempts to escape from tho cver-nar-rowing
circle in tho roundup. Many a
stoer which has glvon a cow horso a
run must feel disconcerted when It
bucks up against tho four-wheeled
stoed. Wall Street Journal.
Lesser Evil,
"I Reo they are having fresh earth
qnako shocks In California."
"Yes; crlllclred ns It Ib, I prefer
our ground rent system to tho ono
they havo out Ihcio "
His Reason for Thinking So.
Williamson What books havo
helped Hooker most?
Henderson -The ones ho borrowed
from mo, 1 suppose, llo never re
turned thnm. Judgo.
A mnn's "for ovor" Is Just about ns
long ns n womnn's "flvo minutes."
The Effects of Opiates.
THAT INFANTS nro jeouliarly nusceptiblo to opium and Its vnrfona
preparations, nil of which nro narcolio, is well known. Even In the
smallest doses, if continued, theso oplahw rauso changes in tho func
tions nnd growth of tho cells which nro likely to bocomo permanent, canning
lmloclllty. mental perversion, a craving for alcohol or narcotics in later Hfo.
Nervous diseases, Btieh as iutructablo nervous dyppejiHla and lack of staying
powers nro n result of dosing with opiates or narcotics to keep children quiet
In their infancy. Tho rulo among physicians is that children should nover
roceivo opiates in tho smallest doses for more than n day at a tlmo, and
only thou if unavoidable
ino administration or Anodynes,
other narcotics to children by any but n
decried, and tho druggist should not bo
need tho attention of a physician, and
dose them willfully with nnrcotica,
Castorln contains no nnrcotica if it bears tho
signature of Cluifl. II. Fletcher.
Genuine Caatorla always bears tho signature of
It will pay you to come to mo (or your Dental work. 26 long years
of experience In ono spot. Painless guaranteed fillings, crowns and
bridges. Plates that wear and fit. Diseased gums successfully
treated. Fillings from $1 up. Railroad fare for 50 miles allowed.
Send for Free Booklet. 921-22 Woodman of World, Omaha
lj Catttr't DUcVln rilll. low.
iirlrnl, IinIi, iflUblt! inrfrrrfil 1
r,li-m ilti-kmrii, IwmiM 1h,y
Crotttt whtn olhvf- vtctlntt fall.
Vllln for Whirl ntnl iMllrainlal.
io-doM pVit. nittiii run it.oo
Bo-dow piit. uuekifo rnu 4 00
Vtn any Imp. tor. lull Cultrr'n IthL
Tti auparlnrltr of Cutlrr rrmhlfd la ilua In otrr 13
frara nf aiifwlaiulni In vaailnaa and IKumt l.
Imlit n Cuttar'a. If unnhlatnaMa, imlrr illroct.
Tkt CMttir Labaialonr, Barkalay, Ctl., r Chlaaja, 111,
Fooling the Enemy.
Haln was falling steadily as tho
weary cyclist plodded on through tho
English mud. At last ho fijded a fig
ure walking toward him through tho
Olndly ho sprang off his mnchlne
nnd asked tho native:
"How far off Is tho vlllago of Pop
pleton?" "Just 10 miles tho other way, sir,"
was tho roply.
"Tho other way!" exclaimed tho
cyclist. "Hut tho Inst sign post 1
pnsscd said It was In .this direction."
"Ah," said tho natlvo, with a know
ing grin, "but, yo see, wo' turned thnt
thoro poBt round so ns to fog thoBO
'cro Zeppyllngs!" Pittsburgh Chron-Iclo-Telegraph.
Easily Pleased1.
"Guess I'd better order n fow going
away gownB," snld sho brightly.
"Nix on tho golng-nwny gowns, my
dear," said her husband gloomily. "I
can't afford to tako you anywhero
this Bummer."
"AH right," was tho cheerful re
sponse "Then I'll Just order a fow
staying at homo gowns."
They say that marriages aro mado
In heaven, but his satanlc majesty
scorns to havo a corner on tho brim
stone maskct.
Tho watchmaker sells watches and
tho Jailer watches cells.
From Corn
to Toasties
a capital evolution
The Opened kernels of pearly
white Indian Com with their succu
lent goodness, are cooked, then rolled
into thin, wafery bits, and toasted to
a golden brown.
Add a little cream and sugar
perhaps some fresh berries and the
combination smacks wondrous good.
Post Toasties are untouched by
human hand from start to finish of
the making, and come to you crisp
and sweet ready to eat from the
package. Wholesome, nourishing
a Royal dish for hot days and
all days.
Post Toasties
Sold by Grocers Everywhere
No 8ale.
"Can I Interest you In a Rot of th
'Secret Memolm of tho Court of Loula
XIV?'" asked the hook agent.
"No, ou can't,' answered his ln
tended lclltn "I'm nil fed up with
that kind of reading I'm a court
stenographer, and I'vo Just finished
transcribing the testimony In n sensa
tional dlvorco case."
Point of View.
lllox lUlklns has tho clearest he4
of nny man I know.
Knox I seo where you nro right.
Thoro Is absolutely nothing In It
Drops. Cordinls, Soothing Syrupa and
physician cannot lio too strongly
a party to It. Children who are 111
it is nothing less thun n crhno to
ll.l. final, elamn,-
rlii-i. Last SI
o.ari will no I aoll m
I njurn .nrtblaaj.
(lifranliwl n'rcl
iiifraa rwld tot StJM
AROLD D Kalb Aa., BroakljB, SI. V.
Daddy Happily In Possession ef
Knowledge as to Where One Vao-
uum Was Located.
Tho good man had Just been lay
formed by tho only person who could
possibly possess tho Information that
ho hadn't an ounco of sense, thnt hs
had novcr hnd an ounce ot sense, and
thnt thoro was not tho remoteaft
chnnco that ho ever would have aa
ounco of sonso.
Having been nssurcd on thea
points, tho good man turned to his
paper, only to bo interrupted by hi
young son nnd bolr: i
"Father," asked tho boy, "what fas
a vacuum nnd where enn 1 find onef
"My boy," replied tho good man, "U
wo aro to assume that your mothor to
qualified to speak on tho subject, I
possess tho only real vacuum In to
neighborhood and, for your further Ib
formation, It Is situated Just betweea
my collar and tho glossy opon spao
whoro I used to grow hair."
"You mean your domo?"
"Yes, my son, that Is tho family va
Quite Another Place.
"Did tho policeman catch this mu
In tlagranto dollctu?"
"No, ho caught him In a saloon."
It's n poor mulo thnt won't work
both ways.
1 .
14' .
daw .,