- - - i; ?V t RED CLOUD. NEBRASK A , CHIEF stf ,Vn ' w 5 rjw- ' y 1 n is ilfi k i a I s -'I I' I k u 'M to ft P IB7 rn M m V .Liu WE REQUEST THE PLEASURE ill, a WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD. CAPITA!.. f II il hi I illljlllill illillllliil il llllll FOR THE BEST OF CIGARS AND SMOKING TOBACCO POWELL BROS. SMOKE HOUSE k . i Buy Your Where Yau Receive Fuii Value There's a reason why you should huy your groceries from us. The reason will appeal to you because it is short and to the point We Have the Goods and Make the Prices. P. A. WULLBRANDT :THE HOME tt IF YOU WANT A f ! 1 ft&39i, SSS9. ' i i I wmwn or a pupil i IWade flight, Lettered Right And Ereeted Right SEE- OVERHiG BROS. & GO. Makers of Artistic Monuments Red Cloud, Will You Make Homestead Entry in 1915? Ton years' experience Iiiih put mu In touoh with the bust liomcbtead hind in Wyoming, Colorado ami Nebraska. n now luwo a choice of An 80-iiare Governtnont-lrrlKnteil farm near Powell, Wyo., wiiero you will bo near good schools, churches, markets, neighbors, will have a good oil mate and be within diiving distance of Yellowstone Park. SJ.CO per acre rmvB initial cost, no further payments for live years. 7:, fanners have located on these lands since January 1st. A 320 acre stock or dairy farm, good soil, f.ee range, f.ee coal and fence posts, a good place to live. fc22 00 pays filing fee. Government water rights in tlio Scotts Muff country cost 8.'..'. per acre initial cost $1.10 per acre, payment of reminder distributed ovor so years with' wo interest. If you do not know tho amazing crop yields of this valley, wtlte me Why pay rent? Why not work for yourself? Wilte for my free book ets and about round trip fares applying every day. See these lands with their crops this summer. Of conferring with you as to yom Account. While adhering to a policy of safety and con servatism, we make it a point lo give to our customers close personal attention and an in telligent recognition of their needs. If the highest character of personal hanking service ap peals to you we shall esteem it ! 4 favor to he honored with visit from you. NEBRASKA Hi:r..OOO ii m win i iiiii "ii f n I 'I I "III' !' M.'l i i,".. I I" Groceries GROCERY 8 Nebraska 5:--, S.B. Howard, Ass't. Immigration Agent 1004 Far nam St., Omaha, Nebraska gl TAKING A JOY IE l V By JEAN DICKER80N. "Durham, dear, you are not going out thbj morning!" expostulated Mrs. Leo, ae her ellm, brown-eyed daughter appeared In motoring costume. "Why not. mothor?" Barbara's eyes wero very bright and thwe was a bo- coming pink flush in her checks. "I told you at breakfast that Victor, la coming over to lunch with us; I telophonod him that I needed logal ad vice concerning the sate of the west woodland." Barbara's dark brows drew together, in a frown. "I'm eorry, mother, but would rather not be hero when Victor, Goodwin cones." "You have quarreled again?" asked Mrs. Lee regretfully. "We hare disagreed forever and mother," wont on Barbara hastily, "you have no Idea what a relief It Is to me to be rid of the eliacVlea of my engagement to Victor! 1 never real ized beforo what It meant to bo tied down to a tyrannical man." Mre. Leo bit her lip. Barbara was so ridiculous. What sane woman would call Victor Goodwin a tyrant? "If you had told mo tula morning I would not havo embarrassed Victor by Inviting him to lunch," sbo said quiet ly. "As It Is, perhaps It Is well that you are going out and you may as well drop In at Molly's and have luncheon. I want to talk business with Victor." "Very well and, mother, dear, you mustn't think I care tho least bit about this broken engagement, because I do not," explained Barbara carefully; "it Is tho greatest relief to be heart-free and I Just simply couldn't remain In tho houso this morning I'vo got to work off my excitement some way and m going on a Joy ride!" "Joy ride?" echoed her mother. "Well, a Joyful ride If that sounds more refined." said Barbara from tho doorwuy. She darted back to kiss her mother's delicate cheek and once moro In tho doorway she sighed relievedly: "You can't Imagine how delightful It feels to be free!" "I Euppoao Victor feels tho same way," agreed Mrs. Lee; "I've heard that ns soon as a man becomes en gaged ho begins to chafe against the bonds that shackle him against all his former bachelor freedom. Well, good by, dear 1 wleh you Joy on your Joy ride!" Barbara went down tho hnll and out on to tho piazza where her own little electric runubout was waiting before tho steps. She hummed n little song as sho entered the car and waited for Fritz to crank up. In a moment 6ho wae gliding down tho avenue under the arching elm trees and out of tho rate Into (ho well oiled highway. "East or west?" she mused for n mo ment before sho reached the turning point Sho chose tire wcBt because It as the opposite direction from which Victor Goodwin might be expected to come. The west roml led up and down hill. somotlmoB meandering through somo narrow woodland way to emerge again Into the qpen sunlight with a glimpse of the blue sound flashing beyond hills that terraced gently to the water's .edge. , The west road was tho old rond and, It was practically abandoned now. The now oast road was a favorite speeding ground for motor cars. But Barbara turned cheerfully lnto the older road, singing snatches of a Boug under her brenth as tho little car rolled lightly over tho road. Sho took off her hat and let tho morning sunBhlno Alter through her golden brown hair and seek out golden flecks In her dark eyes. Her lips san, her eyes sparkled Joyfully and unyono observing Mls3 Barbara Loo at that moment would have agreed that sliu was a happy girl. Now, tho road swerved capriciously and lost Itself In a turtuol of green woods. It was a narrow road, with hero and thero a dangerous curve, whpro two vehicles could hardly pass without careful maneuvering. But Barbara wnB not nfrald of mooting nnyone, for even tho farmorB chose tho nowcr, shorter way to town. Tho little car glldod ovor tho dead leaves of the road and confidently rounded a sharp curvo to lock wheels with a small roadster coming rapidly from the other direction. Tho shock of Impact sent Barbara to hor knees, but sho retained presence of mind, and Instantly shut off the powor. Tho man In the other car hod dono the samo thing, so that when the purring of the motors had died down, they faced each other in silence. Barbara told herself bitterly that of course the man had to be Victor Good win! Goodwin looked at Mb lata fiancee, "I hope you are not hurt," he said po litely, as Barbara regained her seat, and smoothed her wind-tossed hair. "Not nt all, thank you," returned Barbara crisply. Goodwin leaned over and looked at the wheelB, which were Jammed close ly together. He got out and examined the damage, and tried to move his own car. It failed to budge an Inch. He, looked up at Barbara, his gray eyes regarding hor Impersonally, To sorry, but I'm afraid we can't get out of this without help from' town." Barbara leaned over and looked at the obstinate wheels. Mentally she shook her fist at them.' Outwardly she becamo unreasonable "I'm eure I could fix It It looks so hu. no reniirfw perversely, - - I feb44 1 Ji . .-. " ' :-' w H, iiss.bcscsc cc Red CHAUTAUQUA July 29 m ef Mirth Inspiration For the Children For the June Brides (And Thoie Who Hcf) For Parents and Teachers For Patriotic Thinkers For the Young People For Those Who Laugh For Musicians and Others For the Whole Family For All Boosters For the Future American For Community Uplift EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY For Further Information See R. D. 7VTORITZ NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Wits for the construction of Cross Walks, Alley Cross Walks, nnd Wnternajs will bo ncilved at tlioollleuof tho City Clurk of the city of lli-il Cloud. N'cbrnskn, on or before 12 o'clock Noon I 111 5, ,l .. All bids ui c to be made upon onus fur ulshid liy the Ckrk ttml based upon plans, spit Mentions nnil estimate, as furnlshi.il by the ( Ity Nugluiir ami now on tile in my ollke. "I lie (.stimuli of the City llnnliair Is ns lol town: i.h ft cross wnlks inch 8 1(1.23 Kuril nililltlounl foot .ntt, Hi ft nlk cross walks each ... . i ll'A I'm h uililltlomil foot . ... S .Til I walirunys .. , tl-,i.r,t Tliesiueissfiil bMikr slmll bo require! to pirlurm nil work subject to tin npprovnl of the Cll Kiiirlmer. Illicit Is rest r id to rijict any nnd nil bids. li.itidut Hid Cloud, luiie-lrd. I or, is(!h) v. c. i i:i:i Cltj ikrk. Notice of Prolate. In 'I lie County Court of Wtbster (.utility, N'ebrnskn. .si'Ari'.orNi:im.sKA. i . Webster Count , f ' To nil parson IntircMcd in the (htiue of i:i!nbcth Cochrane, Peienml: I'AICr. NOTk i:. Hint ii million hut turn lllu! prnlni; Hint the Instruim nt llkrt In this lourt on the 'i'lth diw of June I'Jir,. purporting to be tho Inst will anil tcstiiuicut .., -..i.i .,. . . ... . ., ... i ... . i emu. Mill. mm, iiiiij lie prJl II llllll IIIIUUCII i nml nconkil ns the Inst will and testniuiut of Kllnbith (oehrnue, iluensid; that said Instrutiiiiit hundnilttul to nrob.ile. and the1 admlnlHtrntlon of sild istato be urantul to l rank Cochrane ns Executor. It U hireby ordirid by the lourt. Hint nil pirsons Interested in Mild estnte appear at the County Court to be hild In nut! for said (ounty on the Kith day of July, mis, nt ten o'clock a. in., U show cause, If mi thiru be, wh thoprnyerof tho petitioner should not bo urantid. ami that until e of the pint) enc of h.ild petition nnd tho In arlni; tliinof buijlMii to all pirsons liitcro-tid In wild matter by publlshliii; a cop of this order In the Iti il Cloud Chh f. ii Ii imiI in.. Lii in ii u. fniliir Pllntlil la wild county for Ihr mi. hccutlwi wieks prior to said day of hiarlui;. w muss my hand and thesenl.of said louit thts'Ath da of .luue, A. D., I'.llj. A. P. hanni:v, luil.l County .Indue. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. IIUls will bortcelM'd at theolllcoof the City ( krk of tho Clt of Itcd f loud. Ncbraskn on or before la o'clock noon Inly .1. niir,, for tin construction of a hldeuulk on tho wist end of Lots li, 1,1, II, 1,',. in, IT, 18, 111, 'J). -J I mid J-Jol lllock 1 llluhluud .V WcImIi'h Addition to Ited Cloud ns per HpcclllcatloiiH of thu City nuKliuernou on tile In myolllce. Estimate of City i:im'lucer Is fl IS. 10. ItlKht Is reserved to reject any nnd nil bids. Dated Juno. 1, 1MB. (Seal.) o.c. ti:i:i City Clerk. Cowles Village Ordinance No. 24. An ordinance iroldln (or and makliiK a tax levy upon nil tho nssissnblo prrfperty in tho Vlllne of t'oivles, Nebraska, IkjiIi real and porsonnl for nil uenernl nml special pur poMrins per tho regular assessed aluatlon of tlii'knnio for tho ilacnl yenr belniiliiK tho llrst Tuesday In May 11)15. Ho it ordained by tho Chairman and Hoard of Trustctii of the Village of com les, Nebras ka. Si ctio.n 1. Thut tho followlni! tatcs bo anil that tho s.iiuo are hereby levied upon all thcnxscshnlilu iropcrty In tho Villaueof Cow les, Nehr., IkhIi rial and personal as per tho asscksulNnluatlunof tho hiuue for tho year 1'JI&, tow It, lor general recuuo purposes, I'Uo mills on the Dollar. Nkction 2. Thin Ordlnanco shall be In force from nuil after Its pnssnue, npprovnl nnd publication, Pushed nud approved this (th day o( .tny 1UI&. ("HAS. C. llk.N.NKTr, It. OKKKNHAI.aU, Clialrninn. Vlllngo Clerk. Dig celebration nt lltisttnRs, Mon day, July Mil. Special train learcs here at 7 a, m,, returning leavlug Hastings at 11 p. rn. Cloud, Nebraska to August S Mystery Information ROSANI COOKE M0NTES3D2H-HUN33ER U&IC rYii- DEBATE MEDBURY MAUD SCHEERER SHAKESPEREAN PLAYERS BOSTONIA SEXTETTE GAMBLE PARTY VICTOR'S BAND WIGGAM. DIETRICK DOMINICK MEISTERSINGERS THE BOYDS ANDERSON OPERATIC CO. BOWMAN (Convrlirhtndl I'm Going Up To See I'll Call Him Up Right I Am Coming. He Has Independent, 112 MU1'" .1 ." .Ii I mw I FOR THE BEST IN THE PRINTING ART 1 I Q QUALITY The Quality of printed mat ter depends largely on the style an'd originality displayed in the composition. Mechanical finish and good workmanship are only obtainable through the use of proper equipment. If you de sire Quality printing CONSULT US THE RED CLOUD CHIEF ' RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA UMIMIIII llllll I IMIIIIIlllilfl 'llilllilllllllllllIMM lllillllllliHIIII'llllllillillllllliliiiltiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuinmiji, Notice of Final Repot t. In the County Court of Webster louuty, Nebraska. In tho matter of tho (state of Solon it. Carpenter, deceased. All persons Intircsted In said istnto are hereby notlllcil thnt tho Administrator tins tiled n final account and report of his admin Istrntlon, nnd a petition for Until settlement of his account nnd adlschargo from his trust, which havo bien set for henrlng beforo said court on tho Snd day of July, 1U16, at 10 o'clock A. M., when all persons Interested In tho premises mny nppenr and contest tho same. Dated this 10th day of Juno 1015. hKAt A. D. Rannky, County Judge. Inclusive Music Instruction Juggler, Wonder Worker America's Poet of Today Fascinating Educational Socialism, Pro and Con 40 Million Young Folks Rollicking in "12th Night" Marvelous Music Violin, Voice, Piano. Great! Loud or Soft, Delightful! Heredity Illustrated "Sunshine" Sunday School Specialist EVERYBODY FOR EVERYTHING ,1" t ' !M ! ti f i ( j I KNOW I NEED Chiropractic Aninclmonfc Camp This Afternoon Now And Jell Him Both Phones. Bell, Red 161 ..HI., i UM' i i in lU'rinjiiiiiiiuiiiiiMi p In the County Court or Webster County Nebraska, !.v tho matter of the Htato of William Irons deceased. """,u n!,:!),'Jl,)1K30!Ml,lU'8trtlG notice m. .Vo?c L'r ",nl,,tl1 'or I'ntntloa knS 8 h io v a M,,""n S"1 U' 8ft,no '" "ecombcp linJ -..' 'r U, Payment of debts H May 7th, loin, that I w,l sit at tho county court room In said county on tho 20)1 day of December wo. nt 10 o'clock n. m., tor? eclyo, oxnmlno, hear, allow, or adjust nit claims and objections duly filed. Dated this '.Tth day of May. A. D I01B. ; (Seal). A. I). BANNUY, County Jude, 3 d I -St IS i illl,l I'lilli!! 'lllll.llllli llllllllli,!! nullum :,i , Sf " ' .i"iiii,NNiiraij: ' a w