RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF t tt: I ' i i! ', I : t? ! I m W '' . l 1 i I THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud, Nebraska PUBLISHED BVHKV THURSDAY . . Kntrrut In tin- I'oMoilit c- at lit d (, Nil) tin Second tlnm Mntlcr' A II, MrAUTHUU I't'lll.lsllKIt THE ONLY DKMOCUATIU I'AH.Il IN WKIIHTKIl COUNTY The Franklin Sentinel Intel font IjcmI line Inst week "The Knd-(Jates of II cave n are Opened Wide", in its wilte up about III (3 Hood at Unit place. We wonder If any of the slnneit of that community snciikul In before the galea closed? We notice that the lloaid of Kduea tlon linn elected a man by the name of Wren to till the chair of Agrieultuie lately vacated by Mr. Doehr, on the theory, wo presume, that It IhUh it bear or a bird to propel ly maliitaiu that branch of our school activities. The nest legislature should enact u law forbidding1 piddlers fiotn plying lhelr trade in the Mate of Nebraska. Or ir poi milled these people should pay a llcuiuc for legitimate trading tin d nil otheis should bo absolutely barred. Many of these peddleis use underhand methods in extracting money fiom the pockets of our poople .and the people should lie protected. We notice that there has been ngoml - -ideal of cleaning-lip going on around lawn tho past week but much remains jet to be done. Thero are n number of vacant lotsnnd several streets which .have weeds more than five feet high and these should be cut down. We started the year right let us continue and develop n civic pride that will Jteepour little olty spick and span tbruout the year. ' Jn Sunday's State-Journal Is an ac count of the gift of a S2.1.0C0 tract of land to tbc city of Lincoln by W. T. Auld. This land was given without ay atrlngs as an annex to Antelope -park and the people of Lincoln are naturally very much pleased, Tom, as :v .he is familiarly known here, never does anything by halves, aud lie is to be highly commended for his gtuer- County Treasurer C. I). Robinson In formed us the oilier tiny Hint' ho had collected JlOOO.oo road taxes on auto mobiles since the lii st of April. This jnoney is set apart by law Tor the pur pose of drugging the roads of the coun ty. Not n dollar of this fund has yet been touched. It ought to bo sntlicient to keep Hit; roads In excellent repair -for tho balance of the jear. The city "-council has ecitnlnly proven that the teroad'drag is the best machine for keep lug the louils mid stieets piauticall water pioof dm lug the most ntluy BCiiMin this count 1 y has ever expei ienccd. There is no reason why the roads In the countny could not be kept In the same conditii 11. Unusual conditions miiy teach it jrootl lesson. Theie has been moie hail Jn this county ilnm for many yeais The Tat nioi s who hiul hall iusuianei! do not mi IV r as much as those who do not. Neaily euijoni) eat lies insur ance on buildings mid personal ptopur 1y, the ineichaiils cany insiiiauce on Hbcir goods. The growing crop of the fanner is merchandise just as much as cloth is aieichauillseand it would seem prudtnt to protect the one just as 'much as tl 0 other The reaton more -insurance lias not been cm rled is be rcnuse it has net lietu thought necess ary but no one uegleets to .insure his linnie because he thinks lie has never bad a tire. The time Is ct mtiig when practically ewij ciopwlll be insuied nd then when the iinexpteted happens the lesull will not be so disastrous Special Notice To Red Cloud Folks We wish to announce Hint we aie uexclusive Ilcd Cloud agents for the simple mixture of biicktborn bark, glycerine, etc , known as Adler-l-ka. This remedy, used successfully for appendicitis, is the most THOMOUUH "bowel cleanser we ever sold. It Is so powerful that ONE SPOONFUL re lieves almost ANY CASE ot( constipa tion, sour or gassy stomach. Adler-i-kn never gripes, is safe to use and the INSTANT action is surprising. C. Li. Uniting, druggist. Don't forget the Hasting-, .Monday. special train to Lincoln Letter As-essuu lit. n turn him hrgiuiilnu to come In at the t llluo id O. I. II.-I-uccher, hi ci eta ly of the stale board of equalization ami assessment. Thus far AiImiii-i, llox Unite, Chase, Dakota, Untidy, Kearney, Logan and .Sioux comities has lepoi ted. Slnee the state puiehnscd an execu tive mansion for the govenioi's iesl deuce, some til ".ears ago, It has been tho rule of each legislature to appro. print imI liberal sum for upkeep of tho mansion. Governor Moiehead vetoed this appropilatlor. two years ago and none was made this year. He has steadfastly icfuetl to accept any "per milslfcs of oilhViiiul lives In lliesame demociatlc way that he lived In Kails City prior to becoming chief executive of Nebraska, Klch and poor alike are wolcoiuo at the exccutlvo mansion, and neither the governor nor Ills family "put on airs." They llvo 11 quiet wholesome, dimocrntlo and christian lifo, which has dune much to endear them to the eople. Administration of the new auto mobile icglstratlou law by.Seoiotarv of State Charlis V. Pool Is dcvelonlnu Homo Interesting possibilities. Each automobile owner is ri-quiicd to pay an annual license fee of S3 00 to the treasuierof liis county. Thhty-flve cents of this comes to the state tieas urer for use of the Secretary of State's automobile department, and tho secre tary Is required to issue a llconso to the owner and supply him with a number plate. Seerotary Pool esti mates that In ItilO he will need nt least TO.uoo number plates for the year's licenses. At present lie buys plates of 11 Chicago concern, because no Ne braska institution seems nble to pio duc them. In view of next yeai's needs, Mr. Pool has asked Hon. Henry Gerdes, one of the board of commis sioners for state institutions, If it is not possible for the stntc penitentiary to put in a small enameling plant, punch pi esses, dies, etc., and make the number plates'. Mr. Gerdes was delighted with the idea and will pre sent it to bis board for careful con sideration. "The proof of the pudding," runs an old adage, "is in chewing the string." Whether this be true is of small im portance, but it is important for the people of Nebraska to know just bow well they nre served by their clioseu public olllelnls. When the dully papers announced that the .1 line school appor tionment is awBy over tour hundred thousand dollars, Hint might not menu much of auvthinir to manv. because therr'Jiis- nothing with which to teakc comparison. Hut a ditVerent ligbft is t)iroMionthb snbjcot when we learn that tbc June, 11M5, school apportion ment under Uemuciatiu state govern ment i.s nearly JJ.'i per cent greater than the laigest of live foinier apportion ments December, llUa, to December, 1DU, inclusive. That it is 40 per cent gieatei than the average of the live, and moie than If) per cent larger limn ilie average June apportionment under Republican rule PUONIBITION AND POLITICAL PARTIES. Willi respect to the piopositlon that the Democratic party should deal with thu pinhibltion question, Piesnleut Wilson's po-itioit is ilesi'libed ill a letter wiiiten to a fiiend, us follow-: 'The puestioi.s Imolved aie social am) unit 11I ami ai i not mim optiliU' of being made pints of a piuty uouuui, Whenever I hey haw been made the sul ject matter of piuty contests they haw cut the lints of piuty otgauia. lion and piuty aetiiu atliwiut, to the utter coiilus on of olltieal action in ovi ry oilier Held. 1 do not helicw tbht piuty programs of the highest consequence to the political life of the state and of the nation ought to lie thiust 1 11 one s:i!e and li .'t issly em bat 1 iitj-oil for long peilmls tngethei by miking. 1 pnlitii-iil i-mio of it gioat qili-tlioli which is 1 -vei,li.!l lumpo l'licnl. iioiihu ll-nii. nintnl ai il social in its natme." That Is exnct'.v the position The Nebrnskan lias taken. It would le l.eller lor the piohtbi tiny iinieiiilmcnt ilself, as well as fur paitj policy, that tu-ii her I lie Repub lican nor the Deinoeialic paily houlil touch this qui stum in Us paitvplnl fotm. In this wa, and Democrats may en n cr.ue, legaidless of their attitude in the liquor ques tion, in Mippoit of their pnsideutiiil caiiiiiiUtes, and die dry Republicans ami the diy Democrats may co operate on the individual question which is in volved in the proposed ptohibitorv amendment.- Oinulia Nebraskau. Fifty Percent Less Cholera Ab the hlinultaueouh treatment for hog cholera has been very largely used in Nebraska during the past two yeuis, the Department of Animal Pathology at the University Kami tbinkblt is fair to assume that a part of the lessened cholera thlt year is due to this method The first six mouths of 1015 ilnds the state with W) percent less eholeia than a year ago, according to tho Denurt incut. This is taken to disprove tl e UUIIIt'lllllJII lllllk IIIU IIM' 1)1 virus is spreading the disease. SOUTH INAVALE Mrs. lt !' Pilots is on the sick list this Week. Cmldieiis' day exercls'-s weio held at Mt. I'lc'iH.tut last Sunday. Theo Hawkins mid family spent .Sunday at the lluuuiclior homo. Iluriy Ch pliu and wife retnuied home fiotn Illinois last Satuiday. Wilber Potoison aud McCall Uros., each shipped cattle to Kama- City lust Sunday. A number of bridges wero washed out on Walnut Cieek by thehlgli water last week. Miss Ueruice Saunders of Innvale was tho guest of Mis. Jane Farley a few days Inst week. Walter Hastings' wero compelled to vacate their pietnl-es last week on no count of the overllow of the liver. Miss Visa Dlekerson returned home Tucwl.ty from Oskaloosa, Iowa, where she hail been teaching the past year. The Walnut Creek Telephone line was bully damaged by tho poles being washed out and it will be sometime bofoiu they can nil bo leplauod. Mrs. Cy Nonis and chlldien of Lin coln and Mth. Im Trucblood of lted Cloud are spending the week with their parents, T. Whiteley and wife. There has been considerable damage done by lightning in this vicinity the last two weeks W11II11 Jones hHd ti valuable horse killed, also Uert Stunk aril lost three head, James Jmisen one and (J has. Ludlow one. Membership Tripled Membership Ims tripled within the last year in the Hoys' nnd Girls' Clubs of Nebraska, which are conducted co operatively by the United States De partment of Agriculture Hnd the Agil cultural Extension Service of the College of Agriculture. The em oil ment during the season of lflRl- and 1914 was 2,200 This vear it Is over 0,0X10. Excluding the Omaha nnd Lin coin members, the dozen counties hav ing the largest enrollment in the order of their rank ore Scotts HlufT, Thurs ton, Saunders, Morrill, Dakota, Yti. mora, Madion, Dawes, Hurt, Gage. Klmtall, and Hall. ' jtrill relieve your indigestion. Many people in this town hnvn nsfsl ihim nnd we bavo yet to hear of a case where thev havo failed. Wo know tiio for mula. . Sold only by us 25c a box. H. E. Qrice Drug Co. CELEBRATE siATii SUPERIOR JULY 3, WIS PROGRAM Hand Concert. 0 00 to !) 3D Kami Superim tl "0u. 111. Hall Hume Tidic.K vs Slug geis. I'Yi o to-.iioto l0:i; liiuiil Conceit. Foiiuom) I in ti 1 11 a. 111. Auto Pantile ( XOO.N'-DIXNKII 1:00 to 1 :.'!() lluiiil Conceit. Supciior ltitiul l..'lo lce .Uti action U:(l).Speaklut;. Congie-siuan Sloan ::') p 111 Hull (biiuc. lbisklii vs .Maiikitin I''uv S:.'l0 tn.'klfi Hand Conceit. Foimnso Hauil !3:ln to l:(Hl Hand Conceit Supetior Hanii I p 111. ltuces as follows: Motorcycle rue, lh,t prize, S.": llund ietld ilash, .l, S','; h.uue iiiulet l(! vim. W. 1: Tluee legged race, SO. ?l; ft.tek race, S.'l, S'2; Potato i.uv, c.l, $'2; Horie race, S'i Piiesfor: Tltilest II1HII. ! CO! I.rillL'i.Kt fuiiuli S1.U0 Largest mini annum waist, 81 Oil; Large-t feel, Sl.ui. Hoys Contest: Hoy who eats si. crackers and whN ties out Itill-1 llrst, 5l; Hoy who g,-ts coin out of IioMoiii of Hour pan uth teeth, fl; Hoy giving liest Kublilt Dance SI. Hn,th must he under 11 ear.s. I p in 1'ieo Attnictniii r::i() toii.lHI H1111I Cuiivrt tl:i() to 7.110 Hmid Concert 7 p m. Fioe Alt 1 a ill in 7:30 to ti Hand Conceit 0.0(1 p. in Kliv Works and Hand Music Auto owntis Invited to enter paia ie at 11 a 111. SPHCIAL-LiIimih; donations fiom the inereliaiits make it possible for ball games and everything else to be absolutely free. COME! SIRE! Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED 13y Office Oveh Ai.niiinui'.s Siom: Bits of Byplay By Luke McLukc Copyright, 1015, tho Cincinnati Enqulror The Byplay Mlnstrole. "Mr. Interlocutor, can you tell rnn the most 111 used portion of the human body'" "No. Mr. Hones. 1 cannot Will you tell us?" "The rye. Mr Interlocutor" "And why Is the eye the most HI used portion of tlie human )(My, Mr. Hones'" "Ileeniiso it Is under the Irish nil day and gets 11 good hiding eycry nlgTit." "After the killed and mangled have been Identified by their relatives Mr. It. Oosle Pypes will render that pa thetic bitllnd 'Don't Throw Awny Your Light Ones. Por Sweet Spring Will Como Some Day.' " Correct. Don't bras nbout tho past, old shirk; Your record w it'll allow. What counts Is how you do tho work You havo In hand rlstit now. Sure. Gnbc - What Is the difference be tween nn apartment mid a tint? Steve About $''5 per mouth. Oh, Thanx. Dear Luke: There's one phrase I hear every day Wherever t happen to stray In hotel and in street. And wherever men meet They ask, "What does Luke McLuka ay?" -mil. 80 They Are. Says Luke McLukc: "There nre not many sure things lu this world. Dut hero Is one of them: 'A woman is al ways older than she thinks bdo looks.'" So's n man. People are a grent deal alike. St Louis U lobe-Democrat Ever Notice It? A man will cramp his feet In ehoea And brag that he wears sevens, But when at night his shoes he shoos Uls feet look like elevens. Namss It Names. Clinton E. is one of the few Lima beans In Lima, O. It Looked Like a 8taugh. "Tin a wit," said a mnld. with a laugh, "For the fellows all laugh at my chaugh." She was scantily d reused. And tho girl never guessed That the men had to laugh at her caugh. Things to Worfc About. Tho saloons nre clostd on Saturday in Sweden. Where Is He? About twenty-seven of Luke's read ers have located the old fashioned man who plays the accordion. Good. Hut what has become of the nice young man who used to piny the umndolluV Votes For Womenl Notice. As my htistmnd. L. C. Dale, has left my homo and board I will not he responsible for any accounts con traded by him, nor pay any debts which ho may contract, nor bo respon sible ror tiny Instruments which he may slgn.-S. Carrie Dale.-WellsvHIc (Kan. (ilotie Our Daily Special. The man who neu-r makes mistaken never does nnythiiig t-uko lycLuko Sayst If a girl's liiiii s naturally cmly slit Just bates to weiii a hat when Mil goes downtown. No uiiittei how tar down and out a ui'in niu, lie, he ran always tuith tully brae ;imt itnit was 11 tlini when he rode in his own carriage. When u man wants a new lint hi goes Into a More Im two minutes ami comes out with tin up to date lid on his dome. When it woman wants u new hat she goes Into a store tor ac hour and tries on all the "creations' aud comes out with nomc up to datr Ideas to use in making over the old lid she Is wearing A single man thinks tie ts up against It when he conies home with a bin and hits to chase the bed urounil tin room for a while before he can catcL It, Hut the real pleasant sensation b that experienced by the married mini who wakes up tn the morning with a dead mink in his mouth and then suddenly remember. that ho forgot ti take that pair of elbow length glove out of Ids pocket before lit came homo Thin ion 'ti to pay board ror the other Im a- world is what cuuc all tin- tin. 1 n- toi our hair of Uif world The fellow who doesn't know enough to write a capital "I" when lie Is writing about liiiuseir always knows enough to use a capital "I" when he if talking about hlniseir The lad who gets a pass always knows that the show Is rotten and al ways wonders why the railroad doesn't supply a better roadlK'd. Adam blamed It on the woman. And when the rest of us get caught w can't think of a more original excuse. It must take a lot of coal to warm tbc bouse in wblcb the ladles shows in tho cnts In the undenvour adver tteements live. Last time I saw, them tho thcrmomvter read around zero, and yet the Indies were grouped lu the drawing room gossiping about fash Ions and sitting on divans hi front ol open windows reading lovo stories And yet the most comfortably dressed of tho lot wore nothing but a pair ot shoulder ribbons and an abbreviated Ince curtain. gcvrmM.mmimnrm'miAmmvmMRMi'&MTH ii'tfU'iy fmi &ilM TO CELEBRATE! FIX UP (N OUR STORE AND YOU WILL BE FIXED RIGHT. IT'S JUST A PICNIC TO BUY GOODS IN OUR STORE. OUR LINES ARE SO LARGE AND OUR GOODS ARE SO BEAUTIFUL. .. -- - Our Grocery Department is Filled With Good Things to Eat. Buy All Picnic Supplies Here. The Miner Bros. Co. "A MIGHTY SAFE PLACE TO TRADE" gUillUMUIUilHlli' HENRY COOK, M. D. KKAI.r.ll IN DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES.AND -TOILET ARTICLES jt 1 1 in . !!ll jli nt RU f 69MH OlsllsIMM nHMHl69 Our Fall stock of Rugs just arrived and our lines are now complete both in m size and quality. We were fortunate in m buying our Rues earlv hpfnrv rk oJ vance, and our prices will be the same although the mills have advanced prices from 50c to $1 a rug. Axminister from $18 up in 9x12; f Tapistry Brussels, Body Brussels, Velvets, & Wiltons, Wool Fibre and grass in all sizes and at' the right prices. ROY SATTLEY Furniture and vjp . . .....u. , niiu S Rei"A F I R E THBLAttAnM ,s H re-idful thing OT FIRE for the man without insurance. Every time he sees the engines racing along his heart comes up in his throat if the fire Is anywhero near his place. What folly, what mis taken economy. WrCO-BrOi- issosmallthatit INSURANCE need hardlv be considered. The freedom from worry aiono is worth Jt mauy times over Have us insure you to-day. O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. Reduced pi lees on trunks, suit eases anil traveling bag, at Kegel's. j -v csj I - wotgTTJurvmnaMaCTBr FIX UP NOW fu 'iiiifciiiisi'iiJinifflODiiii iui.ll 1 11 illl Hi illbii Illli'lUUllUliUllil 1,, ,j '!' 'lit ' 111", rt 7 III It Ml llimtltltlium liWIUIWlllBllllill Undertaking wituci tuning Nebraska DR. DEARDORF VETERINARY SURGEON (Jiuduato Chicago Wtoiinaiy Cillege iwr.Lvi. M.i:b i;pi:icii;ni e AT HAILI.Y'STI.-. DAMN Red Cloud -.- Nebraska E. S. Gacrber Real ate, Kami Loans and Insurance. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OVER STATE BANK Red Cloud Nebraska 'iliLiii'iiiiliiMiiiiiliiiira I You Can Enjoy Life ?. at you want and not be troubled with indigeatiorfif you wiU take a ' Wmmmmm fc Tablet fcfMKf aftr each mcai' Bol& o-y by U825o a box. . .. H. E. Grioe Drug Co. ( .- 4