The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 08, 1915, Image 7

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Bulletin of Tho Week's Doings
Pri:oME Ciiikf Anvi.nTiKiis.
Auto Veils in all colots lit Minor
Urns Co.
For Stile A Rood safe. .Malone.
A very.
1M. McAllister went to Orleans Tues
day evening.
(Jet a new Hand Hug now from
Miner Bros. Co.
The county commissioner, tvere hi'
s2Slou this week.
County Attorney I J. Mutiiluy whs
hi Hluo Hill Friday.
AH tho new Summer Dress Moods
nre beliu? shown at Miners.
Dr. A. B. Holes and wife spent Sun
day and Monday in Hustings.
A new lino of hammocks just re
ceived see them at Fogd'u.
Several of our citizens attended the
celebration in Superior Saturday.
Reduced prices on trunks, suit eases
and traveling bags nt Fogel's.
Miner Sherwood went to Heaver City
Saturdry evening to visit friends
Pretty Collars in large variety have
just been received at Miner Bros. Co.
Roy Garber was in town this week
visiting his parents, J. J. Garber and
Dr. R V. Nicholson spent Sunday in
Guide Hock with Dr. Drookman and
John Grimes went to Hastings Sun
day afternoon to visit his mother aud
Chas. Stetllns was a passenger to
Grand Island, Monday to visit his son,
Several of ,the young men from here
left Sunday evening for the Kansas
harvest fields.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Hamilton and
children spent Monday in Guide Rock
with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hutchison are the
proud parents of a baby boy which
arrived Monday.
A large number from here accom
panied the band to Hastings, Monday,
to take in the celebration.
Lew Ilobensee of Heatrlce came up
Sunday evening and played with our
band at Hastings Monday, I
Orville Ferguson ot i)beAto,,frn-i
ss, arrlrprl in Hip
visit J. W. liogenrief and wife.
Come in and sec our
Tennis shoes also Sandalsildr aJltize
of people.-The Ellis SlioK(ggb,
. -.... ,,. v.i... ,.
Mrs. George Smelser went to River
ton Friday evening to visit her daugh
ter, Mrs. Fred Taylor and family.
Have you seen those pretty new Auto
Caps at Miners? They are Beauties
and you sure ought to have one
Do Not Gripe '
Wo hate n pleasant loxativo that will
do just what you want it to do.
Wc sell thousands of them and we
lave never teen n Letter remedy for tho
bowels. Sold only by us, 10 cents.
H. E. Grico Drug Co.
Wo hud a nice rain again Tuesday
A number of Inavale people spent
Monday in Rivcrtoii.
Mr, Rush aud Roe Rnkcl spent
Saturday In Supeilor.
Miles Putman and Jim Silver went
I) Red Cloud Tuesday.
Mrs. Rutledgo and daiurhtois went
to Red Cloud Saturday.
Little Kvn Bush left Saturday for tin
extended visit with an aunt.
Mih. Robt. Damorcll of Red Cloud
spent Stimhu at the Garner home.
Mrs. Joe ICeed't) brother and wi'o
aud son are here visiting relatives.
Charles Hunter and wife came home
Tuesday night from their western tiip.
Roy Palmor and Guy Haiker aio un
loading four cais of coal for.MinSilvey
Mr Hush and daughter, Ruth, and
Roe Heukel went to Hastings Monday.
Harvest time is almost hero. Tl.o
(.rain looks flue that wasn't damaged
by hail. .
MiiiS Nolle Rutledgo Is homo from
Omaha where she has been attending
Mr. Monow and wife left Sunday
for a pletisiue trip to Florida. Miss
Morrow fiom Rivet ton is taking their
place at the bank.
Mrs. Myrtle Hi uce and sons and Miss
Lulu Chamberlain of Illinois are hcte
VIsHing with their uncle, Tad Saunders,
an 1 other rehitlvos.
Mr. and Mis. iloldredge, thelrdaugli
tors and famUles and Mrs. Kdith Pub
umu and cfcildicu (iiijuyed a ftiimiu
Mo lduy evening on U14: llbldiedgu
A numlwr of souUi side people eairte
home Iron 1 Hustings Tntsla iiit t
(tad had to hjomj the night hi lnina'.e
on account (if t'fc now river ben to
high to i'ord,
Hammocks at all prices at FogelV.
Plan to attend the Red Cloud Chau
R. H. Thompson of Cbwlos was In
town Tuesday.
Dow Ivaley went to Hastings Sunday
1 1 visit friends.
Ralph Heal of Aurora spout Sunday
In this city with his parent".
Xewt Siberts left for ICauvis Tues
day evening where lie will uoik in the
Misses Hose McGultc and Minnie
Kellet of tho Miner Hros. store took in
fie celebration at Hustings Monday.
Miss Hcssie Alexander of Guide Rock
cime up Tuesday evening to spend a
few days with Mr. and Mis. dial
Miss Irene McGulre, who is attend
ing Noiinal school at Kearney, spent
Saturday and Sunday heie with her
John GritTetli returned hniue tho
llrst of the week fiom Roshello, Illi
nois, whore ho was called hy the death
of his mother.
Attorney U. W.Stewart was a pass
enger to Lincoln Saturday morning
where he went to spend u few days
with his parents
Miss Adallne Roller, who had been
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mr.
dial Gellatly, returned to her homo at
Denver, Monday1 evening.
Miss Alma Alle, who had been in
the hospital at Hastings for the past
three weeks, returned homo Saturday
evening and Is getting along lino.
Dr. Warrick, the specialist, will meet
eye, car, nose aud throat patients aud
thoso ueeJiug glasses iltted at Dr.
Damcrell's olllce, Monday, .Inly 12th.
The Malone-Avery Lumber Co. have
moved Into their new brick olllce
building last week. They now have
one of the finest suite of olllce rooms
in the city.
Miss Clara Austin, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs Harry Cramer
and family, returned to her home at
Geneva, Wednesday morning She
was accompanied home by Mrs. Cramer
and son, who wentto visit her parents.
On Wednesday evening of last week
at his home Rev. Beebe united in mar
riage Mr. Albert Delph aud Miss Ethel
Kirkpatrick. The young couple will
make their home on the Geo. Lindsey
farm south of town.
Will Rilieve.Your Indigestion,
July Clearance "of Oxfords' "
Thursday morning, July
1, we will place on sale 100
pair of Ladies and Child
ren's Oxfords at $1 each.
A few pairs of Children's
for 49c. These are odds
and ends that we do not
wish to carry longer.
Next Lord's Uay will be regular ser
vkm at the Baptist church.
The pastor is notable to announce
h's subject at this time, lie will pio
m'su by God's hnlp to bring to you a
ni'ssagu from the King and will try
an I deliver iL its tho King would have
it delivered.
Ate you doing your pait to help men
to become subjects to tho King of
kln.jh and Lord of Lotdi. If not why
.Sunday School at 10 a. ui.
Preaching at 11 a. in.
Ill tho evening wo join with the
otlu'r vltuichfh nf thi- euy in the iiiijnij
open air tnueUnir.
V. V. Com:, Pastor.
" A Very Close Call
What came near being a fatal acci
dent oeouiied Monday afternoon at
the foid aorosh Center creek on the
Frankliii-Hlootuiiigton road. Mr. and
Mrs. Kred Uurden and child, who live
ot the Sumner farm near Blooming,
ton, weio driving homo from Red
Cloud, where they woie visiting at the
t me of the flood, and on reaching Cent
er creek thoy stinted to foul thocieek.
A steep bank on the east side of the
croak caused their buggy to upset,
throwing the occupants out into the
witer. The little baby come near be
iittr drowned. One of the hoises be
Citne tangled up in the harness, the
lino holding its head under water, un
til it drowned. Assistance came to
their holp and the woman and child
were bi ought out and the other horse
cxtvicatod This is n' serious loss to
.Mr. Hindu), who hii also loii his
crops hy flood and hail. Toyosiiitf
at tlis place is in a veiy dangerous
oindilluii and the loud overseer should
attend to it IhI'kim sumeoiic l.s killed.
TIimiii U nnthtug to warn triiV dien
f on dropping Into the cieek. 1 mi.K
1 u News
i HiliH .1
mm -
"The Lady
of the
Monday Tuesday
July 12 and 13
The great three-act photo
play, of the Northwest, dra
matized from the novel of Edith
Ogden Harrison, wife of Mayor
Carter Harrison of Chicago.
The novel was a great success,
and critics declare the photo
play one of the most interest
ing and picturesque ever pro
duced. The leading parts arc played
by Edna Mayo and Richard
Travcrs with a realism that
cannot be surpassed. The out
door scenes arc taken at places
typical of those represented in
the novel.
i in t i
Regular Prices
Ed. Garber and P. W. Cowden were
in Riverton Tuesday afternoon.
Jas McGulre spent Tuesday night
in Lincoln with his brother, John Mc
Fred Hrommer went to Kensington,
Kansas., Wednesday morning to visit
Mrs. Dwigbt Jones of Guide. Rock
spent Tuesday night with Mrs, Lucy
Mr. and'Mrs Wlnfleld Pope Jpf Den
ver are in the city visiting his parents
Mr, atod Mrs. Jtlyope. t
Mrs!' RIchanVBromnCer rclu$jiedftcl
fher-home at Kensington, Kansas, Vcd-
nesJay after visiting xfilalives has
,J m.'ur -, m wt ..n ' i jJ.tXii
Temperance," in charge of Mrs. Addie
Mr. and Mrs. George Hollister and
daughter, Miss Marie, left this morn
ing on a pleasure trip to the Pacific
coast. Mr. Hollister will attend the
Imperial Council of Shrinersat Seattle
while away.
Hear Miss Nerma .lelTerles, head of
the Expression Department of Cotner
University give, "Peg O'My Heart" at
the Christian church, Tuesday even
ing at 8 o'clock. Auspices)'. P S. C.
K. Admission '21c and loo.
The city council met again last
o oning and dkcussed tho sewe'iago
question. Among other minor things
accomplished, was the instructing of
' IM MM. U. 1.VU. WlilMeeb W'
Jewie McHrid'WedjWfeUv af
'Julylrth'- at'ltSo; Topic, '
tho city clerk to co: respond with tho
chief engineer for tho C B. ,v. Q . con
cerning the said proposition, which is
to lie voted upon the I Oth of August.
TheTepeois presenting each Mon
day and Tuesday a scion of threu and
four leel photo plays far out of tho
ordinary They have been selected
with great care and are sure to please.
"The Lady of the Snow-," will be
shown next week. Regular prices.
For the balance of tho urul a nioio
v.irled program of otn wild tvft Jieol
sui jets ot cijual iiiciii will be 'pre
sented. G C. B.illoy was down from Red
Cloud again Tuesday woiking up his
electric light proposition He tells us
that he Is meeting with no opposition,
that the business meti are 'neoiiriiglug
him nnd all agreo to wire up their
places of business and resldei co just
as soon as ho .is able to furnish tho
juice. Ho expects to bo In town again
July 13 to meet with the city fathers
and ask for it city franchise and a con
tiactto light tile stieets Here Is
hoping lie or soiiio other person will
be siieco-tstiil soon, and that Guido
Rock will havo a good, substantial
lightning plant. Understand wo aro
not kicking on what we already have
We understand both the Watt anil Cla
hatigh A Nash plants mo far sale and
will be taken over in caso Mr. Bailey
installs a plant, and then the whole
city will be lighted while at the pros
o it time only a few of the business
moil are served. -Wuhle Honk Signal,
Our Acvica Is:, ,
Winn y6u feci out of wrta from const!
patioji, Ictussay t'utlf ., ,
do net rol.cvo ypu, f,.o a physician,
hccuu'w - otj cr homo remedy will,
fcold only by Uj, 10 ctnta.
H. E. Grlce Drug Co.
Commissioners Meet
Red C'oud, Nebraska, July 0, 1015.
County Hoard met at cull of clerk.
Member:) all present. It wan moved
and seconded that the Hoard ask for
bids to be opened on tho 17th day of
July for the following bridges, viz: A
32 foot steel ppnn on Dry Creek, Ui
mile CHt of Red Cloud, to he u Btcel
piling concrete back wall aud whtgn
with concrete tl ior. It! foot road way.
One 32 foot Hteel a pan or concrete, 1
beam bridge ?J milcd west of Red Cloud
concrete back wall and wings & Ibor It)
feet road way, same typo and siz3 2 J
miles north and 2 mhos cntt of Red
O io 32 foot stnol span concrete Inck
wall and wings, utecl piling, concrete
llior, 10 foot roadway, 2 miks west
and 1 mile north of luavale.
Bidder to furnish all material nnd do
all hiullng nnd (xcavatiug, bridge to he
built according to plans on file with the
County Clerk. Motion carried. following claima were allowed on
bridge fund.
W. Palmer $ 7 00
PaulSchuliz 21 25
Wm. II. Sawyer 13 50
Chas. Turner 22 50
F. W. Kruegcr 22 50
Lee DcTour 73 00
A H.irtnian 38 25
Tiui Tophiim 5 25
B. A. Sutton & others 35 75
James Mcintosh 75 25
George Clauson 2100
Nils G. S.lndberg 24 DO
W. S. Lambert 19 SO
Dave Clark 21 25
E S. Lovej jy .v 7 50
O.N. Portenier 20 50
The following claims were allowed on
the general fund, viz:
T. J. Chaplin 124 15
Farmers Mutual Ina. Cj 14 50
W. G. Hoffman : 74 50
Floyd McCall 80 00
Grant Shidler 118 30
Paul Storey 112 00
County Clerk was authorized and in
structed to draw warrants on their
respective funds for same.
Moved and seconded that eich of the
five commissioners draw an order on
the county Treasurer against the In
heritance ttx fund in the sum of $54 61
to be expended on the country roads.
Motion carried.
On motion board adj urned to July
17ih, 1915.
La6t evening, at the Methodist par
sonage, Misa..lla Gordoti and Mr
Ch'arlei'Mlllliiaifr two estimable vm
p'cople"of our city, vJefe qulAl$ amltc
in marriage by RVc-Nal. Johnson.
The bride andgTqomrare Hrth kqowtt
bJde is a grajjuatfvof ihff MjRomt
high';ichool; clhss-l 1015, and tWfiiasV
year taught in a nearby country school.
The groom is a Burlington shopman
here. Roth are energetic, estimable
young people, whom a host of friends
will most warmly wisli happiness and
The young couple departed this
morning for Hastings, Rod Cloud and
Kansas City on a short wedding trip.
McCook will be their home Thurs
day's McCook Trlbuue.
Farmers' Worst Enemy
Weeds aro tho worst enemy of the
farmer who is farming under limited
rainfall, according ton recent bulletin
of the Agrleiiltuial Experiment Stat
ion of Nebraska. It says:
"All of our work has pointed to the
fact that fiom the standpoint of star
iug moisture, the killing of weeds is
oven more important than cultivating
flu'Mjil,, Cultivation, however, is th
means of killing tho weeds and serves
to keep the surface soil in condition so
that it will catch the water that falls,
and not blow.
"In l'JU" a Hindi trad of laud was
ket thoroly cultivated until the mid
die of June: then one half of il was al
lowed to become weed v,:.iWh lie Vhu
other half was kept cultliviil;d' Dur
ing tho latter part of September,' inoh
turo deteimiuatioiiH were made to a
depth of three feet on each portion of
tho tiact. It was found that tlueo
aud one half inches of water had boon
used tiom the upper time feet of soi
by allowing the weeds to grow. Tho
portion which was kept cultivated hail
at the end ot the season practically all
the water ic could carry, whtlo Hie po (
tlon where tho weeds had grown win
as dry as It would have been had it
produced u crop of giHiu".
Similar lesults weio obt lined frcin
experiments in lHuy, lull, IIM'-', nnd
Red Cloud ' Nebraska
If You
ii'ro troubled with heartburn, f hcs nnd
n distressed feeling after eating tako a
W0, Dyspasia
Zt2JMUJX? hmiv.w
before and after each meal v. ill
obtain iromnt relief .Sold only by us,2 jo
H. E. Grlco Drug Co.
In order to get people moro with what Welsell, we shall
giro a premium to the person wh i in ikes the most complete list of
articles that wo carry forsile. and in e.ieh pion bringing a list of
at least three articles to our ston will be given fifty Rooster Coupons.
To tho peidon handing In the mot ciimpli fe list will bo given a 12
piece Dinner Sot and 10,000 coupons io the second, 8,000 coupons;
to the third. ('.,000 coupons; to tho fourth, 1,000 coupons; and to tho
llfth, 2,000 coupons. In case of ii tie for first place the dishes will
be sold at auction and the money divided, but tho premium coupons
will bo divided equally among all tiolng. To each person bringing
in a list, no inattor how small, who makes a piirchaso of Sl.00 or
more nl tho time, will bo given 1,000 extra Booster Coupons besides
those given with tho piirchaso.
In making a list, just name the kind of article; for example, if
thore arc 20 barrels of sugar lu tho stoic, just put "sugnr" on your
All lists must lie lu beforo Saturday night, August 7th.
The plan by which you may get thousands of coupons will close
Music next Saturday by (trace Keuglc.
Who will bo tho Best Rooster nnd win the watch on Monday,
July HUli?
Mid-Summer Sale
Men's and Boys9
20 per cent, 25 per cent, 33j and 50
per cent discount on high grade suits
UV L23
m x
1 Prices of
PP 5fSr.4rri
0 and $1.75 Hats, gi.35
2.50 " 1.95
3.00 " 2.35
fca v -jr ' KuiJr
All Florsheim and Selz
3.50 to 5.00 at
One big lot Men's
Dress Straw Hats
worth 1.00 to 3.00
Quadruple Coupons Saturday on all
goods sold and Double Coupons
every day during
Sale Commences Saiyayu
Tfe Qoaadefr-Kaley frothing Qo.
The Booster Store
,. . . ,, .
Fresh Vegetables and Fruits
S Fancy and Stable Groceries
Best Prices Paid For Butter and Eggs
Walter W. Marshall
Red Cloud,
Men's Felt Hats
Oxfords worth
Boys' Knickerbocker
Suits 20 per cent
Men's Dress Pants
20 per cent disc t
. ,
v c
1 H
iff I
flgawagsg -- v y y w
emm; j i j.